Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is when it comes out involuntarily; in most cases this is caused by excessive coldness of nature, relaxation of the muscle, or weakness affecting the muscle or bladder, as happens in diseases. Sometimes this occurs due to excessive use of diuretics, including liquid wine, especially when the channels in the kidneys are dilated and strength is attracted. This also happens from strong heat, which attracts moisture into the bladder and promotes its leakage from the body. One of the reasons is the displacement of the vertebrae, causing damage to the muscle, due to which it cannot contract. Sometimes incontinence occurs not for reasons depending on the bladder, muscle or urine, but due to the pressure of something that constantly presses on the bladder and expels urine, as happens in pregnant women or in people who have a lot of feces in the abdomen, or in patients with large tumors of organs lying above the bladder. After all this has been explained to you in detail, there is no need to teach the signs of this disease: they can be easily identified based on what has been said above.

Treatment. In case of incontinence due to heat - and this happens rarely - cooling and astringent medicines help, among other things, powders of this kind: dry coriander and red rose with cut edges of the petals - five dirhams each, bamboo nodules - ten dirhams, lettuce seeds and purslane seeds - fifteen dirhams each, Armenian clay - five dirhams, pomegranate flower - one dirham, camphor - half a dirham, gum - two dirhams. All this is mixed with sour pomegranate juice. Also: they take amber, Armenian clay, black myrobalans, acorn cores, peeled lentils - two dirhams each, toasted pickled coriander - dirhams; They drink three dirhams of powder at a time. Urinary incontinence is also treated with medications; from diabetes. Thirst is eliminated by holding dried sour milk, sumac, tamarind seeds or pomegranate seeds in the mouth.

As for cold incontinence, it is treated with the means mentioned in the paragraph on urination: drops. They also take calamus, syti, dried elecampane and acorn cores - each for two dirhams and myrrh - three dirhams; this medicine is used in the form of powders. Kammuni also helps a lot, especially if you carefully grind the drugs included in it. Kammuni also helps against incontinence in the form of an ointment and in general is beneficial for any disease that occurs in the urinary organs from extreme cold. It is also useful to take four dirhams of incense, because this stops retention, or to take two dirhams of Magaleb cherry or hot oils into which musk, stinking ferula gum, beaver stream, furbiyun and the like have been crushed.

Description of a good enema. They take Tribulus -ritl, sati - twenty dirhams and Magaleb cherries ten dirhams and slowly boiled in four ritls of water after first soaking for a day and night. When there is about one rittl of water left, it is filtered, half-filled with sesame oil and boiled; Use this oil in enemas. And sometimes they take water - one part, oils of laurel, ban, nuts and pistachios, as well as “green seeds” and Magaleb cherries - in equal parts or as much as is required by assumption, crumble a little musk into it and use the composition in enemas. Banana oil is a very powerful remedy.