About increasing milk separation

Know that there is a lot of milk when there is a lot of good blood, and if there is little milk, then the reason for this is some reason for anemia or the disappearance of good quality blood. The cause of anemia depends either on matter or on nature. If the cause is matter, then it means that the nutrient is insufficient or it counteracts the formation of blood due to its excessive dryness or coldness, or the matter has been diverted in another direction due to bleeding, swelling or other causes. And anemia, depending on nature, occurs when the nature of the body or chest dries out or dilutes the moisture so that blood does not form from it due to its excessive wateriness or distance from a balanced state suitable for the formation of blood, or for other reasons.

As for the reason that destroys the good quality of blood and spoils the substance generated by it, which becomes unsuitable for the formation of milk substance, since milk is born only from good blood, then such a reason is the predominance of one of the three juices, yellow bile, mucus or black bile. Yellow bile is detected by the yellow color of milk, its liquid composition and pungency of taste, mucus by its great whiteness, wateriness and some acidity of its smell and taste, and black bile by its great density, small quantity and significant strength. It is quite possible that blood, due to its abundance, is not subject to the action of nature and is not influenced by it, so that nature cannot transform blood, because blood suppresses it. This is one of those circumstances, the signs of which are not hidden from the observer. Sometimes it happens that milk and semen, due to their dryness, are released as if in the form of threads, and this makes the blood, even if there is a lot of it, lacking in substance and unsuitable for the abundant formation of milk; the milk that comes from it is also not praiseworthy. Now that you have learned the reasons for the lack of milk, turn to eliminating them and find out the following.

Know that anything that increases the amount of semen also increases the amount of milk in the body of most women; This is how both types of bedbugs work, soporific poppy seeds, goat and sheep udders, and the like. In the same way, anything that dries the seed, reduces its quantity and prevents its generation, also reduces the quantity of milk, such as Indian hemp. And if the reason for the paucity of milk is the paucity of nutrition, then feed more and tastier and prescribe food of the kind that is hot and moist, praiseworthy for its chyme. If the reason is bad food, then it is improved and given the mentioned qualities. If the reason for the scarcity of milk is intense physical exercise, then reduce it and give the woman rest, and if the reason for its scarcity is bleeding or something similar, hold back the blood or divert it upward, if the blood is pouring out from the lower parts of the body, or divert the blood downward, if it pours out from the upper parts of the body.

If the reason for the scarcity of milk is a simple disorder of nature, then prescribe food that counteracts such nature and at the same time gives abundant chyme. If the reason is the predominance of spoiled juice, then remove it in ways appropriate for each individual juice. For women with yellow bile nature, give cold and moist food; Among the remedies useful for them are barley water with julab, as well as cucumber seeds in the form of an enema and kissa seeds; It is also useful to eat brains, drink cow's and goat's milk, eat fish from reservoirs with a rocky bottom, the meat of a kid and fatty chickens, and stews made from barley gruel with milk and garden mallow. For a woman with a mucous nature, use nutrients and medicines that tend to warm from the first to the second degree and, moreover, moisturize or dry a little. This category includes carrots, indau sativa, fennel, dill, fresh celery and simirniyun, especially fresh, but not dry: it warms and dries. This also includes a stew made from wheat flour with fenugreek and fennel.

If the milk, due to its thickness and dryness, is secreted in the form of threads, then the way to treat this is by pouring heavily moisturizing medicines and taking moisturizing foods. The same applies to male seed. When using a woman with a black jellied nature, limit yourself to medications and foods that have excessive warming, close to what we mentioned, and significant hydration. One should also recognize which type of black bile is predominant and use it accordingly. Here is one of the balanced medicines that increase milk secretion: take palm thorns thirty dirhams, fennel leaves twenty dirhams, clover fifteen dirhams, broken wheat twenty-five dirhams, peeled chickpeas and crushed white barley eighteen dirhams each, large figs ten pieces. All this is boiled in thirty ritls of water until the quantity is reduced to eight ritls or less. At one time, they give you five uqiyah of this medicine to drink with half a kiya of sweet almond oil and one and a half uqiyah of Sulaymani sugar. Salted fish is a food that increases milk secretion.

One of the medicines that promotes abundant milk secretion is the following: take sesame flour, dissolve it in pure wine, strain and drink the strained liquid, and from the sediment make a medicinal bandage on the chest. And one more thing: they take the inside of an eggplant in the amount of half a kafiz, boil it in water for a long time until it is completely boiled, then knead for a long time, strain, take the strained liquid, add one ukiyya of ghee and drink. Or they take an infusion of chickpeas and drink it on an empty stomach for several days, especially an infusion of chickpeas with milk, or barley water with honey, or with julab. Or take one part of alfalfa seeds and two parts of pomegranate flowers; At one time of this medicine, drink one kamkha in hot water. Or they drink ban seeds two dirhams with wine.

Among the excellent medicines is this: take ghee, that is, cow butter, one uqiya and a large cup of wine and give it to drink on an empty stomach. Or they use anemone stems and its leaves, boiled with barley grass, in the form of a stew. Or they take radishes and bran and boil them in wine; This wine is filtered and drunk. Or they take roasted seeds of the soporific poppy and oatmeal in equal quantities with sikanjubin or maybukhtaj and drink, first soak the poppy seeds in one or another drink for three days, this works better. They also drink nigella with water sweetened with honey, or take dill seeds, leek seeds and clover seeds one at a time, uqiya, as well as fenugreek seeds and alfalfa seeds in equal parts, mix with squeezed fennel juice and drink. If you mix all this with honey and ghee, it will be better.