Is it possible to burn the mucous membrane of the throat?


A throat burn is a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and part of the larynx as a result of exposure to aggressive liquids. This is a fairly common reason for seeking medical help.

Most often, this problem occurs among children, since, due to their curiosity, while playing, they can “taste” a dangerous substance. For adults, damage is also relevant. It can be obtained at home, at work, or when trying to commit suicide.

How can you burn your throat?

Substances such as:

  1. hot food, liquid or steam;


  2. alcohol and alcohol tinctures;
  3. acids in high concentration;
  4. ammonia;
  5. concentrated iodine solution;
  6. concentrated hydrogen peroxide;
  7. alkalis;
  8. liquids used for cleaning plumbing, washing floors, cleaning pipes;
  9. battery fluid;
  10. Lugol's solution.

Based on what caused the damage, there are two types of burns - thermal and chemical.

Symptoms of a burn to the throat and larynx

The clinical picture of injury consists of the following symptoms:

  1. acute sore throat;
  2. burning sensation;
  3. increased salivation;
  4. nausea;
  5. reflex vomiting;
  6. increase in body temperature;
  7. hoarseness of voice;
  8. reflex cough;
  9. difficulty breathing.


Objectively, enlargement and pain can be detected by palpation of regional lymph nodes. Upon examination, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx is hyperemic and swollen. With a chemical burn, there may be a characteristic odor from the oral cavity.


The severity of clinical symptoms directly depends on the severity of the injury received. In medical practice, there are three degrees of severity of burns to the mucous membrane of the throat:

  1. First. The injury is limited by a violation of the integrity of the surface layers of the epithelium. The victim complains of moderate pain and a burning sensation. Hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane are objectively detected.

  2. mozhno-li-szhech-slizistuyu-BKdxL.webp

    . At this degree the damage is more serious. Blisters covered with plaque form at the burn site. Body temperature is above 38 C, swallowing is impaired due to pain. 2-3 weeks after the onset of the disease, the films are rejected, and ulcers form in their place. During the healing process, scars appear there.
  3. Third. The patient's condition is serious, breathing is most often impaired. Areas of damaged mucosa are necrotic. Subsequently, deep ulcers form in place of areas of necrosis, which, when healing, form scars that completely or partially disrupt the function of the throat.

Urgent Care

The further outcome depends on how quickly help is provided to the victim. If help was absent or provided too late, the area and depth of the lesion may increase.

Regardless of what agent caused the burn, the patient must be provided with a supply of fresh air. Further actions should be aimed at identifying the etiological factor.


If the throat is burned as a result of swallowing a hot liquid or food, such as hot tea, the patient should be given a glass of cold water to drink. To reduce pain, it is advisable to give a 0.25% anesthetic solution (Novocaine or Lidocaine). You can apply cold.

The most dangerous thing is to burn your throat with chemicals or medications (for example, Lugol's solution). If a chemical burn of the throat and larynx or alcohol occurs, you must immediately determine the substance that caused the injury.

Damage caused by the acid is neutralized with sodium bicarbonate solution. Caused by alkalis - a weak solution of citric acid.

To reduce the effect of aggressive liquid, in case of any chemical burn, it is advisable to rinse the stomach 3-4 times.

After carrying out these activities, you must seek medical help. If the burn is superficial, a dentist or ENT specialist can help deal with it; if the injury is deep, it is more advisable to call an ambulance team who will help with transportation to a specialized hospital.

The doctor will determine the depth of damage to the mucous membrane and give recommendations for treatment. In severe cases, the patient requires hospitalization.

How to treat a burn

Recommendations for food intake are common to all degrees of burn severity. In order to avoid additional trauma, it is recommended to follow a special diet: food should be homogeneous and consumed cold. You should avoid eating salty, fried, smoked and spicy foods.

Treatment of first degree burns

In order to prevent infection, the oropharyngeal cavity is irrigated with Miramistin solution.

Gargling with anesthetic solutions will help relieve pain. Gargling with herbal decoctions has a good anti-inflammatory and calming effect, namely:


Consuming milk and dairy products (cream, sour cream) is beneficial. Liquids should be at room temperature. Butter and vegetable oil, consumed 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day will have a beneficial effect on accelerating epithelization.

Also, for better regeneration, lubricating the affected areas with peach or sea buckthorn oil will have a good effect. The prognosis for this degree of damage is favorable; as a rule, the burn ceases to bother you after 7-10 days.

Treatment of burn injuries to the throat in children is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a specialist. The use of traditional medicine is absolutely unacceptable, as it can cause swelling and even worsen the condition.

Treatment 2 and 3 degrees

2nd and 3rd degree burns require hospitalization in a medical facility. Treatment tactics are selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the burn. The basic regimen contains the following drugs:

  1. broad-spectrum antibiotics (to reduce the likelihood of a secondary bacterial infection);
  2. analgesic drugs (injectable forms and local irrigation);
  3. antihistamines (to reduce tissue swelling);
  4. sedatives and sedatives;
  5. antiseptic solutions and disinfectants;
  6. means for improving regeneration and accelerating epithelization (Solcoseryl, Methyluracil, Retinol);
  7. hormonal drugs;
  8. to reduce general intoxication of the body - polarizing solutions intravenously.


With deep lesions, the act of swallowing is usually impaired. Therefore, nutrition is provided with nutritional mixtures using a tube.

For 3rd degree burns, there is a high probability that surgical treatment will be required.

The healing time for deep burns depends on the depth and extent of the affected areas. In the best case, restoration of swallowing function will take 2-3 weeks.

Possible complications

If treatment is not started on time or is not carried out at all, there is a huge chance of encountering complications:

  1. the occurrence of suffocation due to severe swelling of the mucous membrane;
  2. burn shock, collapse;
  3. if nerves are damaged, reflex cessation of breathing is possible;
  4. bleeding;
  5. loss of swallowing function.

All these consequences pose a direct danger to the life of the victim. That is why timely emergency assistance and referral to a specialist play a very important role.


To protect yourself and small children from burns, you need to follow some rules:


  1. It is unacceptable to store medicines, household chemicals and other aggressive liquids in the public domain in a room where there are children;
  2. all chemicals must be stored in labeled or labeled containers;
  3. Before offering food to a small child, you need to make sure that it is at the right temperature;
  4. it is necessary to observe safety precautions when working with liquids that can cause burns;
  5. Every person should know the technique of providing emergency care for burns.

A throat burn is a dangerous injury that can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is extremely important to follow preventive measures, be able to provide first aid and consult a doctor in a timely manner.


Many inflammatory diseases of the throat can lead to disruption of the integrity of the mucous membrane. This causes some discomfort in a person and increases the risk of developing other diseases. How to restore a damaged throat most effectively? The article talks about why leering is required. Effective medications are indicated to solve this problem. Folk remedies are described.


Irritation of the throat mucosa is the main symptom of all diseases in this area.

It is usually caused by infectious pathologies, but there are other reasons for this condition:

  1. acute viral and bacterial sore throats;
  2. chronic tonsillitis;
  3. pharyngitis or laryngitis;
  4. burns and frostbite of the mucous membrane;
  5. alcohol and nicotine abuse;
  6. constant consumption of food with a lot of spices;
  7. allergic reactions;
  8. side effects of certain medications;
  9. prolonged tension of the larynx and vocal cords.

There are many factors that lead to irritation and damage. They can act both individually and in combination.


Why does it need to be restored?

Why is this necessary? The throat and nasal passages, or more precisely, their mucous membranes, are a powerful barrier to infection entering the body.

These shells have strong antimicrobial properties and are capable of mechanically removing accumulations of microbes and dust in the inhaled air. In addition, they warm the air before it enters the lungs.

That is why it is necessary to take measures for any existing damage to the mucous membrane. Violation of its integrity can lead to the formation of chronic foci of infection.


You can understand that your throat is damaged by your own feelings. In this case, there will be constant soreness, discomfort when swallowing, and other unpleasant sensations.

An otolaryngologist will confirm the diagnosis during examination. The surface of the upper respiratory tract will appear inflamed and erosions may occur.


Treatment methods

To achieve maximum effect, you need to use an integrated approach to therapy. Special medicines have the greatest effect, and traditional medicine can be used as an addition to treatment and to consolidate the results.


Which medications to choose?

A drug Effect Mode of application
Lysobacter It contains lysozyme and pyridoxine. Both components will contribute to healing. It is used in the form of lozenges. Children and adults are prescribed one tablet every two hours.
Yox The healing component is allantoin. It helps eliminate minor damage. Available in the form of a spray and rinse solution. Can be prescribed to adults and children over five years of age.
Imudon (photo)O Has an immunomodulatory effect. Its action is based on the normalization of microflora. Lozenges are prescribed for adults and children over five years of age. Take one tablet every hour.

You can often find similar queries on the Internet: “I burned the mucous membrane of my throat, what should I do?” Help in this case will depend on the cause of the burn and its severity.

In some cases, medications can be used, but severe burns will require specialized medical care. In this case, the medicine is applied directly to the mucous membrane during endoscopy. Solcoseryl or Methyluracil are usually used.


Sometimes damage occurs due to excessive dryness - this happens when the weather is too hot, working in hot workshops, nasal congestion and breathing through the mouth.

How to moisturize mucous membranes with medications? In this case, Aqualor spray is suitable. It is made from sea water and promotes softening. The instructions indicate that it can be used without age restrictions and is not contraindicated for pregnant women.

Home Remedies

The price in pharmacies is usually low, but in some cases it is not possible to purchase the medicine. Then, homemade products will come to the rescue. They are quite effective.

Erosion and swelling can be eliminated by rinsing with special solutions:

These remedies promote rapid healing of injuries, as a result of which swelling also decreases.


Rinsing with chamomile and sage helps speed up this process. Rinsing with a sea salt solution also helps eliminate swelling. To do this, you need to take a tablespoon of coarse or fine salt and dissolve it in warm water. This product removes excess fluid from the mucous membrane and eliminates swelling.


If dryness is a concern, treatment can be carried out using physiotherapy. The most effective in this case will be inhalation using a nebulizer (video in this article). This device allows you to spray the smallest particles of medicine. Thanks to this, the regeneration process goes much faster.

How to restore the throat mucosa - the solution to this problem is simple. There are effective medications and home remedies that promote rapid healing of any injury.

A throat burn is a dangerous injury in which the mucous membrane is damaged when exposed to chemicals or hot liquid. This injury is usually typical for children, but in everyday life it can also occur among adults.

A burn to the throat is not isolated, but is combined with damage to the esophagus, oral cavity, trachea, and the consequences of such an injury can be very serious.

Causes and symptoms


Depending on the cause, a throat burn can be thermal or chemical.

Quite often, the cause of a burn is the improper use of medications when lubricating inflamed tonsils or sore throat. A highly concentrated product injures tissues. Burns to the throat can be caused by chemicals: iodine, alcohol, toxic steam, alkali, Lugol, concentrated acid. Throat injury is usually associated with ingestion or inhalation of these substances.

A burn to the mucous membrane of the throat can be caused by: consumption of hot food and drinks, boiling water, etc. This is usually observed in young children when their parents were unable to inspect them. Thermal burns, unlike chemical burns, are easier. This is due to short-term exposure to hot substances on the mucous membrane and neutralization with cool water.

The following symptoms may indicate that a burn has occurred to the mucous membrane of the throat:

  1. Severe burning sensation
  2. Pain when swallowing
  3. Temperature increase
  4. Increased salivation
  5. Nausea

If the trachea and larynx are injured during a burn, a cough appears, the voice disappears, and there is a lack of oxygen. The throat cannot be burned on its own; usually the oral cavity is involved in the process. The mucous membrane is swollen and red, blisters appear, and the lymph nodes become enlarged. In severe cases, traumatic shock and respiratory arrest may develop.

Degree of burn to the throat mucosa


Burns of II-III degree are a threat to life!

Depending on the severity and damage to the mucous membrane, there are 4 degrees of burn:

  1. 1st degree. The surface epithelium is affected. Whitened areas appear on the mucous membrane, which begin to separate after a few days. The patient experiences a burning sensation and pain in the throat.
  2. 2nd degree. It is characterized by the formation of blisters on the mucous membrane, which burst over time. In place of the burst blisters, wounds appear. Scars can be observed on the surface, which are a consequence of wound healing. The pain syndrome intensifies and is accompanied by signs of intoxication.
  3. 3rd degree. The most severe burn of the throat mucosa. It is characterized by severe signs of intoxication and purulent sputum, which appears against the background of the death of inflamed tissues. In place of the scab, deep ulcers form, which after healing leave a scar. The process of swallowing with a 3rd degree burn of the mucous membrane is disrupted. In addition, the victim experiences acute pain, which can only be eliminated with painkillers.
  4. There are 4th degree burns of the throat mucosa. It occurs in rare cases and is not compatible with life. The fourth degree is characterized by damage not only to the mucous membrane of the throat, but also to the larynx and esophagus. The nerve endings are damaged and breathing stops.

For a local burn of the throat mucosa, no special treatment is required. Recovery of the affected area will take place within a week, so discomfort will continue to be felt for some time.

For more serious second and third degree injuries, specialist help is needed.

A chemical burn is very dangerous and can cause a lot of trouble, and treatment can take a long time. You will need to contact a specialist if there is damage to the throat of the trachea and bronchi. The patient develops a cough, changes in voice timbre and feels short of air. It is imperative to consult a doctor if the burn was caused by chemicals.

Drug treatment


Treatment of the throat mucosa depends on the cause and degree of the burn!

Depending on the degree of damage to the mucous membrane of the throat, treatment will be prescribed. For 1st degree burns, treatment can be carried out at home, but for 2nd and 3rd degree burns it must be carried out in a hospital setting.

It is important to provide timely assistance to the patient:

  1. In case of a thermal burn, the patient should be given still water to drink. Ice cubes are allowed.
  2. In case of a chemical burn, the agent that caused the damage to the mucous membrane should be neutralized. If the burn is caused by acid, then you need to gargle with a baking soda solution. In case of an alkaline burn, rinse is carried out with a not very concentrated solution of citric or acetic acid.
  3. After this, the victim should rinse his stomach, because the possibility of getting a burn to the esophagus and stomach is not excluded. Next, drink a tablespoon of vegetable oil and consult a doctor. At the clinic, the doctor will provide the necessary medical care.
  4. If necessary, Analgin, Lidocaine, etc., as well as narcotic analgesics in the form of Promedol, Fentanyl, Naltrexone, etc., can be prescribed to reduce pain.
  5. It is recommended to use sedatives: Valoserdin, Relanium, Afobazol, etc. These drugs are used if the victim is in shock and has psychological disorders due to trauma.
  6. If the burn is deep, then detoxification therapy is carried out: Ringer's solution, glucose-saline solution, etc.
  7. To avoid secondary infection, antibiotics and sulfonamides are prescribed. Among antibacterial drugs, it is advisable to use fluoroquinolones, macrolides, and cephalosporins. They are prescribed for accompanying symptoms: fever, vomiting and nausea, etc.
  8. To relieve swelling, glucocorticosteroids are used: Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone, etc.
  9. The throat must be gargled with antiseptic solutions: Miramistin, Anestezin, Tantum Verde, etc.
  10. To accelerate epithelization and tissue regeneration, Solcoseryl, Retinol, Aevit, Methyluracil, etc. are prescribed. If necessary, inhalations of drugs and herbal remedies are carried out.

Treatment of 2-3 degree burns should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, as the specialist prescribes drugs in a certain dosage.

In more severe cases, surgical intervention is indicated for throat burns. The operation is performed for ulcers, scars and serious deformities.

During treatment, the patient should switch to a gentle diet.

It is recommended to eat soft, pureed food warm. In addition, you should exclude foods that irritate the inflamed mucous membrane. The victim should reduce conversations to a minimum to avoid painful sensations

Traditional methods of treatment


Gargling is first aid for mucous membrane burns!

For first-degree burns, you can use traditional methods:

  1. To stimulate the restoration of the throat mucosa, oils and herbal decoctions are used. Oils used include sea buckthorn, peach, and olive. Soak a cotton swab in oil and lubricate the damaged mucous membrane several times a day. These oils have a soothing and regenerating effect, which allows you to restore the mucous membrane in a short time.
  2. It is necessary to regularly rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, yarrow, and oak bark. You need to take a tablespoon of raw material and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse in a thermos. You need to rinse your mouth with a solution at room temperature.
  3. To speed up wound healing, it is useful to use a decoction of oak bark. However, before use, you should definitely consult your doctor, as this remedy may reduce the effectiveness of the medications.
  4. For burns, you can use beaten eggs to lubricate the throat.

A throat burn in children cannot be treated using alternative medicine, as this can lead to an allergic reaction, swelling of the mucous membrane and, as a result, suffocation.

Throat burn: what not to do


Important! Incorrect treatment can cause more serious consequences

Improper treatment can delay the recovery of the mucous membrane and the risk of infection increases. Victims must follow all doctor's instructions so as not to worsen the situation.

It is not recommended to eat hot foods or drink hot drinks. This is very irritating to the throat. It is prohibited to consume solid foods and alcoholic beverages. You should stop smoking, talk loudly, etc.

By following these measures, you can restore the mucous membrane of the throat after a burn in a short time. Mild burns heal quickly, as the mucous membrane can regenerate well.

If you do not provide timely assistance for second- and third-degree throat burns, this can lead to serious consequences.

Severe consequences of injury are:

  1. Formation of large scars on the pharynx, larynx and esophagus
  2. Shock
  3. Collapse
  4. Suffocation
  5. Stopping breathing due to nerve damage

The resulting scars lead to dysfunction of the larynx, pharynx, and esophagus, but in more severe cases, the function may be completely lost.

Useful video: what to do if your throat is burned with boiling water