Honey face mask for wrinkles reviews

Honey is a natural treasure trove of vitamins. It is able to transmit its beneficial properties not only when taken orally, but when applied to the skin. Honey-based products smooth out wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new skin irregularities. Homemade honey-based masks give excellent results.
If certain rules are followed, it guarantees a lasting effect and a well-groomed face.

How does honey work on wrinkles?

The benefits of this product for the skin are as follows:

  1. Rich composition. Honey contains many vitamins (A, H, B, PP, C) and microelements (aluminum, calcium, boron, manganese, iron and potassium). Each of its components nourishes, renews and improves the condition of the skin.
  2. Retention of moisture inside cells. Dry skin due to dehydration is the main cause of wrinkles, especially in the eye area. Due to the fact that honey contains fruit sugar, which binds liquid and prevents it from leaving the epidermal cells, there are much fewer wrinkles on the skin.
  3. Antioxidant properties. This sweet product protects the skin from sun rays and prevents “photoaging”.
  4. Rejuvenating effect. Achieved through the participation of minerals contained in honey, which help accelerate regeneration.
  5. Formation of a protective film. Honey envelops the skin and prevents moisture from evaporating, without clogging the pores.

Any masks with honey will have a lifting effect on the skin.

For a number of reasons, as well as due to age, the skin begins to lose its elasticity, becomes flabby, and as a result, wrinkles begin to appear. By regularly using honey products, you can tighten the contour of your face, reduce wrinkles, smoothing them out and reducing their depth.

Features and conditions for using a honey face mask

The main feature of masks containing honey is that they can be used by owners any skin type. The effectiveness of the honey remedy will depend on its correctness preparations:

  1. You cannot use expired products for masks. Honey should only be natural. For these purposes, it is better to buy it from familiar beekeepers, rather than choosing it from store shelves.
  2. All components are taken so that they are enough for one time. There is no point in storing maca until its next use, since the properties of the products included in it may be lost.
  3. You can use not only liquid honey, but also its candied version. Just before use it must be melted, but without bringing the composition to a boil.
  4. Apply honey masks only to cleansed facial skin, easily working in with your fingertips.
  5. Before using them, you can steam your face. You should not use an inhaler or a hot potato for this; it will be enough to apply a cotton napkin soaked in hot water for a few minutes.
  6. The duration of exposure to the honey mask should be at least 10, but not more than 25 minutes.
  7. After exposure, the mask should be washed off with warm water, and then rinse your face with cold water.


Honey is recognized allergenic product, therefore it must be used with caution. This especially applies to people:

  1. asthmatics;
  2. allergy sufferers;
  3. those who have dilated blood vessels on their face;
  4. girls whose skin is covered with capillary clusters of “stars”.

Before using honey masks, you should do a test.

To do this, all the ingredients are mixed in the proportions according to the recipe, and then a small part of the resulting composition is applied to the elbow or wrist. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse off. If there were no negative reactions, then the product is used.

Yolk masks for the skin are not only the most affordable, but also one of the most effective options for home cosmetology. Yolk face masks help with acne, wrinkles, tighten, nourish and moisturize the skin. Take the best mask recipes to your home piggy bank.

Together with honey, aspirin really works wonders on the skin. A double aspirin-honey remedy will completely replace chemical peeling and will help with other problems. Watch the video recipe for aspirin and honey mask

Acne, which disfigures the appearance of the skin, causes a lot of trouble for its owners. One way to solve this is to use cosmetic clay as part of face masks. Reviews of clay face masks for acne in this article.

The best homemade mask recipes

There is a huge selection of honey masks. Below are some effective wrinkle-reducing products. They can be prepared from available products by mixing honey with them.

With egg

The product will eliminate crow's feet and tighten the skin around the eyes.

  1. half the yolk;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  3. 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil.

Mix all ingredients and apply. After a quarter of an hour, remove the mask.

Benefits of glycerin

  1. 1 egg;
  2. one tsp each honey and glycerin;
  3. 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal

The white is beaten, then the yolk and honey warmed to room temperature are added to it, and finally glycerin is added to them. Everything is kneaded until a homogeneous composition is obtained, which is applied to the face and washed off after 10 minutes.

Pigment spots on the face greatly annoy their owners, spoiling their mood. Meanwhile, whitening face masks for age spots, prepared at home from improvised means, cope well with this problem.

Product for eyelids and skin around the eyes

According to reviews, this recipe is the most effective; it can even cope with deep wrinkles around the eyes.

  1. 10 grams of honey;
  2. one ampoule of liquid vitamin E;
  3. yolk.

Honey is mixed with vitamin, and then the yolk is added to them. The resulting mass should be carefully distributed on the eyelids, and its remains can be applied to the rest of the face. They are kept on the skin for half an hour.

Honey face masks for acne enjoy a well-deserved reputation, because using honey as a base will maximize the cleansing of pores, which helps treat and prevent acne and skin rashes. Honey also has good anti-inflammatory properties, which means it acts directly on the cause of acne, read the reviews.

Watch the video recipe for a mask for crow's feet.

For dry skin against wrinkles at home

The mask according to this recipe, despite the products it contains, can be stored in the refrigerator until next use.

  1. 3 tbsp. l. milk powder;
  2. yolk;
  3. 1 tsp. honey;
  4. 1 tbsp. l. aloe pulp.

Move all components to obtain a mass similar to sour cream. It can be easily applied to the face, then wait 20 minutes and rinse off. After this, wipe your face with ice. It is worth taking care to prepare it in advance. Pour not just water into the molds, but a herbal decoction. For example, use chamomile or calendula flowers to prepare it, thereby securing the effectiveness of the mask.

Red currant is not only a tasty and very healthy berry, but also an excellent natural cosmetic product from which you can make various face masks. We have collected the best recipes for face masks made from red currants, take them into service.

With apple

  1. 1 tsp. honey;
  2. 2 tsp. apple puree.

Peel the apple and grate it on a fine grater, add liquid honey to it. Without waiting for the apple to oxidize, apply the mixture to your face. This recipe will not only eliminate wrinkles, but nourish and smooth the skin.

With tea

This mask can eliminate wrinkles, remove dead cells and tone the skin.

  1. 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and oatmeal;
  2. 1.5 tbsp. l. brewed tea.

First you need to brew strong tea, it is better to use green tea. Then you need to add the remaining ingredients into the slightly cooled drink. If the mass turns out to be too thick, you can dilute it with a small amount of mineral water. The mask is kept on the face for a quarter of an hour. Then it should be washed off.

Cherry is one of the best fruits that can restore the natural complexion and eliminate dullness and pallor. Learn more about how to make a cherry face mask.
For you, a recipe for a rejuvenating mask with apple


At home I sometimes treat myself to new recipes. I recently started using a honey mask for wrinkles. I don’t have many of them, and almost all of them are concentrated near my eyes. I know that very sensitive eyelid skin can react differently to vitamins and natural ingredients. But in my case, after the third time of using the honey product, fine wrinkles became barely noticeable. I consider the main success of my experiment to be the correct use of the mask, so here is a step-by-step preparation of the skin:

  1. I remove all makeup from my face;
  2. I use a scrub, removing the top layer of dead cells and freeing the pores from dirt;
  3. I pass over my face with a disc soaked in tonic.

And after all this I apply the honey composition. The effect is amazing, I recommend everyone to try it.

I also know from my mother how useful honey is in cosmetology. For many years she used various honey-based cosmetics and used anti-wrinkle masks. Naturally, she has them due to her age, but she looks younger than her years. I also take her example and constantly use honey formulations. After applying them, I have free time to read a book or just relax, since for them to be effective, you can’t talk, much less laugh. Useful vitamins should easily penetrate the skin and act in its layers.

I like to lie in the bathtub, listen to pleasant music and apply masks to my face and décolleté. I prepare them myself; for a long time now I have not trusted store-bought products with their preservatives, parabens and fragrances; I don’t think that it is possible to restore youthful skin with their help, much less cope with wrinkles. To eliminate these troubles, I always apply honey masks to my face. Now my favorite recipe is honey and aloe juice. Firstly, I have all the ingredients at home, and the juice is also squeezed from a houseplant that constantly grows on my windowsill. Secondly, the feeling from applying it is somehow pleasantly relaxing. Thirdly, after you wash it off, the skin becomes tightened and wrinkles are practically invisible.

I love the honey variety. I am absolutely delighted with masks with honey. For my oily skin and enlarged pores, this is a lifesaver. It, combined with protein, dries out the skin and at the same time prevents moisture loss without clogging pores. I apply this product without fear that I might make things worse for myself. I use it twice a week, in courses. I do it for two months, then I take a month off from them, and then I use them again. I can say that the skin on my face is fine and there are practically no wrinkles.

Honey is unique. It is healthy and nutritious for both humans and their skin. It improves blood circulation, accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis and, as a result, the skin renews itself faster. For those who want to stay young longer, honey masks are excellent helpers. If masks can no longer help, then you can try a more radical method - facial reinforcement. However, the procedure cannot be considered absolutely safe and accessible to the public.

Recipes for face masks with gooseberries and reviews about them are here.
Video recipe for plum mask from Olechka Metelskaya in this article.

Buckwheat, linden, sunflower. Which one do you prefer? Honey is an indispensable product for maintaining health and youth. And it strengthens the body not only from the inside. A honey face mask at home can literally “preserve” time, stopping the aging process.


The history of using honey for cosmetic purposes goes back to Ancient Egypt, where the well-known queen took honey and milk baths. The Greek beauties of antiquity did not lag behind and valued nectar processed by bees as a source of longevity and beauty.

Why does skin need honey?

Moisture prevents the appearance of wrinkles, which means it guards your youth. What does this have to do with the product of bees? Moreover, it contains 20% of “living” water, which it carries with it deep into the skin. Honey opens and cleanses pores, helping moisture to be evenly distributed between cells.

What else does it give? Honey contains from 100 to 400 chemical elements, and is capable of many things, namely:

  1. charges the immune system with new strength;
  2. stops the growth of bacteria;
  3. protects the skin from dermatitis;
  4. protects against free radicals;
  5. stops the aging process;
  6. resists ultraviolet radiation;
  7. is the strongest antioxidant;
  8. serves as a natural antibiotic;
  9. stimulates blood flow, and the skin becomes silky and toned.

6 rules for an effective honey face mask

To ensure that the mask reveals its full potential and has full effect on the skin, follow some recommendations.

  1. Examination . First find out your reaction to this product. Although it is unique, it is very allergenic. Use the good old method of applying the prepared mask mixture to your wrist. After 15 minutes, your skin will either reject it, showing redness and irritation, or “reciprocate.”
  2. Temperature . The components of honey are very sensitive and withstand the pressure of a maximum of 80°C. Therefore, use a water bath to achieve a liquid state and monitor the heat.
  3. Preparing the mask. Prepare the mixture immediately before the procedure. Freshness of products is the key to success.
  4. Preparation . Steam your face so that the beneficial substances quickly convey their richness to your cells.
  5. Recipe selection. Remember that what pleases oily skin can harm dry skin. Carefully select additional mask ingredients.
  6. Textile . The liquid consistency will not scare you if you prepare a gauze napkin. Dip it into the mixture and spread it over your face. This way all the drops will be absorbed into the skin and not fall on the floor.


Cleansing recipes for everyone

If you do not have allergies, then all that remains is to find suitable additions to the honey face mask that will act against wrinkles, greasiness, peeling or acne with pimples. The recipes described below are cleansing. They are suitable for both dry skin and shiny skin. For those with a combination type, such masks will be a salvation. The main quality of the additional components is that they cleanse the epidermis of dirt and saturate it with useful substances.

With coffee aroma

A cleansing face mask with honey and coffee unclogs pores and reveals a healthy glow as soon as you wash your face with warm water after the procedure. Just two ingredients and the effect is amazing.

  1. Mix an equal amount of base with the grounds of ground coffee from your morning invigorating cup.
  2. Apply the resulting paste, gently massaging the skin, and leave for ten minutes.


Oatmeal with vitamins

Thanks to oatmeal, the skin will be cleansed of toxins and get rid of puffiness. The benefits of a honey face mask with oats also include saturating the dermal cells with moisture, as well as healing wounds.

  1. Oatmeal should be ground so that it looks like bran. You will need a teaspoon of the resulting grains.
  2. Separate the yolk. No protein needed here.
  3. Mix it with a small spoon of bee gold and the same amount of olive oil.
  4. To enhance the effect, take a few drops of vitamins A and E purchased at the pharmacy.
  5. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  6. Apply a thick layer of the mixture to your face, not forgetting your neck.
  7. During the required 20 minutes of the procedure, you can take a bath, relax and think about pleasant things.


Plus aloe

You can diversify this mask with cottage cheese to reanimate the fading epidermis or glycerin to eliminate peeling. The result of the time spent will be the removal of skin irritations, softening and toning. A face mask with honey, rich in natural capital, helps to get rid of wrinkles quickly. If your skin is sensitive and prone to inflammatory reactions, then use this recipe. But remember that aloe is an allergen for some people, so check your skin's reaction in advance.

  1. Just two ingredients: aloe juice and honey in the same volume.
  2. Prepare the mask immediately before the procedure. Let it brew for ten minutes.
  3. Apply the mixture to your face.
  4. Wash your face after 20 minutes.


Anti-greasy mixtures

Honey normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and helps pores open, so it is the main ingredient as a basis for eliminating oily sheen.


Add aspirin

You will see that this mask, in addition to removing shine, can cleanse your face of blackheads and make it ruddy.

  1. Crush plain aspirin tablets.
  2. Proportions: one tablet corresponds to a tablespoon of base.
  3. Apply the mixture to areas of skin with increased oil content.
  4. The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes.


Lemon mask

After washing your face with warm water after the procedure, you will feel your skin soften and refreshed.

  1. To make the mixture thick enough, take honey and squeezed lemon juice in proportion.
  2. Apply to face using tapping movements, relax and leave to absorb for 20 minutes.

With added nutmeg

Nutmeg was also used in ancient cosmetology as a healing agent that improves complexion and relieves the effects of acne.

  1. You will need a large spoon of liquid honey. Use only a water bath for heating. And remember that the temperature should not be more than 80°C.
  2. Mix a teaspoon of chopped nutmeg thoroughly with the main ingredient.
  3. Spread the resulting paste with an incomparable smell on your face and relax for 20 minutes.


Honey cinnamon

Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, cinnamon is good for more than just apple pie. The result of this procedure will be renewed, clean skin.

  1. Add cinnamon to honey, maintaining a volume ratio of 2:1.
  2. The procedure lasts, as in the previous recipe, 20 minutes.


Curd mixture

It is best to make cottage cheese yourself or choose a good farm cottage cheese. Then the velvety skin will please you immediately.

  1. If the bee present has thickened, melt it in a water bath.
  2. Dissolve a small spoon of honey in a large spoon of milk at room temperature.
  3. Add a tablespoon of cottage cheese and stir until no grains remain.
  4. Apply the mask, turn on some pleasant music and wait 20 minutes.

Impact on dryness

What is the most important thing for dry skin? First of all, hydration. This is what honey does when it reaches the surface of the epidermis. For greater effect, there are special combinations of simple products.

Don't throw away the bread crust

You will be delighted as your skin will become renewed and saturated with beneficial substances. Unpleasant dryness will go away, especially around the corners of the mouth.

  1. If there is a piece of black bread left, let it dry.
  2. Then soak in warm milk. Five minutes is enough.
  3. Take an egg yolk and mash it with a large spoon of the main ingredient.
  4. Combine everything and knead thoroughly.
  5. Steam your face and apply the mixture for 25 minutes.


Apple mask

The face will not only be filled with moisture, but will become clean and radiant.

  1. Grate one apple on a fine grater. If it is too juicy, squeeze out the excess juice.
  2. Take honey in the same volume.
  3. Mix and make a mask.
  4. Wait in a pleasant atmosphere for 20 minutes.
  5. To wash off the mixture, it is better to use cold water.


Egg-honey mixture

A face mask with honey and egg will do everything you need to keep your skin smooth, stop aging and eliminate fine wrinkles.

  1. If you take a whole chicken egg, then just add a teaspoon of the main component.
  2. Shake well so that there are no lumps.
  3. Neck, upper chest, face - cover everything with the mixture for 20 minutes.
  4. Cool water is suitable for washing.


Honey-berry smoothie

Withering and peeling? No, your skin will no longer experience such problems if you use cosmetic honey-berry smoothies. When strawberries appear in the garden beds in the summer, use this recipe.

  1. Prepare two tablespoons of berry smoothie.
  2. Add one large spoon of golden honey to the strawberries and stir.
  3. 20 minutes with a mask is enough for the vitamins to penetrate the dermal cells.

Anti-Aging Options

In fact, all honey face masks save you from new and old wrinkles. But there are recipes aimed directly at solving this problem.


Remember Cleopatra

This famous person was madly in love with honey and milk baths for the whole body. You can use her tricks.

  1. Take milk and honey in equal quantities.
  2. Stir thoroughly.
  3. Make a face mask. And after washing your face 20 minutes later, feel like a queen.

Herbal mask

All the wealth is under our feet, and it's true. Herbs combined with honey are a winning blow to old age.

  1. Collect nettles, lemon balm and mint. Grind the leaves in a blender to a paste.
  2. Take a large spoon of herbal mixture and mix with the same amount of curd.
  3. Add a small spoon of liquid honey.
  4. Lubricate your face and neck. Let them soak in vitamins and nutrients for 20 minutes.

The youth of your eyes

Honey is one of the few easily available products that acts as a caring assistant for the skin around the eyes. It erases dark spots, smoothes wrinkles, and refreshes the dermis. If you want to enhance the effect, then use the following recipes with additional ingredients.

Cucumber mixture

As a result, you get a whitening effect, skin freshness and relief from accumulated city fatigue.

  1. Squeeze the cucumber juice or grind its pulp in a blender.
  2. Mix with honey in equal proportions.
  3. The time it takes for these components to act is 25 minutes.


Here's parsley for you

Thanks to this combination of products, pigment spots will disappear, the face will become lighter, losing its gray tint.

  1. To extract the parsley juice, use a blender. You will need half a teaspoon.
  2. Add a couple of drops of grapeseed or avocado oil.
  3. Add ½ small spoon of honey.
  4. Leave the mask on the skin around the eyes and wait 25 minutes.


Scrub: instructions for use and ingredients

The scrub always contains a base and solid particles. To combine with honey, use salt, chopped oatmeal or nuts, and ground coffee.

Follow important rules for any composition.

  1. Precautionary measures . If there is active inflammation or irritation on the skin, then take herbal baths until recovery occurs. Only after this proceed to scrub procedures.
  2. Mixture homogeneity. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. The grains should be evenly distributed over the base.
  3. Preparing the face. Steam or moisturize your face before your beauty session.
  4. Massage . Massaging the face should be light, without force or pressure on problem areas.
  5. Time . The scrub only takes five minutes to cleanse the pores. Therefore, do not delay the process.
  6. Completion. After washing your face, apply milk or nourishing cream to your face.

Anti-aging “preservation”

An interesting experiment was conducted in Bulgaria, which showed the power of the preservative properties of the bee product. The experience was as follows. We took animal products (eggs, meat, fish). They were placed in a sterile closed container with honey. We forgot about the containers for four years, leaving them in a room at normal room temperature.

When the scientists opened the bowls, all the products retained their normal appearance and smell, and the consistency also remained unchanged. The microbes had no opportunity to multiply.

After this experience, the question of the benefits of a honey face mask becomes meaningless. If you want to “preserve” your youth without plastic surgery, then regularly perform procedures with honey. Just don't expect magic from an artificial product. For home beauty preservation procedures, choose only fresh, high-quality honey that has not yet been candied. It is these honey face masks that are effective, as evidenced by numerous rave reviews.


“This is my salvation,” reviews of homemade honey cosmetics

For me, a honey mask also comes first in facial skin care. This is my salvation, especially in winter, when the skin is dry and needs hydration. I draw a bath, apply honey to my face and remain in complete peace for 15-20 minutes. The effect is amazing!

For me, the discovery also acts as a lip scrub, a very pleasant sensation.

After 36 years, my facial skin began to noticeably fade, and my usual creams no longer gave the desired effect. I decided to strengthen my care program by purchasing new lifting products. The anti-aging effect gradually began to appear, but slowly and not to the extent that I wanted. I started reading all sorts of reviews on the Internet about how to protect people from wrinkles and sagging, and came across one miraculous, as it turned out later, mask recipe. It consisted of combining 2 powerful products - honey and cinnamon. The result from the combination of these components even exceeded all my expectations!

At home, I prepared more than one cosmetic product, trying to find the most effective one in the fight against signs of aging. And I found it - this is an anti-wrinkle mask made from bee honey and chicken eggs (there are only positive reviews about it everywhere). The benefits of these components for the skin turned out to be enormous. With the mask, I achieved leveling of the relief, and along with it, smoothing out wrinkles and folds, increasing tone and elasticity. The face became smooth, soft to the touch, with a beautiful, even shade. At my age I never even dreamed of this!

In our article we will tell you how to make honey masks for facial skin against wrinkles and also provide the best 6 recipes that you can prepare at home.

The use of honey in home cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation is a great success among women today. And for good reason, because this product has a lot of healing properties that help not only smooth out wrinkles and restore the skin to its former freshness and smoothness, but also additionally solve many cosmetic imperfections of the skin.

To prepare anti-wrinkle masks with honey, usually only a natural and fresh product is taken, which has a valuable composition. So let’s figure out how a honey face mask is beneficial.

Composition of honey

Natural honey is a very useful and multifunctional remedy that is actively used in folk medicine and cosmetology. This is due to the fact that the composition of this product contains the following components:

  1. Amino acids
  2. Water
  3. Carbohydrates (fructose, glucose, maltose and sucrose)
  4. Minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, etc.)
  5. Vitamins (B1, B2, C, PP, A, etc.)
  6. Hormones
  7. Fats
  8. Squirrels


Thanks to such a rich composition, the product helps combat the following cosmetic imperfections of the skin:

➣ Heals all wounds and cracks on the upper layer of the epidermis;

➣ Significantly improves blood circulation and lymph flow in tissues and the body as a whole;

➣ Helps dilate blood vessels, which in turn improves blood circulation and nutrition of tissues with useful substances;

➣ Improves many metabolic processes in the skin;

➣ Cleanses the top layer of skin;

➣ Soothes irritation and inflammation on the covers;

➣ Rejuvenates the skin and smoothes out wrinkles;

➣ Removes flabbiness of the integument.

➣ Indications and contraindications for face masks with honey

Honey face mask is suitable for all skin types and is recommended not only for wrinkles, but also for those who:

  1. Dry, dehydrated skin;
  2. Visible age-related changes in the integument;
  3. Dullness and sagging skin on the face;
  4. Enlarged pores, inflammation, redness and other cosmetic imperfections;
  5. Sagging tissues due to age-related changes in the body;
  6. Pigmentation of the skin on the face.


Since honey is a product that often causes an allergic reaction, honey masks are not recommended for use in the following cases:
- Diabetes

— Allergic reaction to honey and all its components;

— Damage to the upper layer of the epidermis;

— Pregnancy and lactation;

— Pustular formations on the face;

— Spider veins and capillary network on the face.

Rules for using honey face masks against wrinkles

You can get a positive and visible result from using masks with honey only if the following rules are followed:

❶ We recommend preparing all anti-wrinkle face masks with honey before directly applying the product to your facial skin. Therefore, carry out all the procedures for cleansing the covers of decorative cosmetics in advance.

❷ Only fresh and liquid honey is used for preparation. A sugared product is not suitable for skin rejuvenation. Additionally, we recommend giving preference to light-colored honey, since it is less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to the dark variety.

❸ Before mixing honey with other ingredients, we recommend preheating it in a water bath to room temperature. This will improve the effectiveness of the mask due to the fact that all the beneficial substances will go into the active phase.

❹ Be sure to check all masks containing this product for allergies. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the inner bend of the elbow and hold for 15 minutes. If the skin at the site of application does not turn red and there is no discomfort, then the product is suitable for use.

❺ To see visible results from using masks with honey, it is recommended to apply them up to 2 times a week for a month.

❻ These home remedies are not applied to the under-eye area.

The best 6 recipes for anti-wrinkle masks with honey

Among a large number of recipes for home remedies based on honey, we have selected for you only the best and most effective masks that help fight wrinkles and have anti-aging properties.

To smooth out wrinkles

Yolk and honey face mask against wrinkles


— Honey

— Lemon juice (1 tsp)

— Almond oil (1 tsp)

Boil the potatoes in their skins so that they can be easily peeled and mashed. Next, take half the potatoes and mash thoroughly so that there are no lumps left. Add a tablespoon of honey, 1 tsp lemon juice, yolk and almond oil to the resulting puree. Grind everything well and apply while still warm to the skin of the face. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes, then remove it with cotton pads and rinse the skin with cool water.

The effects of such a mask include nourishing, moisturizing and softening the skin. Additionally, it effectively smooths out wrinkles, tightens sagging skin and restores fresh color to the skin. The product is recommended for use by women with dry, aging and wrinkled skin.

Mask with honey against age spots


— Honey (1 tbsp.)

— Lemon juice (1 tbsp.)

— Wheat germ oil (1 tsp)

Take a tablespoon of honey and add the same amount of lemon juice to it. Add 1 teaspoon of oil and wheat germ to the resulting consistency. Bring the ingredients to a homogeneous consistency and apply to the face. Keep the product on for no more than 10 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.

The recipe is recommended for use by women with aging skin with age spots and wrinkles. This product will help lighten the skin, refresh the complexion, narrow and cleanse the pores.

Mask with lifting effect


— Honey

— Carrot juice (1 tbsp.)

— Grapeseed oil (1 tbsp.)

Take a tablespoon of carrot juice and mix with a teaspoon of grape seed oil. Add a teaspoon of natural honey and yolk to the resulting mixture. Beat the mixture until smooth and apply to the skin in several layers, allowing the previous ones to dry a little. We keep the product for no more than 15 minutes, after which we carefully remove it with water.

The mask perfectly tightens the skin, making it more elastic, smooth and velvety to the touch. Additionally, this recipe helps smooth out wrinkles and returns a fresh and healthy color to the face. Recommended for mature skin that has lost its elasticity and is flaky.

Anti-wrinkle, smoothing honey face mask


— Honey

Take an egg and beat it with two tablespoons of milk. Add a teaspoon of honey and rice flour to the resulting mixture until you get a homogeneous thick mass. Apply the resulting composition to the skin of the face and hold for 20 minutes, remove with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile decoction. Additionally, rinse the covers with cool water.

The product perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and restores skin elasticity, making it more elastic, tightened and smooth. An additional effect of such a mask is to smooth out wrinkles, including facial wrinkles, as well as narrow pores and improve complexion. Recommended for use on aging, dry, dehydrated and saggy skin.

Face mask with cottage cheese and honey for aging skin


— Honey

Grind two tablespoons of full-fat cottage cheese with chicken yolk, a teaspoon of honey and avocado oil until smooth. Distribute the resulting composition over the skin and keep for 20 minutes. Remove with running water at room temperature.

This recipe helps restore elasticity to the skin, smoothes wrinkles, nourishes, moisturizes and restores the skin. Additionally, this product copes well with pigmentation on the face and returns clarity to the contours.

Firming mask


- Oat flour

— Wheat germ oil

- Grape seed oil

Heat the milk to room temperature and add oatmeal, a teaspoon of oils and natural flower honey. Bring the consistency to a homogeneous mass resembling thick sour cream. Distribute the resulting composition while still warm over the skin of the face and leave for 20 minutes. Remove any remaining product with warm water.

The main effect of such a product includes rejuvenation, nutrition and hydration of the skin. Additionally, pronounced facial lifting, whitening of age spots, and smoothing of wrinkles are noted.

Mask with banana and honey against wrinkles


— Banana

Add half a ripe banana, an yolk and a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream to the blender. The last component of the mask is a teaspoon of honey. All ingredients are thoroughly blended in a blender until smooth and applied to the skin of the face. The composition lasts for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

The product actively fights loose, flaky skin that is prone to wrinkles. After use, you will notice how your skin has become smooth, taut and silky to the touch.

Using the 6 recipes for anti-wrinkle honey face masks described above, which can be prepared at home, you will very quickly notice how wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin becomes more elastic, toned and youthful.
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