I don't want to dye my gray hair


They have just begun to appear for me and so far they have all been counted (there are not many of them). I won't do anything. I don't want to dye my hair for the rest of my life. Maybe sometimes I’ll paint with colored foam for important events, but I definitely won’t get hung up on it. “This woman is well preserved” doesn’t seem like a good compliment to me. Our grandmothers looked like grandmothers early, but they have such kind wrinkles. In general, from a certain point it is better to look like a kind grandmother than a well-preserved aunt without age.


Well, let's first figure out what it is about gray hair. I don’t know, but I think on the contrary, if a person has lived his life with a clear conscience, then gray hair does not age him, but on the contrary, even emphasizes his wisdom.

For some reason, women, and some men too, have this thing that once you have gray hair, it’s already a tragedy!

If I had gray hair now, I wouldn't even notice it. Sooner or later, this cannot be avoided.

You can, of course, not live to see gray hair, this is also true, but gray hair should not be associated with the end of life either. After all, you and I are not small children, we understand that we will have to die anyway.

Therefore, I don't waste time thinking about such little things. And the fact that this is a trifle is, indeed, not just a trifle, but a trifle undeserving of attention.

After all, if you are afraid that you will be reproached for having gray hair, it will happen, believe me!

So: if you don’t want to wear makeup, don’t wear makeup, let people say what they want.

And I would calculate how much the paint would cost me, and every time I buy this, it would be better, really, to buy a few chocolates for the child with that money.

Hairspray won't feed you or give you something to drink, and those who judge you for having gray hair won't give you anything to eat or drink, but, excuse me, they'll scratch their tongues, it's free!

This is no offense to anyone, but that's the way it is.

Do not think about gray hair, on the contrary, it emphasizes wisdom, and anyone who is ashamed of it means they have not lived their life with a clear conscience.

I'm only 21 years old, gray hair started appearing at 16


Mom says it’s hereditary: my great-grandmother started going gray at 17, and my mother, due to constant stress, was already half gray at 36. The hair is already thin and weak, and if you dye it, it will be scary to come out at all. Is there really nothing that can be done?

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Found the problem. Nowadays there are such colors that your hair looks well-groomed and just shines. Personally, on the contrary, I wait until I start to go gray so that I can start applying makeup with a clear conscience)) I’m 26. First of all, I want to try a deep red color, then coloring))) my chestnut color)

Paint with natural dyes - henna, basma. I watched a program once, gray hair can be stopped, but it is so difficult that it is almost impossible.

Well, if they turn gray, then this is a problem, of course, you should go to the doctor, I don’t know if it happens that early. even if it is hereditary! But in any case (if nothing changes), it’s better to dye your hair and forget about it) Instead of chemical dye, you can use tonics for gray hair (only they will be constantly washed off) or henna (this is a natural dye), then your hair can be red ( but may not cover gray hair if there are a lot of them). And if you buy henna with basma, it will be a rich black color! There is henna with chemical dyes, but it is still not as harmful as paint.
Before painting, test for an allergic reaction!

I'm only 21 years old, gray hair started appearing at 16


Mom says it’s hereditary: my great-grandmother started going gray at 17, and my mother, due to constant stress, was already half gray at 36. The hair is already thin and weak, and if you dye it, it will be scary to come out at all. Is there really nothing that can be done?

In general, there is nothing THAT scary about the paint itself! You can take one without ammonia, or some better, professional ones, walking with gray hair is worse!

Well, if they turn gray, then this is a problem, of course, you should go to the doctor, I don’t know if it happens that early. even if it is hereditary! But in any case (if nothing changes), it’s better to dye your hair and forget about it) Instead of chemical dye, you can use tonics for gray hair (only they will be constantly washed off) or henna (this is a natural dye), then your hair can be red ( but may not cover gray hair if there are a lot of them). And if you buy henna with basma, it will be a rich black color! There is henna with chemical dyes, but it is still not as harmful as paint.
Before painting, test for an allergic reaction!

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Why do you have weak hair if you don't dye it? What is the reason? Do you use a blow-dryer every day? Or lack of good care?
Use prof. shampoos, masks. From folk remedies - rinse with nettle infusion after each wash. Do not use tight elastic bands or metal hair clips. In winter, wear a hat and tuck your overgrown tail under your clothes.
I have very thin hair, I've been wearing makeup for a long time, and I don't experience any problems. It's a lot of fuss with them, of course, but it's worth it.
Now there are very good profs. paints are sold in specialized stores.

Why do you have weak hair if you don't dye it? What is the reason? Do you use a blow-dryer every day? Or lack of good care?
Use prof. shampoos, masks. From folk remedies - rinse with nettle infusion after each wash. Do not use tight elastic bands or metal hair clips. In winter, wear a hat and tuck your overgrown tail under your clothes.
I have very thin hair, I've been wearing makeup for a long time, and I don't experience any problems. It's a lot of fuss with them, of course, but it's worth it.
Now there are very good profs. paints are sold in specialized stores.

Seriously, this is not a problem of the magnitude to worry about. Girls even without gray hair dye their hair like crazy, give them variety) I also don’t like dyed hair and I’m not going to dye it until gray hair appears, but if this is the case for you, don’t worry. Dyed hair also has a number of advantages - the shine is stronger, the structure is thicker, again, there is a variety of shades, you can try everything. You won’t have anything to climb out, you won’t poison them with paint for 40 rubles, I hope? There are plenty of high-quality paints now, and that’s what the focus is on, because... my mother dyes her hair (she is already completely gray, from the roots; by the way, she also turned gray at the age of 26) and constantly complains that the dye washes off very quickly. And it is washed off precisely because it has a delicate structure, which, of course, reduces durability, but does not spoil the hair as much as any strong dyes. Or maybe even use a natural dye like basma, since you are so afraid of paints.

I'm only 21 years old, gray hair started appearing at 16


Mom says it’s hereditary: my great-grandmother started going gray at 17, and my mother, due to constant stress, was already half gray at 36. The hair is already thin and weak, and if you dye it, it will be scary to come out at all. Is there really nothing that can be done?

and lipstick makes my lips blue

Try Antisedin, it’s sold in pharmacies, I read reviews, it really removes gray hair, but only if your color is not too dark

Yes, early gray hair is hereditary. So don’t worry and paint yourself, there are now many good quality dyes that won’t damage your hair. Just no henna! If you don’t like the result, you can’t remove it with anything or paint it over, just cut it off. Just regular paint.

If you don’t want to wear makeup, go gray. That's all.

If you don’t want to wear makeup, go gray. That's all.

What nonsense - you can’t cover it with henna. I painted myself with henna for many years, then calmly switched to dye.

My mother and mother-in-law paint themselves with henna - the gray hair is completely covered.

From childhood I lived until I was 18 years old in unrealistic conditions, my nervous system was completely destroyed. from 28 to 29 years old there was severe stress for many months and several real nervous breakdowns...gray hair began to appear from about 25. now more. But I have light blond, very blond hair and the gray hair seems to shimmer a little like highlights. I don't wear makeup and don't intend to. author, what color is your hair?

WormwoodWhy is your hair weak if you don’t dye it? What is the reason? Do you use a blow-dryer every day? Or lack of good care?
Use prof. shampoos, masks. From folk remedies - rinse with nettle infusion after each wash. Do not use tight elastic bands or metal hair clips. In winter, wear a hat and tuck your overgrown tail under your clothes.
I have very thin hair, I've been wearing makeup for a long time, and I don't experience any problems. It's a lot of fuss with them, of course, but it's worth it.
Now there are very good profs. paints are sold in specialized stores. Thin hair is genetic. Everyone in the family, like their parents, has thick, thick hair, but I got my grandfather’s hair, soft, thin, like fluff, and since long hair is apparently hard, it falls out easily (((

From childhood I lived until I was 18 years old in unrealistic conditions, my nervous system was completely destroyed. from 28 to 29 years old there was severe stress for many months and several real nervous breakdowns...gray hair began to appear from about 25. now more. But I have light blond, very blond hair and the gray hair seems to shimmer a little like highlights. I don't wear makeup and don't intend to. author, what color is your hair?

buy basma and dye it black and it’s beautiful and fashionable and not harmful, but on the contrary, good for your hair!)

Well, if they turn gray, then this is a problem, of course, you should go to the doctor, I don’t know if it happens that early. even if it is hereditary!
It happens, it happens, and even earlier - if it’s hereditary.

Try Antisedin, it’s sold in pharmacies, I read reviews, it really removes gray hair, but only if your color is not too dark
It helps only in strictly defined cases, and not in the case of heredity. In general, you can only pause this process a little, but again only in very rare cases. And so - this is not curable in 99.5% (at least in the Russian Federation).

put on makeup and don't sweat it. Paint only in your own color, the regrowth of roots will not be so noticeable. Paint the roots with regular paint - the length - with tint. Just don’t do anything yourself, get your makeup done by a good artist.

Well, if they turn gray, then this is a problem, of course, you should go to the doctor, I don’t know if it happens that early. even if it is hereditary!
It happens, it happens, and even earlier - if it’s hereditary.

take professional paints + professional care, proper nutrition, good vitamins and mint/chamomile teas (or Persen, Novopassit.) and everything will be GOOD with your hair

Yes, early gray hair is hereditary. So don’t worry and paint yourself, there are now many good quality dyes that won’t damage your hair. Just no henna! If you don’t like the result, you can’t remove it with anything or paint it over, just cut it off. Just regular paint.

take professional paints + professional care, proper nutrition, good vitamins and mint/chamomile teas (or Persen, Novopassit.) and everything will be GOOD with your hair

I've had gray hair since I was 25. This has nothing to do with old age. It's genetic in our family; we go gray early. I don't know what to do either. My hair is so bad: dry, naturally porous. Any chemical action and they turn into straw. I'm so scared to paint them. I also style them with a hairdryer. Thanks to oils and masks, they can withstand the effects of a hair dryer, but I’m afraid that if you add coloring to this, your hair will simply turn into a washcloth. It's a pity that gray hair is not in fashion. It's not fashionable to grow old.

In general, if you feel sorry for your hair, go gray! And don’t give a damn about the opinions of others. If you need to look OK for an event, buy a high-quality, expensive wig! Many Hollywood stars wear different wigs and they fool us like they always have different colors.. They take care of themselves and their hair hers. And our Allegrova sang all her starry youth in a cheap wig and didn’t say anything. She took care of her hair..


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Most people believe that gray hair in women is a sign of fading and approaching old age. But 26-year-old Martha Truslow Smith, who has not covered her gray hair for 2 years, thinks completely differently. She created an Instagram account in which women unashamedly show off their natural ash locks and tell how their lives have changed with gray hair.