Mesotherapy circles under the eyes photo

Reasons for appearance

The appearance of dark circles is influenced by several factors, these are:

  1. poor circulation of venous outflow;
  2. smoking;
  3. inheritance gene;
  4. diseases of the endocrine system;
  5. avitaminosis;
  6. diets;
  7. long work at the computer.

Long-term exposure to the above factors leads to the fact that the skin becomes drier, elasticity decreases, early aging of the skin begins, and the epidermis becomes thinner.

Ultimately, the vessels of the periorbital region become more hemoglobin and red blood cells associated with carbon dioxide, which have a darker hue. Over time, they begin to show through the skin, as a result of which the lower eyelid acquires a dark shade.

Drugs used

As a rule, mesotherapy uses drugs specially selected for the problem area, which include substances such as:

  1. vitamins;
  2. ascorbic acid;
  3. hyaluronic acid;
  4. minerals;
  5. plant extracts.

Efficiency of the procedure

The selected cocktail is injected with a thin needle under the skin of the eyes using a special injection technique. The skin layers react to external irritants, thereby activating their own forces to restore and produce collagen and elastin.

Look at the photo of the patient before and after the mesotherapy procedure: the result is obvious!

After which you can observe not only the elimination of dark circles and swelling under the eyes, but also a general improvement, such as:

Stages of the procedure

Mesotherapy to eliminate dark circles occurs in stages:

  1. Makeup is removed first;
  2. the surface of the eyes is treated with a disinfection solution;
  3. anesthetic cream is applied;
  4. the injections themselves are performed;
  5. repeated disinfection is carried out;
  6. moisturizer is applied.

Watch the video from which you will learn about the stages of the mesotherapy procedure and its colossal effectiveness:

All this is done within half an hour. The procedure occurs once a week, with an interval of ten days.

Cost of the procedure

The price of one session in different cities of Russia can vary greatly. So, for example, in Tula the average price of one session will be 3,000 rubles, in Moscow 4,000, and in Novosibirsk - on average 3,500 rubles.

Side effects

Very often on forums, you can find posts from girls who are interested in whether mesotherapy causes any “side effects”.

Mostly this procedure is completely harmless. But the skin's reaction to the piercing causes swelling and bruising. This problem is not long-lasting and disappears on its own after a couple of days.

In more complex cases, the following may develop:

  1. skin atrophy;
  2. allergy;
  3. infections and inflammations;
  4. fibrosis.

Such complications occur if the rules of the procedure are not followed by the cosmetologist, or the patient does not adhere to post-procedure care advice.

Post-procedural prohibitions

For the most part, mesotherapy does not disrupt your usual lifestyle. But you should not wash your face with hot water and visit the pool or sauna for the first two days. The use of cosmetics and scratching of the eyes is also prohibited.

User reviews

Valeria, 40 years old: “Dark circles never went away, no matter what I did. Only mesotherapy helped, a very effective procedure.”

Valentina, 34 years old: “After mesotherapy with injections, there was no trace of dark circles left. I’m very glad that I decided to take it.”

Among innovative rejuvenation techniques, mesotherapy around the eyes is considered one of the most popular. This is due to the high efficiency of the procedure and the visible result after its application. Such manipulations are carried out by injection or using a special apparatus. The introduction of active components directly into the problem area allows you to quickly transport substances needed by the skin locally, without wasting time on overcoming the upper layer of the epidermis. The administered drugs trigger the regenerative function instantly, replenishing the lack of collagen and elastin in the connective tissue.

The essence of the procedure and effectiveness in combating defects around the eyes

The main function of injection or hardware rejuvenation is to restore thinned connective tissue fibers and fill sagging areas of the skin with a fortified composition aimed at smoothing the relief of the periorbital area.

The procedure is effective for:

  1. The presence of facial wrinkles, age-related creases;
  2. Increased dryness of the skin;
  3. Puffiness, bags under the eyes;
  4. Presence of dark circles;
  5. Hyperpigmentation;
  6. Reduced elasticity;
  7. Initial ptosis of the eyelids.

Both injection and non-injection mesotherapy performed for the area around the eyes do not involve the use of the same composition. In each case, the cosmetologist selects components aimed at solving a specific problem. In this way, it is possible to enhance the expected effect of the procedure and reduce the risk of developing allergic reactions.

The basic component of many anti-aging mixtures is hyaluronic acid. It can be used either alone or enhanced with excipients.

To create meso-cocktails, extracts of medicinal plants, medications, vitamins, and amino acids are used.

Properly performed mesotherapy of the eyelids involves the removal of puffiness, the effect of an open eye, smoothing out wrinkles, and eliminating initial ptosis.

IMPORTANT! The procedure may not give the expected result if problems in the periorbital area are caused by hormonal imbalances, malfunctions of internal organs, or the presence of hernias.

Types of mesotherapy

There are two approaches to performing anti-aging manipulations:

  1. Using injections;
  2. Using a cosmetology device.

In the first case, mesotherapy under the eyes is performed by pinpointing the active components with a very thin needle under the skin. The second method involves the presence of a special apparatus capable of penetrating the active substances into the dermis layer.

The injection approach allows you to achieve quick results in several procedures, but has a number of disadvantages in the form of side effects:

  1. temporary swelling and redness of the skin at the puncture sites;
  2. the appearance of small bruises.

This method of introducing a rejuvenating composition involves pain. If the patient’s pain threshold is high, mesotherapists use painkillers that can eliminate discomfort and provide eye mesotherapy with comfort.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, slight swelling and redness disappear on the second or third day.

ATTENTION! The occurrence of post-traumatic hematomas directly depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist.

The non-injection method (electroporation) is designed for people who do not tolerate injections well or who want to avoid a rehabilitation period. In this case, a rejuvenating cocktail is applied to the prepared skin surface, after which the area of ​​the epidermis is treated with a special apparatus. The essence of the treatment is to ensure penetration of the product deep into the skin.

Both methods of mesotherapy around the eyes give a lasting positive result, as evidenced by the photos before and after the course of procedures.

The only difference is the number of sessions. If for rejuvenation with injections a course of 3-7 procedures with breaks of 2 weeks is sufficient, then electroporation will require at least 10 manipulations, 1-2 per week.

Cocktail ingredients

The ingredients included in anti-aging cocktails are conventionally divided into main and auxiliary. For the most part, the basic product is hyaluronic acid. In some cases, collagen is chosen as the active drug for mesotherapy around the eyes. In modern cosmetology, amino acids and peptides are also included in the base level.

The role of the auxiliary components is to enhance the action of the base substance. To do this, it is possible to add plant extracts, homeopathic remedies, and vitamins to the beauty cocktail. Since additional components can not only enhance the positive effect, but also increase the risk of allergic reactions, the components are selected in small quantities. A wide variety of meso-cocktail components included in one syringe is permissible only in factory production, where the combined drug first undergoes repeated testing.

Innovative techniques for rejuvenating the periorbital area involve the active use of peptides. In cosmetology they are divided into groups, depending on their locally targeted action:

  1. Restorative;
  2. Whitening;
  3. With botulinum toxin effect.

Among the ready-made reconstructive complexes, the Korean-made drug Mesoeye (Mesoeye C71) is widely known. It can get rid of dark circles under the eyes, increase the elasticity of the skin at the mesotherapy site, and relieve puffiness. The product accelerates the movement of lymph and also helps strengthen blood vessels.

Compositions aimed at whitening, eliminating facial wrinkles, and increasing the muscle frame are presented in the Dermaheal line of products. Specifically for mesotherapy aimed at getting rid of swelling of the eyelids, the drug Eyebag Solution is effective. In the presence of hernial formations, it reduces their manifestation, in other cases it is able to remove bags under the eyes completely.


Before starting the procedure, the cosmetologist selects an individual composition or uses a ready-made one. Injection effects on the skin around the eyes involve the use of very thin short (no more than 6 mm) needles. In order to prevent deep penetration and ensure complete safety for the patient, a specialist can use a 2 mm long needle.

Mesotherapy of the area around the eyes is carried out with frequent injections at short intervals. In total, no more than 0.5 ml of solution is injected under the skin.

Manipulation for such rejuvenation is carried out in several stages:

  1. Treating the area with a disinfectant;
  2. Application of an anesthetic composition;
  3. Introducing the cocktail into problem areas;
  4. Repeated disinfection of injection sites.

Often, darkening in the periorbital area indicates the proximity of blood vessels. To reduce the risk of capillary damage, mesotherapy aimed at getting rid of dark circles under the eyes is accompanied by anesthesia with adrenaline, since the latter narrows the lumens of blood vessels.

The non-injection technique does not require pain relief. The composition is applied directly to the skin, after which a device with a low-frequency current penetrates the components through the top layer to the level of the dermis.


Rejuvenation of the area around the eyes through mesotherapy has a number of contraindications. The procedure is prohibited:

  1. Up to 18 years old;
  2. Pregnant and lactating;
  3. In case of exacerbation of any type of infection;
  4. For damaged skin at the intended treatment site.

Oncological, hematological patients and patients with diabetes mellitus are prohibited from undergoing mesotherapy procedures.

Possible consequences

The non-injection method of introducing beauty cocktails does not include a recovery period, which cannot be said about injection procedures. In the latter case, the presence of papules at puncture sites and small swellings in the treated area is considered normal.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, swelling under the eyes after mesotherapy subsides within 2-3 days.

If the composition of the drug is professionally selected and previously tested on the patient’s skin, an allergic reaction will not occur.

In case of damage to blood vessels, hematomas may appear on the skin after mesotherapy in the form of small bruises under the eyes (as shown in the photo), which resolve within a week.

Video of a mesotherapy session around the eyes

The correct actions of a cosmetologist will help to successfully get rid of dark circles under the eyes, eliminate bags, wrinkles and reduce the risk of developing side effects from mesotherapy to a minimum.


“I didn’t think that mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid was so effective for the skin around the eyes. I have been struggling with age-related changes for several years now, but I have never achieved such quick results. I had to overcome my dislike for injections. I was pleased that it only took me 5 procedures every 10 days to get rid of my problems.”

“I have been struggling with pigmentation for a long time. Unfortunately, even in beauty salons, all facial treatments involve avoiding the area around the eyes. But that’s where I have the main pigment formations. The cosmetologist advised me to take a course of whitening injections, after which I forever forgot about the uneven skin color.”

“Thanks to heredity, I have had bags under my eyes since a young age. Over time, the problem only got worse. If you didn’t get enough sleep or drink tea in the evening, you couldn’t look in the mirror the next morning. Home remedies were of little help. Mesotherapy saved me from bags under the eyes, the effect of which I saw on the photo of the website of one of the beauty salons, and I immediately turned there for help. After 3 procedures, I did not find the usual swelling in its place. Now I try not to violate the drinking regime on the recommendation of a cosmetologist. I would like the results to last longer.”

“Previously, I only resorted to non-injection rejuvenation methods. But it took longer to wait for results from them. I decided to save time and take a course of beauty cocktails. Of course, it was not possible to avoid the side effects of the injections. There was puffiness under the eyes and swelling at the puncture sites, but the effect of such mesotherapy appeared already from the second procedure, and the skin subsequently recovered quite quickly.”

“Every year since I was 30, I take a 10-time course of non-injection rejuvenation using meso-cocktails. I don’t like injections, and I don’t like the rehabilitation period. And here is a comfortable procedure, after which crow’s feet disappear and the look becomes more open. I like".

The area around the eyes most clearly shows age-related changes, the consequences of frequent lack of sleep, fatigue and negative external influences. Today, various cosmetology techniques come to the aid of women who are dissatisfied with their appearance. Mesotherapy is one of the most effective and in demand. Beauty injections do not frighten modern women at all. The use of strong anesthesia and the professionalism of cosmetologists guarantee a painless procedure and the absence of side effects.

The essence of the procedure and effectiveness in combating defects around the eyes

Mesotherapy involves renewing and restoring effects on the dermis by introducing various mixtures into its middle layers. The procedure promotes active regeneration of the skin and the synthesis of elastin and collagen. How does this happen? Firstly, the application of microtrauma helps to mobilize the body in order to restore and form new cells. Secondly, the administered beneficial drugs also activate cellular renewal, enhance microcirculation and remove excess fluid.

As a result of double exposure, the following changes occur:

  1. wrinkles in the corners of the eyes disappear, and new ones do not form until all the active components of the meso-cocktail are removed;
  2. dark circles under the eyes lighten and decrease in diameter;
  3. the bags are smoothed out, manifestations of ptosis (sagging) of the eyelids partially disappear.

Mesotherapy will help improve the skin around the eyes, but it must be borne in mind that it only eliminates the symptoms. Defects in this zone can be a sign of various malfunctions in the body.


A significant advantage of the procedure is the long-term effect of the injected mixtures, the components of which are distributed in the layers of the dermis and continue the process of renewal and restoration for several months. The composition and dosage of the drugs are selected individually by a specialist, depending on the existing defects and the condition of the skin.

Types of mesotherapy

To improve the condition of the area around the eyes, two types of mesotherapy are shown:

  1. injection technique. Involves using a syringe with a thin needle. The injections are accompanied by quite painful sensations, and skin damage requires some period of rehabilitation;
  2. electroporation. This is a non-injection technique in which drugs are applied to the surface of the problem area. Their deep penetration is ensured by the action of electrical impulses. They relax the skin and change the shape of the active components to move them into the middle layers.

Cocktail ingredients

The components of mixtures for a mesotherapy session are selected depending on the condition of the skin and the problem that needs to be solved. The ingredients are combined individually, but usually meso cocktails include:

  1. vasodilator drugs;
  2. glycolic acid, which has cleansing, moisturizing properties, and also promotes collagen production;
  3. hyaluronic acid, which actively smoothes wrinkles;
  4. vitamins involved in renewal processes, improving metabolism, strengthening the walls of blood vessels.



The stages of a mesotherapy session, which lasts from 20 minutes to half an hour, are slightly different, depending on the chosen technique - injecting drugs or electroporation. In the first case, the process goes as follows:

  1. The injection area is numbed.
  2. After the onset of anesthesia, the area is wiped with an antiseptic.
  3. The selected mixture is injected into the problem area with several injections.
  4. The injection site is wiped with a napkin soaked in an antiseptic.

The non-injection procedure is carried out differently:

  1. The required area of ​​skin is cleansed.
  2. A special mask is applied to the eyelids to relax and open the pores.
  3. Remove the mask and apply the main mixture.
  4. Using a special device, the skin is exposed to electrical impulses.
  5. A drug that promotes regeneration is applied.


After the injection procedure, rehabilitation is necessary. In the first three days, following simple recommendations will help avoid possible complications and ensure maximum effectiveness:

  1. try not to touch your face;
  2. protect skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  3. Avoid visiting the bathhouse and drinking alcohol.

Recovery after electroporation is easier since the skin is not damaged. But even after the non-injection procedure, you need to adhere to the above recommendations.

Exposure to the sun negatively affects the condition of the skin. Therefore, wearing sunglasses and using a cream with a high ultraviolet protection factor is the best prevention of aging.


Not everyone can undergo mesotherapy sessions. Existing contraindications relate to the procedure by injection. These include:

  1. allergy to the components of the mixture;
  2. diabetes;
  3. period of pregnancy and lactation;
  4. blood pathologies associated with coagulation disorders;
  5. oncology;
  6. various infections;
  7. gallstones.

The non-injection procedure is contraindicated if you are intolerant to electrical influence.

Possible consequences

Side effects that may occur after injection mesotherapy sessions include:

  1. redness of the skin around the eyes - due to the effects of the cocktail and the resulting microtraumas and usually goes away after a few hours;
  2. small hematomas - are the result of a needle entering a vessel and disappear after a few days;
  3. swelling that occurs due to injury to the skin and goes away within a day. If this does not happen, then swelling may be a manifestation of an undesirable reaction to one of the components of the mixture.

The non-injection method may cause slight redness and swelling, which quickly disappears. These manifestations are the body’s reaction to the effects of drugs and current.

Video: conducting a mesotherapy session around the eyes


I did mesotherapy (no-needle, electroporation method). The result is excellent. The wrinkles around the eyes have disappeared, the skin tone has increased, and the color is wonderful. I only hear compliments from my friends. I did a course of 7 procedures in an inexpensive economy class salon. They made preparations - cocktails for meso. The first time I tried this procedure was a free promotion in an expensive salon, and then I found an economy class one. The device is the same, the main thing is that there are good drugs.


Good afternoon. I am 45 years old, I have been doing mesotherapy since I was 41... I am very pleased with the result... The most important thing is to find a highly qualified cosmetologist... He should choose the right cocktail according to your skin type and age... The complexion is evened out, the skin is moisturized...


I did mesotherapy a couple of times about two years ago, I was very pleased. It now seems to me that the current condition of my skin is much better than it was before. I'm soon 48 years old, and I don't have wrinkles.


Mesotherapy for the area around the eyes is indicated from the age of 25. It is during this period that the first age-related changes begin. The procedure not only returns the skin to its flawless appearance, but also inhibits the further development of defects. Adequate sleep, absence of bad habits and a timely visit to a cosmetologist are effective ways to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes.