Micellar water blackheads

Micellar water has been a hit in the beauty industry in recent years. And yet, few people know what this product consists of and how to use it correctly.

Micellar water is a solution for cleansing the skin and removing makeup. As a rule, colorless and odorless.

Micellar solutions were originally used to care for infants and treat skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, acne). Then cosmetics manufacturers refined the composition in their chemical laboratories, and the result was an “innovative product” for personal care.

What are micelles

Marketers present micelles as a supercomponent that magically removes impurities and makeup. But everything is a little simpler.

Mica means "particle" in Latin.

Micelles are particles in any solution, including a solution of surfactants.

Surfactants are compounds widely used in cosmetology and household chemicals. It is the main component of detergents and shampoos.

Surfactant molecules have fat-soluble (hydrophobic) and water-soluble (hydrophilic) parts. They are similar in shape to tadpoles: the head is hydrophilic, the tail is hydrophobic.



When dissolved in water, the hydrophobic components are attracted to each other, forming spheres. The result is balls with fat-soluble tails inside and water-soluble heads on the surface. These are micelles.


The structure of the micelle is not rigid. When we pass a cotton pad soaked in micellar over our face, hydrophobes absorb sebum, and hydrophiles work like water, leaving a pleasant feeling of cleanliness.

So micelles are not a supercomponent. These are microparticles that are formed in a solution of surfactants. Which ones specifically depend on the manufacturer.

Composition of micellar water

Almost all cosmetic brands have a product called micellar water. And all these products differ from each other in composition.

There are three types of micellars depending on which surfactant is used as a basis.

  1. Micellar water based on “green chemistry”. It is made from nonionic surfactants: most often from lauryl glucoside and cocoglucoside. They are made from sugar and coconut oil. Such surfactants effectively remove sweat and dirt and do not damage the skin.
  2. Micellar water based on poloxamers. These are artificial, but absolutely harmless substances. They dissolve and mix well. There are many poloxamers: poloxamer 184, 188 and 407 are usually used in cosmetology. This micellar does not irritate the skin and does not require rinsing.
  3. Micellar water based on polyethylene glycol (PEG). PEG is a classic emulsifier. At a concentration of no more than 20% it is safe, but may cause dryness and irritation of the skin.

In any case, micellar water should not contain soap or alcohol.

But to enhance the cosmetic and marketing effect, manufacturers use additional components: plant extracts, minerals, fragrances.

Pros and cons of micellar water

Micellar water has many advantages:

  1. Delicately cleanses. Micellar water removes impurities well, while moisturizing the epidermis and, as a rule, does not cause irritation. Suitable even for those with dry and sensitive skin.
  2. Removes makeup quickly. No rubbing required, no streaks or panda eyes. Some micellar products do not require rinsing (more on this later), which is especially convenient when traveling.
  3. Suitable for eye makeup removal. Micellar water does not sting the mucous membranes and does not cause redness. This is especially important for those who wear contact lenses.
  4. Suitable for women of all ages. Micellar water is equally good at caring for both acne-prone and wrinkled skin.

However, micellar water is a universal, but not ideal, remedy.

Some micellar products are prone to forming a sticky film after use. Others – because they dry the skin and give a feeling of tightness. Both of these phenomena are usually associated with an imbalance of micelles in the solution and individual intolerance to additives.

Additives also provoke allergic reactions. The micellar solution itself is neutral, but essential oil added to it may well lead to rashes and itching. Therefore, if one brand of micellar water does not suit you, try another.

How to choose micellar water

When purchasing cosmetics, you should not be guided by the principle “The more famous the brand, the better.”

The ideal micellar water is the one that suits your skin type and meets your skincare needs.

If you have non-problematic, oily and acne-prone skin, and you only need micellar to remove makeup at the end of the day, you can use budget products with PEG. The main thing is to remember that such micellar water must be washed off.

If your skin is prone to oily skin, opt for “green chemistry”. Products containing polysorbate (a nonionic surfactant) close pores, reducing sebum production. This micellar water does not have to be washed off, but after cleansing it is recommended to wipe your face with toner.

For those with dry and sensitive skin, “green chemistry” is also suitable, but it is better to use products based on poloxamers. They are delicate, do not require rinsing, and therefore are suitable for refreshing the face throughout the day. It’s good if micellar water contains additional moisturizing components.

How to use micellar water

  1. Soak a cotton pad with a micellar solution.
  2. Wipe your face, moving along the massage lines.
  3. If you are removing eye makeup, press the swab against your eyelashes for five seconds. Then swipe it from the inner to the outer corner of the eye - the mascara and shadows will remain on the disc.
  4. If your micellar requires rinsing, be sure to rinse your face with warm water.

After cleansing with micellar water, you can use other skin care products.

The micellar cleanses and the toner tones the skin. It is used on a clean face to prepare for applying cream or serum.

How to make a micellar solution at home

If you understand the ingredients and get a little confused, you can make micellar water yourself. There are many recipes on the Internet: for daily cleansing, for removing waterproof makeup, for various skin types.

Here's just one of them.


There is a cloud of marketing dust floating around micellar water: “Innovative formula with micelles,” “Deep cleansing,” “Does not require rinsing.” But if you brush it off, you'll be left with just a good self-care product.

Properly selected micellar water perfectly cleanses the skin and easily removes makeup. If the composition matches the characteristics of the skin, micellar can be used every day without dryness or irritation.

Every girl dreams of clean, glowing, well-groomed skin even after removing makeup. But so often you have to deal with products that not only remove excess cosmetics of poor quality, but also significantly worsen the condition of the epidermis. Not long ago, micellar water appeared on the skin care market - a kind of colorless solution for cleansing the skin of makeup and moisturizing it. The product is rapidly gaining popularity, but few people know micellar water: what it is, how to use it and what it consists of.


Before delving into the rules for using this product, you need to know: what are micelles?
Cunning marketers claim that this is a miraculous super-substance that magically removes makeup from the face. In reality, everything is much clearer.

Micelles are the smallest particles that are part of surfactants (compounds for the production of cosmetics and household chemicals, found in large quantities in shampoos and conditioners).


Micelles contained in surfactants have the ability to dissolve fat cells. By running a cotton pad soaked in micellar water over the skin, we roll sebum, dust, and cosmetics into microscopic balls that can be easily washed off with regular running water.

Take note! Previously, water with micelles was used to moisturize the skin of newborns and to treat sexually transmitted and skin diseases. Later, having finalized the composition, this product began to be offered for makeup removal, declaring that it was an innovative development created exclusively for women’s facial skin.

Composition of the product

Micellar liquids are divided into three types based on their components:

  1. Eco-cosmetics. Micellar water labeled “green chemistry” does not contain harmful or toxic substances. Often in the composition of such a product you can see sugar and palm oil, and known chemicals are replaced by lauryl and cocoglucoside. This product does not need to be washed off, it cleanses the skin gently and does not cause allergies.
  2. Poloxamer water. A product created on the basis of artificial but harmless substances - poloxamers. They perfectly dissolve fats and dirt, and also promote mixing of components in the composition. Micellar water containing poloxamers numbered 185, 189 and 457 does not need to be rinsed off.
  3. Propylene glycol. This is a classic component of makeup removers. It is used for high-quality mixing and interaction of other substances. This product is safe, but if your skin is sensitive, it can cause irritation and dryness. It foams a lot, so you need to rinse it off thoroughly.


In addition, each type of micellar water must contain the following components:

  1. Soft melt water that has the property of soothing the skin. It contains minerals that gently cleanse pores. Water extracted from flowering plants prevents dryness and early aging of the epidermis. Sea water contains beneficial salts, de-puffs the face and removes impurities. It is a natural analogue of lymph found in the body.
  2. An infusion of beneficial herbs that promotes the healing of microcracks and wounds.
  3. Plant oils, depending on the type of oils, micellar waters are suitable for a specific skin type.
  4. Extracts of aloe, ginseng, chamomile and other herbs. An important element for sensitive and delicate skin.

Important! Alcohol and glycerin soaps should not be part of the product. They can be harmful to the epidermis.

Why did the boom begin?

The uniqueness of micellar water is its gentleness towards the skin and the absence of toxic foaming substances in its composition. The composition includes many natural disinfecting products, while the amount of dyes and flavors is kept to a minimum.


The liquid is popular due to its ease of use and exceptional ability to remove excess makeup. In addition, it promotes:

  1. Careful care without risk of damage.
  2. Prevents the upper layers of the skin from drying out.
  3. Cleansing without the use of soap or alcohol-containing products.
  4. Removing the smallest particles of dirt and dust from the face.
  5. Treatment for skin diseases in combination with medications.

All the pros and cons

Using micellar water has many advantages:

  1. Lots of product features. Suitable for simple care, for removing makeup, and as a toner for freshness in hot weather.
  2. Safe for people prone to allergies, acne and inflammatory processes, hypoallergenic.
  3. It is good for the skin as it contains natural moisturizing ingredients.
  4. Can be used as a remedy for blackheads and acne, gently scrubs pores.
  5. Convenient for correcting makeup using a cotton swab.
  6. Quick makeup removal. There is no need to scrub cosmetics for a long time, causing redness of the eyes. It also doesn't sting at all when used.
  7. Ability to remove eye makeup even with contact lenses.
  8. Suitable for skin of any age and type (dry, oily or combination).


  1. Possibility of a rash due to the body's reaction to one of the natural substances (plant, oil or extract).
  2. Some micellar liquids, in particular those containing propylene glycol, also contain silicones. If your skin is prone to oily skin, silicone, which creates a thin impenetrable film on the face, will limit the flow of oxygen into the pores, which will lead to breakouts.
  3. Pregnant and lactating women should use this product with caution. The smell or certain preservatives may have a negative effect on their body.
  4. Glycerin, if present, will cause flaking and dryness. Rinse off this product thoroughly.
  5. The feeling of tightness that occasionally occurs when applying liquid indicates an imbalance of micelles in the composition.

If you notice one of the listed consequences of using micellar water, try using a product from a different brand with a more natural composition and the absence of essential oils (they are often the cause of the rash).

How to choose micellar water

Before purchasing any cosmetic product, cosmetologists recommend purchasing a sample to make sure that the product will not adversely affect the condition of the skin.

Also, don't chase the best brands. Remember that beautiful packaging and a memorable name are nothing more than the work of marketers.


You should be wary of micellar liquids that say “with elixir of youth” or “with hyaluronic acid” on the bottle.

Of course, these products do not contain any, but they certainly do contain several questionable preservatives.

If your skin is not prone to rashes, oiliness or, on the contrary, excessive dryness, and you only need the product to remove makeup, don’t be afraid to save money and buy a budget product. Remember that it is necessary to wash it off your face!

Do you have a specific makeup brand that you use most often? Then try purchasing micellar water from the same manufacturer. In this way, you can not only reduce the risk of side effects, but also prevent conflicts between substances of different brands.

When purchasing, you should not give preference to huge bottles, since the shelf life of water with micelles is short - up to 5 months.


In cases where the skin is prone to oily shine and acne, opt for micellar water such as eco-cosmetics. Natural components of “green chemistry” do not injure the epidermis, narrow pores and significantly even out skin tone, removing redness.

Poloxamer liquids are an ideal choice for dry facial skin. They do not need to be washed off at all, and in combination with a high-quality moisturizer they will definitely restore the good condition of the epidermis.

How to use

Many people do not know how to use micellar water correctly, make a lot of mistakes and get poor-quality results.

  1. Soak a cotton pad with the product.
  2. Wipe your facial skin thoroughly, moving smoothly with massage movements.
  3. To remove heavy eye makeup, apply the disc to your eyelid for a few seconds, remove excess, and try not to rub the product into the skin.
  4. Using a clean cotton pad, also soaked in liquid, wipe the entire face and neck again, making sure there is no dirt or makeup left on the skin.
  5. Wash your face with warm water if your micellar water type requires it.

Beginner mistakes

The product appeared on the cosmetics market not so long ago. Therefore, not everyone has thoroughly studied the rules for using liquids with micelles. Unfortunately, the skin can react to missteps with unexpected irritations or rashes. But you just need to adjust the steps of application, and a positive result will not be long in coming.

  1. The opinion is that micelles serve as make-up remover. This is not true the liquid can be used both as a refreshing toner and as a makeup remover.
  2. The opinion is that it should never be washed off. There are only a few types of liquids that do not require rinsing with water. But when removing makeup, you should still wash your face with running water.
  3. Micellar water is not used with toner, as it is the same thing. No, if you decide to comprehensively care for your facial skin and fight acne, you should combine these products.

Top manufacturers

There are a lot of manufacturers who offer their own versions of micellar water. They differ in composition, quality, and price. Let's look at a few products.


Budget brands

  1. “Clean Line” with its soft “3 in 1” liquid. One of the cheapest Russian brands, while having good quality. Pleasant aroma of wildflowers and chamomile and rose extract, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Nivea “3 in 1” is a product with natural ingredients that pleasantly moisturizes the skin and does an excellent job of removing heavy makeup. Contains a complex of vitamins, has no flavors or dyes.
  3. Garnier Skin is a product for oily skin. Within just a couple of days of use, you can notice that the condition of the skin has improved, and the oily sheen has almost disappeared.


Expensive premium products

  1. L'Oreal "Absolute Tenderness" is a high-quality micellar water. It can remove even stubborn eye makeup without causing irritation to the mucous membranes. Gently moisturizes the epidermis.
  2. All Bioderma brand micellar liquids are suitable for sensitive skin prone to inflammation. The citrus fruit extract contained in the product perfectly whitens blackheads.
  3. Vichy and La Roche Posay are among the most expensive cosmetic brands that produce liquid with micelles. They do not cause side effects and have a good effect on any skin type.


Ekaterina Ivanova

I recently purchased micellar water from Garnier - it’s inexpensive, and there’s quite a lot of product in the bottle. I have already tried milk and makeup remover gel, but they did not cope with their main function, and they greatly irritated my eyelids. Water with micelles pleasantly surprised me - cosmetics were removed efficiently, the skin became softer and more elastic, and it is used very sparingly, a couple of drops of the product is enough for the entire face.

Svetlana Abroskina

A friend advised me to buy micellar water. I purchased “Clean Line” because I was attracted by its natural composition. I was pleased with the result of use, now every evening I end with moisturizing my face and removing makeup with this product. Thanks to the manufacturers!

Nadezhda Goritsyna

I have been tormented by skin problems for many years: blackheads, acne and redness. I tried expensive creams and took vitamins - all to no avail. But then the cosmetologist recommended me micellar water from Vichy. I didn’t believe that a clear, odorless liquid would give any results. But how wrong I was! This product has become my salvation from blemishes on my face. I have been using Vichy for half a year now, during which time I have only used 2 bottles, although I use it every evening!

Cosmetologist Zhanna Evgenievna

Our cosmetics are quite popular in Russia. We decided to create water equipped with micelles more than a year ago, and we didn’t regret it one bit. Now micellar water is in increasing demand. I would like to note that it is truly harmless, because for its production we use only high-quality natural products.

Micellar water for acne has been used by cosmetologists for quite a long time, but this product became widespread relatively recently. If previously it was prescribed as a remedy for allergic manifestations on children's and sensitive skin, now it is a common means for removing makeup and cleansing the skin, which gently but thoroughly removes impurities. How micellar water helps against acne, what it is and how to use it correctly, we will consider below.

What is the mechanism of action of the micellar product?

The main active ingredient of micellar water is micelles. They are water-insoluble microparticles. They are very light and small, so they do not precipitate, forming a colloidal solution. Lyophilic colloids of surfactants have been created for washing. Micelles, due to their structure, deactivate many chemicals on the surface of the epidermis, remove even the smallest impurities, break down and remove sebum, dead keratin scales, and at the same time moisturize the skin. All these properties mean that micellar water helps in the treatment of acne.

Different brands of micellar water may contain additional components: extracts, essential oils, vitamins, hyaluronic acid, panthenol. In most cases, the product is odorless and colorless, does not contain aggressive surfactants and alkalis and is therefore ideal for sensitive and problematic skin.

Washing with micellar water is suitable for people with any skin type, since the product is non-comedogenic, does not dry out the skin, unlike most cleansers, and does not irritate. The cosmetic product has a positive effect on dry, dehydrated and aging skin. And thanks to its high cleansing properties, micellar water helps fight rosacea, teenage acne and acne of any etiology.

Initially, washing with micellar water was recommended for children prone to allergic dermatitis, and also for adults with serious skin diseases:

Micellar products undergo ophthalmological control and are approved for removing makeup from the eye area. If there is no other way to fully wash your face due to the lack of clean water for toilet procedures, properly selected water with micelles, which does not require rinsing, will help clean and refresh your face in the most extreme conditions. This is especially important for people with problematic skin that requires special care.

Action against acne

Acne treatment with micellar water

Acne is a problem that can appear at any age and with any skin type. Comedones and acne are formed as a result of clogging of pores with excess sebum and keratin scales. Often the contents of the pores oxidize and turn black. Under the influence of pyogenic bacteria, comedones are transformed into purulent acne. The causes of acne can be hormonal problems that provoke seborrhea, metabolic disorders, infections, inflammatory processes in internal organs, including the digestive and reproductive systems. There may be other health problems. Proper cleansing of the skin in this case is the basis for solving problems with it, regardless of the reasons for their appearance. Proper care is effective only in combination with specific therapy for underlying diseases.

The first step towards getting rid of acne is proper washing. If you have acne, it is important to choose a product that will gently and thoroughly cleanse the skin without drying it out. It is known that excessive dryness stimulates the sebaceous glands, which will further aggravate skin problems.

Micellar water, which helps thoroughly remove oil and dead cells and also unclogs pores, is an ideal daily cleanser for problematic facial skin. Microparticles of the product penetrate deep into the pores, the ability of micelles to reject impurities and dead tissue from the surface of the skin allows you to painlessly remove comedones. In addition, additional components can have a moisturizing, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. It should be taken into account that ingredients such as essential oils, extracts and others may cause an allergic reaction.

There is an opinion that you can wash your face with micellar water more than 2 times a day. But this is wrong: excessive cleansing will destroy the skin's protective barrier and worsen acne. The cosmetic product itself has a neutral environment. This allows you to thoroughly cleanse the skin without disturbing the living conditions of beneficial microflora that provide local immunity.

The advantages of this product are as follows:

  1. Does not dry or irritate the skin when used correctly.
  2. Does not cause microdamage.
  3. Does not leave a greasy film feeling.
  4. Removes decorative cosmetics efficiently.
  5. Deeply cleanses the skin.

Using micellar water for acne

Sometimes doubts arise whether water with micelles helps with acne. This question may arise if the product is chosen incorrectly. There are different types of micellar water:

  1. No additives, no foam. This is the best option for sensitive, irritated skin with areas of inflammation and acne.
  2. With additives. If you are not allergic to the components of the product, you can choose water with additional caring, anti-inflammatory or moisturizing components, for example, with aloe, cucumber, chamomile, calendula extract, vitamins A and E, tea tree or citrus essential oils.
  3. Foaming. It is better to wash your face with this water if you have very oily, seborrhea-prone skin or to remove waterproof cosmetics. This product cleans more thoroughly. Under no circumstances should it be left on the skin.

The waters also differ in composition. The most gentle products that can be left on the face are made on the basis of poloxomers. Washing with micellar water based on low-irritating glycosides is also acceptable if you have acne: they do not dry out the skin, are non-toxic, and do not cause irritation. After using this product, it is better to wash your face with clean water. But you can also leave it on your face in emergency cases. After using this micellar water, you may feel a sticky film on your face.

Micellar water based on classic emulsifiers must be washed off. These products are quite aggressive and can cause irritation. If they are left on the skin, they will destroy the protective lipid layer, which will cause acne to worsen - inflammation and irritation will increase. Most dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend washing off the product regardless of its composition: micelles collected in skin folds can cause drying, irritation and even inflammation of the skin. In addition, do not forget about the feeling of stickiness, which is unacceptable for many.

Washing with micellar water is a simple and convenient process. A cotton pad should be generously moistened with the product and wiped across the face. For additional effect, you can move the disc along the massage lines.

Do not rub your eyes with a cotton pad. You need to moisten your eyelashes and eyelids with the product and let it act for 10-15 seconds. When water dissolves mascara and shadows, they can be removed with soft, gentle movements. It is best to rinse this area with clean water even after using the safest product. You can use thermal or mineral water without gas.