Buildup of meat in ulcers

You should not increase the meat until the ulcer has been cleared and the nutrient, if it is small, is attracted, but does not reach it; when it is cleared, then avoid everything that burns and tears off with force, no matter what the ulcers are and wherever they are located . When using meat-enhancing medicines, you should keep in mind the instructions mentioned, that is, watch whether excessive moisture or excessive dryness appears in the ulcers, and act as we said in the paragraph on ichorous ulcers. This is done not because the ulcers become moist or turn out to be dry and very parched, but because of the growing meat, if its moisture is strong or if it is insignificant and the meat is dry. One way to reduce the drying power of a medicine is to make it fluid or increase the oil and wax in it, if it is a plaster, and its drying power is enhanced, among other things, by thickening, thickening and reducing oiliness. To do this, the amount of its constituent substances is also increased or added to their number, for example, honey. It is more convenient to grow meat in ulcers with the help of patches, but it grows more slowly, while powders grow it more difficult, but faster. Often the meat in the ulcers hardens, and then it is good to sprinkle it with powders and apply plasters around it.

Wine, especially astringent wine, is an excellent medicine for all kinds of ulcers, as it washes, cleanses, dries and strengthens.

We have already spoken of meat-building medicines in the paragraph on wounds, but we had better name here also some of the good medicines most suitable for the place. Such medicines are burnt antimony, anzarut, fish glue, grated snails, sabur/sana scale, burnt lead, calamus, Chernobyl, arum, syt - especially if the ulcer is dirty Dubrovnik polyum is a very strong medicine, centaury is extremely useful, and burnt glass is amazing dries and heals such ulcers.