Do I need to store patches in the refrigerator?

Oh, these miraculous patches! It’s simply impossible not to know about them! The entire media space, from blogs to Instagram accounts of stars, is filled with laudatory odes to this new achievement in the cosmetics industry. While some are skeptical about patches, while others are sweeping away many of the cans from the shelves, let’s figure it out and sort everything out on the question of whether patches are really a worthwhile remedy, or just another marketing ploy.

So, eye patches – these are pads made of special cosmetic material, hydrogel, soaked in essence that can smooth out fine wrinkles, remove dark circles under the eyes, reduce swelling and swelling. The fundamental difference from eye cream is that the hydrogel melts a little from the warmth of the skin and has a slight pressing effect, and thus the essence of the water-based hydrogel penetrates deeper and faster into the skin.

It is important to note that patches for the skin around the eyes are primarily an express care product. If you have swelling, puffiness or bruising under your eyes in the morning, or you need to look 100% before an important event, patches will help you quickly tone the area around your eyes, but no one can cancel healthy sleep!)

The biggest problem for all those who are disappointed in the patches is high expectations. Unfortunately, even invasive cosmetic procedures are not always able to correct the result of a systematic violation of the regime or genetic hollowness around the eye orbits. Therefore, you should not expect the impossible from a 20-30 minute mask. However, patches will certainly help to remove slight swelling, signs of fatigue, fine wrinkles and dullness of the skin, and this is already an excellent result J

Let's now figure out how to properly use patches without harming the delicate skin around the eyes.

1. You absolutely cannot sleep with patches on!

There is a misconception that you can apply patches at night, and then the effect of long-term exposure will increase. In general, you should always use cosmetics (and not only them) according to the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer. Recommended application time 20-30 minutes. This time is enough for the beneficial substances to be absorbed from the essence into the skin. The fact is that the hydrogel from which the patches are made gives off moisture during the first 30 minutes, and after that it begins to take it back. So there is no need to overexpose the patches, your skin will take everything it needs within the first 30 minutes!

2. Patches are best used in the morning after waking up, and not before bedtime

Yes, yes, because you risk sleeping through the entire effect! So, while preparing breakfast, apply the patches for 30 minutes to eliminate the effects of a night's sleep, and then delight yourself and those around you with a fresh, rested look during the day.

3. Patches can and should be used on a regular basis

Patches have a cumulative effect. So, ideally, if you want to forget about bruises and swelling under your eyes, you need to use them every day or every other day, and not just during an emergency.

4. Patches do not have to be stored in the refrigerator

Storing any cosmetics in the refrigerator definitely has a beneficial effect on its effective lifespan. It is not necessary to store patches in the refrigerator. The wet hydrogel base has a sufficient cooling effect. What is more important is the use of a special plastic spoon that comes with the patches to remove the patches from the jar to prevent the development of bacteria in the storage container.

5. There is no need to apply eye cream after patches.

Since the essence of the patches itself has a caring effect, the use of additional care products is unnecessary.

6. Patches can be used not only in the area under the eyes

To achieve a smoothing effect, you can also apply patches to areas of skin fractures, such as nasolabial lips and wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows.

7. How to apply patches correctly?

If there is a need to lighten dark circles under the eyes and eliminate swelling, then you need to apply them with the wide side towards the inside of the eye. If the main goal is to eliminate facial wrinkles and creases, use the wide side towards the outer corner of the eye.

Well, a nice bonus: what can you do with the patches after use?

According to the manufacturer's recommendation, you can prepare an essence from them by dissolving them in warm boiled water. You can wipe your skin with this water, using it instead of tonic or essence.

We hope that the information was useful, and we wish you to always remain beautiful!

What are Hydrogel patches?

These are masks made from a special jelly-like material. The patches are impregnated with a highly concentrated serum that gives ultra restoration to the delicate skin of the eyelids. In a jar, as a rule, you will find 60 patches for 30 applications and they will look like jelly in syrup :)). The peculiarity of the hydrogel is its tight fit to the skin, due to which the serum penetrates into the deep layers of the skin. As a rule, after patches you can see the effect after the first application.

At what age can patches be used?

Korean manufacturers do not indicate age restrictions. As you know, you need to take more active care of your skin starting from the age of 25. Our recommendation is to always take an individual approach to the needs of your skin, which you know better than anyone else. If you feel that the skin of your eyelids has become very dry, the first expression lines have made themselves felt, you have a tendency to edema, you spend a lot of time at the computer, do not get enough sleep and dark circles under your eyes are noticeable - then patches can and even should be applied.

Also, if you have pronounced, deeper wrinkles, the skin loses its elasticity and former radiance - patches will become an indispensable express restoration.

How often can patches be applied?

Patches can be applied daily or periodically for intensive recovery. They are very helpful when you need to quickly get yourself in order before an important event, and they are also a great help after air travel.

How to apply patches?

Apply patches to cleansed, dry skin (ideally after using toner). You can use them in the eyelid area, in the area of ​​nasolabial folds, in the forehead area (in principle, you can cover your entire face with them, but for this it is more convenient to use large hydrogel masks :)).

How to store patches? Do they need to be stored in the refrigerator?

The box with patches can be stored under normal conditions so that they are not exposed to sunlight. The main thing is to twist them tightly so that the serum with which they are soaked does not dry out.

If you have a tendency to swelling and would like to work more intensively with it, then you can try applying cold patches. However, keep in mind that this method is not suitable for sensitive and rosacea-prone skin.

How long should the patches be applied?

Many of our clients apply patches right at night and fall asleep with them. This option is not suitable if you are prone to swelling. In this case, it is better to apply patches in the morning to tone the skin. In general, patches can be applied for 20-30 minutes or more if you have time.

Example: hydrogel patches with ruby ​​powder and rose extract - suitable for sensitive skin, work well against swelling
I WANT TO ORDER Koelf Ruby Bulgarian Rose Hydro Gel Eye Patch

How are the patches different?

All hydrogel patches are aimed at solving the following problems:

- deeper wrinkles

- dull skin tone

- signs of stress, fatigue.

Example: patches with pearl extract work well against dark circles
I WANT TO ORDER Petitfee Black Pearl & Gold Hydrogel Eye Patch

Globally, the patches have 3 differences:

1) the serum with which they are soaked,

2) shape (they come in the form of Yin-Yang or in the shape of the letter C - then the kit will also include small round patches for targeted application)

We came across patches with: snail mucin, colloidal gold, pearl extract, swallow's nest extract, caviar extract, collagen, ruby ​​powder, with EGF factor, with horse oil, with placenta.

Popular brands that produce patches: Petitfee, Koelf, ecret Key, Esfolio, SNP, Farm Stay, Milatte, Dia force, Berrisom.

Example: anti-aging patches with placenta for skin elasticity and firmness
I WANT TO ORDER BERRISOM Firming Hydrogel Eye Patch

Choose the best patches for your skin and be sure to order from our store,

With love and beauty, online store of Korean cosmetics Happy People.

Should you put cosmetics in the refrigerator?



Recommendation to store some cosmetic products in the refrigerator It’s not new: the habit of putting lipstick there so that it lasts longer was inherited from our mothers. Today, in the Asian market you can find special refrigerators for cosmetics, and publications and bloggers, in connection with the onset of summer, are increasingly beginning to share tips on using the cooling capabilities. Let’s figure out whether it’s worth urgently carrying masks and tonics into the saving coolness and what it actually gives.

How it started

No one will be surprised by the use of heated or cooled products and tools in personal care - but it so happens that it is “cold” products that are in particular demand today. Partly it’s our impatience: we dream of an instant effect, so manufacturers and people who care about the world of beauty began to experiment with formats - and it was cooling that turned out to be the most promising approach. For example, an Allure author who admitted to systematic insomnia recommends eliminating dark circles under the eyes with iced coffee cubes. In another post, Priyanka Chopra's makeup artist shares the secret to her flawless look: Before doing her makeup, Patie Dubroff put the silicone sponges she uses to apply foundation in the refrigerator. The actress's skin glowed, everyone wanted the same.

A few years ago, the 001 Skincare brand advertised its Eyecicle massage gadget: a tool that maintained a consistently low temperature and was intended for caring for the skin around the eyes. A similar principle can be found in more compact formats. Estée Lauder released a gel with a metal massage tip, and Chanel offered a luxurious little tool to accompany the cream in a traditional jar.

How it works

It is recommended to cool masks and creams for the area around the eyes, tonics, thermal water, products with vitamin C and all natural cosmetics. It is recommended to keep the eyeliner in the refrigerator immediately before application; perfumes are sent there too. One of the first arguments in favor of cold storage is often the desire to extend the life of cosmetics for as long as possible. Indeed, under changing temperature conditions, many ingredients are destroyed, and cold is a natural preservative. It sounds logical, but in reality there is practically no benefit from constantly storing cosmetics in the refrigerator. The product already contains an amount of preservatives that will help it survive in any case in a safe manner until the end of the indicated expiration date. In addition, room temperature, as a rule, does not imply sudden changes.

All this does not mean that there is no need to protect cosmetics from shocks at all: do not store them in the bathroom, in heat and high humidity. This is especially true for products that you come into contact with with your hands: in such conditions, the remaining bacteria will be very comfortable. As for natural cosmetics, things are the same with them: you should carefully monitor their short shelf life, but the refrigerator will not make any difference here - it is much more important to ensure there is no contact with light and humidity. There is a category of products that absolutely cannot be left in the cold. These are all the same lipsticks and other formulations with wax, foundations and silicone-based primers - they simply risk losing their texture properties.