General rules for treating kulanja

Treatment of kulanja should not be delayed, and when its first signs appear, overflow should be avoided and appropriate cleansing should be carried out as soon as possible. If the kulanj appears after the food you have eaten, then immediately remove it by vomiting, and with it all the juices that need to be removed so that the intestines are cleansed: vomiting sometimes tears off the moist and yellow-billed matter that gives rise to the kulanj. If vomiting is excessive, stop it with anti-vomiting medications. It’s good for this recipe to add a little cumin and sumac to mint wine made from pomegranate juice. During kulanja, the hasty use of laxatives from above is not approved, because the blockage is sometimes very strong, and the stool nuts and juices are thick and large, and if juice is directed to the blockage from above, it often does not find a passage, and this method of treatment entails great danger. It is necessary first to give the patient something to soften and cause slipping, for example, a decoction of an old rooster, the recipe for which we will give later; however, we have already given this recipe in the sections of simple medicines. Then you should do a softening enema. In the presence of fever, the rooster broth is replaced with barley water in order to gradually capture the juices and nuts of the feces from below. When the patient feels that nuts of feces and very thick juices have come out, then, if necessary, give him something on top, this is done; if it is possible to clear the top by frequent vomiting, then induce vomiting. The necessity of giving medicines from above is increased when the source of the matter is the stomach or upper intestines, and when it is known that the stomach is weak and full of juices, and that the congestion occurs above the navel, where the heaviness is felt. If all this is so, then relief from above is required, just as in the case when the kulanj is a consequence of an abrasion; it is then preferable to treat it from above. This type of kulanj begins in the stomach and in the upper intestines, and in the stomach there is matter hidden there, which is then sent over and over again to the intestines affected by kulanj; every time she goes there she causes pain again. The need arises to cleanse the source of the formation of matter, and if the patient drinks a laxative, then it either removes the matter and gets rid of it, or forces the matter to descend to one place, and then the intestines can be cleansed of it with one enema, or, in any case, with fewer enemas, than would have been needed sooner. If there is no obvious need to give medicine from above, then, in my opinion, it is best not to give anything at all from above and limit yourself to enemas. The fact is that the cause of kulanj is most often thick, viscous and sticky juice, which is not completely eliminated through emptying means, and if you give the medicine from above, then it will not only the stomach and intestines, but also other places that do not need emptying at all, and this inevitably gives rise to weakness. If such weakness occurs and then the need arises to cleanse the intestines, requiring numerous enemas and frequent bowel movements, then the patient’s strength is greatly weakened. Therefore, it is best, if possible, to limit ourselves to enemas and similar therapeutic measures, because an enema finds juice in the intestine without extracting it from other places and without removing it from other organs in significant quantities. If the enema is repeated several times in accordance with the stickiness of the juice that causes pain, it is not as dangerous as emptying from above with the help of drugs that extract the juices from the whole body. If the enema does not remove anything and the matter has not yet matured, then wait and do not give enemas, especially acute ones, because they should be done in a timely manner after the matter has matured, especially since acute enemas are dangerous for the heart and brain: often enemas do not relieve, but cause headache and excite the heart. In this case, you should resort to the help of medications.

Often there is weakening at the top and blockage at the bottom. Then you should compact the juices from above using astringents so that they become homogeneous, and then perform a bowel movement. If there is a fever, then the enemas should be made soft and a lot of oil should be put in them in order to weaken the saltiness of the salt, which sometimes requires up to two and a half dirhams. When the enema does not bring anything down, then give the patient iyaraja fikra in wine or dry; this may be necessary after taking medications such as Shahriyaran and Tamri. It is not appropriate to enhance Iyaraj for such patients with agaric, for the latter penetrates deeply into the organs and remains in the entrails. You should not give enemas while there is any food in the stomach, so as not to carry it down in its raw form. Enemas should not be given continuously, but a break should be taken between them. As for the yellow gall kulandzh, its attacks are suppressed by taking “golden cakes”.

It often happens that medicines that extract bad juices from the body attract other harmful juices into the intestines; sometimes they draw juices there, causing abrasions, and abrasions and bruising occur at the same time; This is one of the destructive diseases. The most harmful thing to drink during kulanj is laxatives, which have a large volume and inspire disgust, and therefore do not remain in the stomach; on the contrary, cakes, iyarajas and everything that has a smaller volume and a more pleasant smell are better for drinking.

You must watch your head very carefully so that it does not absorb the fumes of what is locked in the stomach, or the fumes of acute medicines, the use of which is necessary for most ailments of the kulanja type; this often leads to obsession and clouding of consciousness, which should be feared during kulanj. One of the harmful consequences generated by this is that the doctor cannot then find out from the patient what his condition is and find the right path to the necessary treatment. Protection of the head is carried out with cold incense, cold oils and other means that we pointed to when talking about cooling the nature of the head. Often the need to warm the intestines is combined with the need to cool the liver. The latter is achieved by applying cooling medicinal bandages and the like to the liver, and the liver area is protected from the action of hot bandages and rubbing into the abdomen. The same is true with the heart. The most suitable for cooling it are cold squeezed plant juices with camphor and sandalwood; when using them, a barrier in the form of a piece of cloth or dough, etc., should be placed between the region of the intestines and the region of the heart and liver, preventing the medicine intended for one of these organs from flowing to the other. The thirst of such patients can be strong, but they have no choice but to drink little and endure. If you add a little julab to their meager drink, this is most useful against thirst, for the body loves everything sweet, and julab brings moisture to it well.

Treatment of cold kulanj. As for the treatment of cold kulanj, then, according to the rules, one should not hastily turn to medications that cause numbness. Those who rush to soothe pain with numbing means are doing a very dangerous thing, for the use of such means is not a bristling treatment, since true treatment consists in eradicating the cause, and numbness strengthens the cause and eliminates the sensation of it. After all, if the cause of the kulanj is thick juice, it only becomes thicker from this, and cold juice or the very coldness of nature becomes even colder. When the cause of the kulanj is a rough wind, it only becomes rougher, and if there is a high density of the substance of the intestines, through which the juices retained in them do not pass, then they only become denser, and the pain returns after a day, two or three, even more severe than before . Therefore, one should not engage in dulling of sensitivity while this is possible and while there is another way out, and it is better to turn to removing and eliminating the cause, that is, dissolving the juices and expanding the holes for what is locked, relaxing. Often this can be achieved with diluting drugs, which should not warm much, because if a strong warming drug suddenly affects matter, one can be afraid that the winds formed when the matter is dissolved will be more abundant than the winds that disperse the medicine. On the contrary, the degree of warming! must be such as to produce a strong dispersion of winds, and in wet matter to cause only rarefaction and warming, without strong dissolution. As a result, it is sometimes sufficient to abstain from food and drink for several days.

Also, poultices sometimes cause severe pain, and the doctor is forced to either stop the poultices, or multiply and make them more frequent, so that the winds raised by the first poultice dissipate. When using evacuation enemas, you should, if the stool is locked, start with enemas that contain substances that cause the stool to slip due to the presence of mucus and oils in them, as well as fecal medicines, that is, medicines suitable for the treatment of purely fecal culange. This is what they do with a wind kulanj, and then, if the kulanj is mucous, they use enemas that remove mucus, and if it is windy, they use enemas that dispel and expel winds.

You should know that sometimes when you empty all kinds of juices, a small amount of them remains unremoved; they are near the sore spot and cause pain. In such cases, one should not say that the treatment does not help, but these residues must also be removed through enemas. Often the cause of this is the winds alone, as indicated by signs of the presence of winds; then enemas should be used, strengthening the organ and dispelling the winds by gently warming it; sometimes it is enough to drink a strong, hot medicinal porridge, for example, teriyak or something similar, and sometimes to put jars of fire on the sore spot. It is often enough to drink with water the seeds that disperse the winds; in other cases, it is sufficient to take warmed wine. It happens that the disease goes away with the use of medicinal dressings, and mustard dressings are the most effective, causing redness: they sometimes dispel the winds, and sometimes they pull the matter towards the abdominal muscles. The waters of hot springs, if you bathe in them for severe pain, are very helpful. At the same time, ammonia water is wonderful, used in all ways, even in drinking, if it is such that it can be drunk. Baths prepared from water in which medicines were boiled, dispersing winds and thinning, also help. Often, gentle rubbing of the abdomen while vigorously rubbing the legs is sufficient.

It happens that severe pain arises from drinking cold water. This is the most harmful thing for such a disease, especially since it does little to quench thirst. Strong nabeez in small quantities is better than water, and hot nabeez is more likely to soothe pain. The most harmful thing for such patients is cold and cold air, while heat, hot water and air are most beneficial for them. If the cause of the disease is coldness of the intestines, and the walls of the abdomen are thin and the kulange constantly seizes the patient, then it is necessary to constantly warm his stomach, covering it with wool, or tying his stomach with wool; rubbing hot oils and pouring, which we will talk about shortly, also help with this. Sometimes you have to make a poultice, and sometimes it turns out to be necessary to add beaver stream, furbiyun, to hot oils. Cold kulanj, the cause of which is the gradual seepage of matter into the damaged area, which causes pain, which we have already mentioned, should be treated with frequent, careful emptying in several stages, unless it is established that the matter is abundant and needs to be removed immediately. With the simultaneous seepage and generation of matter, the patient should be given something to drink during an attack and at night with something like pills with sabur, pills with iyaraj or pills made from the pulp of coloquinte, resin of scammonium, sagapen and sabur. Any of these pills are given in quantities from half a misqal to two-thirds of a misqal. If you constantly do this for a number of days and streamline your diet, the patients will recover and get rid of the disease.

Special rules for the treatment of wind chills from the cold family. One should use enemas, suppositories and medicinal dressings, which we will mention shortly, and completely abstain from food, even for three days, and the patient should sleep as much as possible. The doctor tries to tear off the matter that generates the wind with the help of cleansing enemas and to warm the diseased organ with enemas, as well as externally using the previously mentioned methods. When there is no fear that there is bad juice, then heat as much as you want, steam as much as you want, and diligently place the jars without a cut. If nature responds to treatment, then resort to lightly rubbing the sore spot and rub in, for example, jasmine oil, spikenard oil and heated bath oil; also make a poultice with hot millet and salt in the quantity you find most suitable. Test in which position - on the side, on the back or prone, it is more comfortable for the patient to lie and the winds are best removed. As a drinking medicine, cumin and rue seeds are given in infusions of seeds, in old wine, in water sweetened with honey, or with faniz. Sometimes at such a time they drink philunia, and the patient gets rid of the disease.