Ichthyosis (Ichlhyosis)


Ichthyosis is a group of diseases, most often hereditary, characterized by changes in the epidermis, in which it becomes similar to fish scales. The disease is not associated with an inflammatory process in the body. Autosomal dominant ichthyosis, in which the affected gene is dominant, is present in one in every 300 people, and the disease first appears in infants; in a mild form it is expressed only by the appearance of simple scales on the skin. Xeroderma is a very mild form of this disease. Treatment of ichthyosis involves the constant use of skin emollients; The main means of general treatment are vitamins A and E, which are used systematically in monthly cycles with a break of 1-2 months.

Ichthyosis: A disease involving changes in the epidermis that resemble fish scales

Ichthyosis (or Ichlhyosis) is a group of diseases that are most often hereditary in nature and are characterized by changes in the epidermis that give it a resemblance to fish scales. However, it is important to note that this disease is not associated with inflammatory processes in the body.

One form of ichthyosis is autosomal dominant ichthyosis. In this case, the affected gene is dominant and is present in one in every 300 people. With this form of the disease, symptoms can appear in infants. In mild form, ichthyosis is expressed by the simple appearance of scales on the skin. One of the mildest forms of ichthyosis is xeroderma.

Treatment for ichthyosis involves the constant use of skin emollients. The main means of general treatment are vitamin A and vitamin E, which are used systematically in monthly cycles with a break of 1-2 months.

Using emollients helps improve skin condition and reduce dryness, which is one of the main symptoms of ichthyosis. Vitamin A helps normalize skin renewal processes, and vitamin E has antioxidant properties and helps improve skin hydration.

In addition, it is important to maintain proper skin care for ichthyosis, including regular use of moisturizers and emollients, and avoiding strong detergents and too hot water, which can aggravate dry skin.

Although ichthyosis is a chronic disease, with proper care and treatment, significant improvement in skin condition and reduction in symptoms can be achieved. It is important to see your doctor for an accurate diagnosis and to develop a personalized treatment plan that includes appropriate emollients and skin care recommendations.

Equally severe are cutaneous autosomal dominant (85–95% of cases), dominant forms of the disease that are inherited, and the disease that occurs after exposure to viruses. Any differences are observed only in the place on the surface of the skin where the first plaques or pustules appear.

The autosomal recessive form and ichthyosiform erythroderma have an intermediate course, as well as secondary autoimmune variants not associated with abnormal lipid metabolism. Medicines for autoimmune diseases include modern immunosuppressants, hormonal drugs, and blood infusions.

Changes in the character of a patient with ichthyosis are caused by a strong decrease in the body's immune response, constant irritation of the skin by horny masses, and an unpleasant odor. Patients complain of the following signs of ichthyosis:

* the appearance of grayish-whitish, brownish tubercles with a flat bottom, scaly plaques, felt as a roughness or burning sensation under the surface of the skin; * peeling of scales.


Ichthyosis is a group of diseases characterized by changes in the skin that resemble fish scales. These changes are not associated with skin inflammation, and a person develops nicthyosis mainly at a young age. According to medical research, one in every three hundred people may develop a mild form of this disease from birth, and every third person with this problem has one or more forms of autosomal hereditary ichthyosis. In this case, painful skin changes look like a scattering of small convex spines, the number of which can vary from two to more than seventy. In addition, one in a thousand inhabitants of our planet suffers from congenital dermatosis, or ichthyosis with pronounced bluish spots. As medical practice shows, the prognosis in the presence of autosomal heredity of this problem is unfavorable in 90% of cases, however, after skin transplantation, a good result can be achieved.

Main types of ichthyosis:*

1. Autoimmune ichthyosis. It is a general skin disease with manifestations in the form of scales of densely spaced dense diamonds with pronounced skin pigmentation. In the vast majority of cases, this type of ichthyosis is hereditary. According to statistical data, women have a predominance of relapses of ichthyosis over men. 2. Heat rash*. It manifests itself as the formation of pimples on the skin filled with a transparent secretion. They occur when there is physical activity, such as running. The main treatment for prickly heat is disinfection of the affected areas of the skin by applying