Soap facial massage technique

Soap massage removes toxins, cleanses the skin and triggers powerful lymphatic drainage. And one of the reasons for the appearance of nasolabial folds, jowls and a “floating” oval of the face is the poor functioning of the lymphatic system in this area and the stagnation of fluid, which weighs down the tissue and stretches the skin under the force of gravity.

This technique is performed using your facial cleanser - foam, gel, hydrophilic oil or milk, any base that allows your hands to glide easily over the skin.

Do this massage once a day when you wash your face, and you will notice the first results within a week:

⚡ stagnant excess liquid will go away
⚡ the oval of the face will become more defined
⚡ pores will become cleaner
⚡ complexion will improve
⚡ the skin will gain tone.


There are many facial massage techniques that help tighten the oval and improve the circulation of fluids in the tissues. But most of them are quite labor-intensive, difficult to implement and time-consuming. An excellent alternative to the classic types would be a soap facial massage. What it is?


What it is

Soap massage is not a separate massage technique. It is rather a combination of daily washing with massage movements. If you repeat the procedure every day, the first results can be seen within a week.


Soap massage can remove toxins, initiate renewal processes in the skin, improve lymphatic drainage and cleanse the epidermis. The lymphatic drainage effect is especially important for the beauty of the face, since due to poor lymph drainage, the face becomes swollen, jowls and nasolabial folds appear on it. Fabrics in which water stagnates become heavier and stretch under the force of gravity.


Execution technique

The massage is carried out using the cleansing agent that the girl uses: foam, gel, hydrophilic oil or any other that will help your hands glide easily over the skin.


Movement pattern:

  1. The palms are passed several times under the collarbone area;
  2. Palms on both sides of the neck are drawn from bottom to top to the chin;
  3. The thumb and index finger are drawn along a line from the middle of the chin to the end of the oval of the face;
  4. Next, you need to move four fingers from the bottom of the face to the cheekbones along the cheeks;
  5. Afterwards, use your knuckles to work out the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. To do this, you need to open your mouth and tense the muscles of the nasolabial triangle;
  6. From the middle of the forehead, draw a line with four fingers to the chin.


All movements are repeated 5-10 times. The massage lasts no more than a minute, as otherwise the woman may dry out her face. The cleanser is distributed between the palms and then applied to the skin during movements. After the procedure, wash your face and apply tonic or floral water.


A soap massage will give a girl or woman an excellent lymphatic drainage effect, a contoured face, clean pores, improved skin color and tone.

There are a huge number of different massage techniques that are actively used to preserve youth and beauty.

A separate type of massage is facial massage. It is also performed in different techniques and in different ways.

Since you need to set aside time for a visit to a specialist for a massage session and you need to do it regularly, at least for a massage course, self-massage of the face has become very popular.

The main advantage of self-massage of the face is that it can be performed at any convenient time, in any convenient place, without resorting to anyone’s help.

Soap facial massage and its benefits:

  1. completes in 2-3 minutes
  2. Can be done during morning wash
  3. cleanses the skin
  4. improves blood circulation
  5. improves lymph outflow
  6. quickly relieves swelling
  7. makes the skin elastic
  8. tightens the oval of the face

Soap massage technique:

  1. Apply foam cleanser or any other soap product to the skin
  2. We perform along massage lines