Gum tumors

There are swellings on the gums due to matter that in most cases comes down to it from the head, but sometimes it happens from the complicity of the stomach. And sometimes tumors on the gums occur at the onset of dropsy and when malnutrition occurs due to the fact that bad fumes rise to the gums. The type of material is determined by the color of the gums and by touch. Tumors can be obvious, close to the surface, quickly treatable, or deep, distant, slowly treatable. Sometimes they are accompanied by fever.

Treatment. When the matter is excessive and hot, then emptying and bleeding from chahar raga is used. At the beginning, they are treated with cooling rinses that have the ability to bind, for example, rose water, sour milk, myrtle juice, juices of the leaves of astringent and cold plants, decoction of pomegranate flowers, plantain infusion, acorn infusion, squeezed juice of garden purslane. Then, after this, the mouth is rinsed with oil of unripe olives, oil of mastic tree and oil of myrtle, for every uqiya of myrtle oil there are three dirhams of mastic. Or rinse your mouth with rose oil, in which sumbul, dry roses and mastic have been boiled. Mastic tree oil has a great ability to soothe pain from gum tumors, in particular recent ones, it disperses tumors and does not irritate them. This oil is especially useful when there is pain. Then, after this, take the squeezed juice of fresh "orris root"  it makes the blood flow and soothes the pain, or the squeezed juice of the leaves of the olive tree, or the grounds of wine, or the squeezed juice of rue, or pistachio oil boiled with water, where pistachio leaves are put, or a decoction of aristolochia.

If the hot tumor lies deep, then it is called barulis and does not resolve with medications, but, on the contrary, suppurates. Sometimes you have to treat it with iron, and sometimes its substance leads to the growth of new meat. If the tumor has festered, then verdigris and saws, copper scale with vinegar, or burnt suri with galls are used against it. If the gums constantly swell, swell and do not heal, then cauterization has to be done. The best cauterization is to take boiling olive oil on a woolen rag wound on a knitting needle and cauterize several times until the tumor shrivels and turns white. When the swelling occurs from excess moisture, then first you need to rinse your mouth with hot oils with honey and fruit juice boiled until thick, then use dissolving medicines, which have already been often mentioned.