Soap for atopic dermatitis

Hello. I have chronic atopic dermatitis, which is currently worsening. The doctor at the clinic advised me to wash with some expensive Emolium shower gel, which contains sls (which supposedly dries out the skin terribly), parabens and other chemicals. I would like to know who washes themselves with what if they have atopic dermatitis, please share your tips. experts

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I wash with regular shower gels, then body lotion. I also bought shower oil, it’s kind of like liquid oil, almost doesn’t foam, washes off well, moisturizes the skin.
It helps with an exacerbation to use a rich cream and bandage it, just like removing everything with your hand.

I also had atopic dermatitis. I went to the doctor and prescribed a bunch of expensive stuff. And she also gave me a piece of advice: if you wash yourself normally, your skin will peel off.
Well, I bought these expensive jars. For everything. For the face, for intimate hygiene, creams, gels. there was no point.
I don’t think that’s the point, as they say. You just need to look at the ingredients, try to take everything for sensitive skin, and of course avoid a large amount of chemicals. I wash with regular shower gel, but rarely. Not on purpose, I just don’t understand what could get dirty there. Feet, intimate hygiene - every day, but soaping the whole body - once every 10 days somewhere.
And every time after washing my feet I apply cream to my feet. So as not to dry out

You can buy special ones at the pharmacy. means, but they are quite expensive. like essex and oillatum (I think I wrote it correctly). Look for oil-based products.

Guests, please specify what kind of creams, lotions and oils you use, I’m very interested


I also had atopic dermatitis. I went to the doctor and prescribed a bunch of expensive stuff. And she also gave me a piece of advice: if you wash yourself normally, your skin will peel off.
Well, I bought these expensive jars. For everything. For the face, for intimate hygiene, creams, gels. there was no point.
I don’t think that’s the point, as they say. You just need to look at the ingredients, try to take everything for sensitive skin, and of course avoid a large amount of chemicals. I wash with regular shower gel, but rarely. Not on purpose, I just don’t understand what could get dirty there. Feet, intimate hygiene - every day, but soaping the whole body - once every 10 days somewhere.
And every time after washing my feet I apply cream to my feet. So as not to dry out

Avoid washing at all if possible. Until it starts to smell. Just wash yourself, wash your feet and armpits. And if the smell is already obvious, wash simply with water without detergents, and preferably with filtered and boiled water.

Avoid washing at all if possible. Until it starts to smell. Just wash yourself, wash your feet and armpits. And if the smell is already obvious, wash simply with water without detergents, and preferably with filtered and boiled water.

I wash myself with soap

Hello. I have chronic atopic dermatitis, which is currently worsening. The doctor at the clinic advised me to wash with some expensive Emolium shower gel, which contains sls (which supposedly dries out the skin terribly), parabens and other chemicals. I would like to know who washes themselves with what if they have atopic dermatitis, please share your tips.

The dermatologist told me that I need to use everything completely without fragrances or dyes. Bioderma or Topicrem came up and liked it. I myself bought everything at exorbitant prices in pharmacies, and then I learned, I read reviews, that all products of these brands can be ordered directly from the French online stores Pharmashopdiscount and Kokuncenter. I recommend it from the bottom of my heart. I bought myself a bunch of everything and I’m happy)

I don't like bioderma

I forgot to say that Bioderma is the Atoderm series. Cream with zinc helps my hands, and it also saves my face. In general, you can read about everything on the internet.

Whether you like it or not is a personal matter for everyone. And by the way, you didn't say WHAT YOU LIKE. This line helped me a lot, I almost forgot about relapses.

Oilatum for washing and Essex lotion after. It helps me, but it’s not cheap

author, I won’t say anything about the solution for washing, but Emmolium cream relieves dryness very well.

Author, there is a pharmacy brand Avene - the best option, they also have special soap, all cosmetics are hypoallergenic for people suffering from dermatitis, inflammation, after burns, etc. There are gel care products all based on thermal water without harmful crap. Several dermatologists and a cosmetologist recommended this to me when the exacerbation goes away, but I still can’t use conventional remedies. In general, the doctor should have explained to you that rinsing with water or herbal infusions is allowed, but washing the affected areas is not recommended, as this worsens the condition of the skin.
I have sensitive skin and prone to allergies, so I use this brand (I buy Cicalfate cream, Cold cream, soap and micellar water, as well as thermal water sprays) all the cosmetics are French. The downside is that it’s a little expensive: soap and thermal water are about 300 rubles, other products are around 1000.
But there is also a budget option at the time of exacerbation of dermatitis: Soviet-style children's soap (Svoboda or Nizhmaslokomb, or Belarusian 15-30 rubles) and children's cream from the Svoboda factory + powder.)
I wish I didn’t become a “chronicler”! )))

Thank you very much for your advice)
But about baby soap, is it really possible to use it for dermatitis? Who tried it? There are conflicting opinions on the Internet. I’m using it now, but I don’t see much of a difference from the shower gel, no parts of the body seem to dry out after it, and my hands and face and ears also itch, my legs have stopped itching.

The only thing I don’t like after the soap is that the skin looks so tight and there are just fine wrinkles on it ((((

In the acute stage, any soap will itch:( I once came across advice for lovers of natural remedies (although it was about washing) to brew starch, make a thick jelly, and wash with it. I think you can wash with it too. Absolutely natural remedy, you can try.

Well, I can't do that. After all, I also do fitness, so I need to wash before and after class. Well, in the morning, of course, and before bed. For now I use baby soap.

I wash with hypoallergenic baby bath products. At the same time, I always use rich creams, and during exacerbations I also apply Elidl to the spots. This is also a cream, only a pharmaceutical one for dermatitis.

Tea leaves. Creams based on naphthalan oil. Cheaper in the pharmacy of the Botkin hospital.

For the second year now I have been using liquid soap from Amway - the only soap out of the entire arsenal I have tried to which my skin does not react. I have eczema, so it was important that the soap:
1. did not dry out the skin
2. did not irritate the skin
3. did not leave a greasy film, thereby clogging pores
4. It was relatively inexpensive, since you have to buy it all the time.
5. and so that after use there is no unpleasant feeling of skin tightness
I take myself a liter bottle of soap and use it to wash my hands and the whole body. Sometimes I cleanse my face with it. My husband joined the soap)), so a liter bottle is enough for two people for about 5-6 months (I pour it into a 200 ml bottle with a pump for convenience).

Good afternoon and Happy New Year! My wife and son have allergies. We gave up regular soap. Since I am a pharmacist, I use my knowledge and skills and make soap for my people only from natural ingredients, the basis of which is olive oil. The result did not take long to wait.


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An unpleasant skin disease can be cured with a simple and inexpensive method - tar. Tar soap is commercially available for dermatitis and is used quite often. But can everyone use this tool?

Soap has contraindications. Many people are concerned about whether it is safe to use tar soap for atopic dermatitis in children.

This folk remedy is very popular. It has long been relegated to the category of traditional medical medicines, but it has its pros and cons. It is not always possible to use it.

Properties of tar and soap based on it


Vegetable tar is a resin that is a dark, thick substance with a specific, strong odor. Birch tar is mainly used for treatment.

It is found in soap, shampoos and other products containing tar. Due to its natural properties, tar soap for skin dermatitis is used quite often.

The action of tar consists of the following actions:

  1. Improving blood supply to problem areas of the skin.
  2. Regeneration of dermal cells.
  3. Reduction of inflammatory processes.
  4. Disinfection of the skin surface.
  5. Drying of sputum, ulcers, ulcers (except for too much exudation).

In case of particularly strong discharge of fluid and pus, it is recommended to use medications or herbal decoctions, only after that proceed to procedures involving tar products.

  1. Tar, unlike laundry soap, helps against dermatitis more effectively; it reduces itching and activates regenerative processes in the dermis.
  2. Laundry soap only disinfects and dries the surface.

How to make soap with tar yourself

To use tar soap for skin dermatitis, you can prepare it yourself at home. You don't need rare ingredients for this. All components are available and inexpensive.

Источник — YouTube

The recipe for homemade soap with tar is as follows:

  1. Baby soap 100 grams. Grind it on a coarse grater and melt it in a water bath.
  2. Oil for base 2 tablespoons. Any vegetable oil will do, but it is better to take flaxseed or burdock.
  3. Tar 2 tbsp. spoons.
  4. Water 100 grams. Boil and cool.
  5. Mix the ingredients. Store in the refrigerator.

Before use, perform a verification test on the inside of your elbow. Sometimes allergic reactions are possible, so preliminary testing for tolerance will not hurt.

A test is especially necessary before using tar soap for atopic dermatitis in children.

You can make your own many detergents, as well as creams, ointments, and rinses. Soap solution is widely used for baths and lotions.

Various types of dermatitis and tar soap


Photo: tar soap

To effectively use the properties of tar, soap with this element is used in different ways.

For example, tar soap for atopic dermatitis should be applied only to the affected areas. Moreover, in case of strong fluid secretion, it is not used.

Tar dries the skin, and with this disease the skin is accompanied by drying out, so tar soap for atopic dermatitis should be used followed by the application of emollient creams. After this, leave the treated area open.

Allergy-induced dermatitis is aggravated by any allergen.

  1. Tar can cause allergic reactions, so tar soap cannot be used for allergic dermatitis.
  2. For treatment, it is better to use water baths with tar.
  3. By diluting pure tar in water in a small concentration, you will not cause a negative reaction in the body.

Based on the risk of allergies, tar soap for allergic dermatitis, like tar baths, should not be used for a long time.

  1. When dermatous inflammation develops in the nasolabial triangle, tar is very effective.
  2. It kills bacteria, relieves inflammation, draws out pus, and dries.
  3. Tar soap for oral dermatitis is better than any foreign product.
  4. Let it always be at hand if problems periodically arise with your facial skin.

Pimples, blackheads, acne, dermatitis, and other inflammations accompanied by suppuration quickly disappear when treated with tar.

Its ingredients penetrate quite deeply into the dermis, so even internal, subcutaneous inflammations can be treated.

Tar soap should be used for oral dermatitis as a cleanser 2-3 times a day. After this, do not wipe the skin dry, just pat lightly with a cotton towel or napkin.

  1. Treatment of seborrhea with this remedy gives varying results. If your hair is dry and brittle, it is not advisable to use tar soap for seborrheic dermatitis.
  2. Excessive drying leads to additional peeling and worsening of the situation.
  3. With normal oily hair, you can wash your hair with products containing tar, but not very often (2-3 times a week), alternating them with mild shampoos.
  4. If your hair is oily and you are not allergic to tar, then tar soap for seborrheic dermatitis will simply be a life-saver.

You can wash your hair more often (3-5 times a week). It is a good idea to use herbal decoctions when rinsing. This will drown out the unpleasant odor and have a beneficial effect on hair and skin.


Tar soap for dermatitis often brings more benefits than other remedies, but not always and not everyone can use it.

Children should be washed with great care. Adults are less sensitive to allergens and dry skin.

  1. A feeling of skin tightness will accompany procedures with tar soap.
  2. Don't forget to use moisturizing masks if you have dry, combination or normal skin.
  3. For hypersensitive skin, the use of this product is not recommended.

Treatment of dermatitis with folk remedies

Dermatitis of any origin and type is a fairly complex disease and requires very long treatment. Patients exhausted by this process are often disappointed in official medicine, looking for alternative options to combat their problem. Naturally, there can be nothing better than natural remedies. Treatment of dermatitis with traditional methods is based on this principle.

Herbs for dermatitis

Many plants contain natural components that, when absorbed into damaged skin, normalize its structure, reducing any inflammatory manifestations. Solutions, decoctions, tinctures and infusions, extracts and ointments based on medicinal herbs performed very well. You can use them both in the form of monotherapy (one remedy) and in the form of a herbal collection, which may include 2-3 or more types of different plants.

Celandine for dermatitis is one of the first remedies. The most important thing when choosing a specific method of applying it to inflamed skin is to remember that it should not have any irritating effect. Otherwise, this will lead to an even greater aggravation of the condition, since celandine itself is a very active component. Therefore, there is no need to use bandages. It is remarkably absorbed even with normal short-term application, especially if the skin needs it. In such cases, excess product is simply not absorbed, forming a protective antimicrobial layer.

The diluted juice of this plant is mainly used. To do this, the celandine is crushed and the juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass. Then you need to dilute it with boiled water in a concentration of juice: water – 1:2. To properly apply the prepared solution, it is better to use short-term (10-15 minutes) applications on gauze swabs. You can use a decoction of celandine in the same way. When the activity of dermatitis decreases, honey can be added to the prepared mixture as a filler.

A series of dermatitis. They mainly prepare decoctions and infusions of the series, for which they use a tablespoon of dry crushed product in half a glass of water. The prepared proportions are simply poured with the required amount of boiling water and infused until a dark brown solution is obtained. A gauze napkin is moistened in the prepared concentrate and applied to the affected area in the form of a wet-dry bandage. The procedure can be performed 3-4 times a day. The effect will not take long to arrive.

Periwinkle. A year ago, one old grandmother began to have severe itching on her elbows and knees, everything itched. She constantly combed them. She went to the hospital, where the doctors said that she had senile dermatitis. They prescribed various pills and said nothing more. She thought that it would be better for me to look for traditional methods of treatment in my notes.

She took one tablespoon of periwinkle leaves and brewed them with a glass of water, then simmered this decoction over low heat for ten minutes. The composition needs to be cooled, filtered and added to the water with which you will wash. And what was left of the infusion was put in gauze and placed on sore spots. I also drank lemon balm tea in the morning and evening. To do this, you need to brew one tablespoon of lemon balm with boiling water. Within a month, the dermatitis disappeared, and now there are no manifestations of this disease.

Sophora japonica. For dermatitis, eczema, and other skin diseases, grind the fruits of Sophora japonica, take a tablespoon of this medicine and pour one glass of boiling water. I let it sit all night, and then I drink the warm broth.

And as an antipruritic and anti-inflammatory agent for acne, various dermatitis and eczema, an infusion of cornflower flowers is taken orally. Brew 10 g of plant material with a glass of boiling water. Take a quarter glass of infusion 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Tar soap for dermatitis

The healing effect of birch tar has been used since ancient times. This oil is obtained from the upper layers of white birch bark through special processing, settling and distillation. It looks like a thick, viscous, oily liquid of a dark color with a characteristic odor.

Its positive effect on the skin is to improve blood supply to inflamed areas, stimulate regenerative processes, reduce skin irritation and have an anti-inflammatory effect, good antimicrobial and antiseptic results.

The only precautionary point when using it may be the exclusion of use in cases of pronounced activity of the inflammatory process of the dermis, accompanied by severe weeping and exudation. It is excellent after basic treatment to completely eliminate these manifestations after preliminary use of herbal decoctions.

In its pure form, tar oil can be used in the form of applications, compresses, short-term baths or rubbing massages. As an additional product, it is used to enrich cosmetic products for the care of inflamed skin (soap, shampoo, cream). Tar soap is of particular interest, as it is relatively inexpensive and available to everyone. In addition, it can be prepared at home.

To do this, mix 100 grams of crushed melted baby soap with 2 tablespoons of base oil (it can be any oil), 1-2 tbsp. fly in the ointment and adding about 100 grams of water. When using this remedy, we must not forget that tar-based preparations can sometimes cause allergic reactions. To exclude this kind of complications, it is advisable to first conduct appropriate compatibility tests by applying the substance to the unchanged skin of the inner surface of the elbow. If there is no redness of the skin, you can safely use it.

Tea tree oil for dermatitis

In general, this product was developed as a powerful antiseptic with excellent antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal properties. But over time, its anti-inflammatory effect was also noticed. Especially if dermatitis is associated with previous mechanical damage to the skin in the form of insect bites, injuries, burns. In this case, inflammation often occurs not only in the area of ​​trauma, but also widely spreads to healthy surrounding areas, which requires appropriate measures to eliminate the problem.

Tea tree oil is ideal for these purposes. It can be used alone or added to other products for the treatment of dermatitis in different concentrations and proportions. It is allowed to combine this product with tar oil or other oil solution. You should not try to combine an aqueous preparation with a fatty one, as this is not possible.

The immediate treatment procedure consists of applying a few drops of oil to the areas of skin affected by dermatitis. Then they are lightly rubbed and massaged over the entire surface of the inflammation. In the form of 15-20-minute lotions and applications, tea tree oil is very effective and long-term in protecting the damaged skin from pathogenic microorganisms against the background of dermatitis, since during this time the required amount of active components of the drug will be actively absorbed.

Dermatitis chatter

You can prepare it yourself or buy a ready-made dosage form. It is distributed in the pharmacy chain under the name Tsindol. An excellent drug with a relatively low cost. Everyone can afford to buy it. It belongs to traditional medicine, as it contains natural ingredients: zinc oxide, alcohol, talc, starch, glycerin and distilled water. There are such recipes for this product for self-preparation:

preparing a semi-alcoholic solution from 40 ml of distilled water and the same amount of alcohol;

you can add 2 ml of a 2% solution of novocaine or lidocaine to the prepared mixture;

30 grams of dry white clay with the same amount of powdered zinc. The latter can be replaced with high-quality baby powder;

thoroughly mixing the prepared dry and wet ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Its application is indicated for neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis or common allergies at any stage of the process in this way:

lightly clean the inflamed skin with water antiseptics or tea tree oil by wiping with cotton pads;

before using the prepared mash, it must be shaken, since heavy active components tend to settle;

directly apply the mixture in a thin layer to the dermatitis area;

no rubbing is performed. Everything is left like this for 20 minutes. There is no need to apply a bandage;

Excess mash can be carefully removed. The remaining elements form a light protective film.

the procedure can be repeated 3-4 times a day.

Tar from dermatitis

It is a very effective remedy, even for its most severe forms such as eczema and psoriatic dermatitis. It is advisable to apply tar to the affected areas during the acute stage of the process. Most patients tolerate such procedures very well, as they feel dramatic relief followed by positive dynamics in reducing the symptoms of dermatitis.

Tar can also be added to various aqueous or alcohol solutions. By diluting its concentration, stage-by-stage therapy is carried out with a gradual increase in the dose of applied tar at the very beginning of treatment, to a pure substance, and a gradual decrease in it as the process subsides. A solution of boric acid at a concentration of 1-2% is ideal for mixing. The duration of the procedure is about half an hour.

It is necessary to remember a clear rule: chronic dermatitis requires chronic treatment. And it is better if it is carried out under the supervision of an experienced specialist whom the patient trusts.

2 folk remedies for dermatitis

Potato. Often after you have had an x-ray, dermatitis may appear. With such a disease, potato juice can be used as an anti-inflammatory and therapeutic agent. This folk treatment for dermatitis is also used for burns, eczema and trophic ulcers.

Wash, peel and grate the potatoes. Place the mixture on gauze, which needs to be folded in a couple of layers, and apply to the sore spots. Keep this for two hours, and then carefully remove the potato porridge with a spatula and apply a new compress. At night, lubricate the area with ten percent propolis ointment.

Geranium oil. Take two tablespoons of pre-crushed leaves and flowers of the geranium plant and put them in a half-liter bottle. Pour a glass of sunflower oil there, it should be refined. Let the composition infuse for five days in a dark place, and then place the bottle near the window - where there is a lot of sunlight - and let the infusion stand for a month and a half. The medicine must be filtered and poured into a dark glass container, covered with a lid and refrigerated.

Treatment of dermatitis with various tinctures

Recipe No. 1. To prepare a healing water infusion you will need 100 grams of vodka, 10 grams of black elderberry leaves and flowers, 15 grams of common calamus roots, 10 grams of St. John's wort herb, 10 grams of elm bark and 5 grams of elecampane roots. All rhizomes and herbs should be finely chopped, pour 100 ml of boiling water and leave for at least a day.

Then filter the resulting product through a strainer or cheesecloth, bring the infusion to a boil and mix with vodka. Leave the mixture for another 10 hours. The tincture is ready. It should be taken twice a day, 2 teaspoons, which should preferably be mixed in half a glass of plain boiled water. The course of treatment with this unique remedy is 2 weeks.

Recipe No. 2. Take half a teaspoon of lemon juice, the same amount of vodka and 1 tsp. well crushed eggshells. We connect all the components. The resulting solution will help get rid of almost any dermatitis in a short time. The optimal dosage for an adult is 1 tsp. solution per day, which is taken in 2 doses. This course of treatment is recommended for at least one month. Depending on the severity of the dermatitis, treatment can be extended up to three months. The finished product should be stored in the refrigerator during the day.

Recipe No. 3. For external use for many types of dermatitis, an infusion based on celandine is incredibly effective. To prepare it you need to take 60 grams of grass and 60 ml of vodka. We scroll fresh celandine through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice and pour it into a glass bottle with a hermetically sealed lid. Leave the juice for 7 days to ferment in a dark place. Periodically open the lid and release accumulated gases.

After a week, mix the juice with vodka and put it in the refrigerator for another 2 days. This infusion is applied with a cotton swab to the affected area at least twice a day. The course of such treatment with celandine varies within three weeks. It should also be noted that the infusion is effective in the treatment of furunculosis and for getting rid of fungus on the skin.

Treatment of dermatitis with hops

Recipe No. 1. You need to take 150 ml of boiling water, 1 tsp. string and 1 tsp. crushed hop cones. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and leave to infuse for one hour in a dark and fairly cool place. Before going to bed, the finished infusion should be drunk at one time. You can also treat the affected areas of the skin with a swab dipped in such a wonderful solution. The product is very effective in treating eczema.

Recipe No. 2. Take light green hop cones, grind them and brew them with boiling water at a ratio of 1:4. Simply put, 200 ml of boiling water is enough for a quarter cup of crushed buds. The mixture should be infused for half an hour, after which it is recommended to take 50 ml before each meal.

Treatment of dermatitis with wine

Recipe No. 1. To prepare, you need to take about a third of a glass of high-quality white wine for 5 fresh plantain leaves. We pass the leaves through a meat grinder, and then pour the wine into the resulting pulp. It is recommended to wipe various inflammations on the affected areas of the skin with this remedy twice a day. The course of treatment with plantain should not be less than two weeks. It is advisable to store this infusion in the refrigerator.

Recipe No. 2. To make a healing mixture based on aloe, you need to take 200 grams of crushed aloe leaves, 150 grams of ordinary castor oil and 50 ml of good red wine. The aloe pulp must first be kept in a dark room for about 12 days. In this case, the temperature should not exceed 6 °C. After this, castor oil and then wine should be poured into the resulting emulsion. Mix the product thoroughly.

We take gauze, put a little of the miraculous mixture in it, wrap it and apply it to the skin. This treatment should remain on the inflamed areas for about 20 minutes. The course of treatment with an aloe-based emulsion is exactly three weeks.

Author of the article: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna | Herbalist

Education: Diploma in General Medicine and Therapy received from the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Herbal Medicine at the Moscow People's Friendship University (2008).

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