Is it possible to take a bath after solarium?

Lovers of a beautiful tan today do not need to lie on the beach for hours in minimal swimsuits. A solarium is a universal substitute for the sun, available to everyone at any time of the year. However, in order for the tan to be even and beautiful, certain rules must be followed even when using artificial sun. A popular question among those who want to get a beautiful tan: is it possible to wash after a solarium?

Most people who decide to get an artificial tan for the first time try to find the maximum amount of useful information in order to avoid possible problems. One of the common questions is: “Is it possible to wash after a tanning salon?” Let's turn to the experts.

Is it possible to wash after a solarium?


As a rule, most beauties who have a weakness for golden skin color once had a strong desire to take a bath immediately after the procedure. Perhaps these are all tricks of our subconscious, because we are used to running into sea or river water after a natural tan in the sun. But you shouldn’t be guided by desire alone; first, it’s better to find out whether you can wash yourself immediately after a solarium.

Almost all professional cosmetologists are unanimous in the opinion that after sunbathing you should refrain from water procedures. This is explained by the fact that after exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin, it becomes more sensitive and irritated. Give yourself and your skin some rest to allow your tan to set.

So is it possible to wash after a solarium, and if so, when? Experts recommend taking a bath no earlier than two hours after artificial tanning. At the same time, you must take into account the fact that you cannot use any additional products while bathing.

The skin care products you use will determine how long you will have to avoid swimming. For example, after applying a protective cream and wondering whether it is possible to take a shower after a solarium, more experienced people will advise us not to swim in the first three hours after tanning.



For those who have acquired all kinds of color enhancers and do not know whether it is possible to wash after a solarium, cosmetologists have the following recommendations. In this case, you can pamper yourself with water treatments only after four or five hours. The fact is that if you take a shower before the set time, you will simply wash off the expensive product without getting the desired effect.

Let's look at a few very important recommendations that will help us achieve maximum results after solarium:

  1. When taking a shower, you must avoid using cleansers. The best option would be to simply rinse your body with running water. It is undesirable to use alkaline soap, which can cause severe irritation. The use of delicate gel in small quantities is allowed.
  2. Do not use sponges or washcloths. Remember that your skin is irritated after exposure to ultraviolet radiation, so be kind to it.
  3. The use of peeling or scrub is strictly prohibited.
  4. You can't take a hot shower. The water should be at room temperature and not cause discomfort. A simple rinse with cool water will be most beneficial. This will help your blood vessels shrink and return to normal, since small capillaries and pores expand significantly under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  5. Experts are categorically against contrast showers after such a tan. Such a water procedure will be real stress for your skin, which can lead to chills.

Approved shower products


Having found out whether it is possible to wash after a solarium, you need to remember what products are allowed to be used. The list is small and looks like this:

  1. Gels made on a natural basis, containing useful extracts and components. For example, extracts such as mint or chamomile, which have a strong calming effect, will definitely suit your skin.
  2. Body milk will never be superfluous. It is recommended to moisturize your skin with it immediately after taking a shower. You can also use other moisturizers such as mousses, lotions, creams and conditioners.

After shower

After water procedures, do not rub your skin; you should not force it to experience additional stress. Pat it dry with a towel, dry completely, and then you can pamper your body, for example, with moisturizing milk. It will help get rid of possible irritation and also help quickly restore water balance.


What to do if you want to go to the bathhouse or pool

So, we have already figured out whether it is possible to wash in the bathroom after a solarium, but what to do if you feel the urge to go to the pool or bathhouse? Many have already guessed that it would be better to refrain from such ideas. The swimming pool is not suitable for the reason that its water contains quite a lot of chlorine, which has a negative effect on the skin, which has recently been exposed to ultraviolet rays. This chemical element can lead to accelerated aging of the skin, disrupting the water balance, making the skin very dry.


It is also not recommended to go to the bathhouse immediately after artificial tanning, since heat and high humidity will negate the entire effect for which you visited the solarium. When exposed to high temperatures, you may experience chills. Do not forget that after sunbathing, the protective properties of your skin are significantly weakened. Simply put, you can suffer a serious thermal burn.


Having received the necessary information, as well as knowing whether it is possible to wash after a tanning bed, you can achieve the desired effect from artificial tanning. However, it is worth considering the fact that everyone’s body is individual, and the recommendations given by professional cosmetologists are general in nature. It is best to contact a specialist who will draw up an individual list of rules that will prevent problems from arising after tanning.

Why is it that for some people to get a perfect tan, it’s enough to go to the solarium a couple of times, while others complain that their body does not acquire a chocolate shade for a long time or gets burned? This depends on the characteristics of the skin, the use of special creams and lotions, and the quality of the equipment itself. However, there is another factor that many people overlook - water procedures before and after solarium.

What biological processes are triggered by UV radiation?

To understand how water procedures can affect the effectiveness and safety of visiting a solarium, it is worth learning about the mechanisms that occur during tanning.

The “artificial sun” booths are equipped with lamps that produce ultraviolet radiation, under the influence of which:

  1. Melanin production is activated. Most of the cells in our epidermis are keranocytes. They contain granules of melanin - a special pigment: the more of it, the darker the skin. The function of this substance is to absorb UV rays and convert them into thermal energy to protect the epidermis from burns. However, keranocytes themselves cannot synthesize melanin; they receive it from melanocytes, or pigment cells of the epidermis. This is a kind of melanin factory, which is activated under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Once in keranocytes, melanin colors the skin a chocolate shade.
  2. Vessels dilate, blood circulation processes are activated.
  3. The skin loses moisture. During ultraviolet exposure, the body heats up and, as a result, sweating increases.

Is it possible to wash before a solarium?

Under the influence of aggressive ultraviolet radiation, the body may not have time to produce the required amount of melanin. And the lighter the skin, the more melanocytes need to try. In this case, our epidermis has additional protection: keratinized particles (dead keranocytes) and a film of sebum. During water procedures, we remove this natural shell, making the skin more sensitive to the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, you should not take a shower or bath immediately before going to the solarium, otherwise the risk of burns increases.


However, it is necessary to cleanse the body of impurities, cosmetics and deodorant, but water procedures are carried out with the following reservations:

  1. take a shower or bath 2–4 hours before an artificial tanning session;
  2. do not use hard washcloths, scrubs, pumice stones, or aggressive cleansers: warm water and soap with a natural composition are quite enough.

And one moment. Our skin contains a certain amount of keratinized particles, which gradually come off naturally. If there are too many of them, the tan will lie unevenly and quickly fade along with the dead keranocytes. Therefore, 1-2 days before going to the solarium, it is recommended to exfoliate with a soft scrub or hard washcloth.

It is better to use natural products to cleanse the skin of dead particles. For example, a homemade scrub: mix 2 tablespoons of ground coffee with a tablespoon of unrefined vegetable oil.

Video: dermatocosmetologist about showering before a solarium and other tanning rules

When can you wash after tanning?

It is not recommended to wash immediately after tanning. And that's why:

  1. water can wash away keranocytes filled with melanin;
  2. there will be an additional load on the dilated vessels;
  3. if creams were used for an even tan or after tanning, they will not have time to penetrate deep enough and provide the proper result;
  4. you may experience unpleasant sensations, since the skin is still irritated by the processes occurring in it.

It is recommended to wait 2-3 hours after visiting the solarium before taking a shower or bath. If cream with bronzers (substances that give an additional tan tint) was used, this time increases to 4-5 hours.

In a horizontal solarium, the skin comes into contact with the surface of the booth, so after the session there may be unpleasant sensations. In this case, you can wipe the skin with a damp cloth that does not contain alcohol. However, if you used products with bronzers, you will have to be patient.

It’s better to take a shower the next day, so the tan will be much richer, check it for yourself.


I take a shower and consider it normal. the tanning salon then makes your skin sweaty and stinky))) fi. Nothing bad will happen.


I used to go to the shower immediately after tanning, because I don’t like the smell that my skin gives off after the session. There were no unpleasant consequences (the water was warm, I always use natural remedies). But once I managed to do water treatments only after a few hours, I noticed that the tan was more pronounced. Although, maybe this is just a “cumulative effect”, I now tolerate it without washing right away.

Water procedures, which are carried out after visiting the solarium on the same day, follow simple rules:

  1. the water should be warm: hot water will dilate the already dilated vessels and remove a large number of keranocytes, while cold water will sharply narrow the vessels, causing unnecessary stress, and can cause discomfort;
  2. do not use scrubs, hard washcloths, body brushes, cleansers with aggressive compositions, including those containing SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), and do not rub the skin vigorously, so as not to injure the irritated epidermis;
  3. After the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizing cream or lotion, preferably with a natural composition, to prevent overdrying.


If a visit to a solarium does result in burns, you should apply a product containing panthenol to the affected areas and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Video: how long to wait to take a shower after a tanning salon

Baths and swimming pools: when possible

You cannot visit the bathhouse or swimming pool within 24 hours after the solarium. In the bath, in addition to the previously described effects of hot water, a large number of keranocytes are naturally removed under the influence of steam, and the resulting tan can simply be lost. In the pool, the danger is chlorinated water, which can dry out the skin that is already dehydrated by the solarium and irritate the epidermis.

By following simple recommendations when performing water procedures before and after solarium, you can reduce the risk of burns and see results faster. However, a properly taken shower is far from the only factor that determines the safety and quality of artificial tanning.