Methyluracil ointment for face against wrinkles reviews

The first signs of aging for many women are comparable to tragedy. I want to preserve my youth by any means possible, because it is difficult to come to terms with its fading. Now cosmetology offers a large selection of anti-aging cosmetics and anti-wrinkle treatments.

All kinds of creams do not give the desired effect, and the result after a tightening does not last long. In this case, you can try a budget option - methyluracil ointment. Judging by the reviews, it provides quick rejuvenation.

What is methyluracil ointment used for?

The development of methyluracil ointment was aimed primarily at accelerating the regenerative processes of damaged tissues. To combat skin aging and wrinkles, the product began to be used later.

The drug is indicated in the following cases:

  1. wounds;
  2. diaper rash;
  3. burns;
  4. bedsores;
  5. erosions on the skin;
  6. boils;
  7. swelling;
  8. cracks;
  9. ulcers;
  10. acne;


  11. acne;
  12. damage to the mucous membrane;
  13. purulent lesions;
  14. dermatitis.

Methyluracil has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect.

It has an effect at the cellular level, which allows you to improve metabolism and start the recovery process. Thanks to this, the healing of damaged skin areas proceeds much faster.

When the ointment was thoroughly tested, other medicinal properties were noticed. Methyluracil smoothes the skin well, which leads to a rapid rejuvenation effect. Shallow wrinkles in young people disappear without a trace after using the product. Such a miracle does not happen with deep changes. They just become less pronounced.

Thus, the scope of application of the healing ointment has expanded. Previously, it was used only in medicine. Now they have begun to apply it for cosmetic purposes. After just a few uses, this budget-friendly product refreshes the appearance of the face and reduces the number of age-related changes on it.

Composition of methyluracil ointment

Methyluracil ointment is produced on the basis of petroleum jelly, paraffin or lanolin. These components do not have any therapeutic effect. They are used only to create the form.

Some manufacturers of the drug add alcohols and macrogol. Therefore, people suffering from allergies are advised to carefully read the composition before use. Such components can cause hyperemia of the skin and the appearance of rashes.

The active substance of the ointment is methyluracil. It is he who starts the restoration process in tissue cells. In addition, it helps relieve inflammation and active production of immune bodies. The substance is not hormonal. It is not addictive, like many analogues.

In what form is methyluracil ointment available?

The medicine can be purchased in different forms. The release form depends on the duration of the course, purpose and dosage.


The drug with methyluracil is of the following types:

  1. Candles. The pack contains 10 suppositories with a dose of 500 mg. Used rectally or vaginally. Dosage for adults – 1 suppository 3-4 times a day, up to 14 years – 1 suppository once a day, up to 8 years – half the dose per day. The course lasts from 7 days to a month and depends on the speed of recovery.
  2. Ointments. Available in an aluminum tube with a volume of 25 g. Used for rapid healing of injuries, stitches and burns. The dose varies from 5 to 10 g, depending on the size of the lesion. Before application, the wound is treated with 70% alcohol or another antiseptic. After applying the ointment, apply a bandage of sterile bandage or gauze on top. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day until the wound heals.
  3. Pills. The package can contain 50 or 100 pieces. The course of treatment lasts from 30 to 40 days. Dosage 500 mg. Should be taken during or after meals. People over 14 years old are recommended to take 1 piece, 4-6 times a day. From 8 to 14 years of age – half and whole tablet, 3 times a day. For children under 8 years of age, a dosage of 250 mg is suitable, morning, afternoon and evening.

The price of methyluracil ointment in Moscow and St. Petersburg, depending on the manufacturer, is presented in the table:

· Sensitivity to active substances.

  1. Allergic reaction.

Despite the composition and good tolerance of the drug among most people, there are several side effects in rare cases.

  1. A burning sensation at the site of application.
  2. Severe itching.
  3. The appearance of a rash on the skin of the face.
  4. Inflammation and redness of the epidermis.
  5. Irritation under the eyes.

Methyluracil ointment in cosmetology - treatment of wrinkles.

The drug is used actively at the early stage of the appearance of wrinkles. It smoothes out shallow skin defects. By accelerating cell regeneration, the ointment rejuvenates the skin, eliminates age spots and scars.

Paying attention to the reviews of cosmetologists, you will notice that they often prescribe complex therapy. Namely, the use of the drug in combination with other drugs. The goal is to enhance the effect and have an antiseptic effect.

Methyluracil ointment: use for wrinkles and sagging skin

In order to permanently cope with the first signs of aging, stimulate cell renewal, and influence skin tissue, it is important to know the method of application and dosage of the ointment. Often the answer to this question is given by the instructions. Before using anti-wrinkle ointment, you must carefully study the components in the composition.

Sometimes the constituent substances can affect the skin differently. There are situations where the effect on dry and oily skin is radically different. Due to the wrong choice of ointment, the degree of oiliness and dryness can increase.

Mode of application

Methyluracil ointment is applied up to two times a day: in the morning and before bed. At one time - more than 20 grams is not recommended. The duration of use depends on the stage of facial damage. The maximum period is one month. During this time, it is possible to increase immunity, speed up metabolism and synthesis of the skin, smooth out wrinkles, folds, or reduce their number.

When using methyluracil ointment, it is important to eliminate other causes of wrinkles. You can’t suddenly lose weight or overwork your body. Choose the right cosmetic products, remove them from the skin, and get enough sleep. Check your genetic predisposition to wrinkles and the functioning of the endocrine glands. Do not wash your face often, degrease your face, or poorly nourish your skin. In addition, physical overload and constant stress can lead to adverse consequences.

Bad habits: smoking, overeating and alcohol consumption affect the appearance of the skin. It is necessary to protect the skin in cold and warm seasons, taking into account the structure of the face. If these reasons are eliminated, the results of using the ointment will be quick and lasting for a long time.

Rules for applying ointment:

  1. cleanse the skin of cosmetics and dust in advance;
  2. treat with a special tonic;
  3. apply the drug carefully, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  4. in case of obvious skin lesions, the ointment is applied with a swab;
  5. if purulent formations are found on the face, they must be removed with an antiseptic;
  6. The ointment is great for makeup base;
  7. After two weeks of use, gently take a break for a week. Then continue with the next course.

It is better to use methyluracil under the supervision of a specialist. After all, it can cause cell growth and division, and lead to the growth of tumor cells.

For this purpose, methyluracil ointment is used in cosmetology and other fields of medicine. The presence of lanolin and petroleum jelly in its composition makes it have a dense texture. By activating restoration processes, the drug relieves skin fatigue and heals damage in a short time.

Early wrinkles disappear under the influence of the drug, and severe defects are less noticeable. Thus, an inexpensive product quickly pays for itself. Women look at themselves in the mirror with peace and note the effect of skin rejuvenation.