Is it possible to return color to gray hair?

I read stories on various forums about how men and women had gray hair, which arose, for example, due to stress, then, after some time, disappeared. In general, there were 2-5 gray hairs as a result of stress, and then everything returned to the natural color. Is this real? There is simply no point in lying to those people. Yes, they are young or middle-aged, there is no genetically early gray hair. Only a few hairs due to stress. One man stood on his head, his gray hairs disappeared. Someone did nothing, just after time passed, the gray hairs disappeared. Do you have similar stories? experts

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They can if gray hair is caused by a lack of microelements and the deficiency has been replenished. in all other cases - no

Gray hair will not come back. it will just fall out over time. Then normal hair will grow back if it was gray due to stress.

gray hair will not disappear if it has already appeared

there is such a thing. then it becomes half-sized, half gray, but from the root it grows normal. The first few gray hairs appeared at 33, very good. I was very sick and under a lot of stress, now there are 38 gray hairs and not a single one

They can if gray hair is caused by a lack of microelements and the deficiency has been replenished. in all other cases - no

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By the way, yes, perhaps the cause is anemia, I had pneumonia, they couldn’t find an antibiotic for a long time, it’s small, you won’t end up in the hospital, a lot of weight loss, about 15% in a couple of weeks at the original norm, hemoglobin is very good. low, they killed my dad, the funeral, the trial, the state was just very so-so. Gray hair appeared at the temples, then disappeared. Maybe stress, maybe anemia. (My post 5 above)

By the way, yes, perhaps the cause is anemia, I had pneumonia, they couldn’t find an antibiotic for a long time, it’s small, you won’t end up in the hospital, a lot of weight loss, about 15% in a couple of weeks at the original norm, hemoglobin is very good. low, they killed my dad, the funeral, the trial, the state was just very so-so. Gray hair appeared at the temples, then disappeared. Maybe stress, maybe anemia. (My post 5 above)

By the way, yes, perhaps the cause is anemia, I had pneumonia, they couldn’t find an antibiotic for a long time, it’s small, you won’t end up in the hospital, a lot of weight loss, about 15% in a couple of weeks at the original norm, hemoglobin is very good. low, they killed my dad, the funeral, the trial, the state was just very so-so. Gray hair appeared at the temples, then disappeared. Maybe stress, maybe anemia. (My post 5 above)[
How long did it take for gray hair to disappear?

I had gray hairs from stress, they probably disappeared within a year. In general, I didn’t pay attention to them, I don’t know. But now they are gone

At 59 years old, I already had half a head of gray hair and quite a few sores. I switched to a healthy diet (instead of sugar - honey and dried fruits, instead of white bread - rye, meat 2 times a month, fish 2 times a week, more vegetables and fruits) and after 4 months I saw that the gray hair had disappeared somewhere! All my hair is now my natural color, dark brown. How nice to see them! My hairdresser said that this was the first time in her practice. The main thing is that the goal was to improve health, and this is a side effect! Some of the sores have also gone away, although not all of them yet. It turns out that this is what the body is capable of!

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One of the sure signs of aging is the appearance of gray hair. Faced with such a problem, many people have a question: “Is it possible to return color to gray hair?” We hasten to please you: yes, it is possible. We will tell you about ways to return the color to gray hair in our article today.

Causes of gray hair

Gray hair can appear not only in old age, but also in adulthood (and younger age). The causes of early gray hair are given below:

  1. Poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency.
  2. Shock and depressive states of the body.
  3. Hereditary factor.
  4. A protracted illness that causes an increase in temperature and leads to disruption of the endocrine, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  5. Sleep disturbance.
  6. Taking medications.
  7. Lack of iron, iodine, sulfur, zinc, copper in the body.

Perhaps the appearance of gray hair is due to one of the listed reasons. Try to reduce the impact of the negative factor on the body, and only then begin active steps to return your natural hair color.

Ways to return color to gray hair

Today, there are many ways to return hair to its natural color. We will talk about them below.

  1. Taking vitamins. To return your curls to their natural color, it is recommended to take vitamin C, A, E, group B, methionine, etc.
  2. Diet. The appearance of gray hair is caused by insufficient production of melanin. When the required amount of nutrients enters the body, all “frozen” processes are restored, including the production of pigment. In order to stop graying, add to your diet foods rich in manganese, cobalt, copper, tyrosine, para-aminobenzoic acid, zinc, iron, selenium, etc.
  3. Carrying out cosmetic procedures. In the beauty salon you can undergo various types of hair therapy that will help improve the health of your curls and return them to their natural shade. Such procedures include physiotherapy, mesotherapy and ozone therapy.

The shelves of modern cosmetic stores and pharmacies are densely lined with various miracle products that help restore your hair to its natural shade. Paints, toners, tinted shampoos, sprays, conditioners and creams allow you to cover gray hair and return your hair to a color that is as close as possible to its natural shade. You can also use medicated shampoos that do not color your hair, but promote the production of melanin (TianDe “Master Herb”, “Antisilverin”, etc.).

  1. Use of folk remedies. Perhaps the safest way to return your hair to its natural color is to use folk remedies.
  1. Decoctions of dill and burdock for rubbing into hair roots. Pour 40 g of dried dill and burdock roots into 1 liter of boiling water. After 3 hours, rub the strained infusion into the scalp. We carry out the described manipulations daily for 2 months.
  2. Butter. Twice a week for 3 months, rub melted butter into the roots of your hair.
  3. Rosehip decoction. Pour 0.1 kg of dried rose hips into a saucepan with 2 liters of boiling water. Boil the contents of the container for 5 minutes. After cooling, rub the broth into the scalp. We carry out these manipulations three times a week. The product is also useful for internal use - ½ glass twice a week.
  4. Mustard-sour cream mask. Stir 40 g of mustard powder into 40 g of homemade sour cream. Apply a homogeneous composition to the roots and hair. Wash off the mask after 40 minutes. We use the product twice a week for 2.5 months.
  5. Oil-cognac mask with honey and yolk. In a bowl with 30 ml of burdock oil, add 35 g of honey, 30 g of cognac and chicken yolk. Apply a homogeneous mixture to the scalp and strands. Let the mixture stand for 40 minutes. We use the product twice a week for 3 months.

Trichologists also recommend eating and rubbing the fruits of pears, apricots, strawberries, blackberries, cabbage, cherries and onions into the hair roots.

The appearance of gray hair is not a reason for frustration. Using the products listed above will help return your hair to its natural color and protect it from graying in the future.



Graying is a natural consequence of age-related changes; people usually begin to notice gray strands at the age of about 40 years. For fair-haired people, gray hair appears a little earlier, for dark-haired people - a little later. However, quite a lot of people find their first gray hairs at the age of 25, and this makes them concerned about the problem of restoring their hair color.

Why does hair turn grey?

Hair loses its coloring pigment as a result of severe psychological shocks, chronic stress, health problems, due to alcohol abuse, taking certain medications, and after surgical anesthesia. Gray hair is also caused by disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, for example, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, and an unbalanced diet, from which the body begins to experience a deficiency of many important microelements, such as copper and zinc. A genetic predisposition cannot be ruled out, which is often cited as the cause of platinum hair.

Melanin, a pigment produced by melanocyte cells located in the hair follicles, is responsible for hair color. The decrease in melanocyte activity with age explains why hair turns grey. To stop premature graying, it is necessary to resume biological processes in the hair follicles.

Methods to combat early gray hair

Hair deprived of pigment becomes coarse and stands out noticeably against the background of the natural color, in addition, it visually adds extra years to the owner. Unfortunately, there is no radical way to restore the natural color of pigment-deprived hair, but further graying can be prevented.

Cosmetical tools

Professional dyes will help hide gray hair, however, they all contain chemical components that weaken and damage the hair structure. After 3-4 weeks, the curls will have to be tinted, because the roots begin to grow.

If there is not much gray hair, a tinted balm or shampoo can help, which should match the natural color of the hair.

Among the cosmetics we can highlight:

  1. tint shampoos;
  2. air conditioners;
  3. cream;
  4. spray toners.


If the cause of premature graying lies in a lack of vitamins and microelements, you can stop further discoloration by taking multivitamin hair complexes. For example, the ALERANA® line contains a vitamin-mineral complex containing 18 active components, including vitamins B12, C and E, and beta-carotene, which affect melanin synthesis. At the same time, the complex improves the condition of the hair and scalp and reduces hair loss.


Amino acids such as tyrosine and tryptophan are involved in the formation of melanin. To activate pigment production in the body, you should eat more foods rich in these amino acids. Tyrosine is found, for example, in foods such as liver, meat, fish, seafood, beans, almonds, and avocados. Sources of tryptophan are brown rice and dates. Both acids are present in large quantities in peanuts and bananas.


For the production of melanin, carotene, vitamins C, E, A, which are found in cereals and cereals, are needed. There is a lot of carotene in orange-colored vegetables and fruits (peaches, melon, etc.). An important role in the synthesis of melanin is played by vitamin B10, which is present in cereals and cereals, and in wholemeal bread.


Include fermented milk products, butter, seaweed, sesame seeds, black beans in your diet; remember that the key to health is a balanced diet; maintain the required daily ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Modern cosmetology

Mesotherapy is an injection technique that allows you to deliver vitamins, microelements and growth factors of plant origin directly to the hair follicles. In the arsenal of cosmetologists and trichologists, there is a large selection of mesotherapy drugs that, when used in a course, can solve various hair and scalp problems, in particular, they are effective in the treatment of gray hair.

For this purpose, cobalt injections are performed, and platinum hair becomes much smaller.

Folk remedies

If you do not want to resort to using chemical dyes, you can use folk recipes that will help level out existing gray hair, give your hair a beautiful shade and prevent further graying.

Recipes based on black tea work well. They have a coloring effect and are suitable as a skincare procedure.

Balm-rinse: Application: after each hair wash.

  1. 4-6 tbsp. long tea per 1 liter of boiling water
  2. 2-3 tbsp. apple cider vinegar

Cover the vessel with tea leaves filled with boiling water and let it cool until it cools completely. Pass the cooled liquid through a sieve and warm it up a little. Then pour the infusion into a wide bowl, over which it will be convenient to rinse your hair, and add apple cider vinegar there. Leaning over the container, do at least 15-30 rinses using a bowl. After this, the hair should be wrung out without getting wet with a towel and allowed to dry naturally. Attention: The rinse is not recommended for use on hair that has been freshly dyed with chemical dyes.

Tea based mask: application - once every 2-3 weeks.

  1. 4 tbsp. black long tea
  2. ¼ glass of water
  3. 2 tbsp. cocoa

The composition is poured into a pan, put on fire, and the pan is covered with a lid. You need to simmer the liquid on low heat for 30-40 minutes. Strain the resulting pulp through cheesecloth and finely chop until thick. Take gruel depending on the length of your hair, mix and add cocoa powder. If, when kneading the gruel, it turns out to be too dry, you can add a little boiled water, or the remaining water drained from the pan, or a little warmed red wine (wine will give a reddish tint to the hair).

The mask should be applied to clean, dried hair in the same way as dye: in rows, carefully from the root, spreading over the entire length of the hair. Then wrap your hair in a bun, cover with a plastic cap and a bath towel on top. The exposure time of the mask is from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the desired shade. After time, the mask is washed off, the hair is easily blotted with a towel and allowed to dry naturally. Attention: You need to wear gloves to apply the mask to avoid staining the skin of your hands. It is better to test the mask on a separate strand selected from below to see how exactly your hair will react to the natural dye.

Balance your diet, take vitamins, try to avoid stress, and gray hair will not touch your hair for many years.

For an accurate diagnosis, contact a specialist.