Panavir-gel for papillomas and warts: price, reviews, instructions

Gel Panavir

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition
  2. The benefits of Panavir gel for papillomas
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Contraindications
  5. Results of using Panavir
  6. Reviews about the treatment of papillomas

Gel "Panavir" is a drug for the treatment of epidermal tumors caused by viruses, including HPV. The persistent positive effect of using the product is based on the virusostatic effect. The gel neutralizes the replication and various reactions of viruses, suppressing the production of viral DNA in infected epidermal cells.

Description and composition of the gel "Panavir"

Gel Panavir for removing papillomas

In the photo Panavir gel for papillomas and warts

Panavir is a line of pharmaceutical drugs produced by a Russian company. It consists of an injection solution, suppositories, paste, spray, gel, which destroy the structure of viruses and prevent them from causing mutations in cells.

According to the instructions for Panavir-gel, indications for its use are diseases of the mucous membrane and epidermis, which were caused by the development of the herpes virus. The drug is also used in the complex treatment of tumors in the genital area caused by HPV. The use of the gel is recommended after laser excision of genital warts as a means of neutralizing the virus and accelerating tissue recovery.

Panavir-gel contains the following components:

  1. Solanum tuberosum extract. It is a purified extract of potato stems, which is a hexose glycoside. It causes the body to produce interferons that actively resist viruses, not only killing existing ones, but also protecting against attacks from new ones coming from outside. The compound is not toxic, does not cause cell mutation, and does not contain carcinogens or allergenic components.
  2. Lantana nitrate. This substance is inorganic and is a salt of the metal lanthanum and nitric acid. It is represented by white crystals that have good solubility in water and have strong hygroscopicity, which is why they often form crystalline hydrate.
  3. Sodium hydroxide. This substance is an alkali, also called caustic soda or caustic soda. It is a white, hygroscopic, odorless crystal. In pharmacological preparations, this compound is needed for its anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Glycerol. It is a thick, transparent liquid that is formed during the chemical processing of fats. Glycerin has high hygroscopicity and is highly soluble in water. In all products used on the epidermis, it is used to moisturize and soften the skin, and also as a base in which the active ingredients are dissolved.
  5. Purified water. Transparent liquid that has undergone an advanced cleaning procedure. Needed in dermatological preparations to balance the dosage of the drug, mix substances and prevent drying of the skin.
  6. Ethanol. Monohydric alcohol, represented by a volatile, flammable, colorless, transparent liquid. In pharmacology, its disinfectant properties are used. Find out what types of alcohol exist for cauterizing papillomas.

The drug is presented as a white gel with a slight specific odor. Available in volumes of 3 g and 30 g, packaged in tubes, packed in cardboard boxes with instructions.

The price of Panavir gel is from 149 rubles for 3 g and 824 rubles for 30 g in Russia (from 135 hryvnia for 3 g in Ukraine, not sold in other packaging).

Analogues of Panavir-gel are the gels Clareol, Antipapillom and Dermavit. They do not repeat the composition of the drug, but are similar in the mechanism of action.
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The benefits of Panavir gel for papillomas

What does Panavir gel look like?

Despite the fact that the main active ingredient is a product of natural origin, the product may be aggressive for hypersensitive skin, since it also contains alkali and alcohol.

Let's consider how the use of Panavir-gel affects the epidermis:

  1. Suppresses viruses. This effect is based on inhibition of viral protein synthesis, blocking the virus from entering cells and neutralizing the process of its reproduction.
  2. Conducts immunomodulation. The substances that make up the drug trigger the synthesis of interferon, which fights infection and prevents new infections.
  3. Exfoliates papilloma. Active processes occurring in the epidermis after using this product lead to a gradual painless detachment of the neoplasm.
  4. Stops the inflammatory process. Activated immune proteins enter the site of inflammation, resulting in the destruction of pathogenic pathogens.
  5. Improves tissue regeneration. This leads to an acceleration of the healing process after detachment of the neoplasm, and also prevents the formation of wounds and scars in the areas where Panavir gel is applied for warts.
  6. Anesthetizes the area of ​​application. The substances in the drug have an analgesic effect, thereby achieving an analgesic effect.
  7. Reduces itching. The analgesic effect described above also helps to achieve a reduction in itching in the area where the drug is used.

Instructions for use of Panavir-gel for papillomas

Application of Panavir to papilloma

The photo shows how to use Panavir gel for papillomas on the lips

The specificity of this gel is that, unlike many similar drugs, it is approved for use not only on the skin, but also on mucous membranes. Used externally and intravaginally.

Instructions for use Panavir gel:

  1. If you are treating neoplasms with significant keratinization, first remove them by steaming, cutting with nail scissors, a sanding file or pumice.
  2. Additional protection of the epidermis around the treated area is not necessary.
  3. Remove the tube of cream from the cardboard box, read the instructions carefully, remove the cap and begin processing.
  4. Apply the drug to the neoplasm in a thin layer.
  5. Leave until absorbed, do not massage or rub in the product.

The gel is applied twice a day. Treatment should begin 5 days before laser removal of condylomas and continue for another 10 days after the procedure.

Intravaginally for HPV, Panavir-gel is injected into the vagina and distributed along the inner walls. Treatments are continued until clinical manifestations disappear.
  1. Read also how to use Clareol gel for papillomas

Contraindications to the use of Panavir gel for papillomas


Despite the fact that the product is of plant origin, this drug has contraindications.

The product should not be used in patients who:

  1. Hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug. It is also necessary to use the product with extreme caution for those who are predisposed to any type of allergy - seasonal, to medications, detergents, household chemicals.
  2. Age up to 18 years. This is due to the structural features of children's skin and possible side effects.

Panavir-gel can be used during pregnancy only under the strict supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist. When treating during lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped during therapy.

Like any other drug for papillomas, Panavir-gel should be used only after you are sure that it is a papilloma and not a malignant neoplasm. Only a doctor can give a conclusion that the growth cannot degenerate into cancer and authorize therapy with this remedy.

Its use in ophthalmology, on nevi, moles, and with concomitant dermatological diseases of unknown etiology is prohibited.

Note! The use of Panavir gel can lead to a minor short-term side effect - redness and itching, which disappear quickly and do not require additional therapy.
  1. Read also: contraindications to the use of Antipapilloma

Results of using Panavir for papillomas

Result of wart removal with Panavir-gel

The photo shows the result of wart removal using Panavir-gel

The effectiveness of the gel directly depends on how quickly you started treatment. You need to start applications as soon as you feel itching, excess pressure on the epidermis, or notice a lump on the body.

Speaking about the effectiveness of Panavir-gel against manifestations of herpes, therapy takes an average of 4-5 days, with a protracted illness, clinical manifestations disappear after 10 days. A little more than 2 weeks will be needed for tissue regeneration after laser destruction of genital warts.

According to reviews of Panavir-gel for papillomas, condylomas and warts, it will take a little longer to remove these tumors. It will take about a week to fight small, fresh growths; to remove an old wart, it will take from a week to a month. However, in this case, patients are advised to use the drug in 10-day courses with an interval of 5-7 days between them.

  1. Read what oil can remove papilloma

Real reviews about the treatment of papillomas with Panavir-gel

Real reviews about the treatment of papillomas with Panavir-gel

Panavir-gel has quite a lot of reviews. They are found both on specialized sites where medications are evaluated by patients and doctors, and on many forums, mainly for women. Reviews are generally positive. Patients note not only the fact of the positive effect, but also the fact that it is possible to achieve the desired result with the help of this drug much faster than with treatment with other means. And this despite the fact that the instructions do not provide for monotherapy with Panavir-gel; it is recommended to use it in combination.

Olga, 25 years old

My acquaintance with the drug began with the removal of herpes on the upper lip. Mom advised me to buy Panavir-gel, since the other two products did not produce results. He removed the herpes, which was 4 days old, in a couple of days. And fresh in just half a day. But something else pleased me more. I had a flat wart next to my lip. The place is such that I could not choose a means to remove it. I was afraid to use laser, cryofreezing, or chemical acids, because I was afraid that a scar or scar would remain. But lighter drugs did not give any effect. And so, when I was treating herpes, I partially lubricated the wart. Not on purpose, but simply touched it with gel when treating the lip. And so, I saw that after 4 days it began to decrease. Initially it was a little darker than the skin in this area, but after the gel the color evened out and it began to shrink. I read reviews about Panavir-gel for papillomas and found that people praise this drug in the treatment of growths from papillomavirus. Therefore, after the herpes went away, I continued treating the wart, and by the tenth day it completely disappeared. My joy knew no bounds. Then I used the same product to remove several filamentous papillomas on my neck. They were gone in less than a week. I was warily expecting them to grow again, but this did not happen. And all because the gel removed the virus not only at the site of the tumor, but caused the body to produce substances that fight HPV in general. Therefore, I am very grateful to the product and, of course, recommend it for use not only against herpes, but also against papillomas.

Vladimir, 36 years old

After a whirlwind holiday abroad, I returned home with a whole bunch of pleasant surprises. Not only did I contract genital herpes, but also genital warts appeared on the skin near the head of the penis. All this hurt and itched, making life impossible. I read a lot of different information about how to treat these diseases. I finally got confused in a huge number of drugs and therefore decided to see a doctor. The doctor recommended purchasing a spray drug to solve these problems. But it was not available in the pharmacy. The pharmacist assured that Panavir intimate gel will solve the problem no worse than a spray, and at the same time will help cope with herpes, since the entire series consists of antiviral and immunomodulatory agents. I decided to try it. Already at home, I found out in the instructions that before applying to condylomas, they had to be removed with a laser. Of course, I didn’t intend to do this, and pharmaceutical drugs cannot be exchanged or returned, so I started using the gel. I did not have the opportunity to apply the drug often, so I did it twice a day - morning and evening. Panavir-gel removed condylomas in just a few days. They were still very small, only in the very beginning stages of growth. Genital herpes went away in 2 weeks. I liked the fact that the product is not sticky and does not have a strong smell, like many others. Well, then, it seems to me that using a gel is less expensive, since, according to personal observations, everything in a spray always ends much faster. I'm pleased with the result, I recommend the product.

Elena Vladimirovna, 62 years old

Last winter I suffered from the flu and for a very long time I could not cope with the consequences of this disease. He developed a complication in his heart, and all his chronic ailments came out. And my whole body was covered with papillomas. At first they were very small, light, then they stretched out like threads and gradually darkened. Considering that quite a lot of money was spent on treatment and the recovery period, and the body took a huge number of pills, I decided to remove papillomas using folk remedies. I tried using garlic, tea, celandine, and frankly speaking, I even resorted to using urine. But this had no effect. I think because the body was in a weakened state. Then I started looking for herbal preparations. And I came across information about antiviral gel. The price of Panavir-gel in Moscow turned out to be very affordable, which made me happy, and I purchased it. I was upset when I didn’t find papillomas in the annotation. But there was nowhere to go. In general, it was convenient to use, but it had a slightly liquid consistency and sometimes spread a lot. However, it still did not cause me any discomfort. The small papillomas were gone within a week. Those that were already too big went away in 2 to 3 weeks. There were no side effects or allergies during the treatment, although I am allergic and treat medications very carefully. But he did not overcome the splint on his leg. It decreased a little, but did not go away completely. She had to be cleaned out with Super Cleaner. It caused a burn. And now Panavir coped well with the burn. The wound healed quickly, leaving no trace.

Video on how to use Panavir-gel:

Panavir-gel for papillomas is a modern Russian antiviral drug that shows good results in the fight against epidermal tumors caused by HPV. Among the advantages of this product: high efficiency, ease of use, affordable price, the ability to use against manifestations of other types of viruses.

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