Micellar water at home - a simple recipe


The main components of female beauty are considered to be strong, healthy hair, a beautiful figure, and of course, velvety smooth skin. The modern world is filled with numerous stresses and negative factors that have a detrimental effect on the skin, so in order to always have a beautiful face, it is necessary not only to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, but also regularly perform cosmetic procedures to care for it.


Makeup removers deserve special attention; their choice should be taken responsibly, since facial skin is the most sensitive. Cosmetic creams often leave an unpleasant sticky feeling after use, oil closes pores, and soap can dry out and tighten. An innovative product called micellar water has become an excellent alternative to all traditional facial cleansers. This product not only works effectively, but is also safe and easily removes any type of cosmetics and other contaminants.


Externally, the drug is a transparent, tasteless and odorless liquid, which foams slightly when shaken. In terms of chemical properties, the cosmetic product fully corresponds to pure water. Therefore, it is quite possible to make micellar water yourself, at home, using the simplest recipe.

The main components of “medicinal water” are micelles - small particles with hydrophobic and hydrophobic poles. When cleansing the face, they envelop impurities and bind them to water. A positive aspect of using this drug is that when cleaning the skin, it does not form a film and quickly removes waterproof makeup.



In addition, when preparing a micellar solution, manufacturers always add special agents to its composition that control the acid-base balance. Therefore, during makeup removal procedures there is never a burning sensation, which is especially important for the mucous membrane of the eyes and sensitive skin.



Features and Benefits

To ensure that your skin is always well-groomed, you need to choose high-quality cosmetics, in particular, this applies to makeup removers. They must be effective and not cause harm to the skin. That’s why, recently, more and more women prefer to use such a multifunctional product as micellar water. It is great for all skin types and also helps eliminate skin diseases such as xerosis, atopic dermatitis, ichthyosis and psoriasis.


The main positive properties of micellar water include:

  1. Reliable skin protection from external factors;
  2. Moisturizing effect;
  3. Ability to quickly remove makeup;
  4. No greasy film after use;
  5. The ability to additionally tone the skin;
  6. Easy to apply;
  7. Absence of surfactants and alkali.


In addition, micellar liquid has the advantage of relieving irritation and inflammation. Cosmetologists recommend this skin care product for the following problems:

  1. Oily seborrhea. The oil contained in the micellar solution displaces excess oil from the pores of the face, thereby preventing sebum secretion.
  2. Dry seborrhea. The drug, unlike ordinary tap water, which contains chlorine, does not dry the skin and does not cause itching.
  3. Atopic dermatitis. Since this disease is accompanied by dry skin, in this case tap water is not suitable for washing. Therefore, micellar water is considered the best option for cleansing your face.


In addition to the huge presence of positive characteristics, the cosmetic product has some contraindications for use. First of all, this is a possible allergic reaction to the herbs included in the drug. Also, water is not suitable for washing oily skin; due to the presence of silicone components in it, a crust may form, preventing the penetration of air. Micellar washes are not recommended for pregnant women, as it contains fragrances and preservatives.


Today, micellar water is considered one of the most basic cosmetic products, which every girl should have in her kit. In terms of its cosmetic properties, it is universal - deeply moisturizes the skin, cleanses the face of makeup and impurities, and helps fight small wrinkles. Depending on skin type, the following types of micellar water are distinguished:

For oily epidermis. It consists exclusively of natural ingredients, therefore it does not provoke the formation of irritations, allergic reactions, and does not dry out. Thanks to the presence of plant microelements, the product nourishes the skin well, maintains its water balance, and also smoothes out minor wrinkles.

For sensitive skin. The water contains various cosmetic fragrances and natural extracts that promote thorough cleansing of the dermis at the cellular level. The product moisturizes the face well. In addition, the product is characterized by a tonic effect and can be used as a facial tonic.

Universal. It goes well with all skin types as it gently cleanses the epidermis. An indispensable option for sensitive skin. Removes makeup well, refreshes pores, keeping skin young and healthy for a long time. After regular use, the epidermis becomes elastic and soft. There is no need to rinse off the product.


How to cook

The micellar solution thoroughly cleanses the skin. Thanks to the unique composition, after such care, there is no sticky or greasy layer left on the face, and the skin becomes “fresh” and cleansed. In addition, when the drug comes into contact with the mucous membrane, allergies do not occur. Such a huge presence of positive characteristics makes the product popular and in demand in the cosmetology market. Water can be purchased either ready-made in stores or prepared at home.



To prepare micellar water yourself, you will need to initially prepare all the necessary ingredients, namely:

  1. Lavender or rose hydrolate.
  2. Hydrogenated or sulfated castor oil.
  3. Vitamin E and A in ampoules.
  4. Essential oil of peach, lavender or rosehip.
  5. Extract and preservative.



After all the ingredients have been collected, you can begin preparing the product. First you need to heat castor oil and hydrosol in a water bath. When the hydrolate becomes warm, the oil is dissolved in it and the remaining ingredients are carefully added. If desired, you can add nettle decoction to micellar water. This composition is especially suitable for caring for oily skin.


Mode of application

In order for a cosmetic product to have the maximum effect without causing harm, you need to know the specifics of its use. It is recommended to select micellar water according to your skin type. For oily skin types, it is necessary to give preference to a composition containing polysorbate; for dry skin, more delicate components characterized by moisturizing properties will be needed. Apply water to a cotton swab and cleanse your face. It should be noted that after this procedure, additional rinsing with water is not required.


Site for women: relationships, beauty, fashion, children

Before we talk about how to make micellar water at home, you should take a closer look at the properties of this indispensable product.

Micellar water is not a tonic, as many girls mistakenly believe. This is a means of gently cleansing the skin of sebum and dirt.

Micellar water is so delicate and harmless that you can wipe your baby’s face with it, for example, during a walk or a flight.

It is very convenient to take micellar water with you to the gym in situations where it is not possible to take a shower after training. Micellar water will gently remove sweat and oil from your face, giving your skin a natural, healthy look.

You can also use micellar water to remove makeup from your face; it is useful to wipe your skin with it in the morning, after washing your face.

You can use micellar water several times a day.

All components that make up micellar water can be found in any soap making store. They are relatively inexpensive.

Before mixing the components, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect all jars and other tools.

Micellar water should be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than six months.

It is very convenient to use cotton pads soaked in micellar water instead of wet wipes. Just put them in a jar pre-treated with alcohol, and you can take them with you anywhere - on a trip, flight, etc. You are guaranteed a feeling of freshness and clean skin.

Well, now let’s move on to micellar water recipes.

The basic composition of micellar water includes from 3 to 10% water-soluble oils, from 1 to 6% active substances and water.

Micellar water for normal and combination skin

  1. 46% mineral water, still;
  2. 40% hydrolate, lavender, rose or chamomile are suitable;
  3. 8% water-soluble almond oil, wheat germ oil is also suitable;
  4. 3% honey extract;
  5. 2% D-panthenol;
  6. 0.7% optifen plus, other preservatives can be used, but be sure to follow the instructions, which indicate the percentage of input;
  7. 0.3% hyaluronic acid.

The preservative must be mixed in water-soluble oil; hydrolate, mineral water and hyaluronic acid are mixed in a separate container. After hyaluronic acid has completely dissolved in the hydrosol with mineral water, you need to add honey extract, D-panthenol and the contents of a jar of water-soluble oil. Mix everything thoroughly and the micellar water is ready.

Micellar water for dry skin

  1. 77% lavender hydrolate;
  2. 10% water-soluble wheat germ oil, avocado is also suitable;
  3. 5% silk peptides;
  4. 4% NUF;
  5. 3% D-panthenol;
  6. 0.7% optifen plus or any other preservative;
  7. 0.3% hyaluronic acid.

In a separate container, mix the preservative with water-soluble oil. Mix all other ingredients in another container, where we then add the oil. Mix everything and the water is ready.

Micellar water for oily skin

  1. 62% rosemary hydrolate, tea tree is also suitable;
  2. 30% mineral water, still;
  3. 5% water-soluble grape seed oil;
  4. 2% D-panthenol;
  5. 0.8% optifen plus;
  6. 0.2% lactic acid.

In a separate container, mix Optifen Plus and grape seed oil. In another bowl, mix hydrolate, lactic acid, D-panthenol and mineral water, then add grape seed oil. Mix everything thoroughly.

Today, many people hear this phrase “micellar water”, but not every woman still knows what it is and what it is needed for. Is micellar lotion really that useful or is it just a publicity stunt?

Nowadays, all advanced girls and women have had micellar water in their arsenal for a long time.

Its main properties are that it is a cleanser; it acts gently and delicately on the skin, removes impurities, maintains the balance of fluid in the skin, and does not need to be washed off. It does not dry out the skin, does not irritate it, and is simply great for removing makeup.

What components are included in micellar water?


This cosmetic product does not contain soap, alcohol, dyes, fragrances or other harmful substances. In addition, it perfectly tones the skin. Most suitable for women with normal and even sensitive skin.

Now the variety of micellar water is quite wide and extensive, there are many brands and brands. Cosmetologists have known and used micellar water in their practice for a long time, but women’s interest in it awoke not so long ago.

The composition of “purchased” water usually includes:

  1. soft surfactants,
  2. pollution solvents,
  3. various healing plant extracts,
  4. antioxidants for skin,
  5. may also contain stabilizers and preservatives.

To protect yourself from the last not very useful components, you can also prepare this remedy yourself.

Water does not cause gross irritation, can deeply cleanse the skin, and most importantly, moisturizes it. In the presence of certain components, it can perform other functions, toning, relieving irritation, soothing, and more.

If there is dust, wind, heat, rain and snow outside, micellar water will come to the aid of your skin in any bad weather, improve your complexion, remove all excess and fill it with moisture. After all, negative weather conditions can negatively affect the epidermis.

One of the advantages of micellar water is that it is quite easy to use. You can always carry a bottle of this water with you and, if necessary, cleanse your skin on the road, in the gym, or while walking. It is enough to take a cotton pad and gently wipe your face along the massage lines, and you should wash off eye makeup in the direction from the nose to the temples, without stretching the delicate skin. After this procedure, you don’t have to wash your face if there is no feeling of a film on the skin.


When buying micellar balm in a store, you need to pay attention to its expiration date, description of the product and composition, what additional components are included. After all, some of their components can cause allergic reactions.

Some cosmetologists still argue: some of them believe that micellar water bought in a store should be washed off, others think differently.

Micellar lotion has no taste, smell or color. Initially, this water with small particles - micelles, was invented to care for the skin of babies, and now it is used by a large number of the entire female population of the planet.

This is a good alternative to the usual lotions, foams and gels, and milk. Their texture is not very good and does not always effectively remove dirt and makeup. However, there is another good news: you can make micellar lotion yourself.

So, the best micellar water with your own hands, which is not inferior in quality and properties to cosmetics from the store - how to prepare such micellar water with your own hands? It is not difficult. The main thing to remember is that its main function is to cleanse the skin, nourish it with moisture and soothe and tone.

Methods for making safe micellar water


First recipe

You need to know how to make micellar water at home. You will need hydrolate or mineral water (you can use saline solution, which can be purchased at the pharmacy). Next, a soft surfactant, it will be a skin cleanser, a preservative, a complex of amino acids, vitamins, allantonin.

Mix all ingredients in a clean container. This is one of the recipes for making micellar water at home.

Recipe two

The next recipe is simpler. It will require:

  1. Ninety milliliters of rose water. It is purchased at cosmetics stores, sometimes at pharmacies.
  2. Take three milliliters of castor oil, only “sulfate”, bought there.
  3. Vitamin E - it has many beneficial properties for women's skin. For the micellar balm according to this recipe, you need twenty drops of vitamin E.
  4. Then, to prepare micellar water at home, you need to take five milliliters of rosehip oil. It perfectly restores, heals and moisturizes the skin.
  5. Empty and clean bottle, about 150 ml. Do-it-yourself micellar water is poured into it. You can always carry this container with you.

Mix all the ingredients and pour into the bottle, do not forget to shake it before use. This water has a pleasant smell and removes even waterproof makeup, mascara, and lipstick. After application, the skin will feel fresh and clean. It is ideal to use it after waking up or before bed, washing away all impurities after a whole day.

Surely you will enjoy using this product and you will appreciate the benefits of micellar water, because even after a short use you can see the effect.

  1. DIY micellar water is intended for daily use and is an indispensable product for many women.
  2. The texture is not oily, not creamy, like milk.
  3. It does not leave a film, like cleansing foams and tonics; it makes the skin “light.”
  4. Micellar water can prepare your skin for makeup or, conversely, remove it.

The main composition of a micellar lotion includes from three to ten percent water-soluble oils and from one to six percent active substances, as well as water itself.

Storing micellar water and its use


We found out how to prepare cleansing water at home. How to properly store it?

Before mixing the lotion components, all instruments and jars should be disinfected; they must be sterile. Homemade micellar water can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than six months. Therefore, you should not prepare a large volume of this product; it is better to prepare fresh lotion. You can also store it in a dark and cool place, depending on what components are included in its composition.

It is also noteworthy that such water, prepared at home, can be made to suit the needs of a specific skin type. For example, water for dry, oily skin, when purchased micellar water is not recommended at all for oily skin.

The most popular and sought-after brands of micellar water: Avon, Nivea, Garnier, Vichy, lancome, Clean Line, Black Pearl and others. They vary in price and components, with their own pros and cons.

Whether to buy micellar water in a pharmacy or store or prepare it at home without much difficulty, adjusting its composition and choosing the ingredients “for yourself”, which is better, is up to you.