Causes of dry skin on hands and feet


People with dry skin often experience discomfort from tightness and flaking of the skin, and often complain of increased dryness in certain areas of the body: arms, legs, elbows. The problem can also occur in people with normal and oily skin types with the development of certain diseases.

Causes of dry skin on hands and feet

The reasons why the skin loses moisture can be divided into two types:

  1. External. This group includes:
  2. Constant contact with tap water with a high content of chlorine and alkaline earth metal salts (hard water).
  3. Wrong choice of cosmetics, buying them without matching your age and skin type.
  4. Exposure to wind, frost, direct sun on the skin; dry air in the apartment.
  5. Work in hot shops.
  6. Smoking and drinking alcohol.
  7. Domestic:
  8. Depletion of the skin as a result of poor nutrition, when the diet lacks foods rich in vitamins A, E, group B, and fats. A small amount of liquid drunk during the day also has an effect.
  9. Genetic predisposition.
  10. Diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems.
  11. Age-related changes, menopause.
  12. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  13. Skin and allergic diseases.
  14. Kidney failure.

For each area of ​​the body, there are additional specific causes of dehydration of the epidermis.

What to do if you have dry skin on your hands

The skin on the hands is most often prone to dryness and flaking; men and women suffer from these problems equally. Men do not like to wear gloves in winter; when repairing their cars they come into contact with aggressive liquids. Many male professions involve exposure of the skin of the hands to various irritating substances, but protective gloves are not always used.

Women spend a lot of time washing dishes, laundry, cleaning, and also do not always use special creams and rubber gloves to protect their hands. After 40 years, when age-related hormonal changes begin in the body, the skin of the hands rapidly loses moisture and begins to peel off until cracks appear on it.

Dry skin on elbows - causes and treatment

Increased dryness of the elbows is often caused by lifestyle: a job where you spend most of your time at a desk or computer causes your elbows to rub against the table or chair armrest. As a result, the skin on the elbows becomes rough, begins to peel, and looks like a callus.

The elbows are one of the first to be affected by psoriasis, so if you experience dryness and flaking that cannot be treated on your own, you should visit a dermatologist so as not to miss the onset of a serious disease.

Also, increased dryness of the elbows can serve as a signal of a malfunction of the thyroid gland and the development of diabetes mellitus.

With a significant thickening of the surface layer of the epidermis, they speak of hyperkeratosis, a disease characterized by increased division of cells in the stratum corneum with a simultaneous disruption of their desquamation. Thickening of the skin can reach several centimeters. Hyperkeratosis is never an independent disease and indicates serious disorders in the body.

Dry skin on feet

The driest areas on the legs are the knees and feet. Dry skin on the knees can be caused by friction when walking on rough jeans, tights, or by kneeling for a long time while performing certain types of work (in construction, in mines). When psoriasis occurs, the knees, along with the elbows, are the first to begin to peel and itch.

The skin on the feet is especially dry in the summer, when the only shoes you wear are sandals. Heat, dust, dehydration are factors that contribute to the development of dry and cracked feet. At the same time, corns and calluses appear.

The heels are the most hardened; in summer, deep cracks can form on them, causing severe pain when walking. Causes of cracking heels can also be diabetes, excess body weight, flat feet, improper skin care, and poor circulation of the lower extremities caused by varicose veins.

Methods to combat dry skin

You need to start fighting dry skin at its first manifestations, so as not to waste time. The approach to solving the problem is comprehensive and includes:

  1. Visit a dermatologist to rule out diseases that cause dry skin.
  2. Follow the rules for caring for dry skin:
  1. Using moisturizing shower gels and liquid soap.
  2. Moisturize dry areas throughout the day using creams.
  3. Protect your hands before going out into the cold with special creams.
  4. Avoid contact with aggressive household products.
  5. Regular use of moisturizing and nourishing masks, softening baths for hands and feet.
  6. Application of medicinal creams: Locobase Ripea, Locobase Lipocrem, Carboderm, Flexitol (hand balm, foot balm).
Inclusion in the menu of foods with a high content of vitamins A, C and E: carrots, liver, fatty fish, nuts, citrus fruits, cereals. Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol. Daily intake of 1.5-2 liters of liquid. If necessary, take vitamin complexes to improve the condition of the skin: Vitrum Beauty, Vitrum Beauty Q10. It is also recommended to take fish oil, vitamins A, E (they can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of an oil solution or capsules).

To prevent roughening of the skin of the feet, it is necessary to choose comfortable shoes and regularly exfoliate the stratum corneum using pedicure graters.

Severely roughened skin of the elbows and heels must be removed using scrubs and pumice, after steaming the problem areas in a bath with the addition of glycerin, soda, linden or chamomile decoction.

Homemade masks are also used to combat dry feet and hands.

Hand masks

You can buy ready-made masks in cosmetic stores or pharmacies, but it happens that after using them an allergic reaction appears on the skin. Dry skin is prone to increased sensitivity; irritation can be caused by any ingredient in the mask; Therefore, in order to have confidence in the naturalness of the composition, it is better to use homemade products:

  1. Mix one tablespoon of honey, glycerin, oatmeal; add two tablespoons of boiled or filtered water.
  2. 20 g of cocoa powder is poured with boiling water to form a paste. Add three teaspoons of glycerin to it and mix thoroughly.
  3. Medium-sized carrots are grated on the finest grater and mixed with 15 ml of flax seed oil.
  4. Mix a tablespoon of honey, aloe juice, olive oil, add one drop of chamomile essential oil.
  5. To a tablespoon of finely grated raw potatoes add a tablespoon of honey and carrot juice.
  6. To 25 ml of olive oil add 5 ml of sea buckthorn oil and one capsule of vitamins A and E (the capsules are first pierced with a needle and the solution is squeezed out of them). If desired, you can add a teaspoon of pharmaceutical ointment with panthenol (Dexpanthenol, D-panthenol) to the oil mixture.

Thanks to the combination of various components in homemade masks, dry skin is simultaneously moisturized and nourished.

Rules for using masks:

  1. Before applying the mask, you need to soak your hands for 15-20 minutes in warm water or in a decoction of chamomile, sage, or linden.
  2. The mask is applied for 20-30 minutes; to improve the effect, you can wrap your hands in cling film, cotton cloth, or wear cotton gloves.
  3. Wash off the mask with warm water, after which you can rinse your hands in a decoction of medicinal herbs.
  4. Hands are wiped dry and nourishing cream is applied.

Hand creams

Hand cream should become a constant companion for those with dry skin: during the day, apply moisturizer after each hand washing; Before performing work involving contact with water and household chemicals, as well as going outside during the cold season, use a protective cream; Nutrients are applied at night.

In the summer, when the arms are completely open, nourishing and moisturizing creams can be applied to the skin of the forearms, not forgetting to thoroughly lubricate the elbows.

If the hand cream is correctly selected for its purpose and composition, the skin will begin to change its properties immediately a few days after the start of its use. You can read about the types of creams for dry hand skin, their composition, rules for selection and use here.

Cracks in the skin

Causes of cracks

The most common causes of dry skin cracking are:

  1. decreased skin elasticity as a result of loss of nutrients and moisturizers;
  2. frequent exposure to aggressive household detergents;
  3. fungal skin diseases;
  4. diabetes;
  5. being in the cold without gloves.

Cracked heels are more likely to occur in overweight people with insufficient skin care.

Cracks on hands

Cracks on the hands most often appear in the spaces between the fingers and in the places where the fingers bend; sometimes deep cracks can appear on the palms. Microscopic cracks usually appear on the outer surface of the brushes.

Cracking of the skin of the hands is accompanied by pain and interferes with everyday activities. Due to constant contact with surrounding objects, there is a high risk of bacterial infection entering the wounds.

Cracked heels

Cracked heels usually appear in the presence of some pathology in the body, so their treatment should begin with a visit to the doctor. During treatment, difficulties may arise due to the fact that the person is on his feet all the time; there is constant pressure on the cracks, which interferes with their healing.

Treatment of cracks

To treat cracks, you must first eliminate the external factors that cause cracking. It is also necessary to undergo an examination by a therapist and a dermatologist to rule out the presence of diseases that cause skin cracking.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor may prescribe the use of ointments with antibiotics, hormones, antifungal components, and the use of antiallergic drugs. Treatment will also be prescribed for the underlying diseases that cause skin cracking.

If cracks are caused by dry skin and insufficient care, the following treatment is used:

  1. If there are keratinizations, they must be carefully removed using a pumice stone or a pedicure grater, after softening them in a warm bath with the addition of soda.
  2. For the first few days, medical glue BF-6 is applied to the cracks, which creates an antiseptic elastic film on the wound surface. Under the film, the edges of the wounds are tightened, and the healing processes begin.
  3. Ointments help speed up regeneration processes: Dexpanthenol, Vulnuzan, Apilak, calendula ointment, sea buckthorn oil. Ingestion of Aevit capsules (a preparation of vitamins A and E) is also useful.
  4. After the cracks begin to heal, it is necessary to use creams for dry skin with a high content of nutrients and moisturizers.
  5. After complete healing, constant adherence to the rules of caring for dry skin is necessary.

Video about dry skin on hands and feet and treatment methods

Dealing with dry skin on your hands and feet is not difficult if you pay attention to your health: eat right, treat emerging diseases in a timely manner, and use cosmetics wisely. Dry skin is especially sensitive to careful care, so the results of your efforts will not keep you waiting long.

Dry skin on the hands and feet - the causes of its occurrence concern many people, as well as methods of getting rid of this ailment. Why are more and more people facing this problem?

Skin is the largest organ of the human body. It is assigned a large number of different functions: it participates in respiratory, thermoregulatory processes, metabolism and performs the protective function of the body, warning it from a number of unfavorable factors in the surrounding world. The type of surface cover can tell about the state of the body as a whole. What can dry skin on the hands and feet indicate?

Dry skin indicates, first of all, an insufficient amount of moisture in the upper layer of the epidermis. Let us recall that the epidermis is the horny surface layer of the skin, in which there are no living cells, and water accumulates only in an amount of 20%. When this layer lacks moisture, the lower layers with living cells also suffer.

As a result, metabolism slows down significantly and the skin becomes dull. Dry skin is a very common reality. Most common in middle-aged and elderly people.

Experts classify dryness into two categories:

  1. The first type: acquired, when the action of external factors contributes to dry skin (the influence of ultraviolet rays, low levels of air humidity, wind);
  2. The second type: dry skin, constitutionally determined by a number of physiological or genetic characteristics.

Signs of dry skin

You can determine whether your skin is dry or not yourself. Press the skin with your fingers and watch the reaction. If finger marks remain for a long time, it means that you have dry skin.

There are a number of other signs of dry skin:

  1. skin is rough and inelastic;
  2. it cracks, peels off, and peeling off by scales is also observed;
  3. roughness of the skin is felt;
  4. pores on such skin are almost invisible;
  5. feeling of itching and discomfort;
  6. after a shower or bath it tightens;
  7. You can also notice strong cracks, sometimes they can bleed.

Water requirement

The key condition for the natural functioning of the skin of the entire body is the optimal level of hydration, which directly affects the appearance of the skin.

It is moisture that gives the skin elasticity and springiness, and also enriches the cells with all the essential beneficial components.

If the skin lacks moisture, it becomes dry and thin.

Plus, it becomes hypersensitive to environmental influences and wrinkles appear.

Prevent dry skin

For these purposes, there are mechanisms that can prevent the skin from drying out. The stratum corneum of the epidermis demonstrates a similar mechanism. In addition to the fact that it prevents drying, it is also responsible for the natural general condition of the skin.

For normal moisture content of the presented layer, there is a unique structure in which corneocytes and intercellular lipids play a key role. The latter are responsible for the integrity of the skin, because They are the ones that firmly connect postcellular structures to each other.

The lipids that are produced form the main barrier to water, due to which it is not possible for large amounts of moisture to evaporate.

Causes of dry skin on hands

Reasons that can easily provoke the development of dry skin on the hands:

  1. Lack of vitamins, which is most relevant in autumn and spring, is the main cause of dryness.
  2. As mentioned earlier, environmental factors have an adverse effect on the skin of the hands. For example, exposure to wind and cold weather causes the skin to thicken and roughen, resulting in cracks and redness.
  3. The influence of sunlight dehydrates, accelerating the aging process of the skin.
  4. Significant fluctuations in ambient temperature conditions contribute to the appearance of dry skin patches.
  5. A big cause for concern regarding dry skin is the effects of household chemicals, particularly detergents. Skin that comes into contact with such materials every day undergoes a destructive effect on the epidermis and its natural protection.
  6. Incorrect skin care on the hands or its absolute absence. After all, insufficient nutrition and, of course, hydration causes problems.
  7. Rarely does dry skin appear as a cause of pathology at birth, and to improve it, constant care is needed.
  1. violation of a healthy lifestyle;
  2. course of medication;
  3. seasonal factors;
  4. change in climatic conditions;
  5. dehydration;
  6. inflammation processes;
  7. irritation and possible allergic reactions;
  8. presence of cuts, scratches and wounds;
  9. dry air in living spaces;
  10. excessive use of cosmetics;
  11. disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Despite the fact that anyone without exception can become the owner of dry skin, there is a specific risk group that is most at risk of developing the phenomenon.

This group includes:

  1. people over 65 years of age;
  2. lovers of frequent hot baths or showers;
  3. inhabitants of climatic zones whose humidity is low, or inhabitants of cold climates.

Consultation with a dermatologist is relevant

You should contact a dermatologist when:

  1. areas of skin redness (except dryness) are noted;
  2. your sleep and rest patterns are disrupted due to dryness and itching;
  3. ulcers on the skin;
  4. severe peeling of a large amount of skin;
  5. all efforts made to eliminate dryness did not bring positive results.

Combating dry epidermis. A number of factors directly affect the condition of the skin of the hands. First of all, hand skin hygiene. Next, we should note the general condition of the person and his body. The conditions in which the individual lives, his diet and many other factors. When at least one of the listed conditions is violated, the skin of the hands immediately becomes dry and rough. In addition, the aging process is unfolding. Now it becomes clear why sometimes it is the hands that reveal the true age of a representative of the fair half of humanity.

A variety of internal causes negatively affect the hands, such as chronic pathologies that provoke persistent metabolic disorders.

Care instructions

To prevent dryness it is important:

  1. regular use of soap containing nourishing cream;
  2. try to wash your hands in warm water, then rinse with cold water;
  3. always dry your hands thoroughly after washing them;
  4. try not to go outside when your hands are wet;
  5. in the cold season, be sure to wear gloves, and in hot weather, lubricate the skin of your hands with sun protection cream before going outside;
  6. When doing cleaning and other household chores, wear gloves (rubber);
  7. systematically pamper the skin of your hands with a scrub to get rid of cells that are already dead;
  8. both in the morning and in the evening, rub nourishing cream with glycerin into the skin, thus doing a massage.

Feet need moisturizing too

Adults most often suffer from dry skin on their feet, particularly on the heels. This is the most vulnerable area. Here the skin has the thickest stratum corneum. Given this fact, you need to be very careful about caring for the skin on your feet.

It requires a special approach:

  1. Firstly, once a week it is necessary to remove dead cells from the heels. Pumice is the best assistant in this matter.
  2. Secondly, as soon as the exfoliated particles have been removed, you need to thoroughly wipe the heels and then lubricate them with some kind of moisturizer.

If the rules for caring for this area are not followed, there is a high probability of small cracks occurring.

The skin serves as an indicator of health, since with various disorders in the body, cracks may appear on it, the skin begins to dry out and crack. This is especially noticeable on the hands and feet.

Dry skin problem

Causes of dry skin on hands and feet

Any person, even a girl who takes care of herself, can face such a problem as peeling and dry skin of the extremities.

Internal reasons

The epidermis on the arms and legs may begin to dry out, itch, and peel if a person has systemic diseases. Dry skin indicates that there is:

  1. dehydration;
  2. lack of vitamins;
  3. diabetes;
  4. insufficient thyroid function;
  5. heat;
  6. prolonged stress;
  7. metabolic disorders;
  8. liver diseases;
  9. allergy;
  10. skin diseases, dermatitis, ichthyosis;
  11. viral diseases of the dermis;
  12. disturbances in the absorption of essential nutrients;
  13. renal dysfunction and cholecystitis;
  14. oncology;
  15. diseases of the nervous system, mental problems;
  16. inflammation of the gallbladder.

Also, the skin on the palms and soles may begin to dry out due to the onset of irreversible age-related deterioration in health.


This skin problem can also be temporary and susceptible to external influences. In such cases, the cause is outside the human body:

  1. insufficient air humidity in the room, especially in winter;
  2. prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation or cold temperatures;
  3. sudden transitions from heat to cold;
  4. poor care of the skin of the limb;
  5. use of corrosive detergents;
  6. abuse of peeling;
  7. smoking, drinking alcohol, eating unhealthy.

By eliminating the external cause, you can correct flaky skin on your arms and legs.

Combating dry skin on hands and feet

If dry skin on your hands and feet appears, you should find out the reasons and start treatment as soon as possible. If the problems are internal, the doctor will prescribe adequate therapy.


The most convenient means for preventing dryness and restoring the skin of the extremities are creams. For daily care you must use products containing:

  1. occlusive substances that form a film on the skin;
  2. non-occlusive – eliminating skin dehydration;
  3. nourishing substances (vitamin F, flaxseed oil, fatty acids).

Note! The best creams for the skin of the hands and feet are considered to be glycerin, Vaseline, and aloe vera juice - they eliminate the symptoms of roughness and dryness of the epidermis and stimulate its regeneration.

Pantoderm cream eliminates dry skin

It is possible to make the cream yourself by thoroughly mixing a simple baby cream, a little glycerin, and a couple of drops of liquid vitamins A and E. It is recommended to apply this composition with your finger to problem areas of the skin.


Folk experience in dealing with dry skin of the extremities offers many options for simple and effective masks.

Important! The key to getting rid of dryness is regular use of the products. One of the recipes requires mixing a simple cream with lemon juice, then spreading the mixture on your hands and, wearing gloves, leaving it overnight. The frequency of use of such a mask is once every 6-7 days.

To improve the appearance of the skin of your feet, a green apple mask is good: in the form of a paste, it is applied to the feet and covered with gauze, and socks are put on top. Exposure period is one night.

A mask of grated raw potatoes mixed with flaxseeds and water and boiled over low heat is a strong moisturizer for the skin of the feet. You can use this product for 30-40 minutes.


Hand and foot baths containing decoctions of medicinal plants, such as oak bark, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, celery, linden, and nettle, are a good solution to the problem of moisturizing the skin. These procedures also help combat irritation, itching and redness. In autumn and winter, a decoction of potatoes with boiled pulp helps.

Additional Information. The crushed raw materials are infused for half an hour, the duration of the bath is 20 minutes. Immersing your hands and feet in a mixture of honey, milk and jojoba oil will make your skin softer and more velvety.

A bath of oil and honey is good for the skin of the hands and feet

If cracks appear

Often painful and unsightly cracks appear on the skin, which prevent a person from living normally and performing his duties.


Why does the skin on my fingers and toes crack? The cause may be a fungus that destroys the epidermis; vitamin imbalance; increased blood sugar; skin diseases; dysfunction of the endocrine system. The external environment also has a negative impact: cold or chlorinated water, household chemicals, low-quality cosmetics, temperature changes, solar radiation, tight shoes.


Minor cracks can be treated with cosmetic creams, softening balms and herbal extracts, as well as special balms sold in pharmacies.

For deep cracks, pharmaceutical preparations are recommended: ichthyol, Vishnevsky ointment, medical glue “Sulfacrylate” and BF-6.

If the wounds are quite extensive, it is necessary to use antiseptics such as Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin and antibacterial agents.

Among the folk remedies, a milk-glycerin solution, cedar oil, and cucumber compress are recommended.

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin

Moisturizing the skin of the hands and feet is an excellent prevention of dryness; pharmacy and homemade creams and ointments, as well as folk tricks, help out. The skin on the legs is perfectly moisturized with a coffee scrub, which also promotes cell renewal. Hands are saturated with moisture after a relaxing bath, peeling, using fruit and vegetable masks.

Moisturizing the skin is impossible without organizing a healthy diet with sufficient nutrients and vitamins. It is also necessary to additionally protect the skin of your hands with gloves.

Skin care for hands and feet

Skin health is promoted by proper and regular skin care. It includes the use of nourishing creams after washing hands, control of hydration, and the use of gloves.

Feet require weekly exfoliation to remove dead skin, cleansing and softening baths.

Prevention of dry skin

To avoid dry skin on your hands and feet, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. using moisturizing soap;
  2. carrying out exfoliating peelings and paraffin baths for hands;
  3. refusal of synthetic clothing;
  4. use of organic cosmetics with neutral ph;
  5. swimming in warm water, drying with natural towels;
  6. avoiding saunas and scrubs;
  7. abstinence from alcohol and cigarettes;
  8. enriching food with vitamins and controlling fluid intake.

Dry skin on the hands and feet, causes and treatment, are quite pressing issues for many people who take care of themselves. With the help of dermatologists, cosmetologists and nutritionists with an integrated approach, this problem can be completely solved.
