Safe time to tan

Tanning is good for the body when it is obtained in moderation. It is important to choose the right time for sunbathing, and then tanned skin will delight you and not cause pain or discomfort. Among the unpleasant consequences, doctors highlight sunstroke, heatstroke, and burns on the body. Skin cancer is especially dangerous.

What is the right time to sunbathe without harming your health?

Maximum solar activity is observed from 12.00 to 16.00. At this time, there is a high probability of damage to the epidermis, so it is better not to be exposed to direct rays of the sun and not to sunbathe on the beach. This is especially true for those with sensitive skin. Favorable time:

  1. from 6.00 to 10.00 – low sun activity, this is the best time for tanning;
  2. from 10.00 to 12.00 – average activity, when sunbathing is relatively safe for health;
  3. from 16.00 to 19.00 – you can go to the beach again to get an even tan.

Sun exposure time

To achieve an even and safe tan, spending time in direct sunlight must be increased gradually.

Contraindications for tanning

Before you set out to get a bronze skin tone and go to the beach, it is important to eliminate contraindications to tanning. Sunbathing is not recommended for everyone; for some, it can significantly harm the health of:

  1. Those with fair skin, freckles, birthmarks, and moles are advised to completely avoid exposure to direct sunlight, otherwise you can get a severe burn on your body within 5 minutes.
  2. It is forbidden to sunbathe if you have malignant tumors, tuberculosis, diabetes, arterial hypertension, or skin diseases.
  3. Elderly people, pregnant women, children and nursing mothers should also limit their time spent under the scorching rays of the sun (relative contraindication).

A beautiful chocolate tan is the dream of many women and men. But getting it is not so easy; sometimes the result of long and persistent lying under the sun is only redness and peeling skin. To prevent this from happening, you need to sunbathe at the right hours.

What time of day is best to sunbathe?

Tanning occurs as a result of exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays. In small doses, ultraviolet light is beneficial for humans - it is involved in the formation of vitamin D and endorphins, the hormones of joy. But when there is too much ultraviolet radiation, problems begin.

How do you know when your skin gets enough rays and when it gets too much? The fact is that during the day the sun sends different amounts of ultraviolet radiation to our planet. Most rays reach the Earth during the day, when the sun is at its zenith. You should not sunbathe during these hours, as the body may receive too much ultraviolet radiation.

Experts identify two periods for safe tanning - before 11 a.m. and after 4 p.m. It is at this time that the permissible dose of ultraviolet radiation is released. Of course, if you sunbathe only in the morning and evening, your skin will not immediately acquire a beautiful color, but the chocolate shade will remain for a long time.

Although the morning and evening hours are safe, this does not mean that you can lie on the beach all the time. Doctors believe that you can sunbathe no more than 2 hours a day. But we need to move towards this gradually. On the first day, lie in the sun for no more than 20 minutes, then this time can be increased by about 10 minutes daily.

Don't forget about temperature. If it exceeds 25 °C, then tanning even in the morning and evening hours will not be safe - there is a risk of heat stroke. If you are in a very hot climate, spend no more than 5 minutes a day in the sun.

The safe hours do not depend on the country you are in, they are the same everywhere. But if you are relaxing by the sea, it is especially important to be careful. The cool breeze from the water can mask how hot the air temperature is, so be aware of what time you sunbathe and how many minutes you lie in the sun.

The presence of clouds also does not make tanning safe. The fact is that ultraviolet rays do not linger in the clouds, but calmly pass through them. You don't feel the heat, which can give you the illusion that tanning is safe. Actually this is not true. Regardless of weather conditions, sunbathe before 11 a.m. or after 4 p.m.

Dangers of tanning during the daytime

Sunbathing during the day is much more dangerous than it might seem. The first and most obvious reason is the quality of the tan. During peak solar activity, there is a high risk of getting sunburnt. The skin will turn red and peel, and this tan will not last long. Sunburn is very harmful to the skin. It ages faster, age spots may appear, and the risk of cancer increases.

In addition to sunburn, during the daytime (the hottest) hours you can easily get sunstroke, which is manifested by nausea, lethargy, headache, heaviness in the chest, and sometimes even fainting.

Video: how to sunbathe without burning

Sunbathing during the day when the sun is active is not only ineffective, but also dangerous. To get a beautiful tan and not harm your health, follow the rules and only be in the sun at the right time.

Hello! In this article we will tell you about sun tanning. Gone are the days when pale white skin was considered a sign of aristocratic origin. Nowadays, successful and happy ladies stand out with a beautiful, even tan.


Tanning: is it useful?

“It’s harmful to sunbathe in the sun!”, “The sun ages the skin!”, “You can get cancer by lying on the beach!”, “Sunburn only causes burns!” - We have all heard such sayings at least once. But are they as fair as is commonly believed?

Indeed, the scorching sun can cause great harm to the skin and body. If you sunbathe in moderation and follow certain rules, then sunbathing becomes a useful and enjoyable activity.

Proper tanning helps in the fight against skin diseases. So, sunbathing with psoriasis is not only possible, but even necessary. The sun's rays have a beneficial effect on the condition of the patient's skin, reducing itching and discomfort. In combination with treatment, tanning also helps get rid of diseases such as fungus, eczema, acne, etc.

In addition, tanning becomes a prevention of rickets, since during sunbathing vitamin D is actively formed in the body, which helps strengthen bone tissue and muscles.

Ultraviolet light also stimulates metabolic processes in the body. Helps improve blood circulation and endocrine activity.

Melanin - what is it?

Why do people get different tans under the same conditions? Why doesn't my skin tan in the sun? Why can't I get a chocolate tan in the sun? It's all about melanin. It is responsible for our eye, hair and skin color. In addition, melanin plays a protective function, protecting the skin from sun damage. Accordingly, the more melanin, the darker the skin and the richer the tan. In the body, special cells - melanocytes - are responsible for the production of melanin.

The tanning process occurs as follows:

  1. You find yourself in the sun.
  2. Ultraviolet rays begin the process of destroying DNA in the body.
  3. The body begins to produce melanin to prevent further damage.

Sunbathing and solarium increase the amount of melanin. This may explain why people who are already tanned are less susceptible to burns and the harmful effects of the sun. For the same reason, it is recommended to tan gradually.

There are people whose skin practically does not tan in the sun, and any attempts to acquire a beautiful tan end in burns and disorders. In such people, melanin is produced in small quantities or not at all.

Those with such sensitive skin are not recommended to sunbathe or stay in the sun for a long time. It is worth noting that the number of melanocytes in everyone is approximately the same, but the amount of melanin released is different, and not everyone has enough of it to acquire a tan.

What diseases should you not sunbathe in the sun?

Tanning doesn't benefit everyone. Contraindications for tanning are:

  1. Oncological diseases
  2. All precancerous diseases
  3. Eye diseases
  4. Phlebeurysm
  5. Tuberculosis
  6. A large number of birthmarks
  7. A large number of moles
  8. A large number of pigment spots
  9. Some medications
  10. Age up to 5 years
  11. Large moles (more than 1.5 cm)
  12. Some female diseases
  13. Autoimmune diseases
  14. Small amounts of melanin (fair skin and hair)
  15. Relatives with melanoma
  16. Freckles
  17. Hypertension
  18. Disorders of the thyroid gland
  19. Diabetes
  20. Fever
  21. Infectious diseases
  22. Psychoneurological diseases
  23. You should not sunbathe if you have mastopathy and polycystic ovary syndrome.

Sometimes the question arises: “At what temperature can you sunbathe?". You can sunbathe in the sun at any temperature typical for a healthy person. If there is an inflammatory process in the body and the body temperature is elevated, trips to the beach should be canceled until recovery.

Pregnant women are prohibited from sunbathing and being in the sun. Nursing mothers can sunbathe, but very carefully, avoiding overheating and burns. Young mothers need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. You can sunbathe only from 9 to 10 a.m. or from 4 to 5 p.m.
  2. Drink water with lemon on the beach.
  3. Tanning sessions start from 15 minutes, gradually increasing to 1 hour.
  4. When choosing a sunscreen, pay attention to its possible effect on the child.
  5. Tanning without protective equipment is prohibited.
  6. Avoid direct sunlight and stay in the shade.

In addition to all of the above, some cosmetic procedures can negatively affect the condition of your skin and become a contraindication for tanning. Such procedures include:

  1. Peeling
  2. Hardware skin cleaning
  3. Epilation
  4. Botox injections
  5. Permanent makeup
  6. Wrap with essential oils
  7. Removal of moles and warts.

Baby tan

Children under 3 years old are strictly not recommended to visit in the open sun. This negatively affects the condition and well-being of the child.

Children over 3 years old can already go to the beach, but under close maternal supervision. The baby should not be allowed to remain in the sun or water for a long time. If your child loves to swim and cannot be pulled away from the water, put a light shirt on him to cover his shoulders. Do not allow your child to be in the open sun without clothing. Give your child water often.

For sun protection, use only products with a high SPF factor designed specifically for children. Even a good adult sunscreen can irritate your baby.

If a child does not tan at all in the sun, this is a reason to be wary. Perhaps the child does not have enough melanin and it is better to avoid sunbathing altogether.

How to tan properly in the sun

Before you start sunbathing, you need to decide on the level of protection and your skin type. The easiest way to find out your type is to look at your appearance. The table provides brief recommendations taking into account the type of appearance: how long you need to tan in the sun, what SPF factor the sunscreen should have, and what the reaction to tanning is.

Appearance type Reaction to tanning Continuous tanning time in one session (before 12.00 and after 16.00) Recommended SPF factor for sunscreens
Dark hair and eyes, dark skin They do not burn even after the first long tanning sessions. 1,5 hour 15-20
Dark brown, brown or blond hair, fair skin They burn quickly and cause burns. The tan sticks quickly. 1 hour 20-25
Blonde or red hair, brown or gray eyes Susceptible to burns. 45 minutes 30 and above
Blonde hair and blue or green eyes; red hair, pale skin, freckles, They burn instantly and heal burns for a long time. 30 minutes 50 and above

Preparing for tanning

When it comes to getting a beautiful tan, the key is preparation. Before heading to the beach, take care of your skin:

  1. Exfoliate or exfoliate. Dead cells prevent an even tan, which means you need to get rid of them. To do this, you can use any scrubbing agent or stiff brush. After the procedure, it is advisable to wait 2-3 days for the skin to fully recover. The tan applies evenly to clean, renewed skin.
  2. Use the gradual rule. Start sunbathing for 5 minutes, gradually increasing the interval. This rule also applies to clothing. In the first days, try to cover your body, gradually exposing it to a swimsuit.
  3. If you are going on vacation in hot countries, it would be a good idea to prepare your skin for the hot sun. For thisvisit the solarium twice a week for five minutes.
  4. Buy a special vitamin complex for skin at the pharmacy.
  5. Rethink your diet for summer. Avoid alcoholic drinks on the beach. Include bright vegetables and fruits in your diet such as: carrots, tomatoes, watermelons, peaches, apricots, peppers, etc. They contain a lot of beta-carotene. And it, in turn, activates the process of melanin production. To prevent your skin from aging and to be protected from the harmful effects of sunlight, you need to add nuts, corn or olive oil to your diet. These products will nourish the body with vitamins E and selenium. Greens will help protect your skin from free radicals: spinach, cabbage, onions.
  6. Don't sunbathe on an empty stomach, but you shouldn't sunbathe immediately after a meal either.. The best option: sunbathe 30-40 minutes after eating.
  7. Choose the right time and place in advance. Remember that there are times when sunbathing is very dangerous.
  8. Pack your bag. You must have a hat, a bottle of water, a blanket or blanket, a towel, sunscreen, sunglasses, and lip balm with you.
  9. Apply sunscreen 10 minutes before leaving home.

What time can you sunbathe?

No matter how quickly you want to tan, you should not go to the beach during peak sun hours. The time of day and the degree of danger of tanning are presented in the table:

Time Solar Activity Safety
6.00-10.00 Small Most secure
10.00-12.00 Average Relatively safe
12.00-16.00 High Sunbathing is contraindicated even with sunscreen
16.00-17.00 Average Relatively safe
17.00-19.00 Small Most secure

Choosing a place to sunbathe

In summer, the issue of sun tanning is resolved easily and quickly. All you have to do is prepare your skin and go swimming and relaxing at the nearest beach.

The issue of tanning becomes more difficult in the cold season. Many people wonder: “Is it possible to tan in the sun in winter??. The answer is simple: it is possible, but difficult. The sun is at a different angle from the Earth, which means ultraviolet rays have to make a difficult path through other layers of the atmosphere. Therefore, tanning takes longer.

But even if you risk taking off your clothes to tan in winter, this procedure is unlikely to give you pleasure due to the cold. Therefore, the best way to get a winter tan is to go to warm countries.

How to get a bronze tan in the sun

Where you go on vacation determines not only your impressions and the places you can visit, but also the color of your skin when you return home. Tanning varies from country to country.

Desired tan color Where to go Notes
Golden France, Spain, Italy, Malta, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, Israel, Syria, Morocco, Turkey
Bronze Greece, Türkiye, Crimea, Abkhazia, Georgia, Romania, Bulgaria It is recommended to sunbathe in the morning or after 16.00, using moderate protection.
Chocolate Congo, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Indonesian islands, Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia Use products with maximum SPF. Start your tanning session in a minute.
Dark coffee India, Maldives Use products with maximum SPF. Start your tanning session in a minute. Burn symptoms appear slowly.
A hint of cinnamon Egypt, Israel, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Iran, Bahrain Use maximum SPF.

However, if possible, it's best to soak up your local beach first to make your skin less sensitive to the sun. Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun after a solarium? Not only is it possible, but even necessary. Five-minute trips to the solarium will prepare your skin for the warm foreign sun.

How to get an even tan on the beach

For an even tan you need to follow a number of recommendations:

  1. The main rule for an even tan is movement. Simply lying down and turning around periodically is not enough. On the beach you need to move: swim, play, run, walk, etc.
  2. Do not apply perfumes or alcohol-containing compounds to your skin. This may cause sun spots.
  3. To avoid burns, do not stay in the sun for more than 2 hours.
  4. Do not neglect hats, otherwise your hair will turn into straw.
  5. Drink plenty of water.
  6. Use sunscreen.
  7. Moisturize your skin after sunbathing.
  8. Relax. It's better not to read or watch videos on the beach. The eyes are already under strain. But you shouldn’t sleep on the beach, otherwise you will definitely get burns and have an uneven tan.

How to tan faster

If tanning needs to be accelerated, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Apply protection. There is no way without this.
  2. During peak hours, sunbathe not in the open sun, but in the shade.
  3. Move.
  4. Sunbathe near a pond. Water reflects the sun's rays and the skin tans faster. For the same reason, after bathing, you don’t need to wipe your skin. The water drops will act like lenses.
  5. Use bronzers and tanning oils.
  6. A quick tan will help you get products with a “crucible” effect. They increase blood circulation.
  7. Renew your layer of sunscreen every half hour to hour.

Why doesn't my face tan?

If your face does not tan, pay attention to the position of your body while tanning. Apply sunscreen to your face every time you go to the beach. After returning home, you should wash off the cream and apply a moisturizer: lotion or milk. Burns quickly occur on the face, so do not overuse tanning on this part of the body.

Home remedies for tanning

In getting a beautiful tan, folk remedies can give a head start to store-bought creams and oils.

Home remedy for sun protection

  1. Walnut oil – 1 bottle
  2. Jojoba oil - 2 tsp.
  3. Wheat germ oil - 2 tsp.
  4. Lang-ylang oil - 5 ml.
  5. Shea butter - 1 tsp.
  6. Avocado oil - 2 tsp.

Mix all ingredients and place in an airtight container. You need to apply the mixture 3-4 hours before leaving home. This product will last you a long time.

How to maintain a tan using folk remedies

You can also make your own after-sun lotion. To do this, you only need apricot kernel oil (50 ml) and sea buckthorn oil (3 drops). Apply the after-sun product carefully as it may stain the skin.

In order for your tan to remain beautiful and rich for as long as possible, you will need:

  1. Carrots 10-15 cm long - 1 pc.
  2. Honey - 1 tsp.
  3. Olive oil - 2 tsp.
  4. Buckwheat flour - 1 tsp.

Grate the carrots and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Apply and leave on skin for 30 minutes. Rinse off. The mask can be used every three days, in a course of five to six times.

Complications after tanning

Tanning does not always leave a mark on your health. Failure to comply with safety rules often leads to changes in the body. Many people notice the appearance of new moles and freckles. Sometimes skin diseases can get worse. This often happens with herpes on the lips.

In addition, vascular veins and “networks”, areas of light skin, and a large number of small moles may appear. The latter can lead to cancer if you overuse sunbathing.

Where to buy sun tanning products

Especially for readers of our site, we have selected tanning products, as well as after-sun creams of various brands and brands. Choose the one that will best suit your skin in composition.

Yves Rocher

  1. Set “Perfect tan” with SPF 30 - the set includes: Spray for preparing the skin of the face and body for tanning + Restoring milk for face and body after sunbathing + Sunscreen Milk-Body Spray SPF 30 and Transparent cosmetic bag - as a GIFT
  2. Sunscreen Milk for Face and Body SPF 50+
  3. Sunscreen Satin Body Oil SPF 30
  4. Sunscreen Anti-Aging Face Cream SPF 30
  5. Sunscreen Satin Body Oil SPF 15
  1. Revitalizing Milk for Face and Body after Sun - Milk with a light melting texture instantly refreshes and soothes the skin after sun exposure thanks to Eryngium primordium extract. This unique polyactive plant component protects the skin from photoaging and activates cell renewal.
  2. Restoring Anti-Aging Face Cream After Sun - Protects skin from photoaging and activates cell renewal.
  3. Moisturizing After-Sun Milk 3in1 - will soothe sun-overheated skin, moisturize it and prolong the tan.


  1. Capital Vichy Ideal Soleil Set mattifying emulsion SPF50 and mineralizing thermal water VICHY

VICHY thermal water Strengthens and restores the skin, normalizes pH, enhances the barrier-protective functions of the skin.

Vichy capital ideal soleil moisturizing set spray veil body tanning activator SPF30 and a beach bag as a gift.

Toning treatment against age spots SPF50+ Instantly evens out the complexion and corrects age spots day after day.

La Roche Posey

  1. La Roche-Posay ANTHELIOS XL FLUID 50+ - fluid for the face.
  2. La Roche-Posay ANTHELIOS MILK FOR INFANTS AND CHILDREN 50+ - milk for babies.
  3. La Roche-Posay ANTHELIOS SPRAY FOR CHILDREN 50+ - spray for children with sun protection.

Garnier - Amber Solaire

GARNIER intense tanning oil with coconut scent

GARNIER sunscreen body spray SPF30 pure protection+

  1. GARNIER moisturizing and soothing after-sun milk
  2. GARNIER Sun protection spray oil for an intense golden tan, waterproof, SPF 15

Other tanning products:

  1. Avene SPF 50 - Solaires Mineral Cream. A cream with a natural base not only protects, but also restores facial skin after damage, and contains spf and ppd filters.
  2. NIVEA SUN 30 or Sun Care spf 50 It has a soft texture with caring components.

Other after sun products:

  1. NIVEA cooling after sun spray

Differences between tanning in the sun and in a solarium

It is difficult to find external differences between tanning in the sun and in a solarium.

However, the main advantage of a solarium is the ability to dose radiation. Natural conditions will not allow this to happen. In addition, hard waves that have a bad effect on the human body are filtered.

Another advantage of the solarium is its accessibility for city residents.

How to tan quickly/8 rules for a perfect tan