Lindau cyst (Lindau S Tumour)

Lindau cyst, also known as Hemangioblastoma, is a rare inherited disease that results in the development of cysts and tumors in various parts of the body. This condition is inherited through autosomal dominant inheritance, which means that any child who inherits the altered gene from one parent has a 50% risk of developing Lindau cysts.

Lindau cysts primarily form in the brain and spinal cord, but they can also appear in the kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas, ovaries, and other parts of the body. These cysts can be multiple and can reach significant sizes, which can lead to various symptoms and complications such as headaches, blurred vision, problems with motor coordination, increased bleeding and even the development of cancer.

Treatment for Lindau cysts depends on their location and size. Cysts in the brain or spinal cord may require surgery or radiation therapy. Cysts in organs may require removal of the organ or part of it. However, since Lindau cysts can be multiple and located in different parts of the body, treatment can be complex and require a combination of different methods.

Overall, Lindau cyst is a rare and serious condition that requires close medical monitoring and timely treatment. If you are at risk of developing this disease due to heredity, you should consult your doctor for advice and recommendations on monitoring your health.

A Lindu cyst is the uncontrolled growth of tumors in the human central nervous system. The disease got its name in honor of the German pathologist Hans Aloys Lindsch. In Russia the terms “Linda tumor” are used.

Among the main symptoms of the development of the disease: - Giant head (dizziness) - Sudden deterioration of hearing and vision, short-term fainting - Intense headaches - Severe nausea and vomiting, problems with urination (less often)

In most cases, the neoplasm is a congenital abnormality or progresses due to cancer, brain tumors, vascular abnormalities, or infections. It appears suddenly, predominantly in adolescence, and may be present for many years. The clinical picture and treatment methods also vary depending on the form of the disease and the location of the tumor.

Treatment for Linde's cyst includes surgical removal of damaged tissue, chemotherapy and radiation therapy (in the absence of surgery).