On the definition of the concepts “cause”, “disease”, “manifestation”

We say: in books about medicine, a cause is a circumstance that arises primarily and determines the existence of one or another state of the human body or the stability of this state. Disease is an unnatural state of the human body, which essentially causes primarily a disorder in the action of the diseased organ. This comes either from an unnatural nature or from an unnatural combination of particles. And the manifestation is something that follows this state, and it is unnatural, and it makes no difference whether it is the opposite of natural, such as pain during kulanja, or not, such as excessive redness of the cheeks during pneumonia.

An example of a cause is putrefaction; an example of a disease is fever; An example of manifestation is thirst and headache. And another example of the reason is overcrowding of the vessels going down to the eye; an example of a disease is blockage of blood vessels in the grape skin; it is a disease of the weapon, depending on the combination of particles; an example of a manifestation is loss of vision. And another example of a cause is acute catarrh; an example of a disease is a lung ulcer; An example of manifestation is redness of the cheeks and curvature of the nails.

A manifestation is called a “manifestation”, considering it in itself or in relation to the one in whom it occurs, and is called a “sign” from the point of view of its examination by the doctor, who moves from this sign to knowledge of the essence of the disease. An illness is sometimes the cause of another illness - for example, kulanj causes fainting, paralysis or epilepsy. Moreover, even the manifestation of a disease can be the cause of a disease; Thus, severe pain causes fainting; severe pain can also be the cause of a tumor when matter effusions to the painful area. The manifestation itself becomes a disease. Such, for example, is a headache resulting from fever: sometimes it becomes so established and strengthened that it becomes a disease.

Sometimes something happens - in relation to oneself, to what came before, and to what follows after - a disease, a manifestation and a cause. This is, for example, consumptive fever. It is a manifestation of an ulcer in the lungs and a disease in itself and the cause, for example, of stomach weakness. And take, for example, a headache caused by fever: it is a manifestation of fever and a disease in itself, and sometimes it causes leopards or sarsams and thus becomes the cause of the two mentioned diseases.