Mattifying face cream - what is it?

At a young age, oily skin causes a lot of trouble. However, this type of skin has a whole range of advantages: the face remains firm, youthful, and elastic longer. The main disadvantage of oily skin is the tendency to form an unhealthy sebaceous film. For this reason, the face appears tired; and achieving flawless makeup is difficult.

In addition to solving the problem from the inside, cosmetologists recommend purchasing a mattifying face cream. It will help hide the main problem - oily shine, visually even out the skin texture, and dry the surface of the epidermis before applying makeup.

What is a mattifying facial product?

Mattifying cream is designed to disguise oily shine. But the beneficial properties of the product are not limited to this. It allows.

  1. Mask flaky areas.
  2. Make the relief of the epidermis visually smoother, which is important for flawless makeup.
  3. Correct facial tone.
  4. Fill small wrinkles.
  5. Conceal dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Mattifying cream is indicated for use by women with any skin type. The main thing is to exclude allergic reactions to the components of the composition. The development of modern cosmetology does not stand still. Just a few years ago, mattifying preparations were contraindicated for those with dry skin. New generation products include various oils and moisturizing components. Therefore, all women have the opportunity to use them.


The main advantages and disadvantages of mattifying cosmetics

Like any product, mattifying face cream has a number of advantages and disadvantages. If you do not engage in therapeutic treatment of the body, without solving the problem from the inside, the drug will only slightly correct the appearance. Let us list the main advantages of creams with a mattifying effect.

  1. If used correctly, the result will not be achieved immediately, but the skin will look much better after each application. It usually takes at least half an hour for the emulsion to be completely absorbed. After this period of time, the face will look smooth and even.
  2. Mattifying cream is an excellent makeup product. Self-tanning products, blush, and foundation in combination with it will make your face refreshed without “weighting down” your appearance.
  3. Unlike powder, it does not crumble or form lumps. The fresh look of your face will last for several hours.
  4. The composition lies evenly on the surface of the skin in the form of a thin, uniform layer. The product is easy to blend and does not form stains. The appearance of the face does not need to be monitored hourly.

Let's list a few negative aspects of using mattifying cosmetics.

The drugs are of the very persistent type. It takes a lot of effort to remove makeup in the evening. The purchase of a matting product should be accompanied by the choice of a high-quality cleansing lotion.

A product for masking natural skin imperfections should be selected taking into account its type. This is important for flawless, high-quality and long-lasting makeup. If you choose the wrong one, for example, a drying cream will only aggravate the condition of dry skin and cause irritation.

Despite the existing disadvantages, mattifying face cream has many advantages. It is an indispensable lifesaver for girls with oily skin. Especially in the summer season and extreme heat. The latest invention in the field of cosmetology makes it possible to easily solve the problem of oily shine, smooth the surface of the epidermis, and maintain a fresh face throughout the day.

The nuances of using mattifying products in everyday care

The beauty of the face is not determined by bright makeup, but by the naturalness of the makeup. When using a cream to mask imperfections in the epidermis, it is important to exclude so that the secret becomes obvious. To do this, you should always allow enough time to apply makeup. In a hurry, it is impossible to create a high-quality natural image.

Don’t be upset if you didn’t succeed in choosing a mattifying face cream the first time. The main thing is to keep trying and find your cream. Next you have to learn how to apply it correctly. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort and time to figure out what's right for you. But the result will exceed all expectations.

Mattifying cream is applied to previously cleansed and dried skin. It cannot be applied over foundation. Apply only once in the morning. If the composition is suitable, then you will not need to adjust your makeup for several hours.

First, day cream is applied to the face and left until completely absorbed. After 20 minutes, blot off excess product with a napkin. Unblended cosmetics are especially noticeable in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds and wings of the nose. It is recommended to pay special attention to these areas.

To adjust your makeup, it is convenient to use a small compact powder that matches your complexion tone. Powder helps out when you need to slightly touch up your makeup without making drastic changes.

The cream for mattifying the skin surface is not applied to the neck, shoulders, or décolleté. Always use the minimum amount.
The right makeup base is the key to a successful result and ease of application. Thanks to the alcohol-free composition of the product, oily skin will be moisturized, but not dry. The makeup will turn out natural and neat. As you use mattifying products, your skin will feel better and better every day.

Every woman at any age dreams of being confident and beautiful. Of course, one of the main indicators of attractiveness is healthy skin. But what about those who are not very lucky? In this case, a mattifying face cream can help you. Every owner of oily or combination skin knows what it is. This is her faithful friend and assistant.

Mattifying face cream. What is it and how does it work?

So, more details. Problematic, combination and oily skin types are distinguished by one common feature - excessive production of sebum, due to which the face acquires a not very pleasant shine. This characteristic always spoils the appearance. Especially when it's hot outside. Foundation or powder does not cope well with this problem. The pores become clogged, which only makes the situation worse. Therefore, to obtain the ideal effect, a special mattifying face cream is best suited. What it is? A product that works according to the following principle: an imperceptible thin film appears on the surface of the skin, blocking the production of sebum.

However, this is not the only thing that can improve the appearance of your skin. This cream contains special components that penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin. They normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. By the way, the use of such creams even has a cumulative effect. Most often, these products are also enriched with UV protection filters.

In a word, mattifying cream is a special-purpose cosmetic product. It is simply irreplaceable for women. Especially in the hot season. However, do not forget that when choosing a cream, you need to take into account some factors. For example, skin type, age, allergies, presence of natural and healthy ingredients. Of course, you just need to try the cream. Below is a list of the most popular high-quality products.

"Clean line. Aqua cream. Instant matte"

So let's start from the beginning. You go to buy a mattifying face cream. You know what it is. However, what should you choose? An excellent option is “Clean Line. Aqua cream. Instant matte." This product is presented in an ordinary tube of pleasant design (50 ml) in green and blue tones. The product has a light herbal aroma that quickly disappears after application. Thanks to its thick consistency, the cream spreads very well. Upon contact with the skin, it is absorbed very quickly, as if melting. The product is great even for flaky and dry skin, as it perfectly moisturizes it.

Contains natural eucalyptus extract and zinc. The skin becomes velvety and smooth, and oily shine is neutralized for a long time. Every girl who dreams of perfect skin will be satisfied with such products. However, in fact, it is quite rare to meet a representative of the fair sex who would consider her skin to be ideal.


Sunscreen Sun Energy Green + Panthenol

Let's consider another option. You will definitely love the following mattifying face cream. What it is? Sun Energy Green + Panthenol is an excellent product made in Ukraine, presented in a volume of 30 ml. The cream is great for use during the hottest time of the year. After applying the product, the skin becomes velvety to the touch and acquires a matte appearance. The oily shine disappears immediately. The composition includes several different filters, which together help prevent early skin aging and burns as a result of exposure to sunlight. In addition, the product moisturizes the skin and is suitable for all skin types. In a word, you won't regret it. You can easily eliminate or prevent small blemishes on your skin. You can easily remove strong shine with this product.


Baikal Herbals

When considering mattifying facial creams, do not forget to pay attention to this product as well. This product is created on the basis of Baikal herbal extracts. It contains calendula, lemon balm, skullcap, forest jasmine, thyme and other herbs. Acting in combination, these components allow the functioning of the sebaceous glands to normalize, pores to narrow, redness and irritation to disappear. The skin receives a feeling of tenderness and comfort. After use, the skin becomes smooth. A healthy matte finish replaces an unpleasant oily sheen.

The tube contains 50 ml of cream. One of the advantages of the product is the absence of parabens. By the way, the cream is great as a base for makeup. The special structure of the fatty layer will no longer be a problem for you.



This mattifying cream is offered to the consumer in a compact glass jar of 50 ml. The product is suitable for use on mixed and normal skin types. The age range recommended for use is from 25 to 55 years. After applying the cream, the complexion becomes perfectly even. Unsightly greasy shine instantly disappears. The product allows you to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Natural balance is restored. The cream contains vitamin E. This gives the skin additional nutrition. The composition also includes special filters that protect the cover from solar radiation. In a word, you hide oily shine, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and protect yourself from the sun. All advantages.


Nivea Visage

What else should you pay attention to when choosing creams for oily skin? Mattifying daytime "Nivea" is presented to the buyer in a plastic jar (50 ml). The product contains a special moisturizing complex and seaweed extracts. Thanks to them, the skin is deeply nourished and the pores are not clogged. After use, oily shine is quickly eliminated and the skin becomes matte. In addition, the cream contains filters that protect against ultraviolet radiation. The product is used very economically, has an unobtrusive light aroma, and is easily distributed over the skin. This is an excellent product, developed by specialists, that removes excess fat. It is used both for decorative purposes and as a preventive method for removing oily film that forms during the day.



This mattifying day face cream is extremely popular among women. But the most popular product is a product called “Vital Moisturizing.” This is cream sorbet. The product is presented in a soft, comfortable tube of a soft green pleasant shade. This decision was not chosen by chance. The cream contains green tea. After application to the skin, there is an immediate feeling of hydration. It is stored throughout the whole day. The product perfectly mattifies the skin. Her tone becomes even and fresh. Thus, using the product, you even out the surface of the skin, eliminate various defects and rashes, remove oily sheen, eliminate bacteria, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.


Customer Reviews

And finally. An excellent product is a mattifying face cream. This product receives extremely positive reviews. And this is not surprising. Every woman who suffers from having problem skin will definitely recommend this product to her friends in misfortune. In addition, many are satisfied that mattifying foundation for the face can be purchased at a fairly affordable price. The effect is simply incredible. As a rule, buyers purchase the next tube or jar without waiting for the first one to run out. Women are so impressed by such creams.

Many women are forced to use mattifying creams as a base. No wonder. After all, the type of skin largely depends on how exactly the sebaceous glands function. There are especially many of them located in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, chin, nose, eyebrows and forehead. The sebaceous glands are located shallow in the dermis. Sebum is a complex fatty substance consisting of hormones, protein products, fatty acids, cholesterol esters, etc. It gives the skin elasticity by covering it with a thin film. It also limits the evaporation of moisture from its surface and prevents drying out. Together with sweat, sebum creates an acidic environment on the surface of the skin. That is, the so-called acidic mantle. It protects the skin from bacteria. Dry skin is known to age a little faster. Therefore, with proper care, women with oily skin can maintain a beautiful, well-groomed appearance for much longer.

This cream is a favorite among many of the fair sex. Most often, the products have a natural composition. Therefore, the effect cannot but rejoice. Pleasant consistency and aroma, mattifying functions - in a word, buy it, and you won’t regret it!

Do all women know such a cosmetic product as mattifying face cream and why is it needed? Not everyone, but many. Meanwhile, every woman should have knowledge about the availability of such cosmetics, since oily, problem and combination skin is not at all a “gift of nature,” but a property that can be “acquired.” Problem? Certainly! But it is completely solvable. And one of the “warriors” in the fight for the beauty and purity of the face is a cream with a mattifying effect.

What does mattifying effect mean?

Every woman dreams of everything being brilliant: appearance, intelligence, clothes, home, family. But one aspect of shine still remains questionable - a shiny face literally a couple of hours after leaving the house.

Do you think that if you don’t have such problems today, they will never appear? Just be curious:

  1. a diet in which fast food predominates, often containing fatty, spicy, salty, smoked and other not very healthy foods;
  2. bad habits, in particular smoking;
  3. exposure to negative environmental factors;
  4. constant exposure to stress, psychological overload - the scourge of the modern world and women who want to take their rightful place in it;
  5. use of low-quality or inappropriate cosmetics;
  6. abuse of cosmetic procedures (especially peeling scrubs);
  7. violation of metabolic processes;
  8. hormonal imbalances (excess testosterone in particular);
  9. pathologies of internal organs and systems.

All these factors can lead to the fact that the characteristics of the skin will change and your skin will become oily, with a whole bunch of problems unknown before. And if the last three nuances are rather a medical problem and without adequate therapy no means of external influence can help, then the influence of all the previous ones can be corrected with the help of cosmetics.

The question arises - what is a face cream with a mattifying effect? And let us immediately pay attention - all those wonderful qualities that we will talk about are applicable exclusively for oily, combination and problem skin, but will be absolutely useless, if not harmful, for owners of other types. And that's why.

Matting means masking imperfections, but with a preventive effect on the deep layers of the epidermis. The presence of special components in the cream makes it possible to create a thin, weightless, but quite dense film that will not allow the skin secretions to “break out” and give the skin an oily shine.

Other components penetrate deep into the epidermis and dermis, regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, control lipid metabolism and moisturize. This is the main difference between mattifying creams and foundation. Although recently the product “Foundation with a mattifying effect” has appeared on the market. Whether you believe it or not is your choice, but so far many women still prefer a more proven remedy.

Features of use

You need to immediately understand that a mattifying face cream has a denser texture than, for example, a moisturizing or nourishing one. This product is intended primarily for daily use.

Some manufacturers claim that they have created day and night products. But think for yourself, why create an impenetrable film on your face at night?! Let it breathe, moisturize and nourish better.

There are some tricks that will help make the use of matting cream more effective:

  1. Apply only to clean skin, after the morning toilet. Before applying other makeup products, you need to wait about 5 minutes so that the product is evenly distributed and absorbed;
  2. Apply the cream with light movements from the center of the face to the cheekbones. Using your fingertips you need to “drive” the composition into the skin. Only then will the distribution be uniform, and the cream will not roll off in those places where its layer is thicker;
  3. Do not under any circumstances apply a moisturizer or nourishing agent under the matting cream.

This cosmetic product has a drying quality. So that the skin does not remain overdried under the “film” and the problem does not worsen, instead of minimizing, pay attention to the composition of the product you are purchasing. It should contain light oils that will prevent dry skin and a feeling of tightness and discomfort.

What is it for?

If you are asking why you need a mattifying face cream, it means that you do not know the problems of women with oily skin. Here's what you can expect from such a tool:

  1. evens out tone, texture, good nutrition and hydration without visible greasy shine on the surface throughout the day;
  2. instantly removes visual defects - redness, rashes;
  3. normalization of the sebaceous glands without suppressing their work;
  4. antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action ensures the fight against acne and pimples.

You can be confident in a perfect appearance and flawless makeup throughout the day.

Beneficial features

Having roughly formed a picture of what a mattifying face cream is, it would be nice to find out about the mechanism of its action - or rather, about the beneficial properties that this unique product has.


  1. effectively regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and controls the production of secretions;
  2. smoothes out minor skin defects - creases, wrinkles, enlarged pores;
  3. makes the skin velvety and soft;
  4. intensively moisturizes at the cellular level, penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis;
  5. evens out the tone and texture of the face;
  6. long-term protection against the appearance of unpleasantly greasy shine on the surface;
  7. restores metabolic processes in tissues.

All these positive effects mean one thing - owners of oily, problem and combination skin should definitely have a mattifying face cream in their cosmetic bag and use it regularly, but only in the morning.

What flaws does it hide?

We have already found out what imperfections in appearance such cosmetics can hide. Now let's figure out what shortcomings “our hero” himself has.

Mattifying cream, as we said earlier, has a denser texture. Consequently, it is quite resistant to the usual detergents that are used to remove makeup and wash your face.

In the store, immediately select a suitable remover for this cream so that the skin cleansing process does not turn into a real ordeal. If you do not remove the product completely, leaving some of it on your face, you can cause additional problems.

Take into account all the individual characteristics of your skin type: the presence of additional defects, severity of processes, age. Otherwise, you will not achieve the desired results and will remain dissatisfied with the effect of the cream.

Creams with mattifying effect

When we look for the label “mattifying face cream” on the label of a product we like, we can’t always find it there. Or it is precisely this quality of the product that is indicated, but in essence there is no trace of it. To make your search easier, we suggest using a certain rating of creams, which is based on customer reviews.

Pure line “Aqua-cream Instant matte”. The composition contains zinc and eucalyptus extract. The cream has a pleasant herbal smell and has a dense consistency that does not prevent it from being instantly absorbed, as if dissolving into the skin. Positioned by manufacturers as “matte for dry skin”, as it perfectly moisturizes, evens out the surface, eliminates oily shine and gives the skin firmness and softness throughout the day.

You can watch the video for a detailed review of this cream:

Baikal herbals Day mattifying. The cream contains unique herbal extracts collected in the ecologically clean Baikal region. Plant extracts help improve the health of problematic epidermis. The consistency of the product is such that the active components easily penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, actively moisturizing and at the same time drying problem areas. The skin acquires an even tone, relief is outlined, and small wrinkles are smoothed out. Oily shine does not appear throughout the day. Ideal as a base for makeup. Any tone fits perfectly on it, does not spread or roll down.

Oil-free cream-gel Andalou Naturals. An excellent choice for oily skin. The extracts of acai berries, fruits, white tea and vegetable glycerin gently care for problematic skin, perfectly mattifying and preventing the appearance of a shiny shine. The cream soothes overheated skin, actively and deeply moisturizes, and helps fight the first age-related changes. The presence of antioxidants guarantees effective protection against the harmful effects of external factors, removing toxins and binding free radicals.

Karethic Moisturizing Mattifying Cream. Positioned by manufacturers as a product for oily and combination skin that is prone to dehydration. No, you are not mistaken! Oily skin can also suffer from a lack of moisture, and at the same time problems (acne, pimples, comedones, glossiness) will manifest themselves with even greater force. It is this cream, which contains chamomile extract, rice powder and light nut oils, that will perfectly cope with all of the above problems. It deeply moisturizes, relieves irritation and inflammation, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. And the presence of rice powder as a sorbent guarantees the absence of greasy marks on the face throughout the day.

Mattifying cream “24 hours” Sante. The name speaks for itself. The effect is expressed 24 hours a day. Contrary to our warnings, the manufacturer talks about the possibility of using the product as a daytime and nighttime product (debatably, it’s better only during the day). The composition contains fruit extracts and oils that actively moisturize, nourish and regulate metabolic processes in the epidermis. Suitable for young skin 20-28 years old.

BioKosma Mattifying Day Cream. Contains plant extracts and oils. It has a light, pleasant, fresh aroma, an almost “weightless” texture, is instantly absorbed and is an excellent base for makeup. It has a powerful tonic effect, evens out the texture and tone. Mattifying effect lasting up to 8 hours. With regular use, the exposure time increases.

Cream for problem skin Annemarie Boerlind. This cream has a pronounced therapeutic effect, as it copes well with problematic and oily skin. It contains plant extracts, oils, arginine, allantoin. Regular use of the product guarantees a reduction and gradual disappearance of rashes, blackheads, and acne. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

You will be interested to know how to make mattifying cream at home:

These are not all means of this spectrum of action. We have presented a series that is not exactly a budget one, although there are cheaper analogues that are not inferior in quality. But when purchasing any product, you should first of all use common sense - can natural raw materials, processed in a certain way and combined into a composition that gives a pronounced and long-lasting result, be completely cheap?!