Men's anti-wrinkle face mask

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Most often, men go to a cosmetologist with problems regarding the condition of their hair. The second reason (more important, in our opinion) is acne on the skin and increased oiliness of the skin. And then: dermatological problems, bags under the eyes, facial wrinkles, etc. By the way, bags under the eyes and wrinkles, although they appear later in the stronger sex, are more pronounced and more pronounced.

Men's skin contains more sebaceous and sweat glands than women's, making it more prone to the formation of acne and follicles. When the first signs of acne appear in adolescence, it is better to immediately consult a cosmetologist in order to prevent more serious skin diseases in the future. It is believed that beauty is not a man’s business, but you must agree that in our time, a person’s appearance is of great, sometimes decisive importance. Career growth and personal life often depend on this. A successful man is not only in good physical shape, but also visually attractive.

According to statistics, more than 40% of men have a positive attitude towards cosmetic procedures. However, not everyone decides to go to a salon, so the most important thing is to know how to take care of your face yourself. Until recently, the entire beauty industry worked almost exclusively for women. Today, various male facial care products are actively sold and advertised.

Effective face masks for men

What is necessary for male beauty, to keep your face in great shape at home? Basic secrets of male beauty:

Cleansing for men's faces. In order for the skin cleansing process to have a good result, it is important to use the right products. For example, use a special gel or foam to wash your face, instead of soap, which dries out the skin. Special cleansers contain essential oils, fruit or herbal extracts, and also quickly remove excess oil and impurities accumulated in the pores. It is better to use such products in the morning before shaving or in the evening.

After washing, it is good to apply a special moisturizer or lotion to the skin. After washing your face in the evening, apply a nourishing cream to your face with light massaging movements. If you have oily skin, it is better to use a light cleansing toner. Read also: Face masks with cucumber, the best cucumber masks

Skin hydration for men. Facial exfoliation is necessary for men as well as for women. Scrubs can be bought in cosmetic stores or prepared yourself at home. Scrubs act like sandpaper - flakes of old skin peel off faster and cleanse pores, stimulating the formation of new cells. The basis for scrubs can be particles of apricot and grape seeds, nut shells, coffee grounds, salt, sugar, etc. Clay peeling gives a good effect. To ensure that the procedure does not cause harm, you need to take into account your skin type.

Nutrition. Nutrition is one of the important stages of skin care. Nourishing masks supply the skin with vitamins, additionally cleanse the face and replenish the loss of natural moisture. It is better to make nourishing masks 2 times a week. Don't forget about the skin around your eyes too. Special creams and gels will prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles and eliminate dark circles.

Shaving. This stage of facial care for men is especially important for those who are not used to using an electric razor. Fans of razors should know which product is best to use for shaving. The gel is more effective - it evenly covers the skin and moisturizes it well. Moreover, it is more economical. After shaving, apply a tonic or balm to the skin to relieve irritation. It is better not to use lotions containing alcohol, as they cause redness and increase irritation.

Face mask for men recipes

The appearance of a modern middle-aged man is athleticism and fitness combined with healthy skin and hair. Today, a healthy lifestyle and the ability to properly care for oneself are valued more than ever. Bad habits are considered unfashionable. And the presence of light gray hair at the temples is not a reason to have flabby, wrinkled skin.

Many men are increasingly turning their attention to natural resources. Anti-aging masks for men of plant origin - this is the latest brand in the world of men's cosmetology. Men's face masks don't just have to deal with a specific skin problem. They should have a rejuvenating effect and not cause increased facial hair growth, but also not harm the hair. Few men want to have facial hair with bald spots or shave several times a day.

Oatmeal mask for oily skin

An oatmeal mask will help tone your facial skin. It can easily cope with increased oil content, tighten pores and fill the skin with important microelements. To prepare it, just pour 2-3 tablespoons of rolled oats with boiling water and hold in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain and cool the resulting pulp. Apply to the face and lie with the mask for about half an hour.

Don't throw away the broth! It can be used as a facial toner for three days if stored in the refrigerator. This is how an oatmeal mask for oily skin can become an assistant in the daily care of problem skin.

Mask for acne skin

Due to the physiological characteristics of men's skin, its increased greasiness, many men suffer from acne even after thirty years of age. A mask made of starch, baking soda and salt will help solve this problem. This mask for acne skin can easily replace powerful antibacterial drugs. Baking soda and salt will relieve inflammation, cleanse areas of suppuration, and starch will soften the skin.

To prepare this mask, take a teaspoon of soda and the same amount of salt, a tablespoon of starch. Better than corn, but potato will be no less useful. Mix everything, dilute with warm boiled water until creamy. Apply to problem areas. Leave for 25-30 minutes. Wash with baby soap and apply a little purified almond oil to your face.

This mask can be done no more than twice a week, be sure to use softening and nourishing creams or infusions after it.

Rejuvenating mask for the eye area

Even men want to have expressive eyes. A rejuvenating mask for the eye area is a lotion made from decoctions of several herbs with the addition of cucumber juice.

You need to take half a teaspoon each of rosea radiola, oak bark and sage. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave to cool and infuse overnight. In the morning, grate the cucumber on a fine grater and mix its juice with the infusion in equal quantities. Moisten cotton pads and apply to eyelids.

Usually 15 minutes is enough for the dark circles under the eyes to disappear. The skin has become more elastic, wrinkles have decreased, and the eyes have acquired a healthy shine.

Useful face masks for men

According to statistics, oily skin is much more common among representatives of the stronger sex than among women. That is why you should pay more attention to her and provide full care. In addition, the skin is exposed to external factors every day and, without care, it looks haggard and dull.

Your skin needs nourishment, cleansing and care. Every day it is affected by factors such as weather conditions, and due to regular shaving it becomes rougher. In order to avoid this, we advise you to regularly make masks, the recipes for which you will see below:

Lemon and honey – suitable for all skin types, has whitening properties. Mix 1 tsp. honey with 1 tsp. lemon juice and 5 drops of olive oil. Apply the mixture to a cleansed face, rinse off after 20 minutes with water.

Natural yogurt and butter. Ideal for those with skin with large pores. It is very easy to prepare - mix 1 tbsp. natural yogurt without any additives with ½ tsp. grape seed oil and apply to face for 20-30 minutes.

An oatmeal mask is ideal for those suffering from rashes as it removes oil and dirt from clogged pores. You need to boil 2 tbsp. rolled oats, then add 1 tsp to it. honey, 1 tsp. yogurt and 1 protein. Apply the mixture in a thin layer to the skin, then rinse with warm water.

Scrub: this recipe should be used no more than once a week. The scrub exfoliates dead skin particles and cleanses pores. Mix 2 tbsp. baking soda with a few drops of water, you should get a fairly thick paste. Apply the paste with massage movements onto a damp face and continue massaging for another 2 minutes.

Milk and honey are also suitable for any skin type. Whisk the milk and honey thoroughly with a whisk or spoon, you should get a homogeneous mass. Apply evenly to neck and face with fingers or a cotton swab and wash after 10 minutes.

Clay mask for oily skin – mix 1 tbsp. any cosmetic clay with a small amount of water, half an egg white and a few drops of aloe juice (can be replaced with aloe gel). Mix all the ingredients and apply to the skin, when the mask dries, remove it with warm water.

Egg and almond butter. Ideal for dry facial skin. Mix 1 egg yolk and 1 tbsp. almond oil, mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture evenly to your face and leave for 15 minutes.

Banana and yogurt. Suitable for any skin, nourishes and moisturizes. Mash half a banana to a puree consistency and mix with 1 tbsp. natural yogurt, apply evenly to face for 20 minutes.

We have presented you with several useful homemade masks for men, although they are also suitable for women. Choose the one that suits your skin and be sure to try it out soon. Believe me, the result is worth it!

But if you don’t have the time and desire to prepare a homemade mask, you can buy a ready-made cosmetic product in the store. All masks are universal, so it makes no difference who will use the product - a man or a woman, the main thing is that it suits your skin type.

Super face mask for men

Men's and women's cosmetics differ, since the properties of men's skin are different. Their stratum corneum is noticeably thicker than that of women. Under the influence of hormones, the sebaceous and sweat glands in men work more intensely, so the skin of males is often oily. Increased oiliness and enlarged pores contribute to the appearance of acne.

Cosmetic masks for men are designed to solve problems and maintain healthy skin of the stronger sex. Men's skin, first of all, needs to be cleansed, and it also needs to be nourished and moisturized. Read also: Recipes for face masks in baths

Men's cosmetology: face masks

Peach mask with cognac – gives the skin radiance

If your skin looks tired and exhausted, add vitamins. Peach contains them in sufficient quantities. This mask perfectly softens and nourishes the skin, smoothes out wrinkles. Cleanses pores.

To prepare the mask you will need half a peach and a tablespoon of cognac.

Mix the peach pulp with cognac, and your potion is ready for use.

White clay mask - effective against acne

It will help get rid of blackheads on the forehead, nose and chin. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and tightens pores. Has a disinfectant effect.

Take a quarter glass of vodka, 2-3 tablespoons of clay and the juice of half a lemon. Dilute the clay with vodka. Squeeze the lemon juice. Apply the mixture to areas affected by blackheads and leave for 10 minutes.

Cosmetic face mask made from oatmeal - will protect you from the winter cold

It will revive chapped and rough skin, making it soft and tender.

Pour two tablespoons of oatmeal with four tablespoons of hot milk. Let it brew for ten minutes. Place the mask on your face. Wash off after twenty minutes.

Decongestant potato mask

Will bring you back to life after a fun holiday. Swelling will go away, small wrinkles will disappear. The components of the mask effectively relieve inflammation, soften and tone the skin.

You can use potatoes both raw and boiled. Grate two tubers on a fine grater. Wrap the finished mixture in gauze and place on your face. Leave for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Peeling mask made from oatmeal and soda

Eliminates dead cells, promotes regeneration and renewal of the skin.

Mix three tablespoons of oatmeal with one teaspoon of baking soda. Dilute the mixture with water to the consistency of sour cream.

Massage your face in circular motions for five minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

In addition to the facial skin, the thin and sensitive skin of the eyelids requires special care.

Cosmetic eye masks

Cucumber mask - a remedy for puffy eyes

A cucumber mask copes well with swollen eyelids and gets rid of bruises under the eyes.

Grind half a cucumber in a blender. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Apply the cool mixture to the eyelid area.

Parsley – elixir of youth

A parsley mask eliminates fine expression lines and swelling.

Finely chop the parsley and apply to the eyelids. Place cotton pads moistened with water on top.

Allow the product to absorb (ten minutes). Rinse with water.

Olive oil is your friend and assistant in the fight against wrinkles

Olive oil prevents the appearance and smoothes out existing wrinkles.

Heat the oil in a water bath. Using cotton pads, apply oil to the eyelid area. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse with water.

Homemade cosmetic lip masks

Men's lips require special care, especially in winter. In the wind, the moisture from the lips evaporates, and the dry air in the apartment adds fuel to the fire - they begin to crack and bleed.

The skin of the lips is devoid of sweat and sebaceous glands, so you need to regularly moisturize it with balm and pay a little more attention a couple of times a week - make nourishing masks.

You will need the pulp of juicy fruits and half a teaspoon of butter. Bananas, strawberries, apples or persimmons are suitable for this purpose. Grind or mash the fruit to a pulp and add to the butter. Apply the resulting mixture to your lips and wait 20 minutes. Your lips will become soft and smooth.

You can lubricate your lips with sour cream, kefir, honey - all this tastes good and guarantees an excellent result with a minimum of effort.

Masks in cosmetology are a successful combination of simplicity and effectiveness. Sour cream and butter, fruits and vegetables saturate the skin and hair with vitamins, nutrients and moisture - everything essential for men's health and beauty.

Video: Face mask for men

The idea that only women should take care of themselves has long ceased to be popular. Men's cosmetology is no less developed than women's - on the shelves, along with shaving foam, you can find men's face masks. They target a range of concerns, they're easy to use, and even if you've never been interested in skin care, you'll intuitively know how and when to use them.

Why should men use face masks?

Well-groomed skin is the key to attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. Girls, especially beautiful ones, want to see the same man next to them - and they have to live up to it.

A face mask will help men, firstly, look attractive in women's eyes. Clean, smooth skin is the key to popularity among each gender. Secondly, a nice-looking young man is also most likely to be hired for a high position - especially if the company is large, and the manager must match the appearance.

Moreover, one-time cleansing of the skin helps reduce the risk of serious skin diseases, the development of bacterial microflora, and deterioration of skin respiration.

What should be included

The composition of men's face masks made at home differs from women's products. Most men's skin is thicker and less prone to irritation, allergies and the like, but men with sensitive skin also exist. Therefore, products for them in any case should not contain SLS, parabens, preservatives - the more natural, the better.

  1. For cleansing, it is better to use masks containing clay - or buy it at the pharmacy and make them yourself. This component will help cleanse pores, get rid of oily shine and blackheads. Another option is activated or bamboo charcoal.
  2. Moisturizing components should include hyaluronic acid, snail mucin, and base oils.

Attention! Mineral oil is not a base oil - it is a derivative of the gasoline industry, and the less of it in the composition, the better.

  1. Green tea extract and rose water are good for toning.
  2. And to get rid of acne: the same clay, salicylic acid, fruit acids, essential oils.

The best men's face masks

Men's masks, just like women's, are divided according to skin type - for dry, normal, oily and combination, problematic, and according to the desired effect - cleansing, toning, mattifying, moisturizing.

We offer you to look at the features of male facial care:

From the mass market

Whole cleansing complexes are extremely popular - mask + washing gel + scrub or peeling. Often, the gel and scrub are either included with a mask or are available in the manufacturer’s line.

For example, the line from Garnier is quite suitable for men - there is one product in it, called “Gel-scrub-mask 3-in1 Clear Skin”. Such versatility will be ideal if you are just a beginner and do not yet know how to thoughtfully select cosmetics.

The product contains salicylic acid and minerals, and the variation for oily skin also contains charcoal.

The Piel Cosmetics Men Intensive Rescue mask is a restorative mask. It gives the face a fresh, rested look, and will be especially good in the morning. It contains patchouli essential oil, which helps tonify and even out skin tone, and panthenol, which relieves flaking and irritation after razor. Regeneration is also promoted by aloe vera gel, which is a strong antiseptic, and the presence of hyaluronic acid in the composition makes this face mask for men suitable for getting rid of wrinkles.

A special ingredient, colloidal silver, protects skin cells from environmental factors.

Just like Garnier, it is part of the company's line of men's cosmetics. Along with it you can purchase cream and aftershave spray. This pleasure costs a little more than previous brands, but it's worth it.

Home Recipes

Clay face masks for men are very easy to make at home. You will need to take any clay - preferably green or black, they are universal, 5 drops of mint or lavender essential oil, 7 drops of avocado oil, boiled water.

Water and clay should be mixed in a non-metallic bowl to form a thin sour cream, add avocado oil and essential oil, mix thoroughly. Clay is applied to slightly damp skin, paying special attention to the T-zone - nose and forehead. Leave for 15-20 minutes.

Attention! The clay should never dry out completely - then it begins to dry out the skin. Therefore, it is better to wash off the clay if you feel tightness and discomfort.

Another easy face mask for men at home is a moisturizing one with sour cream and oatmeal. You will need to take 10 g of cereal, 0.5 tbsp of honey, an ascorutin tablet, 1 tbsp of sour cream.

The honey must first be heated in a steam bath or in the microwave until it becomes liquid – it will provide a convenient consistency. Ascorutin - a tablet of vitamin C and P - can be purchased at the pharmacy. It needs to be crushed to a sandy state and mixed with sour cream. Soak the oatmeal in hot water in advance, let it sit for 10 minutes, drain the water, add the flakes to the sour cream, add honey.

Apply to clean face and neck for 20 minutes.

Men, just like women, want to have youthful, firm skin for a long time. Gelatin will help them with this. Gelatin improves the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity and tone. It is also a very versatile component that can be combined with many others - with milk, honey, ascorutin, activated carbon and oils.

Take 2 tablespoons of gelatin, steam it in hot water or hot milk, stirring constantly, until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Next, based on your preferences, add either 0.5 tbsp honey, or 1 tsp lemon juice, or 1 tablet of ascorutin/activated carbon.

Apply a thin layer, paying special attention to the nasolabial folds, nose and forehead. Due to the consistency of gelatin, the mask will be viscous and, as it dries, it will form a film that must be pulled to remove. Keep the gelatin as long as required until the film has almost completely dried - then remove it and rinse off the remaining residue with water.

Attention! Be sure to apply the gelatin mask to the skin of your neck too - to preserve the contour of your face and eliminate wrinkles there.

Be sure to apply moisturizer after use.


Men's face masks are an effective way to keep your skin in order, as well as attract the attention of the opposite sex and even climb a little higher on the career ladder. Moreover, in addition to masks, it is also good to use some kind of cleanser, such as gel, foam or cosmetic soap, and moisturizer.

Healthy and clean skin is the key to attractiveness and success. This applies to both women and men. Firstly, when there are no pimples, peeling or rashes on the face, the feeling of attractiveness becomes brighter and confidence appears. Secondly, clean skin is a sign of well-groomed, neat and complete control over the internal and external state.

As always, in words everything is very easy, but in life the right care, which will not adversely affect the skin, but, on the contrary, will improve its condition, is quite difficult to find, especially for men. After all, they are not accustomed to using radical methods to combat imperfections, and many of them are simply embarrassed to use cosmetics. Fortunately, we live in a world where each person should do only what he needs, no one has the right to judge him. So, what will bring your skin to perfect condition? That's right, face masks for men. It is about them that we will talk today, we will analyze the most popular store-bought products and the most effective home recipes.


Masks for men from La Roche-Posay

So first we will list the top 4 best face masks for men from the stores. And the first product is called "Intensely moisturizing soothing mask." It’s worth saying right away that this product is universal. Firstly, it is suitable for any skin type. Secondly, this mask is intended for both women and men. That is why married couples can save a lot of money on such funds. So, what properties does this face mask for men have?

  1. Intense hydration. The mask makes the skin soft and silky, effectively removes dryness and flaking.
  2. Moisture saturation. The product gives the skin the necessary amount of moisture, which results in a beautiful complexion.

The texture of this mask from La Roche-Posay is similar to a delicate cream-gel; apply the product for 10-15 minutes on the face and neck, avoiding the area around the eyes; after time, the mask must be removed with a napkin or cotton pad. The procedure must be performed every day for a week, then it can be reduced to 1-2 times. The product contains shea butter, which intensively nourishes, softens and removes irritation. In addition, there is wax and hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes and prevents skin aging.

Reviews say that this mask really combats dryness and irritation and is good for both women and men.

Mask for men from BarberPro Face


So, the next one in the top store-bought face masks for men is a mask from BarberPro Face.

Probably, many guys have encountered irritation, redness and peeling of their face after shaving. It is to solve these problems that this mask was created. It perfectly soothes the skin, reduces itching, moisturizes, and eliminates flaking. In addition, it perfectly fights redness because it has a cooling effect.

This is a disposable face mask in which a mixture of active ingredients is simply applied to the fabric. The packaging of this men's face mask comes in black color. In addition, it has a stylish white pattern.

So, let's pay a little attention to the reviews. This men's face mask from the BarberPro Face brand copes 100% with its tasks. With it, the skin instantly becomes soft and moisturized, all redness and irritation disappear.

Mask for men from Kiehl’s


The next remedy is very unusual. This is not just a mask, it is both a men's face cream and a cleansing gel in one bottle.

This multifunctional product from the Kiehl’s brand has a pronounced anti-aging effect. If you use it as a gel, it will clean and exfoliate well. If you apply it as a cream mask, it will smooth out all wrinkles and give your face a fresh and rested look. In addition, this multi-functional product will perfectly moisturize.

This men's face cream, gel and mask in one is packaged in a stylish black tube with the company's signature white lettering. There are two volume options: 75 ml and 150 ml. The product contains volcanic clay, which deeply cleanses and effectively absorbs subcutaneous fat. In addition, there are apricot kernels and phytic acid. As a cream mask, the product should be applied 3 times a week for 5-10 minutes.

Mask for men from Mr. Plan


The last mask in the top stores was released by Mr. Plan. This is a Korean brand that produces decorative and caring cosmetics for men and women. This sheet mask is designed to care for irritated skin after shaving. It includes:

  1. Bamboo extract. It intensely moisturizes and, penetrating into the inner layers of the skin, perfectly nourishes it.
  2. Vegetable and flower oils. They normalize the water balance of the skin, tone it, giving the face a healthy color.

This sheet face mask comes in a white and blue package. It has a light, almost imperceptible smell. The mask must be used every time you shave. Exposure time - 10-15 minutes.

Reviews of the product say that the mask perfectly fights irritations, effectively nourishes and tones.

How to make a moisturizing face mask at home?


So, now you can start making homemade face masks. Ahead of us is a list of the best recipes, it will open with a wonderful moisturizing mask.

If your skin is constantly flaking, redness appears and severe dryness is observed, then this face mask is necessary. Anyone can cook it. What do we need?

  1. 10-15 g sour cream 10-20% fat.
  2. Tablet "Ascorutin".
  3. 5 g honey.
  4. 10 g oatmeal.

Once you have prepared all the ingredients, you can start cooking. First you need to crush the Ascorutin tablet, then you need to add honey and sour cream. Now let's make oatmeal. We steam it with boiling water, then rub it through a fine sieve and add it to the total mass. Apply the mask in a thick layer to the entire face, avoiding the area around the eyes, leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. The procedure must be performed in the evening 2-3 times a week.

Recipe for a black mask against blackheads

So, now we’ll talk about an activated carbon mask, which perfectly fights blackheads and small pimples. Yes, now there will be a homemade recipe for the well-known black mask.

How does this remedy work? The texture of the mask resembles a film, so when removed, it draws dirt out of the pores, thereby removing blackheads. What do we need for this mask?

  1. Activated carbon - 2 tablets.
  2. Gelatin - a tablespoon.
  3. Water - 2-3 tablespoons.

Have you purchased all the ingredients? Start cooking. First, grind the coal into dust, then add the remaining ingredients, mix and microwave for 10-15 seconds. Afterwards we apply the mask to the face. It is worth saying that before applying the composition you need to steam your face well, and after the procedure you need to apply a nourishing cream. A black mask for men is left on the face for 15-20 minutes.

Parsley mask recipe

Strange ingredient, right? Fortunately, a parsley face mask for men really works. After all, it contains a large amount of useful vitamins and microelements, for example, vitamins A and C. It is worth noting that the mask is only suitable for oily and normal skin, therefore it dries out slightly. What properties does this remedy have?


  1. Eliminates freckles and whitens the skin.
  2. Restores the outer layers of the skin.
  3. Removes irritation.
  4. Relieves swelling.
  5. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

What will you need for this mask?

  1. 1 yolk.
  2. 30 g finely chopped parsley.
  3. Olive oil.

Let's start cooking. To do this, combine all the ingredients, mix well and apply to the face. The exposure time is 15-20 minutes, after which we wash off the composition with warm water. The procedure must be performed 2-3 times a week.

The recipe for one of the best anti-aging face masks

Well, our list is completed with a rejuvenating face mask. It is worth mentioning right away that the product is prepared on the basis of clay, therefore it has a pronounced tightening effect. In addition, this mask cleanses the skin well, tones it and refreshes the complexion.

So, what do we need to prepare the mask?

  1. 3 teaspoons white clay.
  2. 3 tablespoons of milk.
  3. 1 teaspoon honey.

First you need to mix the clay with milk. The main thing here is not to make the mixture too liquid; it should not quickly flow down the spoon. Next, you need to add honey and mix the mixture well. After this, the composition should be applied to the face with your hands or a brush. The exposure time is 10-15 minutes, after which the product must be washed off with warm water. The procedure can be repeated no more than 2 times a week. By the way, men can do a rejuvenating face mask from the age of 25-30.

How to properly care for facial skin for men?


At the end we will talk about how to take care of your face. After all, simple masks are not enough. So, let's look at all the features of caring for men's facial skin:

  1. Cleansing. Facial skin requires daily cleansing. For this you can use gel or foam.
  2. Aftershave creams or tonics. If you have sensitive skin, these products are essential because they will soothe your skin and prevent irritation.
  3. Moisturizing cream. This remedy is necessary for everyone, but many neglect it. If you want to maintain your youth, and you are already 30 years old, then a good cream is necessary.
  4. Anti-acne creams. If your main problem is acne, then you need special, therapeutic care. Before purchasing it, you should definitely consult a dermatologist, because first of all, this problem must be dealt with from the inside.