Papilloma between the toes: symptoms and treatment

Papilloma between the toes

The content of the article:
  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. What do papillomas between the toes look like?
  3. Treatment options
    1. Medicines
    2. Folk remedies
    3. Removal of papilloma

Papilloma between the toes is a small benign neoplasm that affects people of different ages and genders. In this place it is localized less often than in other parts of the body, but it still occurs here. Its appearance does not pose a particular threat to health.

Causes of papillomas between the toes

HPV 3d model

The process of papilloma formation in this area is triggered by a virus of the same name. Growths appear after it enters the human body and is activated under the influence of various factors. The risk of HPV infection occurs in case of tissue damage, during unprotected sexual contact, during a handshake, or when using the patient’s belongings.

The closer the connection with the carrier, the greater the chance of papilloma appearing between the toes, and especially children, the elderly, and pregnant women should be prudent. The likelihood of the virus entering the body increases during childbirth and in humid conditions in which it thrives. Therefore, the risk group includes lovers of saunas, baths, swimming in pools or reservoirs.

The papilloma virus goes through several stages of its development. At the very beginning it is not dangerous, but as it progresses, its negative impact on the body increases. As a result, the immune system cannot cope with this activity, allowing HPV to trigger the formation of growths, including between the toes.

Here are the reasons that contribute to the formation of papilloma between the toes:

  1. Avitaminosis. Problems arise with an acute deficiency of vital substances - ascorbic and folic acid, vitamin B12, iron, zinc and potassium. Their deficiency leads to the development of persistent immunodeficiency and pronounced anemia, reducing the degree of protection of epithelial cells. Vitamin deficiency is a consequence of an unhealthy diet that is poor in the substances listed above. This applies to people who do not like raw fruits and vegetables, berries and herbs.
  2. Gastroenterological diseases. First of all, the cause of the formation of papilloma between the toes may be gastritis or colitis, which prevent beneficial substances from being absorbed and absorbed in the volumes necessary for the body. As a result, problems with hemoglobin and immunity appear, which negatively affect the ability to resist viruses. For the same reason, people with stomach or duodenal ulcers should be attentive to themselves.
  3. Otolaryngological diseases. The risk of papilloma appearing between the toes is in those who suffer from laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis and other similar pathologies of viral origin. This can be explained by the ability of the infectious agent that caused it to suppress the immune system.
  4. Chronic stress. Nervous shocks, emotional stress, rare physical and moral rest - all this contributes to papillomas between the toes. The likelihood of this is even higher for people whose work involves mental work. It’s not easy for members of unfriendly teams in which scandals constantly break out. Misunderstanding on the part of the family - parents, spouse, children, etc. - also leaves a serious imprint.
  5. Treatment with antibiotics. These drugs are harmful because in a short time they destroy not only the pathogenic intestinal microflora, but also the beneficial ones. The necessary bacteria, dying, can no longer properly protect the body from damage by the virus, and it, freely penetrating into them, destroys the cells. As a result, optimal soil is created for the formation of papilloma between the toes. In this case, only long-term such therapy for more than 3-4 weeks can cause harm.
The list of other reasons for the appearance of papilloma between the toes can include chronic lack of sleep, low physical activity, ignoring the rules of personal hygiene, the use of low-quality care products, high blood cholesterol and excess weight.
  1. See also the causes of papillomas in men

What do papillomas between the toes look like?

What do papillomas between the toes look like?

Photo of papillomas between the toes

A papilloma between the toes resembles a wart or mole. It most often has a round shape, but with not clearly defined edges. Its surface is porous, uneven, and its color is dirty beige, deep pink or bright beige. The size of the formation is usually 0.2-0.5 cm.

In most cases, the growth does not have a “leg”, but fits tightly to the skin. Genital warts are extremely rare here.

There is usually only one papilloma growing between the toes, only sometimes several are localized here. They can appear near absolutely any of them - thumb, index, middle, ring or little finger. In some cases, the growth extends beyond the interdigital space and spreads to the foot.

Being in an uncomfortable place, the papilloma between the toes makes itself known by itching and irritation of the skin, as a result of which you want to scratch it. This may be followed by redness of the tissues due to a violation of their integrity and infection in the wounds. As a result, the virus will spread faster throughout the body and will certainly appear in other areas.

Important! If the papilloma is scratched, ulcers may form, in place of which, after healing, small scars remain.

Methods for treating papilloma between the toes

The basis of therapy consists of medications for oral administration, external agents for treating formations and traditional methods. In the absence of the desired effect from such treatment of papillomas between the toes, it becomes relevant to perform various physiotherapeutic procedures. But before this, it is necessary to examine the growth for benignity by doing a biopsy; you should also determine the type of virus that caused its appearance and find out the degree of its oncogenicity.

Medicines for papilloma between the toes

Medicines for papilloma between the toes

The photo shows drugs for the treatment of papillomas between the toes

This treatment involves the use of external agents and medications. They may well and should even be combined within one course of therapy.

Here's what exactly we're talking about:

  1. External means. They are used to dry out the formation, form a crust on it and remove it independently. Here we can recommend several good solutions - Condilin (1200 rubles), Verrukacid (500 rubles) or CryoPharma. These products must be applied in the form of applications or used to wipe the papilloma 2-5 times a day. It is also worth paying attention to ointments - Oxolinic, Zinc, Vishnevsky. Of the creams for the treatment of papillomas between the toes, Aldara, which costs about 2,800 rubles, showed good results. (1300 UAH). In addition to this or as an independent remedy, you can use Ferezol spray (40 rubles), which just needs to be treated with the growth once within an hour.
  2. Preparations for oral administration. To suppress the activity of the virus, it is necessary to take a course of antiviral medications. During therapy, you can take fairly effective Likopid tablets, which cost 600 rubles. (250 UAH). They have a good analogue - Immunal, which you need to take 1-3 tablets per day. As an option, we can offer Kagocel for the treatment of papillomas between the toes; it costs 500 rubles. (200 UAH), they should be treated for 4-5 days. It is also recommended to take immunomodulatory drugs for 2-4 weeks, among which Lymphomyosot on a natural basis is very popular. It should be consumed 20-40 drops per day, washed down with water or dissolved in it. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to take some vitamins - for example, Perfectil, Vitrum or Alphabet.
  3. Solutions for injections. Novocaine injections, which are given in the area between the fingers, are considered very effective. The drug is administered subcutaneously at intervals of 1 time every 3 days, and it costs about 25 rubles. (12 UAH). Fosprenil can adequately replace it, although it was originally intended for animals. In the treatment of papilloma between the toes, Derinat based on sodium deoxyribonucleate is also actively used. In one course, 3-7 injections are given with a break of 1-3 days.
Note! Injection solutions themselves are not very effective in combating the external manifestations of HPV; they must be combined with tablets and external agents.
  1. See also medications for the treatment of papilloma on the toe

Folk remedies against papillomas between the toes

Coconut oil for papillomas between toes

This method of eliminating formations involves solving the problem with the help of natural remedies - plant juices, oils, infusions, decoctions and tinctures. All this may well alternate or complement each other. Within one course, it is quite enough to use 2-3 compositions for oral administration and 1-2 for external use to treat papillomas between the toes. The result can follow immediately after the first procedure or several weeks after the end of therapy.

Here are recipes that will help eliminate papilloma between the toes:

  1. Juices. The most effective of them is considered to be potato, which perfectly cleanses the skin, including papillomas. They need to wipe the growths 2-5 times a day or use it as part of compresses, which need to be kept on the formation for about 30 minutes. The same principle applies to other, no less healthy juices - lemon, aloe, celandine, garlic and onion. Treatment may take 2-3 weeks. You can mix these remedies for papilloma between your toes at your discretion in equal volumes, but you should not combine more than 2-3 juices.
  2. Oils. Sea buckthorn, castor, lavender, coconut, and fir oils have performed well. It must be cheese-pressed, otherwise the desired effect will not follow. It is also allowed to use essential oils, for example, lemon, celandine, aloe. You can soak a cotton pad or gauze in them and apply them to the formation, leaving for 20-30 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure every day until the formation dries, a crust appears and the growth is removed. You can mix several products in one composition, but you should not combine more than 2-3 items. You can also simply wipe the papilloma between the toes with the prepared mixture 5 times a day, wiping the skin with a clean napkin after that.
  3. Infusions. Such products, depending on the recipe, can be taken either internally or used externally. To prepare one of them, chop nettle (1 tsp), dandelion flowers (100 g) and 3 plantain leaves. Combine these 3 components and add warm water (1 liter) to them, then boil the mixture and keep it on low heat for about 10 minutes. Next, filter the composition, throw away the pulp, and drink the liquid 30 ml per day once. The same product can be used for applications; the compress should be kept on the growth for no more than 15 minutes.
Important! Any of the proposed remedies for papilloma between the toes should be prepared immediately before use, as it quickly runs out of steam. Also, before this, you should test the composition: apply it in a small amount on your wrist to rule out allergies.
  1. Read also about the use of pure camphor oil for papillomas

Removal of papilloma between the toes

Laser removal of papillomas between the toes

If it is not possible to remove papilloma with the help of folk remedies and medications, then a physiotherapeutic procedure would be completely justified. This is a minimally invasive way to eliminate the formation, which does not require the patient to be hospitalized and undergo long-term recovery.

Here are the procedures you can choose from:

  1. Cryodestruction. The procedure begins with cleansing the skin, which should also be dry. Then liquid nitrogen is applied to the papilloma between the toes, leaving it there for some time to act. At this time, under the influence of low temperatures, the epithelial cells in the area of ​​the growth are destroyed, its structure changes, and after a few days or weeks it is removed on its own. This usually requires one session, which can last up to 40 minutes. The price of cryodestruction is 360 rubles (150 hryvnia).
  2. Electrocoagulation. At the beginning of the procedure, the skin is cleaned of impurities and wiped dry. Then a low-frequency electric current conductor is brought to the papilloma between the toes and, holding it at a slight angle, the formation is cauterized for several minutes. The session lasts no longer than half an hour, after its completion you can immediately go home. The price of electrocoagulation reaches 590 rubles (250 hryvnia).
  3. Laser surgery. This is one of the safest methods of removing papilloma, which requires exposure to the formation of a heat ray of varying intensity. Penetrating to a depth of 3 cm, it warms up the tissue and destroys the growth along with the root. As a result, it becomes weaker and eventually goes away on its own. The price of laser therapy is 2900 rubles. (1300 UAH).
  4. Radiosurgical removal. To get rid of papilloma between the toes using this method, you need to use a radio knife. The effect is achieved through careful excision of the growth without affecting healthy tissue, which helps to avoid complications such as bleeding and prevent the appearance of a scar. The procedure requires local anesthesia and lasts about 30 minutes. The price of radiosurgical removal reaches 3,000 rubles (1,200 hryvnia).

Read also, what is better to remove papillomas - radio wave method or laser.

How to get rid of a wart on your toe - watch the video:


Treatment of papilloma between the toes should be started only after carefully drawing up a treatment plan, selecting effective remedies and testing them to exclude allergies. Physiotherapy should be resorted to only as a last resort, if no suitable methods have been found among other methods.

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