A red stripe appeared on my hand

They go away in 2-5 days, appearing after every second measurement on average (measured by different doctors and different devices). It doesn't hurt to touch. They look like a cluster of small bright red spots gathering into stripes/other shapes. Other people have none. What could this be? Is it dangerous?

I’m 19, my height and weight are normal, I lead a healthy lifestyle, my blood pressure fluctuates slightly.

When soft tissues are compressed by the manometer cuff, the smallest capillaries are damaged with the formation of tiny hemorrhages, which look like a rash, it is called petechial. Simply put, these are tiny bruises. Probably, your muscles are well developed and you have to apply some excess pressure in the cuff to compress the arteries of the shoulder, otherwise you will not be able to measure the pressure, or the reason is thin skin. To be sure, you can check the hemostasiogram and determine the platelet count. Once upon a time, such studies did not exist and symptoms were used to identify some diseases





You can make an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Evgeniy Anatolyevich Letunovsky at the City Center for Laser Surgery in Moscow by calling 8(495) 649-09-57.

The following types of treatment are provided at the phlebology center of the State Clinical Hospital:

4) Expert advice from surgeons and phlebologists

Visit the innovative website of Dr. Letunovsky


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A red stripe appeared from the armpit to the hand.

No. 3 572 Dermatologist 11/16/2012

Hello! Please tell me what to do! My husband’s arm started to hurt, then a faint red stripe appeared (from the armpit to the elbow joint), now it has gone down to the hand (along the inside of the arm). When straightening the arm, there is a pulling pain along the strip. What should I do? What could it be? Thank you in advance.

Zinkovskaya Lina, Kharkov

date Question Status

Tell me, the doctor recommended a compress for me. Golfs 2nd class. At what time and how many hours a day should they be worn? I leave for work in the morning at 9 am and arrive at 5 pm. Office work. What is the right thing to do? Wear it all day? Before work, while your legs have not yet received a load? Or coming home before bed? I also have the opportunity to take them to work and put them on/take them off at the workplace. thanks in advance

1 REPLY 06/12/2012

You have been diagnosed with “neurotrophic syndrome of the right hand,” what does this mean? Can you explain please.

2 ANSWERS 05/10/2013

Hello! For the 3rd day now, the little and ring fingers on my left hand have been going numb. Not the whole hand goes numb, only these 2 fingers and part of the hand directly under these fingers, i.e. part of the palm. Today, pain began to appear when bending the thumb of the same (left) hand at the base of the finger, and this is not a bruise. What it is? How dangerous is this? What is the treatment for these symptoms? What should you do now, besides visiting a doctor?

2 ANSWERS 03/13/2014

My father was diagnosed with Dupuytren's contracture II degree. Surgical treatment was performed. The father complained of great swelling of the hand and pain, they said it should be so, it will pass. 1.5 months have already passed, but the swelling has not subsided, the pain and burning sensation has persisted, and cyanosis of the hand has increased. Movements in the hand are limited and painful. Doctors shrug their shoulders, prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, but to no avail. There are no signs of infection (no hand hyperemia, body temperature, respiratory rate, blood pressure, pulse c.

1 REPLY 09/12/2014

Last night I had a sore throat and snot, I didn’t seem to have a fever, I didn’t drink anything. In the morning, some kind of red pimples appeared on my left hand, well, not a lot, from the hand and a little further than the comma, well, about 20
What could it be. ?


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