Resveratrol benefits and harms

Resveratrol is a beneficial micronutrient found in grape skins, berries and other plant foods..

According to many scientists, resveratrol helps fight cellular aging, degenerative and metabolic diseases.

The health benefits of resveratrol remain the subject of intense scrutiny.

Today, science knows about the beneficial effects of resveratrol on the functions of mitochondria (cellular “power plants”) and its ability to maintain the integrity of the genetic material of our cells.

What is resveratrol

Epidemiologists around the world have been intrigued by the so-called “French paradox” for decades.

The French love cheese (animal fats), smoke a lot, traditionally drink alcohol (mainly wine) - and at the same time they are distinguished by amazingly good health and longevity!

While studying this paradox, researchers discovered one peculiarity: French people who prefer dark fermented wines live longer. Trying to understand the reason, scientists stumbled upon resveratrol, a component of red wine and grape skins that has amazing properties.

Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant, belonging to the group of polyphenols. Its main health benefit is its ability to maintain the integrity of genetic material and slow down natural cellular aging.

It is thanks to their unique geroprotective properties that resveratrol and other polyphenols are recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, “age-related” degenerative diseases and some types of cancer.

The substance is found in many fruits, berries and seeds. In the plant world, resveratrol is necessary to protect against infections and physical damage to the plant. Interestingly, it also protects the human body!

Health Benefits of Resveratrol: 5 Scientific Facts

1. Resveratrol affects gene activity

By changing the expression (activity) of individual genes, the legendary polyphenol protects cells from aging. Mitochondrial oxidative stress and associated free radical reactions make a significant contribution to premature aging, disease and cell degeneration (death).

Accordingly, resveratrol helps resist oxidative stress. Experiments show that the effectiveness of this nutrient is comparable to the effectiveness of regular exercise and a restrictive diet!

Few would want to limit their diet for life for the sake of a slim chance of longevity. Adding resveratrol to your menu is a great alternative to exhausting diets. This can be done both with the help of plant products and with the help of nutritional supplements containing ready-made purified polyphenols.

2. Resveratrol promotes DNA repair

This amazing substance can prolong the phase of the cell cycle during which repair (restoration) of damaged genes occurs. As a result, with each subsequent division the cell is able to repair more damage. We live longer and get sick much less often.

In 2003, an interesting study was conducted at Harvard University: scientists in vitro proved that resveratrol extends the life of cells by an average of 70%, and less cellular damage accumulates in them. Further experiments on worms and fruit flies confirmed this.

In 2006, an Italian scientist managed to use resveratrol to extend the life of laboratory fish by more than 50%. And this is far from the limit.

The scientific base accumulated to date makes resveratrol the No. 1 natural geroprotector in the world. Not only for humans and primates, but also for genetically distant organisms!

3. Resveratrol stimulates mitochondria

Mitochondria generate energy, which is necessary for the functioning of every cell and our entire body.

Resveratrol's ability to protect mitochondria from oxidative stress has enormous health benefits. Healthy mitochondria work more efficiently and produce fewer free radicals that poison the cell.

Will resveratrol feed cancer cells along with healthy ones?

Malignant cells have “incorrect” mitochondria with impaired functions. While normal mitochondria obtain energy through oxidative phosphorylation, cancer mitochondria depend entirely on anaerobic glycolysis.

4. Resveratrol stabilizes sugar

This polyphenol activates a special group of mitochondrial proteins, the so-called sirtuin family, especially SIRT1.

Several large studies have confirmed that activation of sirtuin leads to an increase in the number of cellular “power plants”. Accordingly, the utilization of glucose by cells and energy production increases.

Why is this necessary?

Metabolism, blood sugar stability and other metabolic indicators depend on the ability of cells to utilize glucose.

Many foreign experts recommend resveratrol for the prevention and treatment of insulin resistance, as well as type II diabetes.

5. Resveratrol normalizes blood flow

Resveratrol fights inflammation and is involved in regulating the nitric oxide cycle.

Nitric oxide is a chemical mediator necessary for the proper functioning of the immune, nervous, and cardiovascular systems.

This substance is present in our body in three different forms: endothelial nitric oxide (eNOS), inducible nitric oxide (iNOS) and neuronal nitric oxide (nNOS).

The first and last, eNOS and nNOS, help support nervous and cardiovascular system function by limiting the level of iNOS in tissues.

Thanks to the coordinated functioning of the nitric oxide cycle, adequate blood supply to the brain and other vital organs is ensured.

Chronic inflammatory stress - an invariable companion of the modern lifestyle - increases the concentration of iNOS and destroys the balance of its “opponents”.

The consequences of such an imbalance are hypertension, angina pectoris, neurodegeneration, dementia, erectile dysfunction and a host of other problems associated with improper regulation of vascular tone and blood circulation.

Resveratrol may restore the delicate balance of nitric oxide, improving endothelial function and tissue perfusion. This is why taking resveratrol supplements is recommended for the prevention of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cardiovascular diseases.

Resveratrol kills cancer cells

This, pPerhaps the loudest and most controversial effect of resveratrol.

However, resveratrol has been experimentally proven to suppress nuclear factor kappa-bi (NF-KB), which serves as “fuel” for some cancer cells.

Polyphenol suppresses the activity of NF-KB, makes malignant cells more vulnerable to the immune system and triggers apoptosis - the “suicide” of degenerated pest cells.

In addition, resveratrol selectively inhibits enzymes responsible for the growth of breast cancer cells. It is not known for certain whether this can prevent the disease in healthy women.

Data from several studies suggest that resveratrol supplements reduce the incidence of pancreatic, liver, skin, colon, prostate and other cancers.

The antitumor properties of resveratrol are being actively studied by leading scientific institutes in Europe and America, and it is too early to put an end to the issue. Although resveratrol cannot replace traditional cancer therapy, it is a very promising adjuvant.

Before use, you should consult your oncologist!

Resveratrol Dietary Supplements

Many readers think that it’s enough to add a few grapes or a glass of Cabernet to the diet - and you’ll get your daily dose of resveratrol.

Modern research shows that the minimum clinically effective dose of this polyphenol should be at least 20 mg. To get it, you need to drink 40 glasses of red wine.

Obviously, no one would drink a barrel of wine a day or eat half a bucket of grape skins! The only real source of resveratrol is dietary supplements containing at least 20 mg of the active substance per dose.

Unfortunately, therapeutic doses of resveratrol have not been definitively established.

Most American nutritionists recommend receiving 20-100 mg of resveratrol daily for preventive purposes, and 100-200 mg for cancer patients..

The plant compound resveratrol effectively fights the aging process, inhibits the growth of tumors, and strengthens the immune system. This valuable substance helps people cope with stressful conditions more easily, including in large cities, and protects the body from the negative effects of a polluted environment. The technology for isolating the compound from natural raw materials ensures that it is hypoallergenic and has no side effects.

What is resveratrol

This phenolic compound belongs to the group of bioflavonoids, phytoalexins (plant toxins). Formed by some plants under stress, to protect against pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, and damage. The compound is a powerful antioxidant. The substance actively binds free radicals, which accelerate the aging process. It is presented in two isomeric forms (cis- and trans-), differing in the position of the atoms in the molecule.

What foods contain resveratrol?

The substance is obtained from plant materials. The compound is found in the following products:

  1. peels, seeds of berries and fruits (red grapes, blueberries, blackberries, lingonberries, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, plums, acai);
  2. cocoa, dark chocolate;
  3. some nuts (peanuts, pistachios, almonds);
  4. peanut butter;
  5. leaves of Japanese knotweed, aloe;
  6. mulberry, ginger, pomegranate;
  7. peppers, tomatoes;
  8. red and white wine;
  9. some types of tea.


Drug release form

The compound is isolated from plants or synthesized in biotechnology laboratories. Then they are processed into food additives or used in medicines and cosmetics. Capsules containing resveratrol are available. The package includes 60-120 capsules, each containing from 50 to 600 mg of active substance from different manufacturers.

Mechanism of action

Many experiments have been described to study the effect of resveratrol on living organisms. The main object of the study is rodents (mice, rats), in which the anti-inflammatory, antitumor, cardioprotective effect of the substance was noted. A decrease in blood glucose levels has been observed in diabetes. There have been cases of slowing the development of skin cancer, tumors of the esophagus, intestines, and Lewis carcinoma in mice.

The effect of the compound on cell cultures inhibited the growth and reproduction of cancer cells. The substance had a positive effect on the IVF process and embryo development. In invertebrates (nematodes), yeast, and fish, life expectancy increased. This is due to the interaction of the substance with certain genes, preventing programmed cell death.

There was a restoration of the functions of neurons due to improved nutrition, and cerebral circulation was activated. With aging, beta-amyloid plaques appear in the brain, causing neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's. Resveratrol slows down this process. The substance reduces the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases, thins the blood, eliminates cholesterol plaques, and prevents hypoxia.

The weak toxic effect of the drug has a stimulating effect on the immune system. Phytoalexin inhibits the reproduction of herpes viruses, chickenpox, influenza, and cytomegalovirus. Enhances the effect of medications taken by HIV-infected patients. Suppresses the activity of bacteria and microorganisms, for example, chlamydia, pseudomonas, yersinia. No clear results were obtained when studying the effect of the compound on the human body.

Beneficial properties of resveratrol

The compound has become widely used due to its antioxidant properties. The content of free radicals in the body is reduced by binding this substance to them. Ultraviolet light, bad habits (smoking), and poor nutrition cause negative changes in tissues. Oxygen radicals are formed that bind to cell membranes, which leads to their destruction. The body ages faster. Wrinkles appear on the skin, it becomes flabby and dull. The compound has a rejuvenating effect and synthesizes collagen.

The antioxidant properties of the substance help reduce high blood pressure in hypertension. Resveratrol helps dilate and strengthen blood vessels. The compound has been noted to have fat burner properties. The synthesis of adrenaline increases, gluconeogenesis increases, and cellular respiration is activated with the help of mitochondria. This leads to a decrease in body fat. A person feels resilient, cheerful and energetic, and is able to do more work. The antiallergic property of the compound was revealed, due to which the release of histamine by basophils stops.


Indications for use

Reviews from doctors about the use of drugs containing resveratrol are mixed. Some prescribe them for various diseases, others avoid them. Resveratrol is prescribed as an additional remedy for the treatment of diseases of all organ systems:

  1. digestive system – with the development of gastrointestinal ulcers;
  2. cardiovascular – for hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary disease, after myocardial infarction, stroke;
  3. immune – for autoimmune diseases (arthritis), human immunodeficiency virus;
  4. nervous – for stress, depression, neurodegenerative diseases, schizophrenia, autism, bipolar disorder;
  5. genitourinary – the compound has estrogenic activity without causing hormone-dependent tumors;
  6. endocrine – the secretion of insulin and progesterone increases.

The use of drugs with phytoalexin is indicated in the following situations:

  1. in the presence of infections caused by parasites;
  2. for the prevention of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  3. for preventive measures and therapy of oncological processes in the body;
  4. to reduce inflammatory processes of internal organs, with sepsis, peritonitis;
  5. for allergies.

The compound reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis, therefore it is recommended for women during menopause. An effective remedy for the prevention of retinopathy in patients with diabetes. The use of phytoalexin is recommended for burning excess weight. Athletes use complex preparations with resveratrol and vitamins to increase the duration of training and build muscle mass faster.

In cosmetics, cream with resveratrol is used to treat acne, pimples, acne, and eczema. Under their influence, the proliferation of bacteria that cause pustules and inflammation is inhibited. The compound promotes the formation of a protective barrier on the skin against ultraviolet rays. The skin becomes smoother and more elastic. Dietary supplements with bioflavonoid are used as an anti-aging and general tonic.

Contraindications and side effects

There are restrictions on the use of products containing resveratrol. Their use is contraindicated for the following indications:

  1. during pregnancy and lactation;
  2. while taking antidepressants, antiviral, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, painkillers, anticoagulants, statins;
  3. for diseases of a gynecological nature;
  4. children under 18 years of age due to the lack of research confirming the absence of harmful effects on the child’s body.

The compound does not cause side effects when consumed 250-500 mg per day. A dose of up to 2000-5000 mg per day is safe. In rare cases, allergic reactions, abdominal pain, cramps, and diarrhea develop. If you have any medical conditions, you should consult your doctor before use.


Resveratrol analogues

Other complex drugs have similar antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties:

  1. Oxyvital is a vitamin preparation with selenium. It has a strengthening effect on the body during epidemics of respiratory diseases. Recommended for recovery after illnesses, operations, and during heavy mental and physical stress.
  2. Ancarcin – contains eumelanin, tyrosine, DOPA. Effective for cancer and autoimmune diseases.
  3. Viteroy – includes the royal jelly of bees. Stimulates the immune system, recommended for diabetes.

You can buy resveratrol in online stores, pharmacies, and points of sale of sports nutrition. The cost of packaging in Moscow varies from 700 to 3000 rubles:

Concentration of active substance, mg per 1 capsule

Resveratrol is an organic substance that our body obtains from food. This is a powerful antioxidant that activates regeneration processes at the cellular level.

Look at the French. Why do you think they eat a lot of fatty foods, eat a lot of sugar, drink a glass of wine every day, but their level of heart and vascular diseases is lower than other European countries?

This phenomenon even has its own name - the “French paradox”. This is explained by the consumption of large amounts of phytonutrients, or resveratrol. This substance is included in various superfoods and red wine. Closely analogous elements include lycopene (found in tomatoes) and lutein (found in carrots).


How is Resveratrol beneficial for the human body?

Resveratrol and its properties

Studies conducted over the past couple of years, including the European Journal of Food Pharmacology and the American Journal of Hypertension, have found that resveratrol reduces the risk of stroke and several other diseases.

For the study, they took a substance extracted from red wine. Everyone knows Plato's famous expression about the beneficial properties of wine when consumed in moderation. As Wikipedia translates: “Of the gifts of the gods for man, there is nothing more beautiful and valuable than wine”.

However, you don't have to drink wine to get resveratrol. It can be replenished from food. These are, for example, dark-colored berries and real dark chocolate.


Resveratrol in red wine

This natural phytoalexin helps clear arteries in the body and protect our heart. In addition, it is characterized by a set of healing qualities:

  1. reduces inflammatory processes;
  2. helps get rid of extra pounds;
  3. helps improve memory in older people;
  4. There is also information that it can be used in the treatment of cancer.

In 2003, a study was conducted that revealed the effect of the substance on the lifespan of invertebrates and certain species of fish. But this fact has not been studied in humans.

It is a polyphonic bioflavonoid that has antioxidant functions. It can be found in certain foods and drinks. The ability to react with estrogen receptors ensures its inclusion in the class of phytoestrogens.

Resveratrol is secreted by plants to protect themselves from various bacteria, parasites, fungi and radiation. Its qualities allow us to speak of it as one of the strongest remedies against the withering of the body and the effects of free radicals.

Scientists have found the best sources of this substance:

red grape skins, red wine, raw cocoa, dark berries (blueberries, lingonberries, mulberries).

Red wine is one of the most enriched foods, thanks to a fermentation process that extracts the alcohol from the grape juice. During the production of red wine, the grape seeds and skins undergo fermentation, which increases the resveratrol content.

Its healing qualities began to be studied after its effect on the lifespan of animals was discovered. A variety of studies constantly prove the effect of the substance on life expectancy and inhibition of the aging process in worms, midges, fish and mice. No tests have been carried out on humans.

Top 5 Health Benefits of Resveratrol

Among its most valuable properties are the following:

1. Has protective functions in relation to the heart and blood vessels

Having an anti-inflammatory effect, resveratrol:

  1. increases the barrier abilities of the human body against atherosclerosis;
  2. reduces cholesterol content;
  3. improves blood flow and lipid metabolism.

In Asian countries, to prevent heart disease, it is recommended to drink Itadori tea, saturated with large amounts of this polyphonic bioflavonoid.

2. Able to fight excess weight

Resveratrol affects blood insulin levels and can help with high-calorie diets. Tests have revealed the beneficial effects of the substance in the fight against obesity.

Another study showed that resveratrol can reduce excess weight in animals by activating the SIRT1 gene. This gene may be the one responsible for fighting obesity. This effect on the human body, unfortunately, has not been thoroughly studied.

However, current research confirms that people who eat a balanced diet and drink red wine in small quantities most often have a normal weight.

3. Slows down the aging process and reduces the possibility of developing malignant tumors

Resveratrol has a strong antioxidant effect and helps fight free radicals. These harmful radicals occur in our bodies every day during meals or exercise.


Resveratrol slows down the aging process

The adverse effects of free radicals are enhanced by an unhealthy lifestyle, namely smoking, poor nutrition and environmental pollution. Unfortunately, in our cities the atmosphere leaves much to be desired; we all receive a dose of pollution.

The damage of free radicals is felt at the cellular level. They accelerate the decline of the body and can cause premature death.

Try to eat natural plant foods enriched with antioxidants and phytonutrients, including the substance in question. This way you can protect your body from many significant problems, for example, premature skin aging and cancer.

Past in Spanish University of Seville The study revealed that resveratrol has a pronounced potential for combating and preventing malignant tumors.

4. Can help with diabetes

Testing on animals, including diabetic rats, revealed the substance's effect on hyperglycemia. It can be used to prevent both obesity and diabetes. He can also fight the negative consequences of the latter.

For example, it activates the protective functions of the nervous system, as well as the heart and blood vessels. Positively affects the production of insulin and its content in the blood.

5. Protects the brain and cognitive functions from harmful effects

The antioxidant properties of resveratrol allow its molecules to pass through the blood barrier of the brain and affect the gray matter itself and nerve endings. Studies in recent years at the English University of Northumbria University have revealed the ability of the substance to improve blood flow to brain cells. Thus, it has a beneficial effect on brain functions.

By including foods containing resveratrol in your diet, you can protect your body from serious memory-related diseases (for example, Alzheimer's).

Another study conducted in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry showed that even small amounts of the product can make a significant contribution to the protective functions of the brain.

Real help to human health

From the above, we can conclude that resveratrol and its sources are used not only to strengthen the heart and blood vessels. It is able to help normal brain function and protect our nerves. In addition, it is used to slow down the aging process.



Various studies have revealed the ability of the substance:

  1. increase the body's barrier capabilities thanks to antioxidants;
  2. help our body resist oxidative stress;
  3. maintain the healthy state of tissues and cells;
  4. help fight cancer;
  5. help improve blood flow and protective functions of the heart muscle;
  6. help fight diabetes;
  7. increase cognitive functions and memory;
  8. fight the effects of aging, including poor functioning of arteries and joints;
  9. help the gastrointestinal tract remove toxins;
  10. activate energy synthesis in the body.

There is information that this remedy can help against the effects of radiation, to which each of us is exposed to one degree or another.

Instructions for use of the drug

Before you start taking it, carefully study the instructions for use of resveratrol and the information contained therein about dosages, side effects and contraindications.

