Features of HPV type 51 and basic treatment methods

The content of the article:
  1. General information about HPV 51
  2. Routes of infection
  3. Symptoms of the virus
  4. How is the presence of HPV 51 determined?
  5. Ways to treat the virus
    1. Drug therapy
    2. Surgical intervention
  6. Reviews about the treatment of HPV type 51

Human papillomavirus type 51 is an oncogenic strain of HPV that initially manifests itself as the causative agent of condylomas or papillomas, which later develop into malignant neoplasms. Microorganisms are incredibly difficult to detect: for up to 2 years, the carrier may not even suspect that he is infected, while remaining not only an infected patient, but also a distributor. HPV type 51, in addition to its long incubation period, stands out among other strains of this virus precisely in its ease of spread. While most genotypes are sexually transmitted, 51 strains are equally common in cases of household infection. Despite the high risks that the pathology carries, not every infected person will suffer from cancer. Fortunately, timely diagnosis allows you to avoid unpleasant consequences and transfer the virus to a latent state.

General information about HPV type 51

In order to see a doctor in time and start treatment, you need to know what human papillomavirus type 51 is. Like other representatives of its group, the pathogen takes root in the structure of human DNA and disrupts the process of natural cell division.

The peculiarity of human papillomavirus 51 strain (HPV 51) is its rapid spread. Statistics show that 7 out of 10 patients with HPV are carriers of several genotypes of the virus, including this strain.

In addition, unlike other dangerous oncogenic genotypes, the 51st appears not only in women; formations on the penis of men caused by this strain quickly degenerate into malignant ones.

Once in the body, the virus can “dormant” for a long time. However, as soon as the body’s protective function decreases, HPV 51 will begin to appear in the form of growths. The localization of the formations is also specific, characteristic of a given strain: in women it is the mucous membranes of the reproductive organs, in men it is the shaft and head of the penis.

Stage diagram of rectal cancer

Further development of the pathology is fraught with cervical cancer for women and cancer of the skin of the penis in men. In representatives of the stronger sex with non-traditional sexual orientation, cancer can also affect the testicles and rectum, which is due to the specific nature of the virus infection.

Routes of infection with papillomavirus 51 strain

The main method of infection with human papillomavirus type 51 is sexual, that is, from an infected partner to a healthy one. Please note that we are talking about sexual contact as an act of close bodily interaction; barrier contraceptives in protecting against HPV, although they somewhat reduce the likelihood of infection, still do not provide a complete guarantee. And oral contraceptives are completely ineffective in this case.

Since we are talking about physical contact, it cannot be ruled out that household route of infection. Although this method of infection has not yet been fully studied.

You must understand that the virus cannot be transmitted through kissing or simple handshakes, since the localization of infectious microorganisms is in a completely different area of ​​the body.

There is also a possibility of infecting the child during passing through the birth canal. Therefore, expectant mothers donate blood for the presence of oncogenic forms of the papilloma virus. If the risk is high, the woman may be advised to have a caesarean section.

However, the presence of papillomavirus type 51 in women and men in the body does not mean its activation and immediate provocation of cancer. In order for this strain to manifest itself, a significant reduction in the body’s protective functions is necessary.

This decrease can be caused by:

  1. hypothermia or fatigue;
  2. prolonged stress and depression;
  3. hormonal imbalance;
  4. chronic infections or other diseases;
  5. bad habits and other factors.
Important! The size of the HPV 51 microorganism is significantly smaller than the micropores of barrier contraceptives, that is, their use in this case cannot guarantee the protection of the sexual partner from infection.

Symptoms of papillomavirus genotype 51

The active stage of the disease is characterized by the appearance of growths on the human body. However, in this case, formations will appear on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. As a rule, such growths are classified as genital warts; in 51 strains they can degenerate into malignant formations.

Signs of degeneration are:

  1. growth in education;
  2. color change;
  3. painful sensations;
  4. discharge with an unpleasant odor.

In the photo there are papillomas of type 51

Papillomavirus type 51 in men manifests itself as growths on the penis, near the scrotum. In some cases, they form entire colonies, visually resembling the comb of a rooster.

The life cycle of human papillomavirus 51 strain (HPV 51) goes through four stages:

  1. Latent - only a specialized laboratory analysis can tell that the body is infected;
  2. Elementary — the virus changes the procedure of epidermal cell division;
  3. Koilocytosis — the virus is introduced into genetic processes;
  4. Oncopathogenic — the formation of malignant structures is inevitable.

The earlier the virus is detected, the easier it is to minimize its consequences.

How is the presence of HPV 51 in the body determined?

Papillomavirus type 51 in women and men is determined during a comprehensive examination, including medical examinations and tests. During the examination, the doctor visually assesses the condition of the genital organs and anogenital area. In men, the urologist also examines the lower abdomen. If necessary, the examination is carried out using special equipment - a colposcope.

To clarify the diagnosis, the following tests may be prescribed (as with HPV type 33):

  1. PAP test. Necessary for identifying epithelial cells with an atypical structure, such an analysis will determine the presence of HPV in the body, but will not indicate its genotype.
  2. PCR test. Serves to determine the presence of viral units in the body, the test gives some error, therefore it is recommended in combination with other examinations.
  3. Digen test. Determines the presence of HPV and the number of active units in the body; it is considered one of the most modern methods for determining human papillomavirus 51 strain (HPV 51).

In addition to targeted HPV tests, you also need to undergo general blood and urine tests to exclude the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, tests to identify concomitant sexually transmitted diseases, and make smears for histological examinations. And if dysplasia is detected in a woman, a tissue biopsy is performed to determine the cause of the disorder and its connection with the virus.

Malignant formations will require additional consultation with an oncologist, and given the specifics of the disease, with an immunologist.

Important! Both sexual partners should be examined to avoid re-infection during the therapeutic period.

Treatment methods for papillomavirus type 51

Over the last decade, medicine has made a noticeable step forward, however, despite the high level of development, a method for completely eliminating human papillomavirus 51 strains from the body has not yet been worked out. If unfavorable symptoms of an activated pathogen appear, symptomatic treatment will be prescribed, that is, the doctor will remove the signs, and not the cause of the disease itself. Symptomatic therapy has two directions - medication and surgery. In the first case, inflammatory processes will be relieved with the help of medications, and an antiviral effect will also be provided. And in the second, the external manifestations of the disease are eliminated. The treatment follows an integrated approach: the body is prepared to cut off the growths, then the tumors are removed, and further therapy will be aimed at postoperative recovery and maintaining a high level of immunity.

Drug therapy for HPV 51 strains

The photo shows drugs for the treatment of HPV type 51

In the treatment of human papillomavirus type 51 in women and men, the following medications are used:

  1. To combat the virus in its active stage. Groprinosin or Neoprinosin are most often prescribed. The products are available at any pharmacy, the price is from 600 hryvnia in Ukraine, 1500 rubles in Russia.
  2. To stimulate the body's protective functions. Cycloferon or its analogue Amiksin is used. The price of drugs starts from 120 hryvnia in Ukrainian pharmacies and 300 rubles in Russian ones. In difficult situations, highly specialized immunostimulants, such as Allokin-Alpha, may be recommended; the cost of the medication reaches 2,000 hryvnia (7,500 rubles).
  3. Synthetic interferons to help the immune system function. The choice is usually made in favor of Viferon or its analog Introbion. The cost of such drugs is also low - from 100 hryvnia (300 rubles.)
Methods of conservative therapy include not only drug treatment, but also changes in diet, sleep and rest, avoidance of stress and overwork.

Surgical intervention for type 51 papillomas

The photo shows the process of removing papillomas on a woman’s genitals

The papillomavirus type 51 in women and men in the active stage causes not only physical but also psychological discomfort, not to mention the risk of damage to growths in everyday life or during sexual intercourse. In this case, surgery to remove the growths will be indicated.

Destruction can be carried out in the following ways:

  1. Electric shock. Targeted removal of tumors is quite painful, but effective. The operation costs only 300 hryvnia or 700 rubles, but a recovery period will be required in the future.
  2. Laser. In contrast to the first type of operation, this method is practically painless, does not require long-term rehabilitation, with a minimal risk of bleeding, but is also more expensive - from 600 hryvnia, 2000 rubles per procedure.
  3. Radio frequency waves. The operation is quite unpleasant, but it allows you to accurately remove destructive cells without affecting healthy ones. The price for the procedure for removing papillomas for type 51 virus is from 350 hryvnia (1000 rubles), excluding additional local anesthesia.
  4. Liquid nitrogen. The method is effective, as it removes even the deep layers of affected cells, but does not have a targeted effect, that is, it can also affect healthy nearby tissues. The cost of the procedure is low - 300 hryvnia in Ukraine, 900 rubles in Russia.

Large accumulations of formations in men and women will be removed classical surgical way. The cost of the operation is calculated individually in each case.

Note! Removing the external manifestations of human papillomavirus 51 strains does not eliminate the problem as a whole. To avoid relapses, you will need to carefully take care of your health in the future.
  1. Read also about folk remedies for papillomas on the cervix

Real reviews about the treatment of HPV type 51

Symptoms of papillomavirus type 51 should never be ignored. Even the most harmless manifestations can lead to serious and irreversible consequences. There are many options for getting rid of this disease described on the Internet, but do not forget that only a specialist will be able to correctly assess your condition and make the necessary prescriptions. In order to make your own assessment of some methods and have an idea of ​​​​the effectiveness of treatment, it will not be amiss to read the comments of people who have already taken a course of medication against this unpleasant pathology. We bring to your attention several reviews about the treatment of human papillomavirus type 51:

Tatyana, 32 years old

She was treated with antiviral drugs and had papillomas removed with electric current. The procedure is unpleasant, but quite tolerable. As the doctor explained to me, after this type of destruction there is very rarely a relapse. I can say that the disease is very unpleasant, not only externally, but also causes a lot of physical discomfort, especially complications affecting sex life. After treatment I feel great, it’s better not to delay it, and if there is the slightest suspicion of human papillomavirus type 51, consult a doctor. Timely treatment will help get rid of many unwanted problems.

Anastasia, 29 years old

My husband had this virus, and so it was transmitted to me. Papillomas have already been removed several times. Knowing what the consequences may be, I try to be more attentive to all manifestations of the disease. The first removal of growths was done using nitrogen, the second - laser, it seemed to me that the latter method was more effective, because... So far there have been no new formations. In principle, the treatment itself is not that complicated, the main thing is not to let the disease progress, because the consequences can be fatal.

Timur, 40 years old

I developed growths in the scrotum area, I was wildly scared, I thought it was some kind of fungus or wart. I went to the hospital, where they forced me to take a virus test. As it turns out, I have human papillomavirus type 51. Like thunder from a clear sky. I didn't think it could be so dangerous. The treatment lasted more than six months, I took various tests, underwent drug treatment, and also had the growths removed surgically. The operation is painful because the affected area is sensitive, but I was ready to agree to something less than that, just to get rid of such manifestations. Now small scars are visible, the overall aesthetic appearance suits me quite well.

What is the danger of the human papillomavirus - watch the video:

Human papillomavirus type 51 is a dangerous strain that can affect both men and women, but its presence in the body is not a final verdict. Following all precautions and doctor’s recommendations, after therapy the patient can return to a normal, full life.

  1. Related article: The benefits of traditional medicine in the fight against papillomas