Papillomas on the face of a child: causes, symptoms and treatment

The content of the article:
  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. Symptoms of papillomas on the face of a child
  3. Treatment options
    1. Immunomodulators
    2. Antiviral drugs
    3. Vitamins
    4. External means
    5. ethnoscience
  4. How to remove papilloma on a child's face

Papilloma on the face of a child is a benign formation that occurs as a reaction of the body to the action of the papillomavirus. It can appear at any age, both in kindergarten and schoolchildren. Often children are already born with it as a result of infection from the mother while still in her womb. Such growths quite often form in the area of ​​the eyes, nose, ears, and lips.

Causes of papillomas on the face in children

Papillomas on a child’s face appear as a result of the development of the disease “papillomatosis.” Most often it occurs in them at a young age, although sometimes it occurs at school.

The reason for this is infection with a specific strain of papillomavirus. It can occur from a sick mother during the passage of the child through the birth canal or by contact. In the latter case, the infectious agent enters the body through close interaction with its carrier (kissing, hugging) or through the use of shared objects - toys, clothes, books, etc.

The papilloma virus can be transmitted between children in the pool, bathhouse, kindergarten, school, and sports sections. A fairly common route of entry here is through wounds or unwashed hands when eating. Since their body at this age is not yet strong enough to repel these attacks, it freely gets inside and provokes the appearance of formations on the body, including on the face.

The main reason for the appearance of papillomas on a child’s face is the activation of the virus, which is facilitated by the following factors:

  1. Stress. For children, it is a frequent companion in life, since they have to worry a lot about their studies, misunderstandings from others, and conflicts at school with peers and teachers. Constant depression exhausts the body, depriving it of strength and such important protection against the virus.
  2. Bad ecology. The situation is very acute in regions with a large number of coal mines, oil refineries, chemical and paint factories. It is also unfavorable in those places near which there are a large number of gas stations and nuclear power plants. The situation in the areas around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant remains especially alarming.
  3. Presence of parasites in the body. Children very often suffer from helminths, which is facilitated, in particular, by insufficient personal hygiene and contact with contaminated soil and animals. Other bacteria, fungi and infections weaken the health and protective barrier, leaving it open to HPV, which causes papillomas to appear on a child's face.
  4. Exacerbations in the functioning of the body. The appearance of such growths can be explained by disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory, nervous, and digestive systems. Children suffering from gastritis and colitis are especially susceptible to this, which often results in vitamin deficiency and weakened immunity.
  5. Allergy. We are talking about a reaction to dust, pet hair, any foods (most often red berries, eggs, milk). It also sometimes occurs as a result of wearing synthetic things and as a result of intolerance to a particular drug. Teething gels, various ointments to relieve irritation and redness of the skin, and diapers are especially dangerous for babies.
  6. Frequent ARVI. This is not one disease, but a whole group of them. They mean an acute inflammatory process in the respiratory organs, caused by pneumotropic viruses. It is accompanied by fever, discomfort in the throat, and mild nausea.
Note! To activate the pathogen and cause papillomas on a child’s face, any one factor is quite enough, but when they combine, the situation can get out of control and require the intervention of a pediatrician and dermatologist.

Find out why papillomas appear in newborns.

Symptoms of papillomas on the face of a child

The photo shows papillomas on the face of children

Such formations very quickly become noticeable due to their location. At first they usually appear in small numbers, but after scratching and in the absence of parental reaction, they often cover new areas on the face. They can be seen on the cheeks, forehead, near the nose, around the lips and even near the ears.

Papillomas on a child’s face can be either single or multiple. In the first case, they do not spoil the aesthetics of the appearance very much and most often do not cause discomfort. If we are talking about numerous growths, then the child may develop a complex, and sometimes other children mock this defect.

In children, both flat and hanging papillomas can form, growing on a stalk and slightly rising above the skin. Some formations of the first type can merge into entire spots. Both of them usually have a slightly pink color and stand out from the general background.

The diameter of one formation sometimes exceeds 0.5-1 cm, but they can also be smaller. The shape of papillomas on a child’s face is also different - there are round growths, with smooth edges, and vaguely defined ones, with a rough, rough surface, which can become even worse over time.

When a large number of papillomas appear, especially if they are pointed, the child quite often experiences a symptom such as itching. Because of this, he can be seen scratching the painful areas. As a result, a crust often forms on them, which over time begins to bleed. This serves as an additional factor in the spread of the human papillomavirus in the body and an increase in the number of growths on the body, including on the face.

  1. Read about other symptoms of papillomas in children in different parts of the body.

Methods for treating facial papillomas in children

Basically, doctors agree that there is no need to treat papilloma on a child’s face if there are single growths that do not interfere with life and do not spoil the child’s appearance. If the latter moments do occur, then first of all, experts recommend drug therapy at home under the supervision of a doctor. If it turns out to be ineffective, then the question arises about drastic measures - removal of the formations.

Immunomodulators for papillomas on a child’s face

In the photo, the drug Cycloferon for the treatment of papillomas on the face of a child and boosting immunity (price 370-550 rubles in the Russian Federation, depending on the dosage)

Before getting rid of papillomas on a child’s face, you need to consult a doctor. If this is required, it is necessary to conduct an examination - take a urine and blood test for hemoglobin and HPV. Only on the basis of the results obtained can a specific treatment regimen for children be drawn up.

First of all, powerful immunomodulators are prescribed for the treatment of facial papillomas in children. These include Tsitovir-3 in the form of syrup and capsules, but you need to choose one thing, since these drugs have almost the same effect. Liquid medicine is taken 2-12 ml per day, dividing this dose 3-5 times, and capsules - 1 piece. The minimum age for treatment is 1 year and 6 years, respectively.

Tsitovir-3 has an excellent analogue - Arbidol, which is available in capsules, tablets and in the form of a suspension for the preparation of a solution taken orally.

All this can be replaced or even supplemented for papillomas on a child’s face Cycloferon, which has not only immunomodulatory properties, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Its peculiarity is that it increases the body's resistance to the virus and suppresses its activity.

To strengthen your immune system, you can also drink Lymphomyosot, tincture of Echinacea purpurea or ginseng. These are completely natural homeopathic preparations that are not harmful to health at all.

Antiviral drugs for the treatment of facial papillomas in children

In the photo Ingavirin, 7 capsules - 430-470 rubles per pack

In addition to immunomodulators, it is required to undergo a 7-14-day course of anti-inflammatory drugs, among which Lycopid. It is prescribed to children over 3 years of age as part of complex therapy, taken for 10 days, 1 time per day under the tongue.

Instead, the doctor may suggest children's Anaferon, which is no less effective. One tablet is required per dose; they are taken for 4-12 months. For children under one year old, they should be dissolved in water.

For multiple papillomas on a child’s face, tablets help a lot "Kagocel", sold in 10 and 20 pcs. packaged. They are prescribed for both treatment and prevention of the disease over the age of 3 years. It is recommended to take 3-6 tablets per day for 4 days.

They may be replaced Ingavirin, which simultaneously strengthens the immune system and fights infection. The dose is chosen depending on the severity of the condition.

Vitamins for the treatment of papillomas on the face of a child

A person needs such drugs only if there is a deficiency of any vitamins or minerals. They are prescribed in a course 1-2 times a year. Drink these complexes for a month, less often - 2 weeks, otherwise you may not get the desired effect.

Among the vitamin-mineral complexes produced specifically for children, we can especially note "Vitrum Baby" American made. It is sold in 30 pcs. in the package, tablets should be taken one per day, chewed, without water. They are recommended for children aged 3-5 years. The price of Vitrum Baby packaging is 680-750 rubles.

For papillomas on the face of a child aged 3 to 7 years, these vitamins can be replaced with Alphabet "Kindergarten" (270-320 rub.).

Among such complexes, parents highly rate the tablets "Complivit asset for children and teenagers", which can be taken after 7 years, 1 tablet per day. One package, in which 30 pieces are sold, is just enough for a full course lasting a month. Price for Complivit-Active, tablets for children and adolescents, 60 pcs. - 190 rubles.

Chewable tablets can be recommended as a replacement. "Baby Raspberry-Strawberry" from Multi-Tabs, they are created specifically for children aged 1 to 4 years. The price for Multi-Tabs Baby Raspberry/Strawberry No. 30 chewable tablets is 430 rubles, and number No. 30 costs 670 rubles.

External remedies for papillomas on the face in children

In the photo, external remedies for papillomas on the face in children

Here it is worth paying special attention to gel "Viferon", which has an anti-inflammatory effect. It helps the immune system fight papillomas at all stages and protects healthy cells from infection. It can be used to treat formations without age restrictions. The price of Viferon gel is 180 rubles.

A replacement for Viferon could be solution "Verrukatsid" domestic production. It is used to treat papillomas on a child’s face 3-4 times a day, leaving the product on until the growth dries. This procedure is repeated for a week. The cost of the solution is 200 rubles.

If this does not bring the desired results, you can switch to an alternative Superclean solution, it is applied to the growths, 1 drop per day. The price at the pharmacy is 20-30 rubles.

To treat papillomas on a child’s face, Zinc and Oxolinic ointment, Ferezol, and Aldara cream can also be used. At older ages, after 14-15 years, careful use of Panavir gel is allowed. In addition to this, you can cauterize the formations with Feresol or CryoPharma, but these methods are relevant only when the growths are localized far from the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  1. Read how to use castor oil for papillomas

Traditional medicine against papillomas on a child’s face

At a younger age, this treatment option for facial papillomas in children should definitely be abandoned, as there is a possibility of developing allergies to various plant components.

Folk remedies help teenagers well. Formations can be lubricated lemon juiceusing a cotton pad, or treat them pulp of aloe or celandine. From all this it is possible to make a compress, which must be kept on the growths for 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day.

Good action shows onion gruel, for the preparation of which you only need to peel a few onions and grind them in a meat grinder. It is applied to the formations for 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed off. Read about other recipes with onions for papillomas.

Do the same with red rowan, potatoes and garlic. Treatment of papillomas on a child’s face should be carried out for at least 7 days.

It is also worth trying to lubricate the formations sea ​​buckthorn and castor oil, treat with soda solutions. Apple or table vinegar dries them well in the absence of redness and irritation, as well as boiled eggshells.

  1. Read also about treatment of papillomas with propolis: recipes and contraindications

How to remove papillomas on a child’s face?

If the papilloma on a child’s face is located in the eye area, then the best solution would be to remove it by electrocoagulation or laser therapy. Cryodestruction and radioknife are used rarely and with great caution.

All these methods are relevant only in the most extreme cases, when it is not possible to solve the problem with medications and folk remedies.

Electrocoagulation is a simple procedure for removing papillomas on a child’s face using high-frequency electric current. After it, the skin becomes covered with a small crust, but over time the latter turns pale and disappears. One session is usually enough to eliminate the formation; if pain relief is used within this method, it is only local. The price of electrocoagulation is 590 rubles (250 hryvnia).

Laser therapy is based on the impact of a beam of various lengths on the growth, heating the tissue and destroying the formation. This method does not cause pain or discomfort, does not require rehabilitation and is not hazardous to health. This operation is performed in a cosmetology or medical center, after which you can immediately go home. The price of laser therapy is 2900 rubles (from 1300 hryvnia).

How to get rid of warts in children - watch the video:

The appearance of single papillomas on a child’s face does not mean anything. Before you start doing anything, you need to find out the reasons that led to this and get all the necessary advice from your doctor. Contacting physiotherapists is a last resort, which should only be taken in the most desperate situation.

  1. Related article: Gel Dermavit for papillomas and warts