Kerasal ointment for papillomas and warts: price, instructions, reviews

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition
  2. The benefits of Kerasal for papillomas
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Contraindications
  5. Results of using Kerasal
  6. Reviews about the treatment of papillomas

Kerasal is a drug used in dermatology for the treatment of skin diseases, including the removal of benign tumors caused by the human papillomavirus.

Description and composition of Kerasal ointment

In the photo, Kerasal ointment for papillomas and warts (50 g)

Kerasal ointment is a medical product intended to get rid of dermatological defects associated with peeling, the appearance of dry plates on the epidermis, and the formation of benign growths caused by HPV.

The product is deeply absorbed into the skin. Moreover, it is soluble in water, which is extremely important if an allergic reaction occurs. Consulting a dermatologist, surgeon or oncologist before treatment will help reduce the risk of side effects. It is also needed to determine the oncogenicity of a tumor and conduct an allergy test.

Only those growths that cannot degenerate from benign to malignant are subject to home therapy with Kerasal. Even if the degree of oncogenicity is determined to be medium and not high, such tumors still need to be removed in medical institutions by medical personnel.

Kerasal contains the following components:

  1. Salicylic acid. It is represented by colorless crystals with high solubility in substances such as ethanol, diethyl ether, and other organic solvents. But the substance dissolves poorly in water. From a dermatological point of view, it is of particular interest, since it does not change the microflora, but acts specifically against viruses and pathogenic microorganisms. Does not affect the functioning of the immune system. It is valued for the fact that it does not increase the photosensitivity of the epidermis, as other acids do. Actively penetrates deep into cells, dissolving sebaceous plugs in pores. Suitable for use on both oily and dry skin. Slows down the aging of the epidermis.
  2. Urea. Also called urea. It is a chemical substance that is carbonic acid diamide. Presented as white crystals with good solubility in water, ethanol, and liquid ammonia. This is a compound unique to the skin and is found in urine and sweat. It covers the skin with a thin film that absorbs moisture from the atmosphere, moisturizing the epidermis. The use of a chemically synthesized substance in Kerasal ointment makes the skin color healthy, promotes the resorption of scars, suppresses the effect of fungal infections and microbes, and protects the skin from toxins.
  3. Polysorbate. A surfactant with a high degree of solubility in ethanol and chloroform. It is actively used in cosmetology and dermatology, as it improves glide, softens the skin and increases penetration deep into the epidermis, hair, and nails.
  4. Glycerol. A substance obtained by chlorinating propylene, after which hypochlorous acid is added to the resulting component, which is subsequently saponified with alkali. It is a thick, colorless liquid that has a strong healing effect on the epidermis. It is a component of many cosmetics and detergents, as it reduces the harmful effects of aggressive components and protects the skin from irritation.
  5. Paraffin. A white substance obtained from petroleum or ozokerite. Reminds me of wax. Helps eliminate dry skin, cure cracks in it, and remove age spots. The use of the substance helps to achieve firmness and smoothness of the skin. Promotes rejuvenation and elasticity of the epidermis.

Also in the drug "Kerasal" there are excipients. Their concentration is small, but they need to be known in order to avoid a possible allergic reaction to the components of the ointment. These include: macrogol stearate, polyoxyethylene sorbitan peroleate, macrogol 400.

The official instructions for Kerasal ointment do not mention epidermal tumors caused by the human papillomavirus in the indications for use. However, given the fact that the ointment contains salicylic acid and urea, which are the active components of many drugs for the treatment of papillomas, this ointment is used by patients to remove these growths.

Kerasal is used to treat the following papillomas:

  1. suspended papillomas;
  2. vulgar warts;
  3. filamentous papillomas;
  4. keratomas;
  5. condylomas.

According to the instructions for use of Kerasal, this remedy treats ichthyosis, keratoses, pilaris, hyperkeratoses, eczema, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis. The drug is used for squamous hyperkeratotic mycosis of the feet and keratinization of the epidermis.

The drug is a white ointment, sometimes with a yellowish tint. It has a fatty structure and is practically odorless. Sold in tubes of 50 g. Packed in a cardboard box with instructions. 1 g of ointment contains 50 mg of salicylic acid and 100 mg of urea.

The price of Kerasal ointment is 1,650 rubles in Russia (from 153 hryvnia in Ukraine).

Analogues of Kerasal are all drugs for papillomas that contain salicylic acid, for example, Salicylic ointment, Salicylic-zinc paste, Collomak, Elixin and others.
  1. Read also about Aldara cream for the treatment of condylomas and warts

The benefits of Kerasal for papillomas

In the photo there are papillomas on the human body that are treated with Kerasal ointment

Salicylic acid and urea have a strong healing effect, because their main task is to cope with papilloma. And the auxiliary components of Kerasal make this process more gentle than when using pure salicylic acid, which can cause severe chemical burns not only to the growth, but also to the skin around the application.

Kerasal ointment has the following therapeutic effects:

  1. Mitigation. The product softens the tumor due to the keratolytic effect of urea and salicylic acid. This allows the drug to penetrate deep into the wart, neutralize the virus and provoke the death of cells mutated by HPV. Urea helps the top layer of the epidermis absorb moisture, allowing the medicine to penetrate deep into the epidermal layer.
  2. Hydration. The effect described above helps to moisturize the neoplasm, due to which tightness, roughness, and callusiness go away.
  3. Antiseptic effect. Achieved due to the antimicrobial effect of Kerasal ointment. Pathogenic bacteria that can lead to inflammation and infection are destroyed. This happens mainly due to blocking sweating and sebum secretion.

It is worth noting that this drug is able to penetrate into the blood. The more product is applied, the higher the degree of absorption. Acid is released in the urine, half-life occurs within 2-3 hours. Urea passes only into the dermis. A small part of it comes out with sweat.

Instructions for use of Kerasal for papillomas

The drug is used externally, applied pointwise, and contact with healthy areas of the skin should be avoided.

Instructions for using Kerasal for papillomas:

  1. When removing spines, carry out the standard preparation: steam your leg, remove the keratinized part of the skin using nail scissors, pumice, and scrapers. Dry the area to be treated.
  2. When removing other types of tumors, wash them under running warm water and soap, dry with a terry towel or gauze.
  3. The use of additional protection on the skin around the tumor is not necessary. However, it is still necessary to avoid getting Kerasal ointment on healthy skin.
  4. Open the tube and squeeze out a small amount of ointment. For more precise application, use a cotton swab or a plastic or glass applicator with a blunt tip.
  5. Wait until the product is absorbed, apply a bandage or tape.
Please note that Kerasal should only be worn on dry skin.

The product must be used 1-2 times a day, until the tumor is separated.

  1. Read also the instructions for using Vartox for plantar warts

Contraindications to the use of Kerasal for papillomas

According to Kerasal's instructions, it is well tolerated. However, allergic manifestations are possible if there is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Therefore, the use of this product for allergy sufferers is possible only after a test in a dermatologist’s office.

Kerasal is contraindicated for use in the following categories of persons:

  1. Children under 2 years old. This is due to the delicate structure of the skin, which is susceptible to allergic reactions, as well as the ability of the product to penetrate the bloodstream.
  2. Pregnant and nursing mothers. The manufacturer notes that there are no studies proving the safety of using this drug during pregnancy and lactation. If the doctor still considers it necessary to prescribe this remedy, it must be used in the smallest areas and in the shortest possible course.
  3. Patients with chronic illnesses. These are people with kidney failure, patients with diabetes, and suffering from diseases of the circulatory system. This contraindication is associated with the ability of the drug to penetrate the bloodstream.

Kerasal should not be applied to large areas of the skin; areas with any dermatological lesions should be avoided. Also, the product is not used near the eyes or on mucous membranes, nevi, or the scalp. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to use it without first consulting a doctor if the neoplasm is red, brown, black or has an edge of this color.

In case of severe overdose, side effects such as hearing impairment, nosebleeds, dyspeptic symptoms, and dry mucous membranes are possible. There is no antidote for this drug; symptomatic treatment is used.

Note! The components of Kerasal increase the absorption of steroids and dithranol, as well as the activity of methotrexate and coumarin compounds. It is possible that negative side effects may increase when the ointment is used simultaneously with products containing salicylates.

Results of using Kerasal for papillomas

The photo shows the process of removing papillomas with Kerasal

Considering the fact that Kerasal ointment is not directly intended for the treatment of papillomas and warts, there is no data on how effective it is in solving this problem.

According to user reviews, this product is of average effectiveness and requires long-term use - from a week to several months.

Real reviews about the treatment of papillomas with Kerasal

Kerasal has few reviews, and there is even less information about the use of this drug for papillomas.

Elena, 27 years old

My constant problem is very dry heels. No matter what I tried, nothing helped: constant home pedicures, salon treatments, paraffin baths, ointments, creams, chemical acids did not give much effect. And so the dermatologist recommended Kerasal ointment to me. She noted that small spikes began to appear on my heel, apparently after a pedicure in the salon. These are plantar warts, which are caused by infection with the human papillomavirus. Apparently, before me, the same instrument was used on a person with warts and they did not disinfect him very well. I smeared Kerasal on my heels with papillomas 2 times a day. The warts went away so quickly that I didn't even notice it. And after 2 weeks I also got very soft skin on my feet. I am very pleased with the cream and consider it also an additional prevention of the formation of papillomas. But given its price, I’m now looking for something to replace Kerasal ointment with.

Mikhail, 24 years old

My dad has been suffering from psoriasis for about 5 years. Constant treatment does not produce much results. The only cream that more or less helps is based on salicylic acid and urea. The price of Kerasal is steep, but the product is effective, which is why dad uses it. Considering this, I decided to try to remove a wart on my index finger with it. Moreover, the doctor recommended me salicylic ointment, which is also based on salicylic acid. Every day, morning and evening, I washed the wart with soap, squeezed out a pea the size of a match head onto a cotton swab, and treated the growth. After 3 weeks the wart was gone. True, dad was unhappy that I was “eating” his ointment, but for processing I used very little product, it turned out very economically.

Kira, 39 years old

I got the rest of the money from a friend. She used it to combat redness and flaking of the skin. Since Kerasal can be quite expensive to buy in Moscow, I decided to take advantage of this opportunity. A friend recommended trying to remove a keratoma on my arm with it. This is a specific flat growth that has a thin stalk that attaches the tumor to the skin. He was quite rude to me. What caught my attention in the description of the cream was that it softens the skin. I used it for about a week. I washed my papilloma, treated it with ointment and sealed it with an adhesive plaster on top. A week later, when peeling off the adhesive plaster, I discovered that the tumor remained on it. At the place where the keratoma was attached, a barely noticeable red dot remained on the skin. Just in case, I sprayed hydrogen peroxide on it, because I wanted to disinfect the wound. After the peroxide, the skin turned redder, I realized that there was no need to do this, apparently it was a reaction. But after a couple of hours the redness went away, and a day later the wound healed. I was glad that I fixed my problem. But, unfortunately, a month later a new keratoma grew in this place, even larger than the previous one.

This drug is an effective treatment for dermatological diseases specified in the Kerasal instructions. Its effectiveness in removing tumors caused by the human papillomavirus is questionable. Therefore, if you decide to use this ointment to treat papillomas, be sure to consult with your doctors about the advisability of this type of therapy.

  1. Read about another drug for removing papillomas and warts: Wartner Cryo