How to massage your shoulders and neck

Shoulder and neck massage has a positive effect on the body. Special attention should be paid to the effect on the arm area, or rather on the blood supply. The subclavian artery supplies oxygen to the tissues of the hands. Massage in this area activates this supply, improving metabolic processes. To help the body receive enough oxygen, a special massage technique is performed in the shoulder and neck area.

This type of massage is performed for various symptoms, in particular:

  1. during prolonged work at the computer, when pain occurs due to fatigue;
  2. muscle fatigue after prolonged physical activity;
  3. for injuries to muscles and bones;
  4. for vascular disease.

Thanks to a shoulder and neck massage, you can relieve muscle tension and relax after a hard day at work. Having carefully studied the technique and basic techniques of massage, you will be able to perform it for your loved one.

Shoulder and neck massage

Shoulder and neck massage

Shoulder and neck massage technique

The patient lies down on a flat surface. Starting position - lying on your stomach, head should be turned to the side. The procedure begins with the shoulder area opposite the side to which the head is turned. After massaging one shoulder, the patient turns his head in the other direction, after which the massage is performed on the second shoulder.

The massage therapist begins to knead the muscles located in the area of ​​the shoulder blade. To do this, you need to alternately, with a moderate rhythm, collect and compress individual areas of the muscles around the shoulder blade.

Kneading the muscles of the shoulder blade

Kneading the muscles of the shoulder blade

Next, the massage therapist proceeds to the next technique - rotating the thumb at the base of the neck. To do this, use the thumbs of both hands to perform a deep massage of the muscle triangle, which is located between the top of the shoulder blades and the base of the skull.

The impact should be both soft and strong. The fingers should penetrate as deeply as possible into the muscles until the tension completely disappears. In this case, the patient should not feel pain or discomfort.

Rotating the thumbs at the base of the neck

Rotating the thumbs at the base of the neck

Then a massage is performed on the muscles located along the spine. Massaging is done with your thumbs. Movements begin at the base of the skull. Gradually, the fingers move from top to bottom to the middle of the back. The thumbs simultaneously press on the muscles.

Finger movements should be short and strong. Having completed the technique, we return our hands to the starting position with a sliding movement.

Massage the muscles along the spine

Massage the muscles along the spine

We move on to massaging the muscles around the shoulder blade. To do this, the patient bends his arm at the elbow and places it on his back along the lower back. The massage therapist places his left hand under the patient’s shoulder, and with the fingers of the second hand he performs pressing movements on the muscles around the shoulder blade. You need to start from the top of the shoulder, slowly working your way down.

Massage the muscles around the shoulder blade

Massage the muscles around the shoulder blade

Next, massage the flat part of the shoulder blade. It is performed as follows: with your fingers, small circles are made on the flat part of the shoulder blade. Penetration should be moderately deep.

Massage of the flat part of the shoulder blade

Massage of the flat part of the shoulder blade

The final stage of the massage will be kneading the neck. To do this, the massage therapist wraps his fingers around the muscles at the base of the neck and kneads them. Then he kneads the neck itself.

Kneading the neck

Kneading the neck

This type of massage goes well with a massage of the back, neck and head. As a result, muscle tension, pain and fatigue will disappear. For a more visual understanding, we offer a video of a shoulder and neck massage. Enjoy watching.

In the future, you can master the technique of self-massage, which anyone can easily perform. With the help of self-massage you can correct the problem of poor posture and relieve tension at the end of a hard day at work.