Pimples after shaving in the intimate area

Many women are familiar with the situation in which acne appears after shaving the intimate area. The violation can be caused by various reasons, ranging from choosing a low-quality product for your skin type, ending with possible signs of the primary manifestation of syphilis.

Causes of acne after shaving

Pimples, like other signs (itching, irritation, purulent accumulations, acne, rash), appear in the genital area for many reasons. In most cases, a woman can guess what triggered the appearance of a disorder in the intimate organs. However, this approach contains a high risk of error, in which the woman will take the wrong measures to eliminate the pathology.

To prevent such developments, doctors recommend that when the first signs of a disorder appear, consult a qualified dermatologist. Experienced experts name the following reasons that cause acne in the bikini area:

  1. Using a razor with dull blades, a poorly sharpened metal surface, in contact with sensitive skin, damages it and leads not to cutting, but to pulling out hair. Repeatedly running a blade over one area of ​​the skin leads to irritation, causes hyperemia and causes the appearance of local reactions of the immune system in the form of acne.
  2. Incorrect shaving technique in which the razor moves against the direction of hair growth, rather than at a slight angle or in the direction of growth.
  3. The use of low-quality skin care products, in which the partially injured layer of the dermis is subjected to additional treatment with lotion, cream or gel containing preservatives, fragrances and other chemicals. In this case, as an individual reaction of the body to the components of the product used, an allergic rash in the form of small pimples may appear.
  4. A red, watery rash is one of the signs of damage to the body by the herpes virus and requires immediate treatment, since after maturation and destruction, ulcers appear in their place.
  5. Infection and inflammation of the sebaceous glands, caused by pathogenic microflora entering the damaged area of ​​the skin, provokes the appearance of red acne with a dense texture.
  6. Insufficient personal hygiene in the genital area leads to the appearance of blackheads and white pimples.
  7. Changes in hormonal levels, a deficiency of some type of biologically active substances can also cause a rash.
  8. Carrying out the procedure for highly sensitive skin can lead to irritation and rash.

To correctly determine the cause of the pathology, timely relief of symptoms and treatment of the disorder, after detecting the first signs of deviation, you should consult a dermatologist.

How to get rid of acne in the intimate area?

In order to eliminate pubic acne after shaving, you need to use wound-healing, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory ointments and creams:

  1. Solcoseryl is prescribed to restore the integrity of damaged skin areas, ensure rapid healing of wounds and eliminate rashes.
  2. Neosporin is a wound-healing drug with an anti-inflammatory effect. It is prescribed to relieve signs of inflammation on the surface of the skin and heal shallow wounds.
  3. Hydrocortisone ointment is used to relieve symptoms of burning, itching and inflammation.
  4. Gentamicin eliminates all types of skin irritation and relieves inflammatory processes.
  5. Polysporin has an antiallergic effect and eliminates signs of hyperemia and itching.
  6. Malovit serves to eliminate irritation and ensures the supply of necessary nutrients to the dermis.

The information provided does not constitute instructions for action when choosing a medicinal product. In order to eliminate pubic acne after shaving, you must follow the recommendations of your doctor.


To eliminate pathogenic microflora in the bikini area, it is recommended to use ointments or creams, since local application in this case provides a greater effect than taking medications in the form of tablets. Among the products in this group popular among dermatologists are:

  1. Levomekol ensures healing of damaged areas of the dermis, elimination of infectious agents and softening of the skin.
  2. Panthenol, due to the antibiotic included in its composition, ensures the elimination of pathogenic microflora, ensures the supply of necessary nutrients and softens the dermis.
  3. Erythromycin ointment, with an antibacterial agent, provides effective disposal of infectious agents.

To achieve the desired effect and minimize possible consequences, taking medications must be coordinated with the treating dermatologist.

Traditional methods

In addition to traditional therapy methods, traditional medicine methods are widely used to solve the problem:

  1. Chamomile decoction in the form of compresses helps get rid of rashes in the bikini area. To prepare it, you need to pour boiling water over an equal amount of string, sage, chamomile, calendula and mint and leave for 15 minutes. A cloth soaked in the broth, folded 4 times for 15 minutes, is applied to the area where the pimples are located.
  2. A compress made from parsley infusion, for the preparation of which 1 tablespoon of fresh or dried herbs is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. After this, cotton wool discs are soaked in the infusion and applied to the affected areas for 4-15 minutes.
  3. Fresh aloe or Kalanchoe juice provides relief from irritation symptoms. To prepare it, you need to clear the plants of thorns, then either smear the damaged area with leaves, or chop and apply the resulting mass to the affected area.
  4. The mixture of oils eliminates irritation and moisturizes the skin. To prepare it, peach, olive, sea buckthorn, or any other oil that has not been refined can be used as a base. To obtain the product, 1 tablespoon of the oil chosen as a base is mixed with 4 drops of tea tree, after which the resulting mixture is used to treat the damaged area.
  5. Creams and ointments based on sage, calendula, chamomile and St. John's wort provide relief from the symptoms of pathology.

When choosing medications, you should pay attention to the fact that traditional medicine is almost always used as part of complex therapy.


To prevent the formation of acne and other symptoms of pathology in the pubic area, you must:

  1. Observe personal hygiene rules.
  2. Use the shaving machine for no more than 1-3 procedures.
  3. Do not shave without first moisturizing the skin.
  4. When using a razor to remove hair from the bikini area, the tool must be positioned in the direction of hair growth, or at a slight angle to it.
  5. Choose the right personal hygiene products, avoiding purchasing products from unknown companies.

To reduce the possibility of acne, experts recommend carrying out the procedure before going to bed, lubricating the treated surface with products to soften sensitive skin or an antiseptic after completion of the operation.


The appearance of acne in the pubic area after depilation is a fairly common situation. If it is detected, it is recommended to first find out the causes of the pathology by consulting a dermatologist. To eliminate the problem, creams and ointments are used that have wound healing, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiallergic effects.

Pimples after shaving are an unpleasant but very common phenomenon not only among teenage boys, but also among adult men. Representatives of the fair half of humanity who shave their bikini area and armpits often face this problem. Itching and hyperemia negatively affect the appearance and health of the skin. Proper care after shaving will reduce the risk of inflammation and suppuration.

Pimples often appear on the face after shaving

Interesting. The very first razors made of copper and gold were discovered in the tombs of the pharaohs, which were built more than 5,000 years ago.

Why does rash occur after shaving?

Before looking for a way to get rid of acne after shaving, you need to make sure that it occurs precisely after this procedure. Perhaps the reason for their appearance is dysfunction of internal organs. Pimples after shaving can appear in the presence of the following pathological conditions:

  1. allergies to household chemicals, food products, etc.;
  2. hormonal imbalance;
  3. dermatitis;
  4. eczema;
  5. digestive system dysfunction;
  6. fungal infections;
  7. mental illness.

In addition to the above factors, a rash after hair removal can be associated with improper shaving technique, the use of a dull blade, low-quality razor and cosmetics.

The etiology of shaving rash is associated with various factors

Important! Rashes after shaving are not dangerous in themselves, but some areas can turn into closed acne, which, in turn, may well provoke the formation of purulent pimples, which are called boils.

Causes of irritation in the intimate area

Often, representatives of the fair sex develop acne after shaving the intimate area. They are formed due to the fact that the epidermis in this part of the body is very delicate, and therefore requires not only additional care, but also better tools for shaving hairs.

There are many reasons that provoke irritation in the pubic area. The main ones are:

  1. using a razor with low-quality blades;
  2. blades that are too dull or, conversely, sharp;
  3. insufficient moisture;
  4. lack of skin care after beating;
  5. severe hair ingrowth into the skin;
  6. wearing low-quality underwear;
  7. using cheap cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type;
  8. hypersensitive skin;
  9. excessively frequent shaving of the intimate area.

Methods for dealing with irritation

First of all, it is necessary to avoid contact with allergens. For example, when contacting household chemicals, you must use protective gloves. If the cause of irritation after shaving is related to cosmetic products, they need to be replaced.

If skin irritation occurs, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist. Many people are interested in the answer to the question: how to shave to avoid acne. In order to avoid this problem, cosmetologists recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication;
  2. eat a minimum of sweet, fatty foods;
  3. do not touch the inflamed area of ​​skin with your hands;
  4. do not injure the skin with harsh scrubs;
  5. avoid prolonged exposure to frost and sun;
  6. wash only with cool or warm water;
  7. Before using folk skin care products, you need to test it on your wrist.

Dermatologists recommend shaving at night, as during this time the skin can recover.

Irritation on the face and neck

To eliminate the inflammatory reactions that occur after shaving hair, you can use effective therapeutic masks. They are easy to prepare even at home. In addition to the fact that these masks have an anti-inflammatory effect, they also activate the regeneration process of the epidermis.

In this case, steam baths with medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, calendula, celandine, hops) have worked well. They work well against redness and irritation in the face and neck. However, this method should not be used by people who have dilated blood vessels or acne. After steaming the skin, apply a moisturizer to its surface.

For patients with dilated blood vessels, experts recommend using a mask based on vegetable oil and egg yolk. To prepare it you will need ½ chicken yolk, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 2 teaspoons of any natural fruit juice and 2 teaspoons of full-fat cottage cheese. All listed components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Keep the mask on your face for about 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water. You can do this procedure 1-2 times a week.

Relieve irritation on legs

It is much easier to remove hyperemia and irritation on the legs than in the pubic area. The skin on the legs is quite thick, so it is much more difficult to cause irritation in this area. If the problem does arise, you can try the following manipulations:

  1. Gently cleanse the skin with regular soap (it is better to use soap without fragrances);
  2. make a cool compress using chamomile or dill infusion;
  3. Apply baby powder or cream with dexpanthenol to the surface of the skin.

After these steps, you should stop wearing tight-fitting clothes for a while. The skin needs to be given the opportunity to “breathe”. At this time, it is necessary to avoid excessive sweating, refuse training, visits to the bathhouse and sauna.

It's best to shave your legs in the bathroom.

Acne formation in the armpit area

Acne after shaving the armpits occurs much less frequently than the intimate area. After hair removal, you can use antiperspirants or baby powder. These products will prevent sweating and protect the skin from irritation. For severe inflammation, you can use lotions with thyme and chamomile. During the treatment period, you should stop using any type of deodorant.

The appearance of acne in the groin area

The pubic area is characterized by increased skin sensitivity, so the appearance of acne after shaving in the intimate area is not uncommon. To prevent the appearance of intimate acne, before epilation, you need to take a relaxing bath, thoroughly steam your body and soften your hair. If you don't have special shaving gel or foam on hand, you can use antibacterial soap.

In order for the skin to be smooth for a long time, you do not need to scrape the same place several times with a razor. The movement of the machine should be one-time, in the direction of hair growth. After removing unwanted hair, the skin can be wiped with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. This product will instantly neutralize microorganisms that have reached the surface of the skin.

To prevent the formation of ulcers, aloe juice should be applied to the skin immediately after shaving. After this, the skin of the intimate area is treated with Miramistin or another antibacterial agent (Dimexide, Chlorhexidine, Bacitratin). On the day of hair removal, you should not use silk or synthetic underwear, and you should also avoid sunbathing. If acne appears after shaving your groin, you need to use a cream with an antiseptic effect.

Remedies for acne after shaving

To eliminate pimples after shaving, you can use different products. Before doing this, you need to consult a specialist. Only he can choose the most effective medicine for the patient.

To relieve irritation after shaving, dermatologists recommend using the following medications:

  1. Malovit relieves irritation and cools the dermis. Contains only plant components.
  2. Neosporin relieves inflammation well and activates regeneration processes in the dermis.
  3. Polysporin perfectly eliminates allergic reactions, itching and redness of the skin.
  4. Levomekol is an antibacterial drug that effectively treats wounds and softens the dermis well.
  5. Solcoseryl is a cell regeneration protector that quickly heals minor injuries and relieves inflammation.
  6. Hydrocortisone is a hormonal ointment that relieves itching, burning and inflammation after shaving.

When to see a doctor

You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  1. pain, irritation and itching do not go away within 2-3 days after the last shave;
  2. acne increase in volume;
  3. the appearance of pus;
  4. compaction of neoplasms.

When examining a patient, a dermatologist will take a skin scraping and write a referral for general blood and urine tests. Based on the results obtained, he will prescribe appropriate therapy. If necessary, he may recommend examination by an immunologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, or allergist.

Skin care after hair removal

If after hair removal there are microtraumas or redness on the skin, then the surface of the skin must be disinfected. To do this, use 70% ethanol, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, alcohol tincture of calendula, chamomile or propolis. Such actions help narrow pores and destroy bacteria. It is important that alcohol-containing preparations do not get on the mucous membrane. After treatment, the skin should be lubricated with moisturizer.

If irritation occurs, it can be eliminated with the help of antiseptic drugs (Boro Plus, Actovegil, Malavit, etc.). One of the best is considered to be those containing Panthenol. They relieve irritation, destroy microbes, and restore skin structure.

To prevent hair from growing under the skin, it is very important to use products that slow down their growth (lemon juice with honey, potassium permanganate solution, soda, acetic acid). Experts recommend using these substances 1-2 times a day.

Shaving is a serious exogenous factor that affects skin health. Acne and inflammatory reactions bring a lot of inconvenience, especially in the genital area. This problem can be easily eliminated by using the correct shaving technique and quality tools. If this does not help, then you need to seek help from a competent dermatologist or cosmetologist.


Unfortunately, pimples after shaving in the intimate area are not uncommon. This problem happens much more often than, say, a similar one - but on the legs or in the armpits. Such a nuisance makes you forget about the beauty of the skin, but not only that, the rashes are often painful, they are inflamed, itchy and cause discomfort.


Pimples after shaving in the bikini area can be either white, with noticeable purulent contents, or red, itchy. In the first case, this indicates the penetration of infection, in the second - the skin’s reaction to irritation. However, both are unpleasant. What can cause rashes:

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    Using a dull razor. In this case, in order to shave the hairs, you have to press harder on the skin or use the machine several times, which greatly irritates and injures the skin.
  2. Incorrect shaving technique. Since the skin in the intimate area is much softer and more sensitive than on the legs, traditional shaving against the hair growth can seriously damage it. This should be done according to height and with minimal pressure.
  3. Skin damage. Injury during the procedure due to too fast, sharp movements or incorrect position of the razor in relation to the skin promotes infection.
  4. Low-quality shaving cosmetics. Products used both for shaving and after shaving must be of high quality, tested, and contain a minimum of fragrances and dyes. Otherwise, your already irritated skin may become even more irritated.

A strong reaction may occur after shaving the bikini area the first 3-4 times. Then the skin will get used to it and become less sensitive to this procedure. If acne and rashes occur every time for a long time, and everything is done correctly, you should try another method of hair removal.

Mechanisms of education

Why do pimples appear after shaving if the razor is sharp and everything, at first glance, is done correctly? The mechanism is simple. This happens because shaving also removes the top layer of skin. And since it is very thin in this area, microscopic wounds are formed. They are invisible to the naked eye. However, bacteria then penetrate into them, causing acne formation.

Another reason may be that a small inflamed abscess often appears at the base of the hair. During depilation, it is cut off, which contributes to its further development and spread of the inflammatory process.

In addition, due to the nature of the skin in the intimate area, hairs often grow in it after shaving. At their location, the tissues become inflamed and purulent rashes form.

How to get rid of acne after shaving

To restore your skin to its former beauty and health, you should not wait for it to “go away on its own,” but rather take action. How to get rid of acne after shaving in the bikini area? This can be done using both folk and pharmacy remedies.

Traditional methods

Rubbing with decoctions of chamomile and calendula flowers, sage, oak bark, string, and mint helps a lot; apple cider vinegar diluted with water. They dry out rashes, have an antiseptic effect and relieve inflammation. These products can also be used in the form of compresses. Aloe or medicinal Kalanchoe juice helps a lot.

If the rash is caused by skin irritation, then you should try preparing the following homemade masks:

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    Mix sour cream and olive oil in a 2:1 ratio. Apply to affected skin and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then remove the residue with a napkin and rinse the skin with water.
  2. Grind a tablespoon of Hercules oatmeal, mix with a teaspoon of liquid honey, add 3 drops of red heather essential oil. Apply to the skin for a quarter of an hour, remove with tissues and rinse with water.

After using the masks, you can use one of the pharmacy ointments.

Tea tree essential oil soothes irritation and relieves inflammation, acts as an antiseptic. But in its pure form it is a concentrated essence that can cause severe burns. Therefore, it can only be used in combination with base, fatty oils. Olive, almond, peach, jojoba, sea buckthorn, rosehip and others are suitable for this. Take 4 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of base, mix thoroughly and apply to the skin like a cream.



To cure purulent acne in an intimate place, you will need antiseptics. You can wipe the skin with Chlorhexidine, Miramistin. Then you need to apply ointments that help with skin rashes.

This Neosporin, Polysporin, Panthenol, Levomekol and others. Gels based on medicinal herbs can be used - St. John's wort, calendula, sage, chamomile. Has a complex effect natural remedy Malavit.

Also, inflamed tissues can be treated with camphor alcohol and salicylic acid solution. Helps with severe rashes Aspirin – it needs to be crushed into powder and mixed with Glycerin to make a paste. Apply to skin for half an hour, then rinse with clean water.

Important! If the inflammatory process is severe and occurs regularly, you should consult a doctor. This may not be a consequence of shaving, but a sign of some disease or disorder in the body.

Methods for preventing acne

But instead of fighting the problem, it is better to prevent it. So, how to shave THERE without getting acne? A few tips will help with this:

  1. You should use only high-quality, sharp razors and change the blade on time. As for the so-called disposable machines, they cannot be used more than three times, after which the blade becomes unusable.
  2. It is better to use a special machine for shaving, which will be intended only for the intimate area. Shaving their legs, armpits and other parts of the body will be unhygienic and contribute to the spread of infection.
  3. Purchase special shaving gels and foams that improve glide and prevent skin injury.

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    After shaving, you should use an antiseptic lotion and then apply a moisturizer.
  5. It is best to shave steamed skin. It is better to take a hot bath or shower before the procedure.
  6. Also, the skin should be clean and, if possible, disinfected. To wash the skin in the intimate area, it is better to use special products - they moisturize and protect thin skin.
  7. Use shaving and aftershave products designed specifically for your gender. That is, women should use products for women and vice versa. The fact is that the skin pH of men and women is different.
  8. When shaving, you need to slightly stretch the skin, since a smooth surface is more difficult to injure.
  9. It is important to take a comfortable position in which the skin will be as smooth as possible.
  10. Do not make sudden movements or change the angle of the machine while shaving. This increases the risk of injury.
  11. It is better to do the procedure at night - during sleep, the irritated surface will calm down and absorb nourishing and moisturizing agents applied to it.

And of course, all shaving accessories should be yours and no one else’s. By using the same machine with someone close to you, you contribute to the spread of bacteria.


Shaving is always an irritating procedure, be it removing hair from the body or face. The intimate area is especially sensitive to this. But at the same time, shaving is the most popular way to remove excess hair, because it is simple, fast and affordable. In order for the procedure to bring maximum results and minimum consequences, especially in the form of acne, you should follow simple recommendations. And be attentive to your health - even in such seemingly small things as shaving.