Changes in heart rate due to sleep and wakefulness

As for the pulse during sleep, its quality changes depending on the time of sleep and depending on the state of digestion. At the beginning of sleep, the pulse is small and weak, since the movement of innate heat at this time is directed inward and toward compression, and not outward, toward expansion, for innate heat is at such a time completely directed, driven by the soul, inward to digest food and bring excess to maturity, and inevitably seems to be subject to violence and locked away. The pulse at the beginning of sleep is also slower and rarer, because although there is an increase in heat due to the fact that it is retained and collected, there is no increase inherent in it in the waking state due to the warming movement. Movement inflames more strongly and inclines towards disorder of nature.

The balanced accumulation and retention of heat is less inflammatory than movement, and makes heat less of a cause of excitation. You know this from the fact that the breathing of a tired person and his excitement is much stronger than the breathing and excitement of a person whose inner warmth and excitement are delayed for a reason similar to sleep. An example of this is a person who was placed, while awake, in moderately cold water. When warmth is locked in it and becomes stronger as a result, it does not enhance breathing to the extent that it is enhanced by fatigue or physical movement, leading to a state close to fatigue. If you observe, you will see that nothing excites heat more than movement. Wakefulness does not cause heating because the body is moving, and it cannot be said that when the body is motionless, wakefulness does not cause this. On the contrary, wakefulness causes heating only because the pneuma, at its inception, rushes outward and continuously moves there. Here!

And when food is digested during sleep, the pulse again becomes strong, since animal strength has increased from nutrition, and the warmth that went deep to dispose of food now goes outward, to its original source. The pulse then increases for this reason also because the nature, as a result of nutrition, heats up more strongly, as we have already said. The weapon also becomes softer due to the food entering it, but there is no large increase in speed and heart rate, since sleep does not increase the “need for cooling”; In addition, nothing prevents the implementation of all the necessary functions of the pulse using only a large pulsation value. Then, when the sleeper's sleep continues, the pulse again becomes weak, since the innate warmth is stifled and the animal strength is crushed under the excess, which is supposed to be expelled during various types of evacuation that does not take place during sleep; This includes, in particular, physical movement and tangible bowel movements, as well as intangible bowel movements. Here! And when sleep, from the very beginning, encounters emptiness in the body and does not find any food to digest, it inclines the nature to the cold side, and the pulse remains small, slow and rare, and these qualities are directly intensified.

Waking also has its own laws that differ from the laws of sleep. When the sleeper wakes up naturally, the pulse gradually tends to increase and accelerate and then returns to its natural state. If a person wakes up immediately, from a suddenly attacking cause, then it happens that when he moves, awakening from sleep, his pulse freezes, since animal strength runs in the face of the attacking cause. Then the pulse returns to him - large, fast and frequent, uneven to the point of trembling, because such a movement is similar to violent and also ignites the innate warmth, and also because the spiritual strength suddenly, by nature, comes into motion to reflect what has happened . At the same time, various movements occur, and the pulse begins to tremble; however, he does not remain like this for a long time, but hastens to return to balance, for, although the cause of his unevenness seems to be strong, it is not stable and its disappearance is felt quickly.