Many moles on the face what does this mean

Moles are one of those mysterious formations of the human body, which for many centuries with its appearance perplexed the most advanced doctors of its time. Despite their apparent simplicity and their prevalence throughout the body, for a long time no one could really answer: why do they appear, and what is it? It got to the point of absurdity - for moles on the body, and especially on the face, women were accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake. Those times have sunk into oblivion, but the interest remains, especially in cases where a woman has many moles on her face.

Why moles appear

Moles should not be confused with birthmarks that are present on the human body from the moment of birth. Moles (medically called nevus) appear on a child’s body only after the first six months of life. Specialists dealing with the problems of nevi identify two main types:

  1. Moles are called vascular if they are formed from the capillaries of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Color: light pink or red.
  2. Non-vascular nevi. They are based on melanocyte cells in which melanin accumulates. That's why they have different tones of brown: from almost flesh-colored to almost black - these are the colors of melanin.

Hormonal imbalance

Most often, moles appear on the face of women. Why? This is explained by the fact that the body of the fair sex is much more likely than that of men to undergo hormonal imbalance. Menstrual cycles, pregnancy, abortions, and more frequent stress are just some of the main reasons why moles form.

A characteristic feature of nevi is that their appearance is not immediately noticed. At first it is just a light spot on the body, and only over time it begins to take on shape, density, structure and color.

Ultra-violet rays

Another answer to the question why many moles appear on the face of women lies in ordinary sunlight. It is ultraviolet radiation, to which the face is exposed at any time of the year, that significantly activates the body's production of melanin, with the help of which nevi are formed. Fans of bronze and chocolate tans, pay special attention to this! When the tan fades, a whole colony of moles may appear on your once flawless skin. The same applies to adherents of solariums.

I would especially like to mention Sutton's mysterious nevi. They suddenly appear and disappear from the skin of the face absolutely inexplicably, without a trace.

Why moles appear: Video

What moles appear on the face

To the great regret of all women, moles create major cosmetic problems when they appear on the face. They are classified according to various criteria. Here are the main types of nevi that can form on the skin of the face:

  1. Hemangiomas. Vascular moles that form in the uppermost layer of the skin. They may be hanging, red or in the form of small nodules. Non-vascular hemangiomas also occur; they can easily be mistaken for small warts.
  2. Flat moles. The most common on human skin, they are formed in the upper layers of the skin by melanocyte cells. They practically do not react to sunlight, do not change shape or quantity. It is extremely rare to degenerate into malignant tumors.
  3. Moles are convex. They look like lumpy or flat formations and form in the deep layer of the skin - the dermis. Sometimes they have one or more hairs, the size of the nevus is less than 1 cm in diameter.
  4. Moles are blue. They got their name from their color – all shades of blue. They rise above the skin in smooth and dense hemispheres.
  5. Giant pigmented spots. These congenital formations constantly increase in size as a person grows. Color – gray and brown, may turn black over time. Very dangerous - more than 50% of the observed giant nevi degenerated into malignant tumors.

What to do when the nevus changes

It has long been believed that if there are a lot of moles on the face, a person will be happy. Practice often shows the opposite: after all, a mole can at any moment begin its degeneration from a benign neoplasm, which it actually is, into a malignant tumor. You should not rush to extremes - remove moles, trying to avoid the disease. But there is also no need to delay or endlessly postpone a visit to a specialist.

First of all, you need to contact a dermatologist if:

  1. The nevus on the face grows quite quickly, right before our eyes.
  2. Itching appears around the mole, it itches itself, and other unpleasant sensations arise - for example, burning.
  3. The nevus became inflamed for no apparent reason, the skin around it became swollen and red.
  4. The mole has changed its structure - the surface has become dense, covered with cracks, etc.
  5. The intact nevus began to bleed.

It is impossible not to react to such signals, and if they appear, you should definitely pay attention to them. Just don’t try to do anything on a whim or on the advice of your girlfriends. Problematic nevi are the subject of attention of doctors, so you should not contact a cosmetologist on this issue. As a rule, he is not a doctor by specialty, so deciding whether a nevus should be removed is absolutely not within his competence.

Many moles on the face: Video

Removing moles on the face

Remember, if many moles appear on your face, this is a completely optional sign of an incipient disease. As already mentioned, this may be the body’s reaction to some life circumstances. But when the period of time in which they formed is short, this is already a sufficiently serious reason to ask the question: why did this happen? If you want to protect yourself from big problems, consult a doctor, and best of all, go straight to an oncologist.

Why is this issue receiving so much attention? Because the problem of nevi today is complex and completely unsafe. In addition to cosmetic problems, there is also a danger of their degeneration into a malignant tumor.

If the doctor decides that it is necessary to remove a mole on the face, then most likely this will be done using a laser. It has many advantages over other methods:

  1. The operation is painless and bloodless, as the laser cauterizes the blood vessels.
  2. The possibility of relapse is excluded.
  3. Remarkable cosmetic effect - the operation does not leave the slightest trace.

How to remove moles from your face: Video

The meaning of moles on the face

Why are moles located on each person’s face strictly individually? Some people consider these nevi to be “signs of fate,” a predestination from above of a person’s entire life path and character. We invite you to test these predictions for yourself. Here are some of them:

  1. The most “mystical” mole is the “third eye”. It is located a centimeter above the bridge of the nose. It is believed that a woman with this sign is smart and has incredible intuition.
  2. If the mole is located in the right corner of the eye, the character is irritable and jealous.
  3. Those who have a mole just below the right eye are generous, sensual natures, faithful to their spouse.
  4. A mole under the left eye will tell about the high intelligence and poetic nature of its owner.

Map of moles (illustrated diagram)

The list of such “characteristics” of moles could take a very long time. Probably, some of these predictions will come true, and some won’t, but that’s not the point. The main thing is that you always need to be extremely attentive to any, at first glance, most insignificant new growths on the skin of the face. Remember that irritation, acne, rashes, and allergies can very easily trigger the formation of moles. Don't let this happen and always be healthy!

Moles (they are also called nevi or age spots) can appear on any part of the skin, Although most of them are on the faceprobably because it is this part of the body that is most often exposed to sunlight. So why do moles appear on the face and is it good if there are a lot of them?


Photo 1. A large number of moles on the face can be dangerous, as they are easily injured. Source: Flickr (Saman2p saman2p).

Moles: causes of appearance

The baby is born with clear skin without age spots - the first moles appear on it approximately after the first 6-12 months of life. During this period, the characteristic formations are small, there are few of them, so parents may not pay attention to them.

Nevi appear most clearly in adolescence, when, against the background of the active work of hormones, they become large, clearly colored and numerous. Also, due to changes in hormonal levels, formations occur in women - during puberty and the beginning of the first menstruation, during pregnancy, after abortion, against the background of regular exposure to stress and nervous tension.

It is impossible to say exactly why moles appear. Specialists The appearance of a large number of moles is associated with the active effect of ultraviolet rays on human skin. Moles-nevi are a cluster of cells saturated with the pigment melanin. Increased pigment production occurs precisely with active exposure to sunlight.

It is important! Moles appear on the face because it is this part of the body that is maximally exposed to the rays of the sun at any time of the year, so the cheeks and forehead may have the most age spots.

There is, however, something else explanation, not scientific, but popular: happy people have a lot of moles on their faces, who are destined by fate itself to be successful in all matters and endeavors. Even those who believe in such signs understand that in cases where there are especially many moles on the face, it is not only unsightly, but also dangerous.

What is the danger

In general, the danger of having nevi on the human body is that they can potentially be injured, which often results in degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant tumor - melanoma.

This does not happen with 100% probability, since moles that do not bleed, do not change color or increase in size, and are not painful when touched are not dangerous to health.

Moles on the face can become not only a medical problem, but also a cosmetic one.. A large number of formations (if they protrude significantly above the skin) can limit some organ functions, for example, the movement of the eyelids or lips.

Since such nevi are constantly exposed to UV rays, they are highly likely to degenerate into melanoma, and frequent minor damage to moles can lead to the same result.

Wherein the more moles on the face and the closer they are located to each other, the less aesthetic the person’s appearance and the higher the risk of injury to formations.

It is important! Many moles on the face mean, at a minimum, the need to regularly visit a doctor who can promptly detect the beginning of the degeneration of formations into a malignant tumor.

Is it possible to remove nevi on the face?

The need to remove moles determined by specialist after examining the patient.

Most often it occurs in the following cases:

  1. If the mole began to change size, shape and color;
  2. If a glossy film, watery bubbles appear on the formation, or the pattern has changed its surface;
  3. if there are moles around there is a burning or itching sensation;
  4. If leather around the nevus annoyed;
  5. If visible blood stains and stains.

Since numerous moles on the face are quite a dangerous factor, they are often subject to injury, there is always a risk of nevus degeneration into malignant formations, they should be removed if possible. eliminate in a timely manner.

It is important! If a person has many moles on his face and wants to get rid of them, he should remember that interventions on such an exposed part of the body are carried out only in the cold season, when solar activity is minimal. The exception is cases when nevi are already malignant. They are removed immediately after detection.

How moles are removed from the face

Treatment for numerous pigmented growths on the forehead and cheeks begins with clarifying and eliminating what is causing moles to appear on the face. If a hormonal imbalance is detected the patient is prescribed corrective drugs. If the cause of numerous rashes of nevi on the face is ultraviolet rays, the patient is advised to change their usual lifestyle, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun with the obligatory use of sunscreen.

After eliminating the main cause, the actual mole removal is prescribed. There are several methods that allow you to achieve excellent results in getting rid of unwanted growths on the skin:

  1. surgical excision – removal using a surgical scalpel of formations that have begun to degenerate into a malignant tumor, especially large and deeply rooted moles;
  2. cryodestruction – exposure to the formation of liquid nitrogen, a procedure during which the cells freeze, dry out and die, is quite effective, but requires repeated repetition;
  3. electrocoagulation – manipulation with high-frequency current, due to which the mole is burned out, an effect that leaves behind scars, therefore used mainly for small nevi;
  4. radiosurgery – cauterization of the mole with a special radiocoagulator device, which simultaneously removes the affected tissue, stops bleeding, and heals the resulting wound, as a result of which no traces remain on the operated area;
  5. laser removal – destruction of the formation by laser action, extremely effective, practically painless, leaving behind a minimum of scars, and also avoiding complications and relapses of the procedure.

Therapeutic measures after removal of moles on the face should consist of taking care that the operated skin not exposed to sunlight, and in the first days you should avoid even water procedures.

5-6 days after the intervention, the wounds can be carefully rinse with an antiseptic, lubricate with Vaseline and cover with a sterile bandage.

When the scab that has formed disappears, we can consider that the removal procedure was successful.


Photo 2. Immediately after removing moles, it is better not to expose yourself to the sun; subsequently, use a protective cream. Source: Flickr (Amy Glaze)

Moles on the face and body are no different from each other. Both of them manifest themselves under the influence of a hormonal surge and increased solar activity. Both of them can eventually degenerate into malignant formations, so they often have to be removed.


Hello. When we see dark spots on the body, we want to know what they mean and how they appeared. The fateful meaning of moles on the face has interested people since time immemorial, because people tend to look for answers in signs.

Why does a person need moles?

Scientists from all countries are struggling to resolve this issue, but cannot find a definite answer. Many explain their presence by the fact that they have a karmic meaning, that is, they contain all the information about a person’s fate.

It turns out that knowing the location of moles on the body, you can learn a lot about its owner, and the interpretation is different for men and women.

When unraveling the secret signs of fate, one should not think that this is a dogma and nothing can be changed. On the contrary, moles, as good omens, give advice on what abilities you need to develop in yourself. If the omens are bad, then you should not ignore them, but try to change your life in order to correct what is written by fate.

Throughout life, moles change after a person has chosen a different path or committed an action. Therefore, the appearance of new spots or their increase reflects all the actions or actions we have committed. There is a special scheme by which you can find out the meaning of nevi.

Moles on a woman's face

For women, moles can tell a lot about family life and the birth of children.

  1. A spot in the lower part of the face marks a happy, serene life.
  2. On the left side of the face, on the contrary, they predict a life filled with difficulties, obstacles, and everyday troubles.
  3. If the marks are brown, then the woman has a calm disposition.
  4. The owner of red marks has an unbalanced, irritable character. Most often, they cannot find a soul mate for a long time, precisely because of their willfulness and explosive nature.
  5. A mark on the wings of the nose means confusion in the family.

The meaning of moles according to their location on the face

Spots under the hair on the head indicate the presence of bad habits.

  1. To the right of the eye indicates the woman’s suffering from misunderstanding on the part of the people around her.
  2. On the outer corner of the eye means a flighty disposition.
  3. On the right upper eyelid it means unbridled sexual energy, especially for girls. Such a girl will not be interested in the everyday life of family life.
  4. On the eyelid on the left is a sign that the girl wants to learn as much as possible in this life and is constantly striving for self-improvement.

Meaning of the mark on the lip:

  1. Above the lip on the right means meeting your destiny in early youth, and above the lip on the left means a strong, happy marriage.
  2. A mark on the bottom of the lip is a sign of isolation and very weak will.
  3. On the lip itself is a symbol of a harmonious personality, love of life, and activity. These are very happy people.
  4. A spot above the lip on the left is a sign of financial instability and dependence on other people.

Moles on other parts of the face:

  1. A mole on the ear means fame and fortune.
  2. On the eyebrows towards the center - power and wealth.
  3. On the left side of the eyebrows is a sign of a strong family, marriage for mutual love.
  4. A nevus on the left cheek reveals the authoritative, assertive, persistent character of a woman.
  5. A mole on the right cheek is a sign of success in everything.
  6. The mark on the chin reveals a generous, magnanimous personality.
  7. Moles in the center of the temples mean a calm, measured life, but a hard hair from a mole means dissatisfaction with life, one’s own person, even with one’s children.
  8. On the forehead - an early pregnancy.
  9. Nevi on the neck are a sign of a religious, faithful one-woman woman.

The meaning of the marks on the nose:

  1. If it is on the nose below, it is a sign of a successful career and good profits.
  2. The tip of the nose is evidence of excessive determination.
  3. On the nostril - predicts marriage with an unloved man.
  4. Under your nose is happiness in marriage.

The meaning of karmic marks in the stronger half

Moles around the eyes:

  1. To the right of the left eye is the meaning of a difficult path to success.
  2. Red markings are characteristic features of a hidden philosopher, and black ones are a sign of the early loss of family and friends.
  3. To the right of the right eye is success in business of any kind.
  4. On the eyelid on the right is a very alarming sign; you can be deceived in choosing your destiny.
  1. The upper lip is a sign of bright individuality and incredible charm.
  2. A spot on the upper lip indicates a merry fellow, who will always be the life of the party, as well as a favorite of women.
  3. On the lower lip is a sign of a hardworking man who masters his profession in all aspects and always strives for education.
  4. On the right eyebrow is a sign of wealth and happiness.
  5. On the left is a warning sign. This man's children will be terminally ill.
  6. Pay attention to the markings on the ears of men - this is a sign of a deceiver and a rogue.
  1. on the right cheekbone - a sign of a born fighter,
  2. on the left cheekbone - a weak nature that floats with the flow.
  3. If a man has a mark on his chin, then this is an egoist with a bad character.
  4. The location of the spot on the right temple is a sign of a financial gift, great wealth. But this person may be lonely in his personal life
  5. A nevus on the left cheek indicates a calm, dreamy, romantic disposition.
  6. In the center of the forehead indicates excessive stubbornness and sometimes cruelty.
  7. A nevus on the right side of the forehead is a sign of good luck, happiness, on the left - a sign of scandals in the family.
  8. Men with a mark on the nostril can become fathers of many children. If at the base of the nose, then this means a difficult childhood, but a prosperous life in the future.
  9. Moles on the neck - the meaning of a spiritually developed, but selfish man. On the back of the neck is misfortune, and on the front is a successful life in all its manifestations.
  10. Under the eye is a sign of a balanced, peaceful disposition.

A spot on the earlobe:

  1. Left - he will move millions, but not his own.
  2. The right one - he will gradually accumulate a fortune for himself.

What do big moles tell you?

Many people have raised nevi. Are they dangerous? Most likely no. People live with them all their lives. In old age, they can transform into age spots, which need to be monitored.

If pigment spots begin to grow and change color, then you need to contact an oncologist to prevent a dangerous disease.

Traditional healers offer their treatment. The most effective way is to grease the cut of an onion up to 4 times a day or apply an onion ring to the problem area for several hours.

You can make a compress from celandine juice with Vaseline or lubricate it with honey 3-4 times a day. You cannot completely rely on traditional medicine; it only helps in 10 percent of cases.

What is the danger of a large number of nevi

Are there many moles on the body, dangerous or not? There is no clear answer. According to one version, the maturation of many spots and the speed of their appearance indicates that the body has begun to age rapidly.

Chinese healers also have a negative attitude towards the growth of marks on the body. They believe that positive energy leaves the body through them.

You can determine the danger yourself. Draw an axis in the middle of the nevus; if both halves are the same and their edges are even, then there is no threat to health. Asymmetrical spots with uneven, as if torn edges are considered dangerous. If blood appears from the neoplasm, or the color has changed significantly, do not delay a visit to the doctor.

Moles in children

Why are moles dangerous for a child? Brown marks may appear in children 1-3 years old. In order not to guess about their danger, it is best to see a pediatrician. Their appearance may indicate gastrointestinal diseases. If the spots itch and turn red, then this is the first signal to contact a specialist.

If red spots appear and disappear, then there is no reason to worry, and if they are even in color, without torn edges, then there is no need to worry either. But keeping the baby in the sun less and establishing proper nutrition is the task of the parents.

Shape of moles

There is an opinion that if a person has a mole in the form of a triangle, then he has a special gift. Perhaps, but you shouldn’t get hung up on it; it’s more important to monitor their condition. Also, you should not attach much importance if their location is: three moles in a triangle.

First, they must be the same size and precisely positioned in a triangle. And if this is not visible, then it is just a set of nearby nevi. In order not to rely on signs, it is better to take your destiny into your own hands, then the moles will change their position.

Do witches exist?

It turns out that if a woman has “witch marks” on her body, then she has the ability to perform witchcraft, magic, and can talk to the souls of dead people, even read minds. Where are they located? On the temple, on the inside of the knee, on the chest. In the Middle Ages, women with such marks were greatly feared, considered witches.

Indeed, such women are able to read a person’s thoughts. You can’t fool them, they quickly recognize a lie, can remove damage, and also restore it.

The owner of a spot on her chest attracts men with incredible power. It’s not for nothing that men most often look at a woman’s breasts, as if they are trying to find a witchcraft sign. See if you have any “witch marks”?

Learning to read faces

Physiognomy is the science of reading faces. You can tell about a person’s character by their eyebrows, eyes, nose, and lips. Let's find out which parts of the face tell about a person who can achieve a lot in life.

  1. He has smooth, long, good eyebrows.
  2. Bulging eyes.
  3. A shiny nose does not look very beautiful, but it is a symbol of success in the financial sphere, and its pink color portends prosperity and wealth.
  4. People with thin mouths often occupy leadership positions.
  5. Oddly enough, people with small ears quickly move up the career ladder.

This is only part of the information about human physiognomy.

In parting, I would like to wish all those who are curious: study physiognomy in order to know more about yourself and your loved ones.