A simulator for skiers to practice skiing and cross-country skiing.

We have already talked about some of the devices from the skiers' arsenal in our previous articles in this section. The time has come to introduce you to some more devices that are widely used by coaches and their students in this sports discipline. Every ski simulator, from those discussed in this article, will help polish your technique and improve your indicators. Whether it's fast skiing or calm skiing, the acquired skills will give you a serious head start compared to your competitors.

  1. Training device for sprint skiers.
  2. Training device for cross-country skiers.
  3. A training device for simulating skiing.

Training device for sprint skiers.

The device provides optimal options for reproducing conditions cross-country skiing. Working on the device helps develop the physical qualities of a ski racer (strength, speed and strength capabilities, endurance) (authors L. Lobach, Yu. Ippolitov).

The device (Fig. 1) includes: two support posts 1, connected at the top by a crossbar 4. These posts in the upper part have support platforms 2, on which ball bearings 3 are mounted. An axle 5 is inserted into the ball bearings. Two guide rods are welded to the axle. A crossbar moves along the bars, at the ends of which rotating rollers 7 are attached. Four spacer pipes 9 are hingedly attached to the crossbar, supporting on one side a bar 6 with a safety belt attached to it, and on the other a bar with a load 12 moving on it. To the racks two movable rods are attached - backstage 8, which are pivotally connected to the movable platform. The slides engage the rollers, which ensures the movement of the platform 10, which moves back forward along the guides 11.

The athlete, moving forward and upward, lifts through the fastening of the safety belt barbell and sets in motion the entire structure, including platform. Performing simulated movements, the athlete pushes off from the platform in conditions very close to the conditions of natural repulsion. Features of working with the device include the fact that, based on changes in the weight of the load, you can create new conditions for performing exercises, changing the amplitude and frequency of movements, reducing or increasing the speed of repulsion.

The device is intended to develop strength endurance skiers.

The installation (Fig. 2) consists of two separate metal bases (2/3 covered with a pencil case), ending at the top and bottom with two pairs of elastic plates, as well as a shuttle with rubber rollers connected by a cable through a movable block with a dynamometer, a movable board with screws regulating resistance.

Device details: handle 1; movable block 2; scale 3; dynamometer indicator 4; dynamometer 5; cable 6; guides 7. The length of the simulator reaches 116 cm, which allows you to move your hand within 0.4...0.7 s.

Holding the handle, the athlete makes a movement from top to bottom and back. A person with a certain resistance moves upward. Having reached the upper part of the body, the shuttle is pushed inward with the help of elastic plates and falls down under the influence of gravity (the handle moves freely from the rearmost position to the frontmost position). At the bottom, elastic plates push the shuttle onto the surface of the body, and it again finds itself between the body and the pressure board. The traction force is the same throughout the entire amplitude of arm movement.

A training device for simulating skiing.

The device is intended for training skiers in artificially created conditions with imitation of skiing moves.

The installation (Fig. 3) consists of a frame 1, on which two rotating rollers 2, 5 each rest. A closed flexible belt 4 goes around the rollers. The skier's foot rests on plate 3 of the device. The movement of the leg on the belt is transmitted by the links of the device. The resistance to belt movement is varied by an adjustable brake. The drive, located     between the brake and the belt, allows the belt to move in one direction. A stopper placed on the frame limits the movement of the plate.

Well, and finally, for all fans of snowboarding or skiing, we want to give good advice: continue reading our section - we have a lot more interesting things in store for you, including useful information about almost all winter sports.

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