Muscle Sternocleidomastoid (Sternomastoid Muscle, Stemocleidomastoid Muscle)

The sternocleidomastoid muscle (lat. Musculus sternocleidomastoideus) is one of the muscles of the neck. It is located in the anterior region of the neck (anterior scalene muscle), starts from the clavicle and the manubrium of the sternoclavicular joint, attaches to the lateral surface and upper part of the mastoid process of the temporal bone, as well as to the superior nuchal line of the occipital bone.

With unilateral contraction, the muscle tilts the head in its direction. During bilateral contraction, it tilts the head back, promoting tilting of the head.

The sternocleidomastoid muscle (lat. Musculus sternocleidomastoideus) is a long superficial muscle of the human neck, which is located in the lateral region of the neck. It starts from the manubrium of the sternum, clavicle and mastoid process of the temporal bone and attaches to the zygomatic bone, sphenoid bone and mastoid process.

The muscle consists of two heads: anterior and posterior. The anterior head begins from the manubrium of the sternum and clavicle, and the posterior head begins from the mastoid processes of the temporal bones. Both heads are connected to each other and attached to the zygomatic, sphenoid and mastoid bones.

The function of the muscle is to tilt the head forward, backward, right and left, as well as to throw the head back. With unilateral contraction of the muscle, the head tilts in the direction of the muscle action, and with bilateral contraction, the head tilts back.

In addition, the sternocleidomastoid muscle is involved in the formation of neck muscles, such as the scalene muscles, and is involved in regulating breathing.

This muscle is often used as a neck extensor muscle in various neck and body exercises.

Muscles are the main components of the human body. They perform various functions related to movement and stabilization, and also participate in metabolism and maintaining the functioning of the body as a whole. One of these muscles is the Sternomastoid or Sternocravomastoid, located on the side of the neck.

The sternocoracoid (stemocleido mastoid) belongs to the group of long superficial muscles, located along the lateral surface of the chest, to the line of retreat of the trapezius muscle. Formed between the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles. In case of neck injuries, it is one of the most affected areas. Thanks to