Wheat germ oil for eyes reviews

Girls, who uses wheat germ oil to smooth out wrinkles under the eyes? any results? When is it better to use it: morning or evening? If I put something under my eyes in the evening, I get swelling in the morning(

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I use different ones - wheat germ or avocado, sometimes peach 9 all from 36.6 pharmacies). The cosmetologist advised me this way - at night, NO LATER than 1.5 hours before bedtime. We smear the lower eyelid along the bone, on top under the eyebrows. You can’t go lower to the eyelashes, it will distribute itself. I'm very pleased. It’s not advisable to use it every day, but it doesn’t work out every day - after all, it’s not always possible to be home early

But I don’t think that such oil should be smeared in its pure form.
By the way, about edema, I have the same thing.
I remember I smeared castor oil on my eyelashes, so the oil dripped onto my eyes overnight, and in the morning it wasn’t very good

I smear almond oil and a few drops of essential geranium all over my face before going to bed, there is an effect. But wheat germ oil needs to be diluted, in its pure form it is a bit heavy.

3rd guest, do you add geranium oil to your face cream, did I not quite understand? And what brand of oils do you use? Thank you if you answer))

There are base oils - wheat germ, almond, etc., there are essential oils - geranium, orange, patchouli. a few drops of essential oil are added to a tablespoon of the base one, there are many combinations, look at forum.aromarti.ru. I use aromavit oils. Essential oils can also be added to the cream. By the way, here on the forum they advised me to try oils instead of cream, it suited me very well, both natural and effectively

Cool stuff! My mother has been using it for several years now and there are no wrinkles, although she is 40))) but she usually uses it during the day) It also helps with stretch marks and cellulite)

Related topics

Add MZP or rosehip oil to baby cream. Almond + a couple of drops of sandalwood are also good for the eyes.

I have been smearing wheat germ oil under my eyes for several years before going to bed, there was no swelling. Now I’ve stopped applying it, but still no wrinkles, even though I’m already 31 years old.

There are base oils - wheat germ, almond, etc., there are essential oils - geranium, orange, patchouli. a few drops of essential oil are added to a tablespoon of the base one, there are many combinations, look at forum.aromarti.ru. I use aromavit oils. Essential oils can also be added to the cream. By the way, here on the forum they advised me to try oils instead of cream, it suited me very well, both natural and effectively

Do not mix essential oils with base oils for the eyes.

Cool stuff! My mother has been using it for several years now and there are no wrinkles, although she is 40))) but she usually uses it during the day) It also helps with stretch marks and cellulite)

There are very interesting thoughts about natural cosmetics on the blog, where the author writes about the harmfulness of various components and whether all this is true. I advise you to read it.
And on topic - I apply pure green coffee oil under my eyes. I don’t know how it is with wrinkles, I don’t have them yet, but it removes swelling with a bang.

Oh, girls, be careful with these essential oils, they say right here, it’s best to first study a lot of information about aromatic oils.
I won’t say anything about the basic ones; they all suit my face. But the ethereal ones. I read about them, from the wrinkles around the eyes. mixed it up. basic + 2 essential, sandalwood and neroli, well, it stung a little, well, I think the sting means it works. no fool. in this. two weeks with peeling skin around the eyes. burned all my skin.
Firstly, this was the case, and secondly, sometimes (i.e. it was enough only twice) I added it to the bath, tried different ones, and after a couple of minutes I flew out of it with a terrible burning sensation all over my BODY.
As a result, now I use essential oils only in hair masks.

I have been smearing wheat germ oil under my eyes for several years before going to bed, there was no swelling. Now I’ve stopped applying it, but still no wrinkles, even though I’m already 31 years old.

I applied peach oil and wheat germ oil, woke up, and there was terrible swelling around my eyes. And I burned all the skin around my eyes. So, be careful. Now I can’t even go outside.

Strange. I mix the same oils and everything is fine. Apply with a damp cotton pad to the face and around the eyes during the day.

I, too, had swelling and pimples from peach oil, although I never got pimples from oils, but I bought the oil at the pharmacy for 50 rubles. It may not be of high quality, although usually real oils cost from 300 rubles or more. but from the wheat germ everything was fine. good oils from Styx, I want to buy wheat germ oil there 600 rubles 100ml

I use wheat germ oil with rosehip oil 1:3, as in the instructions, on the bones around the eyes. Small wrinkles gradually disappear. But there is a question. After using any oil as a mask, do you need to apply regular cream to the face and area around the eyes? and if so, how long after using the mask.

My friend follows approximately the same scheme and yes, she applies a moisturizing cream from the ecochemical series with porbiotics, she is now completely on “healthy” cosmetics.

Can I mix wheat germ oil with my regular night cream? When I bought the oil, it was written on the box - add 2 drops and apply it like that, later I started looking for the box and couldn’t find it. Now I’m tormented by doubts - maybe I didn’t understand correctly?


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Benefits of wheat germ oil

All the power of cereal oil is hidden in its natural composition. Amino acids (leucine and tryptophan), polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-9), vitamin complex (B1, B6, A), antioxidants (squalene, allantoin) - in total more than ten biologically active substances and microelements. Only wheat oil contains the most “vitamin of youth” (E), which helps maintain the freshness and elasticity of the skin.

Universal wheat germ oil is suitable for girls and women with any skin type. Dry and sensitive skin receives additional nutrition and hydration; oily and problematic skin gets rid of greasy shine and blackheads.

Etherol perfectly stimulates metabolic processes (metabolism and oxygen exchange), and also starts blood circulation. Slows down the aging process, blocks ultraviolet rays and removes harmful toxins. With sagging and thinning skin, the color and contour of the face are evened out.

With regular use, wrinkles are gradually smoothed out, pores are narrowed, and the skin becomes fresh and elastic.

Damage to wheat germ oil

Individual intolerance to wheat germ oil is extremely rare. This can be determined using an allergy test. Apply a few drops of essential oil to your wrist and wait 15-20 minutes. If there are no obvious signs of irritation - swelling or redness - the oil is suitable.

It is not recommended to apply wheat germ oil to bleeding scratches or immediately after salon facial cleansing (peeling).

How to choose wheat germ oil

To purchase, go to a pharmacy or natural cosmetics store.

Ask for a sample of the oil: study its consistency and smell. Quality wheat germ oil has a persistent herbal aroma and a viscous texture ranging from brown to pale amber in color.

Choose bottles with dark glass, so the oil will retain all its beneficial microelements longer. Pay attention to the expiration date.

Storage conditions. Once opened, keep the oil in a cool, dark place. Close the lid carefully after each use. If after some time you find sediment at the bottom, do not be alarmed. This is a wax that is part of the oil. Just shake the bottle.

Applications of wheat germ oil

The oil is applied in different ways: in its pure form, as part of masks, other oils and homemade creams.

Due to its viscous texture, essential oils are most often diluted with light oils in a ratio of 1:3. Peach, apricot and rose oils work well. Important: metal utensils are not suitable for mixing.

Surprisingly, in combination with creams, a little wheat germ can be applied to particularly sensitive areas: eyelids, under the eyes and lips.

Leave face masks on for no more than 30 minutes, otherwise you will burn your skin.

In its pure form, etherol is applied pointwise to problem areas of the skin to cauterize acne. The oil can be heated, but not above 40 degrees, so that all the beneficial substances do not evaporate.

Apply cosmetics with wheat germ oil only to previously cleansed skin.

Legends could be made about the benefits of wheat, it contains so many valuable substances. It’s a pity, eating this product too often has a bad effect on your waistline. But there is an area in which the nutritious grain - or rather, the oil obtained from it - can be used without any fear of gaining weight. And this, of course, is cosmetology. Introduce your skin to the magical “wheat” oil, and be amazed at how quickly it will perk up, become healthier, fresher, get rid of minor imperfections and take on a truly blooming appearance.

Beneficial properties of wheat germ oil for facial skin

In order not to stuff your skin with anything, hoping for chance, let's see what kind of substances will be on its menu if you decide to take a course of cosmetic masks with “wheat” oil. These will be:

  1. vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, D, PP, and most importantly, E (tocopherol), the content of which wheat germ oil easily surpasses all its counterparts;
  2. a whole set of microelements - iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, manganese, copper, selenium, phosphorus, zinc;
  3. fatty acids (linoleic, oleic and some others);
  4. amino acids;
  5. antioxidant substances - in particular, squalene, a fierce fighter against age-related changes, as well as viruses and bacteria.

Having penetrated the structure of the skin, this whole friendly company will begin to slow down aging, whiten, rejuvenate, relieve swelling, extinguish inflammatory processes, and at the same time provide cells with protection from negative environmental factors. In a word, the cocktail will turn out to be truly invigorating, nutritious and refreshing, which will immediately have the most favorable effect on your appearance.


When choosing wheat germ oil as a facial cosmetic, it is important to consider two nuances. Firstly, it must be obtained by cold pressing, which preserves as fully as possible all the healing properties of wheat grains. And secondly, it is better to use it not in its pure form, but in company with other vegetable oils. By itself, the thick golden liquid turns out to be too heavy and dense, but it is excellent as a base for cosmetic mixtures.

In its pure form, wheat germ oil is recommended to be added only to face cream. 2-3 drops of a natural miracle remedy mixed with the usual portion of night cream will enrich it with healing substances and will not leave a greasy film on the face that blocks the access of oxygen.

Rules for using oil

Wheat germ oil will bring the greatest benefit to aging skin that needs powerful support to resist the aging process. It will help her delay the appearance of new wrinkles and make old ones less noticeable, return a healthy color to her face, increase elasticity, and together with a massage it will also help tighten her contours.

But the scope of the magic oil does not end there. It effectively cleanses problematic skin from acne, age spots and irritations, and makes the manifestations of rosacea less noticeable; oily skin gets rid of enlarged pores and unpleasant shine; dry provides high-quality hydration and protects against flaking; normal helps to stay in great shape. In addition, masks made from wheat germ oil often become an important part of the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases. True, you should prescribe them to yourself only after consulting a doctor.


Before moving on to specific recipes for masks and applications, let’s take a couple of minutes to follow the rules of skin care using oils. Compliance with them will not require serious effort from you, but it will allow you to avoid many mistakes that beginners so often make. So remember:

  1. if you are dealing with oil for the first time, before adding it to masks and creams, apply a few drops to the skin of your wrist and observe the reaction - whether itching or redness appears;
  2. Before each cosmetic procedure, pour the portion of oil you need into a separate bowl and heat it in a water bath to a temperature that is pleasant for the skin - this way the effect of the active substances will be more fully manifested;
  3. for better results, it is worth warming up the skin by placing a towel soaked in hot water on your face for a minute or two;
  4. do not apply oil to areas with scratches, burns or other damage;
  5. do not resort to oil skin care immediately after serious salon procedures such as chemical peeling;
  6. do not use metal utensils. Only glass, ceramics, wood or, at worst, plastic.

How often can you give your skin a “rendezvous” with wheat germ oil? Dry - 1-2 times a week; normal - once every 7 days, oily - no more than 1 time in 10-12 days. The standard course is 8-12 masks, after which the bottle of golden liquid will need to be temporarily put on the far shelf of your cosmetic cabinet and focus on other personal care products.

And now let's get down to business. Choose the recipe you need and start looking prettier in front of your amazed family and colleagues.

Anti-wrinkle for oily skin

  1. 1 tbsp. l. wheat germ oils;
  2. 1–2 tablets of ascorutin (a vitamin preparation containing ascorbic acid and vitamin P);
  3. 1 tsp. cosmetic clay - white, pink, blue or yellow.

How to make a mask?

  1. Pound ascorutin tablets into powder.
  2. Heat the oil in a steam bath.
  3. Combine all the ingredients of the mask and let the mixture stand for 5 minutes, and then apply it to cleansed facial skin.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, rinse everything off with warm water.

The mask has a rejuvenating effect, will help reduce wrinkles and cleanse pores.


Anti-wrinkle for dry skin

  1. 1 tbsp. l. wheat germ oils;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. grape seed, almond, macadamia, sesame, olive or peach oils - your choice;
  3. 1-2 drops each of essential oils of geranium, neroli and sandalwood.

Mix the fatty oils and heat them, and then add esters to them. Apply the mask to cleansed facial skin for 15–20 minutes, then blot off any remaining residue with a paper towel.

In addition to these essential oils, lemongrass, tangerine, basil, cypress, lavender, and chamomile have a good effect on aging skin.

Anti-wrinkle for normal skin

  1. 1–1.5 tbsp. l. wheat germ oils;
  2. 2 tbsp. l. Hercules;
  3. 2–3 tbsp. l. milk.

Heat the milk, pour it over the oatmeal and let it sit for 15–20 minutes until it swells properly. Combine the mixture with warm vegetable oil, apply to cleansed facial skin and leave for 20 minutes. Wash your face with warm water.


For acne

This mask is a real construction kit that you can assemble yourself depending on your tastes or which of the recommended components you currently have on hand. Take 1 tbsp. l. wheat germ oil and heat slightly in a steam bath, and then add 1 tsp to it. one of the following oils (maximum of two, but no more):

  1. jojoba;
  2. burdock;
  3. black cumin;
  4. coconut;
  5. sea ​​buckthorn;
  6. linen;
  7. castor

Now enhance the effect of this mixture by adding 3-4 drops of essential oil to it:

  1. lavender;
  2. rosemary;
  3. tea tree;
  4. juniper.

For oily skin, it is recommended to add 1 tsp to the oil mixture. lemon juice or the same amount of white clay.

How to make a mask?

  1. Heat your chosen fatty oils.
  2. Combine with other mask components.
  3. Apply the mixture to cleansed facial skin and leave to act for 15–20 minutes.
  4. Remove the remnants of the mask with a paper napkin, and if you used lemon juice and clay, then with warm water.

Acne is exactly the case when wheat germ oil can be applied to the skin in its pure form, but only in a targeted manner. Arm yourself with a cotton swab and treat all pimples, with the exception of the most inflamed ones - it’s better to leave them alone for the time being.

Eye mask

  1. 1 tsp. wheat germ oils;
  2. contents of 2 capsules of vitamin E in oil and 2 capsules of vitamin A (or 3-4 capsules of Aevit);
  3. 3 drops each of lemon essential oil and ylang-ylang oil.

How to make a mask?

  1. Heat the fatty oil in a steam bath.
  2. Combine with the rest of the mask components.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture to the area around the eyelids.
  4. After 20–30 minutes, pat your skin dry with a paper towel.


The mask prevents the appearance of early wrinkles, fights existing crow's feet, nourishes, moisturizes and refreshes the skin, eliminating blue circles under the eyes. In winter, it is recommended to additionally add 1 tsp to the nutritional mixture. full-fat yogurt to protect the skin from frost and wind, and if you beat a mixture of oils with 1 tsp. strong green tea, you will also get a remedy for swelling. These masks are removed with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.

At one time, the author of this article decided to get the maximum effect from an oil eye mask and left it on the skin for the whole night. As practice has shown, the idea turned out to be a failure and only led to severe swelling, which neither chamomile ice nor a juicy mass of grated potatoes could cope with in the morning. So don't be lazy to remove the oil on time.

Subtleties of lip care

  1. 1 tsp. wheat germ oils;
  2. half a medium potato;
  3. 4-5 sprigs of fresh parsley.

How to make a mask?

  1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly and grate them on a fine grater along with the peel.
  2. Chop the parsley.
  3. Heat the oil in a steam bath.
  4. Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly.
  5. Place the resulting mixture on a clean linen napkin and apply to the lip area. The duration of the mask is 20 minutes.
  6. Remove the mass with warm water.

If you don’t have time for grated potatoes and parsley, an express method for lip care will do. Just mix 1 tsp. “wheat” oil with peach seed oil, soak a linen napkin with this mixture and apply it to the lip area for a quarter of an hour. And if you want to make the mixture even more effective and at the same time get rid of flaking, add half a teaspoon of honey to the oil.

Oil facial massage

Facial massage is an excellent way to prevent aging, as well as to restore elasticity to skin that is beginning to fade. It accelerates blood flow, improving the supply of tissues with nutrients and oxygen, removes swelling, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, cleanses pores, and keeps muscles toned. And fatty oils, which are used in massage, additionally soften, moisturize and saturate the skin with useful substances.

To prepare a nutritious mixture for massage, take wheat germ oil and combine it with the same amount of any other lighter oil:

  1. sesame, famous for its ability to remove toxins from the skin;
  2. apricot kernels, which promote hydration and tissue regeneration;
  3. almond, especially recommended for older women;
  4. jojoba, which cleanses the skin well and relieves inflammation;
  5. olive, which is considered almost universal, suitable for use on any skin type.

Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the finished mixture and you're good to go. We can get down to business.


Stages of facial massage at home

  1. Prepare for the upcoming procedure: remove earrings, rings and other jewelry so as not to accidentally injure the skin, and collect your hair in a bun or hide it under a scarf.
  2. Clean your face well, removing makeup and washing with a special foam.
  3. To open your pores and prepare your skin for better absorption of nutrients, press a hot towel to your face for 30–60 seconds.
  4. Apply massage oil with soft, leisurely movements. In this case, you need to move from the middle of the face to the temples, as shown in the diagram above.
  5. Go over your forehead, cheeks and chin with your fingertips, gently tapping them on the skin. At this point the preparatory part can be considered complete.
  6. Place the pads of your index fingers on the wings of your nose and, pressing lightly, slowly move them down to the corners of your lips with rotating movements several times. This will help smooth out emerging nasolabial folds.
  7. Close your eyes and “drum” the pads of your index and ring fingers across your upper and lower eyelids to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet.
  8. To strengthen the oval of the face, place both palms on the chin and stroke it, moving from the center of the lower jaw to the ears. Repeat the movement several times.
  9. Now press the pads of all your fingers, except your thumbs, to the center of your forehead and move them towards your temples with rotating movements. It is important to try to cover the entire surface of the forehead and not give wrinkles a chance to settle on it.
  10. At the end, once again go through the massage lines shown in the diagram above, grabbing the skin with your fingertips and pinching it lightly. The key word is “slightly”, you should not experience any discomfort or pain!
  11. Tap your entire face again with your fingertips, relaxing the muscles.
  12. Remove any remaining oil with a paper towel.

This is just one of the many facial massage techniques that exist today. If for some reason it does not suit you, you can choose another technique - for example, classic Japanese massage, Asahi, Shiatsu, Kosha massage, Moroccan and so on. The main thing is that you enjoy the procedure.

Video: how to do a facial massage

User reviews

Cosmetologists have nothing against the use of wheat germ oil for skin care, urging the fair half of humanity just not to be too zealous with cosmetic procedures, so as not to clog your pores and cause irritation by using the oil too often.

What do ordinary users say about him?

I actively use it to care for the skin of the face and the skin around the eyes. I can’t boast of excellent results in getting rid of wrinkles, but it definitely gives smoothness to the skin and a healthy appearance. The main thing is not to overdo it, especially for the skin around the eyes, otherwise you can get the opposite effect - bags under the eyes, especially if you apply a large layer of oils at night. The result is that the skin around the eyes is more hydrated and nourished, so wrinkles become less noticeable.



I used this oil to care for the skin around my eyes. After a month of use, I noticed that my crow’s feet had diminished in sharpness, so to speak. The wrinkles themselves, of course, have not gone away, but they are not so deep and not so noticeable.



I bought it to eliminate dryness on my face. I usually mix wheat germ oil with apricot kernel oil 1:3. Then I apply it to my face with a cotton pad for 25 minutes. After the time has passed, wash it off with warm water. If you only knew how silky and toned it then becomes! My still small wrinkles simply die after this procedure.

(Aqwa.1978) Julia


After a sunny summer beach, the skin was quite dehydrated and wrinkles began to appear in the corners of the eyes when smiling. I started using THIS miracle oil on a damp cotton pad every evening to remove makeup. You won’t believe it, the next morning the skin is elastic, nourished, glowing, the tone is evened out, the dark circles are gone and the condition of the skin has noticeably improved. At 30, people around me give me no more than 20.



After trying wheat germ oil, I realized that this is it, this is what I was looking for. Of course, it’s a bit greasy, but I’m still pleased with the result of using it. To use you only need 3 drops, no more, and after half an hour I remove the excess with a napkin. The skin becomes more delicate and soft. This oil serves as a night cream for me, and grape seed oil, since it is lighter, serves as a day cream.



Skin care with oils is becoming increasingly popular every year, and wheat germ oil is by no means the last in the ranking of lovers of natural cosmetics. Let it be a little greasy, let it look unpresentable in its pharmaceutical bottle, let it cost mere pennies compared to, for example, precious argan oil. The main thing is that it does its job. You just need to use the wonderful gift of nature wisely, know when to stop and not forget that only regular skin care brings visible benefits. If all three conditions are met, the result will definitely please you.