Kidney stone treatment

Now we will mention here the treatment measures used specifically for the kidneys, as well as the ones they have in common with bladder stones, and then we will devote a separate paragraph to bladder stones and list individual and special treatment measures.

The goals that doctors strive for when treating stones are: stopping the formation of their matter, preventing the formation of stones by eliminating the cause and correcting it, and then crushing and crushing the stones, tearing them off and removing them from the place where they hang, with the help of drugs that produce such an action, after which they are expelled gently and gradually. This is done with diuretic drugs or through outside help. Then measures are taken to calm the pain accompanying such effects and eliminate the resulting ulcers. Some people try to remove stones through a cut in the side or back, but this is a terribly dangerous task, performed only by a person devoid of reason.

As for the cessation of the formation of stone matter, it is prepared first by emptying - either by laxation or vomiting, then by abstaining from rough food and cloudy drinks, after which the nature of the food taken is balanced, the stomach is strengthened, digestion is improved, moderate physical exercise is prescribed for a lean stomach and rubbing when the waist is tightly pulled, and also soften the nature in order to deflect thick juices in the direction of the movement of feces and so that the feces do not put pressure on the kidney and do not clog it. One of the useful means for this is the constant expulsion of urine with diuretic seeds washing the bladder; In this case, a decoction of chickpeas, artichoke juice, an infusion of radish leaves and the radish itself, especially thin and fresh, work well; when several days have passed, some strong diuretic is used.

As for children, the formation of stones in them is sometimes prevented by giving thin, diluted white wine to drink, and sometimes they benefit from moderately acting enemas, which remove the feces and soften the nature. They also help by the action of the stone medicines they contain and send their power to the kidneys at close range. One of the means to prevent the formation of stones is vomiting after eating, which should be resorted to more often. This drives the excess along the opposite path to the one it takes to the kidneys, leaving the kidney area clean. With the help of baths and baths, it is sometimes possible to make the stones slide out of their place, and sometimes this draws the juices to the outer integuments of the body and diverts them from the kidneys, but frequent use of baths weakens the strength of the kidney, just like administering them at a time when there is no need to soften nature or soothe pain, because baths, relaxing the kidneys, make them receptive to the juices pouring into them. Lying on your back is one of the remedies that are helpful for kidney stones.