Pimples appeared on the birthmark


When a pimple appears on a birthmark, many people begin to worry. This is especially true in cases where the acne is inflamed and painful or forms on nevi very often.

Two questions arise:

  1. Could the appearance of a pimple on a birthmark signal that it will begin to degenerate from a harmless mark on the body into a malignant formation;
  2. how to treat it in such an unusual place.

Why do pimples appear on moles?

Pimples (blackheads) can appear anywhere where there are sebaceous glands (pores, ducts), and they are located on almost all parts of the body, except for the feet and palms. Since birthmarks are formed from skin cells, acne can appear on them as well. The main reasons for the appearance of acne under a mole include those that cause a malfunction of the sebaceous pores - their blockage:

  1. An increase in the level of the hormone testosterone in the blood, which causes the accumulation of sebaceous secretions, as a result of which they can become clogged and cause inflammation in the form of acne on nevi. This most often occurs during hormonal surges in the body: during pregnancy, during puberty, during menopause and before menstruation, as well as when taking hormonal medications;
  2. Another reason for the formation of acne on birthmarks can be keratinization of the cells that make up the birthmark. The surface of the birthmark becomes rougher, this delays the release of sebaceous secretions and leads to the proliferation of bacteria underneath. An inflammatory process occurs, as a result of which a pimple appears;
  3. Irritation caused by dust or dirt getting on the injured nevus can clog the pores. In this case, the resulting inflammation may not bother or cause pain, but only cause a change in the appearance of the birthmark;
  4. Inflammation of nevi in ​​the form of pimples can occur from the bites of winged insects. The main sign of the formation of this type of acne will be itching and redness, as well as slight swelling;


  1. The appearance of neoplasms in the form of pimples on birthmarks can be a symptom of cancer.

When is it dangerous?

Most often, a pimple that appears on a birthmark has nothing to do with cancer. The only exceptions are rare cases when acne appears on nevi very often. Only then can melanoma be suspected. Acne that appears repeatedly on nevi may be one of the symptoms of this disease. Melanoma should only be diagnosed by a specialist after a visual examination and special histological studies.

Despite the fact that the appearance of a pimple under or on a mole is not so often associated with melanoma, it is better to see a dermatologist right away. The fact is that a mole itself is already considered a neoplasm on the body, the changes of which must be closely monitored. Therefore, the appearance of acne on it should not go unnoticed.

How to treat acne on a nevus?

The most important thing to remember! If a pimple has formed on the body, squeezing it is not recommended, and if it appears on a mole, squeezing it is strictly prohibited!

This is due to the fact that squeezing out blackheads on birthmarks can cause mechanical damage to them. Any, even minor, violation of the integrity of a mole can become an impetus for the formation of melanoma. Therefore, if you notice a pimple on a nevus, you cannot squeeze it - it takes time for it to mature on its own.


Drying a pimple on a birthmark

In order to prevent deeper inflammation and avoid infection, acne must be disinfected. Alcohol and iodine are suitable for this - they will not only help prevent infection from getting inside, but will also dry out the acne a little.

  1. To dry a pimple on a birthmark with alcohol, you need to take a cotton swab, moisten it in medical alcohol or an alcohol-containing solution, and apply it to the neoplasm for 5 minutes every 3 to 4 hours;
  2. You can also use iodine, which is applied pointwise to the pimple itself, but not to the entire mole;
  3. Hydrogen peroxide (3%) cannot be used to treat pimples (blackheads) on nevi. It has a strong oxidizing and drying effect, which can cause a change in the microstructure of the mole and cause it to dry out.

If the acne under the mole does not go away for more than 7 days, the inflammation does not go away, and the pain intensifies, you should consult a dermatologist. You may need medical intervention to combat the inflamed pimple on your mole. Since it is located on the nevus, an area that is considered a risk zone, this cannot be done at home: damage to the integrity of the nevus can cause its degeneration into melanoma. In some cases, the doctor will recommend removing not only the acne, but also the mole itself.

Pimple on a nevus from an insect bite

If a pimple appears from an insect bite, then there is no need to treat it - after a while the itching and inflammation will disappear. Since an insect bite mark can be very itchy, the danger is that the mole can be damaged. To prevent this, you can use special itching products:

  1. Boric alcohol, which is used to lubricate the surface of a mole on which a pimple has appeared;
  2. Baking soda paste (1 tsp), diluted in 2 tbsp. water, which is applied for 15 minutes with a cotton swab to the birthmark with acne;
  3. Alcohol (1 tbsp) diluted in water (3 tbsp). This method is good because it not only relieves itching, but also disinfects the bite site;
  4. Psilo balm or any other product that has an antihistamine effect, relieves swelling and itching, and cools the bite site.

Thus, if a pimple appears on a mole due to an insect bite, and not for another reason, you can get rid of the itching and redness in any way that is effective in combating marks from insect bites.

Don't panic when you notice a pimple on a mole. Most likely, the reason for its appearance is related to blockage of the sebaceous glands. You need to give it time to mature. If you notice that the condition of the pimple is getting worse, it hurts a lot and causes anxiety, consult a dermatologist.

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Moles are new growths that can be harmless, but sometimes dangerous. Should you be worried if a pimple appears on a mole? This question is of concern especially when, due to inflammation, pain and discomfort are felt in the area of ​​the birthmark.

What do you need to know about such a situation, and what is the right thing to do so as not to harm your health?

ICD-10 code

Causes of pimple on a mole

Acne tends to appear on any areas of the skin in which sebaceous canals (skin pores) are present. This means that a pimple can occur anywhere except on the feet and palms of the hands. If a sebaceous gland channel passes through a mole, then an acne can form here too. This happens when the canal is blocked, which can occur under the influence of the following factors:

  1. with hormonal imbalance, with a sharp change in hormonal status (for example, in pregnant women, in adolescents, before the onset of menstruation or during menopause, or while taking hormonal drugs);
  2. when the surface of a mole hardens due to microtrauma or age-related keratinization of cells;
  3. in case of irritation of a mole, its contamination, or an inflammatory process in the sebaceous duct;
  4. after an insect bite, which is accompanied by slight swelling of the surface of the mole;
  5. with excessive sebum secretion.

The pathogenesis of the appearance of a pimple on a mole is simple: the sebaceous canal is blocked (by secretions or external factors - dust or dirt), and a kind of plug is formed in the lumen of the canal. If an infection gets into the canal, inflammation develops, which serves as an impetus for the appearance of a pimple - an inflammatory formation with purulent or serous contents.


Symptoms of a pimple on a mole

The clinical symptoms of acne that grow inside a mole are varied. Most often, acne affects birthmarks located on areas of the skin with a large number of sebaceous ducts - this is the area of ​​​​the back, face or chest.

The first signs of pimple growth are the appearance of a painful infiltrate inside the nevus. Initially, the compaction looks like a cone-shaped nodule (papule) of a red hue. Over time, the inflammatory reaction increases, the nodule increases in size, and an abscess with white contents (pustule) becomes noticeable in its middle.

After some time, the pimple opens, the pus comes out, and a crust forms on the surface. After the crust falls off, a small scar may remain, but often it is completely invisible.

The entire process of the appearance and regression of a pimple can take about one week.

Is a white pimple on a mole considered dangerous?

In the vast majority of cases, the appearance of a white pimple on a mole has nothing to do with cancer. Only rarely can one suspect a malignant degeneration of a nevus: in this case, the appearance of the mole changes, some discomfort appears, and pimples can appear in this place quite often. A biopsy of a modified formation will unmistakably indicate melanoma.

If such symptoms occur and the mole is suspicious, then the best solution would be to consult a dermatologist. We must not forget that any formation on the skin, be it a birthmark or anything else, requires special attention, and even more so if there are any changes in it.

Observe the mole for several days. If the pimple does not go away and the condition of the spot continues to bother you, do not hesitate, consult a doctor.

Where does it hurt?

Complications and consequences

Is it possible to squeeze a pimple on a mole? Will this lead to complications?

It is generally not recommended to squeeze pimples, regardless of where exactly they are located. It is especially undesirable to squeeze pimples located on a mole. The fact is that when pressure is applied, the inflammatory process can spread along the periphery and into the depths of the tissue. When the process moves into the subcutaneous fat layer, an abscess develops, which often increases to a significant purulent focus. Necrosis may form in the depths.

All of the above complications can negatively affect the mole itself. A strong inflammatory process damages the tissue of the birthmark, which increases in size, swells, and becomes painful. In this case, the risk of malignant degeneration increases several times.

You can suspect something is wrong in the following cases:

  1. if the mole has changed its color;
  2. if a dark or light rim appears around the mole;
  3. if the mole has become asymmetrical;
  4. if pimples appear on the mole constantly and in large quantities.

[2], [3], [4]

Diagnosis of a pimple on a mole

When a patient suffering from a pimple on a mole seeks medical help, the doctor conducts an examination and determines whether there is a pathology. If the doctor sees no reason for concern, this is usually the end of the appointment. If the mole is suspicious, the patient is prescribed a biopsy. This procedure is carried out using several methods: the choice of method depends on the area where the suspicious mole is located.

After the biopsy, results will be obtained that will indicate whether the birthmark is malignant or not. If the diagnosis of melanoma is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe other tests, the purpose of which is to clarify the characteristics of the tumor and more accurately determine the most optimal method of treatment.

Instrumental diagnostics may include examination of smears that the doctor takes from the surface of the mole. Using a microscope, he determines the cellular composition and nature of the cells. It is also possible to use fluorescent microscopy, dermatoscopy and blood tests for tumor markers.

[5], [6], [7]

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis is carried out with melanoma and basal cell carcinoma of the skin.

[8], [9], [10], [11], [12]

Who to contact?

Treatment of a pimple on a mole

The most important principle to remember when a pimple appears on a mole: under no circumstances should you squeeze it out.

Firstly, such an action can aggravate inflammation and cause it to spread into deep tissues.

Secondly, any violation of the integrity of the birthmark tissue increases the chances of malignant degeneration.

From here we can conclude what to do if a pimple appears on a mole:

  1. do not squeeze or burn it;
  2. wait until the inflammatory nodule resolves on its own;
  3. consult a doctor and dispel all worries.

In what case is it recommended to resort to treatment for a pimple on a mole? All therapeutic measures can be aimed at preventing infection of the inflamed element and accelerating healing.

Medicines that ensure cleanliness and disinfection of the surface of the mole:

  1. boric alcohol is an antiseptic that is used to wash moles twice a day - in the morning and at night;
  2. an alcohol solution of iodine is an antimicrobial drug that is applied pointwise to the top of the pimple. It is not recommended to completely treat the birthmark with iodine;
  3. Ugrin is a herbal tincture consisting of natural ingredients, which is used to treat a pimple on a mole 2-3 times a day.

Homeopathy also offers its own drugs to eliminate inflammatory elements on the skin:

  1. Arnica-Heel - used for any inflammatory processes in the body;
  2. Belladonna-Homaccord - helps with boils, carbuncles and purulent pimples;
  3. Calendula-Salbe-Heel - used for long-healing wounds;
  4. Cutis compositum - stimulates the immune system, including at the local level, helping to get rid of acne of various localizations.

Surgical treatment is used for any moles that pose a danger and are close to degenerating into a cancerous tumor. It is also recommended to remove any moles whose diameter exceeds 0.6 cm.

Removal can be done in any convenient way:

  1. surgically;
  2. laser method;
  3. cryodestruction method (using liquid nitrogen);
  4. by electrocoagulation (cauterization);
  5. using radio waves.

The necessity and choice of removal method is determined by the doctor, taking into account the properties of the mole: its size, location, etc.

Traditional treatment for pimple on a mole

Folk remedies for acne treatment are most often based on the use of plants, which can be used alone or in the form of mixtures. Most often, herbs with anti-inflammatory activity are suitable for this purpose. These are calendula, sage, St. John's wort, chamomile, celandine, and other plants.

  1. Elecampane grass (1 tbsp) is poured with 250 ml of boiling water and left to cool. Soak a cotton pad in the infusion and treat the problem area.
  2. Wipe the pimple with freshly squeezed plantain juice.
  3. Prepare an infusion of chamomile blossom (1 tbsp per 250 ml of water). Wipe the pimple in the morning and at night.
  4. Brew a mixture of chamomile, mint leaves and green tea. Wipe the skin with the infusion, morning and evening.
  5. Prepare medicinal lotion: 1 tbsp. l. mint leaves are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, left for 10 minutes, filtered. Add 1 tbsp to the infusion. l. boric acid, 1 tbsp. l. calendula infusion and the same amount of fresh lemon juice. The resulting lotion is used to wipe the pimple area twice a day.

Herbal treatment can be combined with the use of other household methods:

  1. lubricate the area with the pimple with a small amount of toothpaste;
  2. Apply a thick solution of baking soda to the surface.

It is not recommended to burn a pimple, as this can cause damage to the tissue of the mole, which is unsafe.

[13], [14], [15]

Birthmarks are quite delicate areas of the skin. Should you worry if you have a pimple on your mole? At a minimum, you need to familiarize yourself with information about possible causes, read about the symptoms, so that you can then draw conclusions and take appropriate measures.

  1. What does the appearance of a pimple on a mole mean?
  2. Dangerous symptoms
  3. How to treat acne on a mole
  4. How to dry a pimple on a nevus?
  5. Pimples on moles after insect bites
  6. What do pimples on birthmarks mean?


Pimple on a mole

What does the appearance of a pimple on a mole mean?

When you see such a phenomenon as a pimple on a mole, you should not panic. We must remember that acne can appear anywhere in our body where there are sebaceous glands. And the latter are located almost throughout the body, except for the palms and feet. Moles are formed from skin cells, so a pimple can form on them too. The primary source of acne formation is considered to be clogged pores. And this, in turn, depends on the following factors:

  1. If a pimple appears on a mole, the cause may be hormonal levels. The level of testosterone in the blood increases (if there is a hormonal imbalance), which leads to the accumulation of sebaceous secretions. As a result, inflammation of acne occurs on and near birthmarks. Such hormonal surges are most often observed during puberty, menopause or pregnancy, in the days before menstruation, or while taking hormone-based medications.
  2. Cell keratinization can also cause acne to appear on moles anywhere on the body. When the surface of the nevus becomes coarser, the process of sebaceous secretion coming out slows down. As a result, an inflammatory process can form under the skin, which will then appear as a pimple on a mole. This type of eel usually has a white lump inside.
  3. If you have a pimple on or near a mole, trauma to the birthmark may also be the cause. If you damage a mole and a crack remains on it, dust or dirt getting into it can also cause an inflammatory process.
  4. Another cause of growths on nevi can be an insect bite, after which a purulent process begins. It can be distinguished by signs of severe itching and slight swelling at the site of the injured mole.

Dangerous symptoms

If you have a pimple on a mole, it may be a sign of a dangerous disease. We are talking about cancer here. When a pimple appears on a mole more than once, this is the first symptom of melanoma. It is also worth paying attention to new growths that appear on the skin and make you doubt whether it is a pimple or a mole. But only a doctor can make a final diagnosis after completing special histological studies.

And although acne on a mole can most often appear due to inflammation and hormonal imbalance, if they occur, you should immediately consult a dermatologist. A birthmark is considered a formation on the body that requires observation. And if it, moreover, changes in size and color, then an urgent inspection is necessary.

How to treat acne on a mole

If a pimple appears in such a delicate area, doctors do not recommend removing acne by squeezing it from the skin. After all, this often leads to protracted inflammatory processes. Removing growths from moles is strictly prohibited. The consequences can be most alarming. Any mechanical damage to the integrity of the nevus can lead to the formation of melanoma. Therefore, you should not squeeze a pimple in a mole. Let it ripen and dry on its own.

How to dry a pimple on a nevus?

If doctors do not recommend touching a growth on a mole, then how can you avoid worsening their condition? Acne on birthmarks is still worth touching, namely, they need to be disinfected and dried, especially if the place they have chosen is the face. And for these purposes you can use iodide solution or medical alcohol. How to do it correctly:

  1. To dry a pimple under a mole, you need to take a cotton swab, soak it in a container with medical alcohol, and then apply it to the inflamed area for a few minutes. This procedure should be repeated every 4-5 hours;
  2. you can do all of the above with iodine;
  3. Under no circumstances should hydrogen peroxide be used for drying. The strong oxidizing effect that it has can destroy the microstructure of the birthmark on which the acne popped up.

If methods of drying acne on birthmarks do not bring results, acne forms again and again, the nevus begins to increase, and the pain intensifies over the course of a week, you need to consult a doctor. Surgery may be needed.

Pimples located on nevi are at risk. And therefore, if they do not go away for a long time or an ordinary acne has turned into an inflamed growth, then you should entrust the treatment to specialists who can prescribe both the removal of the pimple and the removal of the mole itself.

Pimples on moles after insect bites

The question - what to do if a pimple on a birthmark begins to appear as a result of an insect bite - has a very simple answer. There is nothing you need to do. If all the signs of a sting are “on the face” (itching, inflammation), then you need to wait until the abscess resolves itself. The whole danger from such an acne is that it can be damaged through the constant urge to scratch. Therefore, here are several ways to relieve itching:

  1. you can smear the surface of the mole bite with boric alcohol;
  2. make a paste: 1 tsp soda 2 tbsp. l. water and apply it to the nevus using a cotton sponge. Leave for 10-15 minutes;
  3. Dilute medical alcohol with water (1 to 3) and anoint the bite area:
  4. use a product that has an antihistamine effect (for example, Psilo-balm). It will relieve itching and cool the affected area.

What do pimples on birthmarks mean?

Any pimple for women has always been and will be a problem. But if it is on a birthmark? From all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Pimples on birthmarks can appear due to insect bites, hormonal changes and inflammatory processes. In rare cases, acne on nevi can be a sign of cancer.
  2. Squeezing and somehow treating pimples on birthmarks is strictly prohibited! You can only disinfect and lightly dry them. If, without knowing this rule, a person squeezes a pimple on a nevus, he urgently needs to be examined by a doctor.
  3. The first thing to do when you find acne on a birthmark is to make an appointment with a dermatologist to establish a diagnosis.

In other words, if a pimple has been identified on your nevus, do not rush to get nervous when you see it. Perhaps you know the reason for its appearance: maybe you yourself damaged the mole mechanically or it was a mosquito bite. Look at photos on the Internet with similar symptoms. Even if you understand the reason: disinfect the inflamed area and go to see a doctor. Reinsurance in this matter will not hurt. Especially when it comes to the health of a child and your child has developed acne on a nevus.