Methyluracil for burns reviews

Methyluracil is a drug that has gained popularity for its powerful regenerating properties. The product stimulates cell reproduction, helping tissue repair. Relieves inflammation and strengthens the immune system. Increases the body's resistance to infections. It is not addictive because it does not contain hormones.

A special feature of the drug is its ability to stimulate hematopoiesis. It can increase the body's resistance to lack of oxygen and blood loss. It has gained popularity in dermatology, cosmetology and some other areas of medicine.

Release form and composition

Today, pharmaceutical companies produce the product in the form of suppositories, tablets, ointments, aerosols and a special sponge for deep wounds. The main constituent element of all types of the drug is dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine.

The tablet form has an anabolic effect. It appears as an immunostimulant and an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Activates leukopoiesis in the bone marrow, thereby accelerating the formation of leukocytes.

Suppositories are used in gynecology and proctology. Methyluracil ointment heals wounds, bedsores, burns, etc. It has protective properties against UV rays. A sponge impregnated with a medicinal composition accelerates recovery at the cellular level and tissue granulation. When used as an aerosol, foam acts as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and restorative agent.



1 tablet contains:

  1. methyluracil – 0.5 g;
  2. potato starch – 0.130 g;
  3. talc – 0.014 g;
  4. calcium stearate – 0.007 g;
  5. povidone K30 – 0.049 g.

Candles are white. May have a yellow or brown tint. Shape: elongated or torpedo-shaped.

1 soup comprises:

  1. methyluracil – 0.5 g;
  2. animal fat or vitepsol - up to a weight norm of 2.3 g.

The ointment has a yellowish tint and a specific light odor. A tube weighing 15 g contains:

  1. methyluracil – 1.5 g;
  2. white paraffin;
  3. lanolin;
  4. water.

Aerosol. The foam is yellow-orange in color. The product includes:

  1. sea ​​buckthorn oil – 15 g;
  2. etazol sodium – 1 g;
  3. methyluracil – 1 g;
  4. twin 80 – 1.2 g;
  5. death of fatty synthetic alcohols – 2.3 g;
  6. nipazole – 0.05 g;
  7. ethyl alcohol – 0.25 g;
  8. water – 29.2 g;
  9. freon-12 – 7 gr.

Sponge. A white plate with a specific odor and porous structure. 1 g of the drug contains:

  1. methyluracil – 0.05 g;
  2. substance-solution 2% - 47.5 g;
  3. dry collagen – 0.95 g

Indications for use

The tablet form of the drug is used for severe diseases due to its systemic effect. A remedy is prescribed for the treatment and restoration of various internal organs:

  1. during rehabilitation therapy after irradiation of malignant tumors;
  2. some forms of tonsillitis;
  3. septic tonsillitis;
  4. decreased levels of platelets and leukocytes;
  5. pancreatitis and peptic ulcers;
  6. wounds and burns;
  7. fractures;
  8. hepatitis.

Suppositories are used to restore mucous membranes, microflora, and tissues of the pelvic organs:

  1. inflammatory processes in the rectum and sigmoid region;
  2. haemorrhoids;
  3. erosion;
  4. infectious lesions of the vagina;
  5. after minor gynecological operations and when postpartum microcracks appear.

The ointment accelerates the regeneration of tissue cells in case of external injuries:

Methyluracil aerosol is used in gynecology, proctology and dentistry:

  1. infection of the female genital organs;
  2. postoperative conditions in the rectum, perineum, uterus;
  3. erosion of the oral cavity and periodontium;
  4. burns of second and third degree of severity.

A sponge soaked in a solution containing methyluracil is used for weakly regenerating wounds, deep burns, and superficial ulcers.

When is the remedy prescribed?

The drug is used in cases where complex therapy is not carried out for some reason. The product acts effectively as a single drug. The active substance stimulates the synthesis of nucleic acids, promotes the growth of muscle tissue, and strengthens the immune system. He showed himself excellently in gynecology and proctology. Used for hepatitis and ulcerative formations. Cures leukopenia, tonsillitis and tonsillitis, prostatitis. The spectrum of action of the drug is quite wide.

The drug is used quite effectively for a runny nose. When applied shallowly, the inflammatory process is relieved. The product has an active effect on most types of infectious pathogens.

It can be used for purulent rhinitis after consultation with a specialist. Methyluracil, by actively strengthening local immunity, can also cope with a viral runny nose.

The ointment is also used for the dry form of the disease. Often this is a professional problem for workers in hot shops. Characteristic features are the absence of mucous discharge, dry nasal passages, and bleeding. When applied, crusty formations are softened and the internal coating is restored.

How to treat burns

Methyluracil ointment is used for extensive thermal and chemical damage. The drug prevents infection and suppuration. Before use on severe forms, the wound is thoroughly cleaned of secretions. Antiseptic treatment is carried out. The ointment is applied daily under the bandage. Maximum amount up to 10 grams per application. Methyluracil is most effective for 2nd and 3rd degree burns.

The aerosol is shaken for 5-10 seconds before use. The foam is applied to the damaged surface, previously cleaned of exudate.

The sponge is removed from the sterile packaging and placed as tightly as possible into the wound. In this case, the covered area must be larger than the lesion. The sponge is secured on top with a bandage. You can leave the drug until complete lysis. On average, this process lasts 2–3 days. Its speed depends on the intensity of wound secretions. If there is no pain or burning when the sponge is not completely absorbed, then it is left in the wound.


Preparations containing the main substance are not recommended for use:

  1. in oncology;
  2. in the presence of individual intolerance to the active component;
  3. children over 3 years old in tablet form;
  4. The ointment is not recommended for use in cases of increased tissue granulation.

Side effects

When using tablets, headaches and burning sensations in the esophagus are possible.

When applying the ointment and using a sponge, allergic irritations occur in the form of itching, hyperemia, and mild burning. Uncomfortable conditions pass quickly. The aerosol has no side effects.

Special Recommendations

Sponge. To eliminate pain when the wound tightens, you need to moisten it on the spot with a 0.25% procaine solution. You can use water with 0.02% nitrofural.

Methyluracil enhances the anti-radiation properties of cystamine. The active substance is compatible with antibiotics, antiseptics and sulfonamides.

During pregnancy

Methyluracil has no contraindications for use while expecting a child. The drug is taken as prescribed by a doctor. In case of cervical erosion, suppositories bring the organ to its normal state.

Hemorrhoids often accompany pregnancy, causing uncomfortable changes of varying severity. This occurs due to an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone. It suppresses uterine contractions, allowing you to carry the baby to term. However, while stopping the spasms of some muscles, the hormone has a depressing effect on nearby ones. This slows down the process of peristalsis. Constipation appears and, as a result, hemorrhoids.

Suppositories and ointment are used as usual, without contraindications. Suppositories relieve inflammation and restore the mucous membrane and its microflora in the rectum. The ointment alleviates the condition of external hemorrhoids.

Progesterone suppresses the immune system, which allows the fetus to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity. However, the risk of various infectious diseases increases. Inflammations that appear as a result of decreased immunity can be perfectly cured with Methyluracil suppositories. Gynecologists widely use the drug, despite the fact that it involves rectal use.

It has been established that when used vaginally, the internal mucous coating of the genital organs quickly returns to normal, cervical tissue is restored, swelling and inflammation are relieved.

Methyluracil ointment is used when cracks appear on the nipples of the mammary glands during feeding. Apply the product immediately after it. Tissue healing occurs quite quickly. It is recommended to wash your breasts before each feeding.

An unexpected and very useful side effect was discovered during the regeneration of acne. The drug was able to smooth out small facial wrinkles. The deep ones, of course, do not disappear, but become less noticeable. The result is visualized already on the fifth day of use, and in the treatment of acne – after two.

For quick restoration of facial skin after peeling and laser resurfacing, this particular product is recommended for use.

Methyluracil ointment is a well-known remedy for the treatment of various skin lesions, including those on the genital mucosa. Despite the safety of the product, its use has some nuances that you need to familiarize yourself with before use.

Methyluracil ointment: a powerful remedy for scars, burns, acne and poorly healing wounds

Ointment with methyluracil is a proven and safe remedy that is used for the speedy healing of various types of damage to the upper and deep layers of the skin.

High efficiency and extremely affordable price make this drug one of the most popular and widely used throughout the post-Soviet space for decades.

Properties and composition

The drug stimulates the repair of damaged tissues, accelerating regeneration processes at the cellular level, increasing local immunity and stopping inflammatory processes.

This effect is due to the fact that methyluracil, as a structural element, is part of the nucleic acid, which plays an important role in the biochemical processes of the body. Thanks to its properties, metabolism in the tissues of damaged areas increases, due to which cell renewal occurs more intensively.

Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties reduce the risk of secondary infection, which also speeds up healing and reduces the risk of scarring. Together, these properties provide a pronounced analgesic effect, reduce irritation and swelling.


  1. methyluracil, which is the main active ingredient;
  2. petrolatum;
  3. lanolin;
  4. water.

Release form

Methiuracil ointment is produced by the Russian pharmacological companies Nizhpharm and Tatkhimfarmpreparaty in aluminum tubes weighing 25 g.

The concentration of the active substance always remains the same - 10%, i.e. 100 mg of methyluracil per 1 g of base. The therapeutic properties of any of the manufacturers are identical, but may differ in color, which depends on the components in the composition.

Hormonal or not?

The drug is not classified as a hormonal drug and does not affect the body’s hormonal levels, therefore it is not addictive.

What is it used for in adults: instructions for use

Ointment with methyluracil is used for healing various injuries and cuts, burns, postoperative sutures, postpartum ruptures of the vaginal mucosa, as well as in the complex treatment of trophic ulcers and bedsores.

Liniment should be carried with you when going to the hospital for medical procedures in which the doctor is forced to injure the skin: cauterization, removal of skin tumors, etc.

Liniment is also often used for cosmetic purposes: it removes acne and its consequences well. The spectrum of action is wide, so the product is considered one of those that should be in the first aid kit of any family.

Wound healing agent

The drug has proven itself so well that it is widely used even in purulent surgery in the treatment of complex wounds. The use of liniment is also possible in milder cases:

  1. cuts;
  2. scratches;
  3. abrasions;
  4. animal bites (the use of the product does not replace rabies prevention).

The active substance improves tissue trophism and also strengthens local immunity. Necrotic masses in a wound or its borders are an excellent breeding ground for microbes; they cause inflammation, which interferes with the healing and restoration of the damaged area; methyluracil perfectly blocks these processes. Thanks to increased nutrition, new cells are produced faster, as a result of which tissue repair takes place in a shorter time and without complications.

For facial skin against blemishes and acne

Thanks to its powerful regenerating effect, the drug can be used to eliminate acne, post-acne and age spots. The active substance helps to accelerate the restoration of the integrity of the skin, resolves compactions on the skin, eliminates swelling and evens out the tone of the face.

For sunburn

For sunburn, it is used to relieve unpleasant symptoms and quickly restore the epidermis.

From scars and scars

Methyluracil ointment is the No. 1 remedy prescribed in the postoperative period for the speedy healing of scars. Such properties are due not only to the regenerating components in the composition, but also to anti-inflammatory ones, which block the development of pathogenic flora and promote rapid tissue recovery and repair.

The use of liniment is also effective in the fight against old scars on the skin, but in this case the course of treatment should be long and last up to six months.

Is methyluracil ointment allowed during pregnancy?

The drug is approved during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since an insignificant amount of the active component penetrates into the bloodstream, which does not pose a potential danger to the health of the baby. On the contrary, you should take the tube with you to the maternity hospital - the product is prescribed for ruptures and microcracks of the perineum, which often occur during childbirth.

Indications for use in children: instructions

According to the instructions of the drug, the ointment can be used in children from 3 years of age. Such restrictions are due to the lack of data on the effects of the drug’s components on the children’s body.

Upon reaching three years of age, it is used in the same way and in the same cases as in adults. Quite often, methyluracil is put into the nose to treat a runny nose - its anti-inflammatory effect reduces unpleasant symptoms and restores the mucous membrane.

Up to a year

Up to a year, use is possible only after consultation with a doctor; self-medication is unacceptable. One of the cases when infants are prescribed methyluracil ointment is synechiae or fusion of the labia in little girls.

After a year

During the life of a child from birth to three years, as mentioned above, liniment for therapeutic purposes can only be prescribed by a doctor in particularly difficult cases. The allowed period of treatment is up to 7 days.

Possible contraindications

There are few contraindications for methyluracil ointment. In addition to individual allergic reactions to components, the product should not be used in case of

  1. acute leukemia;
  2. oncological neoplasms;
  3. lymphogranulomatosis.

How often can it be used

The product is applied 1-2 times a day in an amount not exceeding 20 g. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the problem and varies from 7 to 30 days, and sometimes longer.

Price and analogues

The substance methyluracil, which gave the name to the popular ointment, is also contained in the following preparations, which are complete or combined analogues.

  1. Stizamet;
  2. Meturacol (in the form of a sponge for application to wounds);
  3. Levomekol (with the addition of chloramphenicol);
  4. Fuzimet (with sodium fusidate);
  5. Hyposol (with sea buckthorn oil).

But some of these drugs are difficult to find for free in pharmacies, and the more than attractive price of methyluracil ointment (from 30 to 70 rubles) makes this search impractical.

Ointment with methyluracil is deservedly popular and is an inexpensive, broad-spectrum product that families with children and workers in hazardous industries must have in their first aid kit.

Useful video

Rating 4.5/5
Price quality
Side effects

Methyluracil (Methyluracil): 6 doctor reviews, 6 patient reviews, instructions for use, analogues, infographics, 3 release forms.

Prices for methyluracil in Moscow pharmacies

ointment for local and external use 10% 25 g 1 PC. ≈ 65.5 rub.
rectal suppositories 500 mg 10 pieces. ≈ 69 rub.
pills 0.5 g 50 pcs. ≈ 164 rub.


Reviews from doctors about methyluracilin

Rating 5.0 / 5
Price quality
Side effects

Inexpensive, quite effective and accelerating wound regeneration and tissue epithelization. Convenient when using all three forms. I use it as a purulent surgeon, as an ointment during dressings after emptying purulent foci of soft tissue. I have not seen any side effects when using it. I also use it in the treatment of anal fissures in children - I prescribe it in the form of rectal suppositories or ointments - the effect is very fast - healing - 3-4 days on average.

Rating 5.0 / 5
Price quality
Side effects

Probably the cheapest medicine that can be found on pharmacy shelves. Minimal side effects, wide range of applications for this drug: used in surgery, proctology and urology, has an immunostimulating effect. A practical form of release in the form of rectal suppositories.

Rating 5.0 / 5
Price quality
Side effects

Relatively cheap, effective drug. In our clinic it is used very often in the form of rectal suppositories and ointments.

I haven't encountered any side effects. Patients note a positive effect and are very satisfied.

I recommend it for the treatment of anal fissures and after operations on the anus, perianal area in the second phase of an uncomplicated wound process.

Rating 2.9/5
Price quality
Side effects

A good and cheap domestic drug that accelerates healing in case of damage to the skin and mucous membranes. It has local immunostimulating activity; there are no adverse reactions when used.

There are no well-designed clinical studies to evaluate efficacy.

I use it periodically in clinical practice; the low price is very convenient for patients.

Rating 5.0 / 5
Price quality
Side effects

Inexpensive, quite effective, immunostimulating and accelerating wound regeneration and tissue epithelization. Convenient use of three forms.

I did not encounter any negative aspects when using it.

Widely applicable in proctology - in the second phase of uncomplicated wound process after operations and manipulations.

Rating 3.8/5
Price quality
Side effects

Pros - a fairly cheap drug, used in the second phase of the wound process to speed up reparative processes, the absence of any allergic reactions.

I didn’t notice any particular negative effects, but there are more modern and effective modern drugs.

Price/quality, use for uncomplicated wound healing.

Patient reviews of methyluracilin

I used suppositories when hemorrhoids came out after childbirth. The doctor prescribed other suppositories, more expensive ones, from which I did not see any effect. After Methyluracil, the result was on the 5th day, one pack was enough for me for the course. I buy ointment for children from diaper rash and scratches, in 2 days not a trace remains. Always helps us out. I am very glad that I found such an inexpensive and effective drug for the whole family.

I tried many different and expensive suppositories, the doctor advised me to try these suppositories, adding that they were weak. I heard in line at the doctor that a woman has been using them for a year. Although weak, they are effective, and can be used not only as anti-inflammatory, but also to make it easier and painless to go to the toilet.

After sclerotherapy, the sphincter became inflamed, it was impossible to go to the toilet, and I stopped walking altogether. I was surprised when the doctor recommended inexpensive suppositories; everyone had previously recommended expensive or very expensive suppositories. When I bought it I thought there would be no effect at all. After three or four days of taking it, the swelling went away, plus the oil helps a lot, lubricates the inside. Candles have a long shelf life. I won’t talk about bleeding, there was just severe pain. It burns a little after taking it and there is not much itching. If you have difficulty using the toilet, I advise you to try this particular drug first, then move on to more expensive ones.

I had to work hard in life; after the death of my husband, I raised the children myself. It is not surprising that I developed hemorrhoids, bloody bowel movements and painful sensations. I bought Methyluracil suppositories because they were the cheapest; I didn’t have money for expensive treatment. To stop the bleeding and reduce the pain, one candle was enough for me. And only sometimes two. Later I bought Ultraproct candles, they are no better, only more expensive. And I again returned to the cheap and reliable Methyluracil.

After giving birth, my erosion increased in size, my gynecologist prescribed me to take methyluracil tablets. Once upon a time I used methyluracil suppositories, also in the treatment of erosion. I took the pills and a month later I went back to the gynecologist for a check-up. The erosion has become significantly smaller, and now there is no urgency to cauterize it.

When, after cauterizing the erosion with surgitron, healing was very difficult for me and slight bleeding began, the doctor prescribed Methyluracil suppositories for 10 days. When purchasing at the pharmacy, I was surprised when I saw that the suppositories were rectal, I thought that the gynecologist was mistaken, but the pharmacist reassured me, it turns out that these suppositories are often prescribed vaginally, they promote tissue regeneration. Already at the beginning of treatment, there was much less blood, the effectiveness was immediately noticeable. After a ten-day course, the discharge stopped on the second day, and now I am healthy. The candles are easy to use and soft. True, they leak a little, but the gasket solves this problem.

Release forms

Dosage Packing Storage Sale Best before date
15; 25; 50; 75 5; 10 10; 50

Instructions for use of methyluracilin

Short description

Methyluracil is a stimulator of immunity and tissue regeneration. It is produced in various dosage forms (tablets, ointments, suppositories) by a number of domestic enterprises: Biokhimik, Nizhpharm, Obnovlenye, Rosbio, Valenta Pharmaceuticals, Altaivitamins, Dalkhimfarm, Sintez, etc. Stimulates cell growth and reproduction, acting as a repair agent and accelerating the restoration of damaged tissues. Promotes rapid healing of wounds, erosive and ulcerative lesions, burns. Increases the body's resistance to invasion by bacterial and viral agents. Normalizes protein metabolism, activates cell regeneration in the area of ​​damage, accelerates tissue epithelization, strengthens cellular and humoral immunity. Shows anabolic activity. External forms have a photoprotective effect. A distinctive feature of the drug is its ability to stimulate hematopoiesis (to activate the processes of formation of white and red blood cells in the bone marrow). In addition to this, methyluracil exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect, increases the body's tolerance to blood loss and hypoxia, normalizes gastric secretion and the acid-base balance of gastric juice. The tablet form of methyluracil is prescribed for the treatment of mild forms of leukopenia (including those that developed as a result of chemotherapy for malignant tumors, radiotherapy or X-ray therapy), ulcerative necrotic lesions of the pharynx and tonsils, septic tonsillitis, anemia, decreased platelet counts, benzene poisoning, ulcerative erosive lesions of the gastric and duodenal mucosa, slowly healing wounds, burns, bone fractures, hepatitis, etc.

d. The external form (ointment) is used to treat slow-healing wounds, burns, the so-called. “sun allergy” (photodermatitis), trophic ulcers of the lower and upper extremities, bedsores. Local forms (suppositories) are used for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum and sigmoid colon, ulcerative colitis. Methyluracil has a relatively small number of side effects: these are allergic reactions, and for internal forms - vertigo, headaches, heartburn. The drug is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to the active component, leukemia, malignant processes in the bone marrow, excessive wound granulation (for external and local forms). Methyluracial in the form of an ointment combines well with external applications of disinfectants and antibacterial agents. Clinically significant interactions (increased or decreased effects of drugs when used together) have not been established for methyluracil. A number of sources (mainly from the Soviet period) indicated the possibility of using methyluracil tablets to stimulate anabolic processes during sports, but not a single study has been conducted that would confirm the effectiveness of the drug for sports purposes.


Immunostimulant, dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine. Helps normalize the metabolism of nucleic acids, accelerates the processes of cellular regeneration in wounds, accelerates the growth and granulation maturation of tissue and epithelization (including in rapidly proliferating cells of the gastrointestinal mucosa), stimulates erythro- and leukopoiesis, cellular and humoral immunity factors. Has anabolic activity and anti-inflammatory effect. When used externally, it also has a photoprotective effect.

Release form

Pills 1 tab.
methyluracil 500 mg

10 pieces. — contour cell packaging (5) — cardboard packs.


Orally, during or after meals, 500 mg 4 times a day (if necessary, up to 6 times a day); children from 3 to 8 years old - 250 mg, over 8 years old - 250-500 mg 3 times a day. The course for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is 30-40 days; in other cases it may be shorter.

For external use, the dosage regimen is set individually, depending on the dosage form used. The frequency of dressing changes depends on the depth and area of ​​the wound surface, the intensity of exudation and the presence of necrotic masses.

Rectally used in adults 0.5-1 g 3-4 times/day; for children aged 3-8 years - 250 mg/day, for children aged 8-15 years - 500 mg/day. The course of treatment is from 1 week. up to 4 months

Side effects


For oral administration: leukopenia (mild forms, including those resulting from chemotherapy of malignant neoplasms, during X-ray and radiation therapy), agranulocytic tonsillitis, alimentary-toxic aleukia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, benzene intoxication, radiation sickness, convalescence (after severe infections), gastric and duodenal ulcers, slow-healing wounds, burns, bone fractures, hepatitis, pancreatitis.

For external use: slow-healing wounds, burns, bone fractures, photodermatitis; trophic ulcers, bedsores, deep wounds.

For local use: proctitis, sigmoiditis, ulcerative colitis.


Hypersensitivity to methyluracil.

For oral administration: leukemia (leukemic forms, especially myeloid), lymphogranulomatosis, hemoblastosis, malignant diseases of the bone marrow.

For external and local use: excess granulation in the wound.