Wrinkles between lip and nose

With age, a person's face begins to lose smoothness and elasticity, gradually becoming covered with wrinkles. One of the types of wrinkles is the folds that form above the upper lip. They are called purse-string wrinkles.

Many women are bothered by these folds because they noticeably age the face. Let's see if it is possible to get rid of wrinkles above the upper lip or at least delay their appearance.


Causes of purse string wrinkles

There are several reasons that provoke the formation of folds above the lip. Let's look at them.

  1. Age. With age, facial skin ages and becomes sagging. In women, this process is especially active during menopause. The first wrinkles around the lips can be noticed after 40 years.
  2. Anatomical structure. The so-called orbicularis muscle is responsible for the movement of the lips. But it is not attached to the bones of the skull, like other muscles, but to the skin of the face. Therefore, when a muscle is stretched, the skin in this area also stretches. And constant stretching of the skin, as is known, leads to the rapid formation of wrinkles. In addition, other muscles are connected to the orbicularis muscle, so any facial movement leads to its tension.
  3. Skin Features. The skin around the lips is naturally drier than other areas of the face. There are much fewer sebaceous glands located here. Therefore, the epidermis in this area is more susceptible to wrinkling.
  4. Poor quality care. If a woman does not pay enough attention to her lips and the skin around them, very soon she will notice the first wrinkles appearing in this area.
  5. Eating habits. People who often drink drinks through a cocktail straw or chew gum develop purse-string wrinkles earlier than others.
  6. Mimic habits. Some people like to hold a match or a toothpick in their mouth, or they stretch their lips with a straw. All this provokes the appearance of vertical wrinkles.
  7. Smoking. It is in women who smoke that wrinkles above the upper lip are more pronounced and noticeable. In the process of smoking, a person squeezes a cigarette with his lips, tensing the corresponding muscles. In addition, tobacco smoke, constantly coming into contact with the skin above the upper lip, has a negative effect on it.
  8. Professional factor. Representatives of some professions are more susceptible to the early appearance of purse-string wrinkles than other people. Those at risk include: singers, actors, musicians playing wind instruments, teachers, glassblowers. Even people who often like to whistle various tunes are at risk of this.
  9. Additional factors. There are many more factors that provoke the formation of folds above the upper lip. These may include: sudden weight loss, loss of front teeth, diseases of the digestive system or thyroid gland, skin diseases, frequent sunbathing or visiting a solarium, incorrect head position during sleep, alcohol abuse.


Is it possible to get rid of purse-string wrinkles?

Of course, women who take care of themselves cannot help but worry about the question: is it possible to remove wrinkles above the upper lip or at least make them less noticeable?

Yes, there are many methods to combat folds around the lips and prevent their appearance. Rabbit wrinkles, as they are also called, can be removed by a cosmetologist using specialized techniques and cosmetic preparations.

For those who do not want or do not have the opportunity to undergo salon procedures for correction, there are many home ways to combat purse-string wrinkles. Below we will analyze each of them in detail. In the meantime, let's look at the methods offered by beauty salons.

Salon procedures to combat purse-string wrinkles

  1. Hardware methods. Hardware procedures include: laser skin resurfacing, chemical peeling, iontophoresis, ELOS.
  2. Lifting massage. This is a special facial massage, after which the facial muscles relax.
  3. Thermage. This is a special procedure that involves moisturizing the epidermis under the influence of high temperature. The result is the activation of natural collagen production.
  4. Mesotherapy. Using injections, vitamins are injected under the skin, which promote rejuvenation and slow down the formation of wrinkles.


  5. Biorevitalization. For this procedure, hyaluronic acid is used, a substance that maintains youthful and elastic skin.
  6. Botox. Botulinum toxin is injected under the skin, a substance that blocks muscle movement. As a result, the orbicularis muscle moves less and, accordingly, the skin around the lips stretches less.

Home remedies to combat purse-string wrinkles

There are many folk remedies that can reduce wrinkles in the lip area and prevent their appearance. Effective control requires an integrated approach to the problem. Let's look at all the available methods that you can use at home yourself.

Anti-wrinkle exercises

The orbicularis muscle, like any other muscle, needs training. There is a simple set of exercises that need to be performed regularly if you want to achieve noticeable results.

  1. Puff out your cheeks and slowly roll the air, first from side to side, and then in a circle - in one direction and in the other.
  2. Stretch your lips forward, folding them into a tube, hold in this position for a second, and then return to the starting position.


  3. Lift your upper lip and pull it up as far as possible, then return to the starting position.
  4. Tilt your head back to tighten your chin muscles. Inhale air and slowly blow it out, slightly stretching your lips.
  5. Extend your upper lip and cover your lower lip with it. Now extend your lower lip and cover your upper lip with it. Now extend your lips forward and try to repeat both parts of the exercise.
  6. Purse your lips, extend them forward and hold this position for about 10 seconds. Now move your lips from side to side and up and down. Do the movements for 10 seconds, then relax your lips.
  7. Sing the sounds “A”, “O”, “U”, “Y”, “I”, “E” slowly and clearly. Make sure that folds do not appear in the circumlabial area.
  8. Inhale air through your nose and release it through your mouth.
  9. Pull your cheeks in, inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth.
  10. Clench your teeth and suck in air through your mouth. Exhale through your mouth too, but at the same time puff out your cheeks.
  11. Purse your lips tightly and begin to lower your bottom lip to expose your bottom teeth. Return to the starting position.
  12. Smile as wide as possible. At the same time, make sure that your eyes do not squint. Only the lower part of the face should work.
  13. Pull your upper lip forward. The lower one should remain relaxed.
  14. Make an air kiss: bring your lips into a tube, touch them to your palm with light pressure, and then blow the “kiss” off your hand. Try blowing kisses in different directions.

Perform each exercise 10–20 times. Start with the minimum amount and gradually, every day, increase it to the maximum. Gymnastics can be done at home, sitting in front of the TV, at work, during lunch break, and even while walking.


To make the exercises more effective, it is recommended to combine them with a special massage. During the procedure, generously lubricate your lips and hands with nourishing cream or cosmetic oil.


Use your fingertips to gently press the area around your lips and massage them in a circular motion. You should not try to smooth out wrinkles: stroking and rubbing movements further stretch the skin. The massage lasts 3–5 minutes.

For massage, you can use a toothbrush with soft bristles. Before starting the procedure, generously lubricate your lips and surrounding area with cream. Take the brush in one hand and hold the skin with the other to protect it from unnecessary stretching.

Massage your lips, making movements with the brush first from the corners to the center, and then from the corners to the wings of the nose. Allow 3–5 minutes for the procedure. At the end of the procedure, tap the skin with your fingertips.

It is best to massage in the evening before bed, after removing makeup and cleansing the skin. After the procedure, lubricate your lips and surrounding area with cream.

Homemade cosmetics

The use of homemade cosmetics is also very effective in the fight against purse-string wrinkles. There are many recipes that women have been using since ancient times to remove wrinkles around the lips and prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

  1. Prepare a mask from natural ingredients and apply it to the lip area. The following are perfect for this mask: cucumber, tomato, grapes, apple, raspberry, avocado. Grate the selected fruit or vegetable or grind it in a blender. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin, lie with the mask for about 15 minutes, and then rinse it off with water.
  2. Take 1 teaspoon of honey, warm it slightly and add a few drops of olive oil. Stir and rub the mixture into the skin. Walk around with the mask for 10 minutes and then wash.
  3. Mash half a banana with a fork. Add 1 teaspoon of sour cream to it and stir. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin for 15 minutes.
  4. Combine the egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and a few drops of olive oil. Apply the mask for 15 minutes.
  5. Beat the egg white into a bowl. Apply it to the area around your lips and leave the mask on for about 15 minutes. Protein tightens the skin well.
  6. Take 1 teaspoon of aloe pulp and honey. Mix and apply the paste to the skin.
  7. Take 2 teaspoons of dry starch and dilute it with a small amount of full-fat kefir until you obtain the consistency of liquid sour cream. Apply the mixture to the lip area.
  8. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of canned green peas, mash it with a fork or grind it in a blender and add a little kefir. Apply the mixture to the skin for 10 minutes.
  9. Rub your lips with ice cubes regularly.

Prevention of purse-string wrinkles

The appearance of wrinkles on the upper lip is easier to prevent than to deal with them later. Therefore, every woman who wants to prolong the youth of her facial skin should know preventive measures.

  1. If you smoke, it is better to say goodbye to this bad habit. Smoking not only ages the skin of the face and causes early wrinkles, but also creates many health problems.
  2. Give the skin around your lips proper care: wash your face with cool water every morning and evening, and don’t forget to use moisturizing and nourishing creams or serums.
  3. Eat right. The following foods will help keep your facial skin youthful: fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats, sea fish, nuts, dairy products, and cereals. In addition, to saturate the skin with moisture, provide the body with a sufficient amount of clean water.
  4. Get rid of bad facial habits: do not purse your lips, do not fold them into a “bow”. As soon as you feel that your lip muscles are tense, immediately relax them.
  5. Avoid chewing gum for long periods of time and drink drinks through a cocktail straw as little as possible.
  6. Look for a special Japanese lip trainer on sale - it is a rubber device made in the shape of lips. Such a simulator is inexpensive, and regular exercises with it give good results.

Purse-string wrinkles significantly age the face, giving it a tired, haggard appearance. Therefore, do not be lazy to take care of your skin. This way you will prolong youth and beauty for many years.


All women want to remain young and beautiful. Every year the issue of youthful skin becomes more acute: our body produces less and less collagen, muscle fibers stretch. Women are especially concerned about the skin in the area of ​​the lips and nasolabial folds, because it is this area that is involved at the slightest manifestation of emotions. During constant stress, our lips and the muscles around them are tense, regardless of our will.


At a certain age, almost everyone wonders how to remove wrinkles above the upper lip. Women purse string wrinkles warn of impending hormonal changes in the body, so they can begin to appear during or after menopause.

Purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip can easily add a year or two to your appearance, or they can age you by ten years. In addition, they give the face a sad, tired expression. And if you can get rid of wrinkles above your upper lip, you will return both youth and beauty to your face.

Causes of wrinkles above the upper lip

The first purse-string wrinkles near the mouth may appear early and, alas, will become deeper and more noticeable every year.

There are several reasons for their occurrence. By eliminating some of them, you can prevent early wrinkles.

Plastic surgeons know that the orbicularis oris muscle is attached precisely to the dermis and during each contraction it stretches the skin to the sides. A there is no fat layer around the lips and very few sebaceous glands. It is very difficult for such skin to recover. This is how the first wrinkles form above the upper lip.

In addition, the skin around the mouth is thin, poorly moisturized (even with good care), and is constantly exposed to any external influences - from ultraviolet radiation to gas exhausts in the city. In addition, with age, the body’s production of collagen and elastin decreases – this is natural. As a result, the tone of the skin and facial muscles decreases, and the elasticity of the skin becomes less. Now it's clear why Many people already develop purse-string wrinkles by the age of thirty. and folds around the mouth.

So, if you have wrinkles above your upper lip, the reasons may be the following:

  1. morshiny-mezhdu-guboj-i-nosom-evAPKlS.webp

    Active facial expressions are one of the main reasons for the formation of wrinkles in the oral area. After all, an incredible number of muscle contractions around the mouth occur per day, especially in the fairer sex. They do not have time to completely smooth out and therefore vertical and horizontal wrinkles appear around the lips. If you often purse or curl your lips, your first wrinkles may appear very soon. Even frequent laughter can cause their formation.
  2. Another reason is the activity of the orbicularis oris muscle. Do you love drinking drinks through a straw and can’t do without Orbit? Wrinkles on and around the lips will not take long to appear. To reduce the risk of their appearance, perform facial exercises, massage your lips, and also try to prevent lip tension from becoming permanent.
  3. Smoking. Yes, in girls who like to smoke a lot and often, the first purse-string wrinkles appear faster than in non-smokers. But this is not only due to the fact that the lips are very tense during smoking. Nicotine has a destructive effect on elastin and collagen fibers, the skin around the lips becomes dry and thin and creases instantly appear on it. It’s not for nothing that purse-string wrinkles are often called smoker’s wrinkles. Chronic oxygen deprivation, which occurs due to the abuse of tobacco products, reduces collagen production and slows down the processes of skin cell restoration.
  4. This reason has nothing to do with tension in the perioral muscles. This genetic factor: if you inherited wrinkles from your mother, there is little you can do about it; malocclusion, disproportion of the facial skeleton, micrognathia, missing teeth or poor enamel also play a role. And even if you have excellent teeth by nature, they wear out with age - and this is natural. Therefore, before visiting a cosmetologist’s office, you can make an appointment with an aesthetic dentist who will help you choose a technique for raising your bite.
  5. Weather. Lips are adversely affected by temperature changes, dryness and ultraviolet radiation. UV radiation penetrates deep into the skin and can cause premature aging and even mutations.

  6. morshiny-mezhdu-guboj-i-nosom-LbfRL.webp

    An imbalance in nutrition also has a negative effect on the skin around the lips. If you've recently lost a lot of weight, don't eat regularly, eat unhealthy foods, or don't drink enough water, then be prepared for wrinkles on your upper lip to appear before you reach your thirtieth birthday. To prevent this, create a menu that contains vitamins, proteins, fats and acids.
  7. Lack of skin care. After 25 years It is necessary to give the skin additional vitamins, no matter how healthy it may seem.
  8. If you sleep incorrectly, the outflow of blood from the face increases, which provokes the accelerated appearance of new wrinkles.

The above may be the reason why you enter the query “how to remove wrinkles above the upper lip” into your search engine. But is it really that bad?

Removing wrinkles around the lips at home and on your own

If you are wondering how to get rid of wrinkles above the upper lip at home, know that it is possible. Easy-to-prepare masks and facial gymnastics will help you get rid of unattractive wrinkles.

Masks for effective fight against wrinkles

  1. morshiny-mezhdu-guboj-i-nosom-XliSOwA.webp

    Cucumber masks are very useful for the lip area. Since cucumber contains a lot of water, it will greatly moisturize the skin.
  2. Yogurt masks. Dairy products contain large amounts of vitamin B2, which the skin needs. It is enough to hold the mask for 15 minutes and this will have a beneficial effect on it.
  3. To smooth out wrinkles around the mouth, take sour cream, honey and a small amount of cottage cheese in proportions 1:1:1. Thoroughly mix the components of the mask and apply it to the skin around the lips. After 10 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water and apply a compress of warm vegetable oil. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse off.
  4. Take the yolk of an egg and mix it with one teaspoon of May honey, adding a little butter to it. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes and then wash with warm water.
  5. Beat the egg white thoroughly with a whisk. Using a makeup brush, apply three layers of nourishing mixture. Wait 10 minutes and rinse with water.
  6. Take 10 grams of ripe avocado pulp, finely grated carrots, heavy cream and honey. Stir, add the yolk and apply the resulting mixture to your face. Relax and forget about everything for 25 minutes, then remove the mask with a napkin and wash your face with cool water.
  7. Half a teaspoon of full-fat sour cream mix with freshly squeezed carrot juice in the same quantity. Add the same amount of grapefruit pulp and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Apply the mask to your face in the lip area and rest for a quarter of an hour. Remove it with a napkin and wash with warm water.

These masks really help get rid of purse-string wrinkles - they are very effective. Secure the effect by rubbing your skin with an ice cube. Freeze a decoction of chamomile, parsley, mint or calendula.

Physical education for the face

Are you worried about how to remove wrinkles above your lip? Facial gymnastics will help you in this difficult task, the main thing is regularity. Train yourself to do it every day and soon it will become a habitual action. Below are the most effective exercises:

  1. morshiny-mezhdu-guboj-i-nosom-BDbprUM.webp

    Pull your upper lip down, hold for 10-15 seconds, then relax your lips. After this it is necessary Gently stretch the skin with your index fingers near the nasolabial folds.
  2. Place your index fingers at the corners of your mouth, slightly pulling them away from each other. Hold this for 15 seconds. Repeat this exercise about 40 times a day.
  3. Puff out your cheeks and roll the air from one cheek to the other like a balloon. Exhale. Next, puff out your cheeks again and exhale air through pursed lips in thrusts, while holding the corners of your mouth.
  4. Hide your upper lip under your lower lip, press it and hold it there for about a minute.
  5. When applying moisturizer, pat your fingertips onto the skin where there are already wrinkles.
  6. Purse your lips tightly and hold them in this position for a couple of minutes.
  7. Blow a kiss. Fold your lips into a tube so that they are tense, press your palm against them. Be sure to “blow” the kiss off your palm - this is also important. You should send kisses with a straight back, while turning your head first to the left and then to the right.
  8. Smile relaxedly, and then lightly tap the center of your upper lip with your index finger.
  9. Keep a balloon near you and blow it up occasionally.

By following these simple steps, you will no longer think about how to get rid of wrinkles above the upper lip - most will disappear on their own. Smile, laugh, without thinking about wrinkles, and to prevent their further appearance, forget about smoking, chewing gum, and poor care of your lips and the skin around them.

Causes of wrinkles above the upper lip. Description, control methods and prevention

Wrinkles above the upper lip quite often occur in women after 40 years of age as a result of active facial expressions. A problem of this nature is clearly visualized in the form of nasolabial folds, which become very noticeable and significantly age the overall appearance of the face! At the same time, ensuring proper skin care and compliance with preventive measures allows you to prevent the natural aging process and stop time!

Reasons for the formation of wrinkles

The skin in the mouth area is prone to rapid aging, as it is subject to significant stress and facial expressions when displaying any emotions on a person’s face.

A number of specific reasons contribute to the appearance of wrinkles above the upper lip:

  1. the presence of thin and delicate skin in problem areas (nose, mouth, corners of the eyes);
  2. low density of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  3. constant muscle tension and increased facial expressions;
  4. a sharp decrease in body weight as a result of following a diet or the occurrence of any disease;
  5. lack of teeth;
  6. incorrect position of the face during sleep;
  7. limiting the flow of fluid into the body;
  8. presence of bad habits (smoking);
  9. use of questionable cosmetics;
  10. genetic predisposition;
  11. changes in hormone levels in the body;
  12. excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  13. living in poor environmental conditions.

The above causes of wrinkles above the lip have indirect signs, but together they lead to the formation of this problem. Therefore, it is important to provide your facial skin with proper care in a timely manner and prevent the development of premature aging!

Wrinkle Prevention Technique

Many women are interested in the question of how to get rid of wrinkles above the upper lip and what methods are best used to solve this aesthetic inconvenience? In cosmetology, a large number of different methods are used using hardware technologies and conventional traditional medicine. Moreover, the effectiveness of the techniques does not depend on the degree of their impact! When eliminating wrinkles above the upper lip, the following procedures are distinguished.

  1. Carrying out salon procedures with the help of a cosmetologist. The use of this technique helps eliminate small purse-string wrinkles that do not require careful correction and restoration. Use the following methods to solve the problem:
  1. applying lifting massage and creating perfect skin. The procedure is carried out by an experienced cosmetologist who is a professional and creates the desired effect for quite a long time (about 6 months). The duration of the course is 10–20 sessions;
  2. compliance with professional skin care. In this case, the use of special masks, creams and serums that promote skin rejuvenation is effective.
  1. Correction of purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip. This procedure is one of the most effective in eliminating age-related folds in the mouth area. In this case, the process is carried out in beauty salons by experienced and qualified cosmetologists.

The most popular methods:

  1. the use of mesotherapy through the use of hyaluronic acid, some amino acids and beneficial substances in the form of cocktails for the face. The procedure improves metabolic processes, which contribute to the natural rejuvenation of the skin and prevent its rapid aging;
  2. The biorevitalization procedure is carried out using special injections and provides maximum hydration, production of collagen, elastin, and also smooths out fine wrinkles on the face. The duration of the effect obtained is 8–10 months;
  3. bioreinforcement is based on the use of a unique development of cosmetic injections, which significantly tighten the overall structure of the face and provide a rejuvenating effect for 10–12 months;
  4. the use of contour plastic surgery provides a good visual effect, but skin restoration remains at the same level. With the introduction of fillers, even deep wrinkles disappear. The duration of effectiveness of the procedure is about 12 months;
  5. The implementation of lipofilling has a similar technology to contour plastic surgery. A distinctive feature of the process is the use of fillers in the form of the patient’s subcutaneous fat. The procedure has advantages, as it does not cause allergies, and the effect lasts more than 3 years. At the same time, the cost of filling is quite high compared to other manipulations;
  6. Botox injections are effective in the formation of wrinkles above the upper lip of a spasmodic nature. The substance is a blocker of nerve impulses and under their influence, age-related wrinkles are smoothed out over a long period of time.
  1. Hardware procedures are carried out using special devices that provide a rejuvenating effect of long-term exposure. The following types of procedures are used:
  1. Microcurrent therapy is based on the effect of weak current on the skin, which has a beneficial effect on accelerating metabolic and regeneration processes and helps smooth out wrinkles. This technique is effective for six months and is short-term compared to other procedures;
  2. carrying out thermolitting. The procedure involves the use of laser, infrared and radio wave radiation, based on heating the skin and twisting collagen, which ensures long-term rejuvenation of the skin;
  3. irradiation using light or radio wave energy promotes maximum hydration and natural production of collagen and elastin. The effect of the procedure lasts for 1–1.5 years. The recommended number of sessions is 8–10 times;
  4. the use of laser correction called fractional photothermolysis under the influence of which old collagen and elastin cells are completely destroyed. The effectiveness of the procedure has a long-lasting effect when using 3-4 sessions;
  1. The peeling procedure is especially effective when the season changes and will not hurt to prevent the development of new fine wrinkles. In this case, the process should be carried out by a qualified cosmetologist who will select a suitable and safe cleansing method. There are the following types of manipulation:
  1. chemical peeling involves the use of active substances (acids) that promote renewal of the upper skin and deep cleansing of the dermis;
  2. using a laser for peeling has more advantages in the form of more precise effects, the absence of allergic reactions and severe skin burns. Moreover, the procedure is painless and does not cause any discomfort after the procedure;
  3. The dermabrasion process is based on mechanical cleansing of the skin and is used to carry out complex processes in removing tattoos, excessive pigmentation and scars.
  1. Plastic surgery. This procedure to eliminate wrinkles above the upper lip is carried out only if there are clear indications and after several necessary facelifts have been performed. The effectiveness of the method is quite high, but it also has some disadvantages such as high cost and the presence of contraindications to surgical intervention. Before carrying out the process, careful consultation with a qualified specialist is required!

Traditional medicine for eliminating wrinkles in the lip area

Folk skin care products are also effective when used correctly and all recipes are followed.

The following methods can be used as effective methods:

  1. rubbing the skin with frozen ice cubes. In this case, a decoction based on chamomile and calendula is used, as it provides a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin of the face. The procedure is carried out daily in the morning and evening hours;
  2. using simple masks with cucumber. These vegetables contain a large amount of water and contribute to maximum skin hydration. The procedure is especially effective when combined with sour cream or homemade yogurt;
  3. eating and using products such as cottage cheese, nuts, yeast, and other dairy products in face masks;
  4. use of celery for internal use. The composition of the plant is based on the content of natural phytohormones, which significantly enhance the process of metabolism and blood circulation in the skin and slow down the process of natural aging;
  5. To eliminate vertical wrinkles in the mouth area, it is important to use a nourishing mask based on cottage cheese, honey, and sour cream in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is applied in a medium layer to problem areas and left for 10–15 minutes. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a compress using warm olive oil to maximize skin hydration;
  6. lubricating problem areas with a special solution containing vitamin E in combination with effective moisturizers;

The use of folk remedies gives a positive effect in a complex combination of measures to prevent the development of purse-string wrinkles. In this case, it is important to choose a combination of active components with other methods of effective influence!

Carrying out lip gymnastics and other methods to eliminate wrinkles at home

The development of wrinkles above the upper lip can be prevented by performing a special set of exercises:

  1. taking a deep breath and holding the air in the cheeks. After 10–20 seconds, you need to exhale sharply and repeat the exercise 10 times;
  2. raising the upper lip to the nostrils and maximal protrusion of the teeth forward. Number of approaches up to 10–12 times;
  3. by slowly pronouncing long vowels, you can easily eliminate small expression wrinkles in the lip area.

Performing the above exercises regularly helps to tone the skin and smooth out wrinkles that have formed above the upper lip!

As an effective means to combat wrinkles, you can use nourishing masks based on active ingredients:

  1. Applying egg white to problem areas of the skin three times throughout the day. After the procedure, the skin can be moisturized by applying a good nourishing cream;
  2. the combination of yolk, honey and olive oil helps smooth the skin and prevents the premature appearance of wrinkles above the upper lip. The procedure can be performed daily for preventive purposes;
  3. An effective method of combating wrinkles is to eat foods that help eliminate skin problems. These ingredients include: spinach, pomegranates, buckwheat, almonds, salmon, tomatoes, cucumbers, black currants, avocado, strawberries. It should be borne in mind that the daily diet should consist of microelements, vitamins and compounds necessary for the body.

Preventative measures to prevent the development of wrinkles

Prevention of the appearance of wrinkles consists of following simple recommendations of the following nature:

  1. limiting exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  2. taking proper care of the skin in the mouth area. To do this, you should ensure regular moisturizing and use of high-quality cosmetics based on natural ingredients that do not cause peeling or allergies;
  3. prevention of sudden weight loss, since when losing weight, facial wrinkles become noticeable on the face, so the process of weight loss should be carried out gradually, subject to all necessary conditions;
  4. Constantly performing facial exercises allows you to keep the skin in perfect condition for a long time and prevents the development of deep wrinkles;
  5. taking in the required amount of fluid to provide moisture to the skin cells and prevent the development of sagging and loss of elasticity on the face.

Following simple recommendations will help prevent the development of deep wrinkles above the upper lip and will have the desired effect on the skin of the face!


Reviews about the use of various techniques to combat wrinkles above the upper lip have a wide variety of responses, since all people are individual, and each person chooses the most suitable procedure for himself!

Below are the main recommendations of women who used different correction methods to eliminate this aesthetic problem.

Kristina Alekseevna, Bryansk

I am 43 years old and the skin on my face is undergoing noticeable changes. The characteristic wrinkles in the lip area have already appeared, and I don’t want to grow old! As an effective therapy for eliminating imperfections on the face, I use comprehensive facial skin care. For me it is a combination of some beauty treatments with effective high impact creams. I really like the process of mesotherapy and biorevitalization, since these technologies do not cause strong contraindications or side effects!

After the procedures, the resulting effect lasts for a year, and the skin looks noticeably younger and tighter. Changes in the mouth area are especially noticeable, as fine wrinkles contribute to increasing age and cause a feeling of fatigue on the face! It is also important to eat right, follow a nightly routine and not overdo it with cosmetics!

Elena Vasilievna, Moscow

I've been struggling with the appearance of wrinkles all over my face for a long time, but I especially don't like the changes on my upper lip. I am already 57 years old and therefore age-related changes on my face require constant correction. At the same time, I use Botox injection procedures, since after the injections the results obtained last for more than a year!

The procedure is completely simple and lasts a few minutes! And the result, as they say, is obvious, so I look at most 40 years old! But besides this, you also need to constantly moisturize your skin and not use low-quality cosmetics! For me, it’s better to have Botox injections once than to spend money on a large number of useless products! But I want to recommend a method for those women who really need it, since implementing the process at an early age can lead to negative consequences!