Lead oxide and lead filings

If you drink lead oxide, your body will swell, your tongue will become heavy, and your urine and feces will be blocked. Sometimes the feces are not locked up, but, on the contrary, their output is excessive, and the patient feels heaviness in the stomach and intestines, so that sometimes his rectum even comes out, and it comes to abrasions in the intestines. Swelling occurs in the upper innards and a petrified lump appears on the abdomen. The patient's complexion becomes leaden, his breathing becomes short, and he often suffocates. He develops symptoms of ileus, and the color of the body becomes the color of lead. The same is true for poisoning with tin filings.

You should hurry up and start with general treatment by giving an emetic, and let it be something that can open the blood vessels, for example, a decoction of celery seeds and figs or dill with barvak. The patient should also be given myrrh in the amount of three dirhams in wine, or given Rum sumbul with the feces of domestic pigeons to drink with wine - this is a treatment that achieves the goal. Or they drink it with wormwood with hyssop or celery seeds and, especially, pepper, and all this is taken with wine. Or they give dirhams of myrrh and half a dirham of pepper to make the patient sweat, and then force him to drink six qirats of scammonium resin in water sweetened with honey; the food with which he must be constantly fed is isfidbaji, prepared from lamb meat. A sign of recovery is the release of nature and copious urine output; in general, with such poisoning, opening, diaphoretic, diuretic and laxative medications are needed.