Papillomas under the arms: causes, symptoms and treatment

What do papillomas look like under the arm?

The content of the article:
  1. What do papillomas look like under the arm?
  2. Reasons for appearance
  3. How to get rid
    1. Medicines
    2. Folk remedies
  4. Removal of papillomas under the arm
    1. Laser
    2. Cryodestruction
    3. Other methods

Papillomas under the arms are benign formations that arise against the background of damage to the body by the human papillomavirus and unfavorable factors. This localization of growths complicates treatment, since increased sweating contributes to the spread of the affected area. More often, older people complain about the appearance of papillomas in these places.

What do papillomas look like under the arm?

Papillomas under the arms

In the photo there are papillomas under the arms

The formation of growths on the skin in the armpits signals that the human papillomavirus has entered the body, and even single tumors are a reason to consult a doctor.

The formations of this localization do not have any special distinctive features; they look the same as on other parts of the body. These can be single microscopic nodules on a thin stalk that match the color of the skin, or large growths consisting of many fused polyps. Papillomas under the armpit can be much darker than the skin, sometimes they are dark brown with a purple tint.

The formations themselves in this area leave mainly cosmetic discomfort, but if left untreated, the virus can spread to other areas of the skin, in particular to the face and neck.

Most often, papillomas under the armpit are discovered accidentally during hygiene procedures.
  1. See also the main types of papillomas on the body

Causes of papillomas under the arms

HPV 3d model

The main reason for the growth of papillomas in the armpits is the activation of HPV under the influence of negative factors associated with both the exacerbation of internal diseases and the aggressive influence of the external environment.

The following factors contribute to the development of the virus and, accordingly, the appearance of papillomas under the armpits:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the body of various etiologies;
  2. Uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs, including for the purpose of preventing unwanted pregnancy;
  3. Constant excessive physical activity, including too intense training in the gym;
  4. Neglect of personal hygiene rules;
  5. Diseases associated with changes in hormonal balance;
  6. Nervous tension, frequent stress and overwork;
  7. Promiscuous sexual contacts;
  8. Chronic alcoholism or frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  9. Using drugs or smoking a lot of cigarettes daily.
The reasons why papillomas appear under the arms can also be external: the virus can be activated under the influence of poor environmental conditions, excessively polluted air, swimming in reservoirs with water of questionable quality and other factors.

Even the appearance of a single polyp that does not cause much discomfort is a reason to consult a doctor.

How to get rid of papillomas under the arms?

Treatment of human papillomavirus is always carried out comprehensively: in addition to measures aimed at removing the external manifestations of the disease in various parts of the body, it is necessary to take antiviral and other drugs, the complex of which is determined by the attending physician based on the results of the examination. In addition, you can remove single papillomas in the armpit using folk recipes.

Medicines for the treatment of papillomas in the armpits

Medicines for the treatment of papillomas in the armpits

In the photo there are medical products for the treatment of papillomas under the arms

Since the disease is viral in nature, the main drug therapy is aimed at suppressing HPV and increasing the body’s resistance to negative influences.

In the treatment of papillomas under the arms, 3 main groups of drugs are used:

  1. antiviral agents, the action of which is aimed at minimizing the activity of HPV;
  2. drugs to enhance immunity based on purified Interferon, allowing the body to resist the negative effects of the virus;
  3. various topical agents for removing papillomas under the arms.

The most effective antiviral drugs for the treatment of HPV traditionally include:

  1. Isoprinosine. The drug has a dual effect: it has a suppressive effect on the human papillomavirus and significantly increases the body's resistance. Available in tablet form. The dosage is determined by the attending physician taking into account the patient's age, the degree of HPV activity and general health. The cost of the drug in pharmacies averages 600 rubles. per pack of 20 tablets with a dosage of 500 mg.
  2. Groprinosin. An analogue of Isoprinosine with a less aggressive effect on the body is produced by Gedeon Richter. The price of the drug is on average 1200 rubles. per pack of 50 tablets.
  3. Alpizarin. A herbal preparation, the main active ingredient of which is capable of destroying the DNA of the virus. Available in the form of tablets and ointments for external use. The ointment costs about 80 rubles, tablets No. 20 cost 180 rubles.

Other drugs are actively used Rimantadine, which is a good preventative against HPV infection.

Note! If there is no systematic approach to the treatment of papillomas under the arm, neoplasms will appear again and again.
  1. Read also about the benefits of Verrucacid for the treatment of papillomas

Folk remedies for removing papillomas under the arms

Garlic juice for the treatment of papillomas under the armpit

The problem of how to get rid of papillomas under the arms can be effectively solved with the help of traditional medicine. Many people prefer to use herbal extracts, tinctures and other dosage forms due to their availability and low cost. Most traditional medicine recipes are based on raw materials that you can collect yourself, buy at the market or at a pharmacy.

The most effective dosage form is a tincture with a high concentration of biologically active substances.

Folk remedies for armpit papillomas based on the following components show good results:

  1. Walnut. Green fruits that are still soft are used for the tincture. They need to be crushed with a blender or passed through a meat grinder and filled with kerosene. After 3 weeks the product will be ready. It must be applied daily to the growths in the morning and at night until they fall off.
  2. Thuja extract or oil. Thuja oil can be purchased at the pharmacy, and to prepare the extract, you can cut a small twig from the bush, chop it finely and leave it in alcohol for 2 weeks. The prepared tincture should be lubricated on the affected areas until the growths disappear.
  3. Ointment with celandine. Celandine juice has proven itself to be effective in removing papillomas under the arms, but this product is very aggressive and should be used very carefully. A self-prepared cream with crushed dried herbs has a more gentle effect on the skin; for its preparation it is better to use the most fatty cream, for example, Children's. The resulting product is applied to the affected areas in the form of a compress and left overnight.
  4. Garlic. Juice from several cloves of garlic is mixed with a rich cream and applied overnight as a compress until the formations disappear.
You can also use pure juice of some plants for compresses, for example, juice squeezed from the leaves and stems of wormwood, chopped horseradish, beets, and lemon.

Despite the fact that treatment of papillomas under the arms with alternative medicine methods gives good results, they can only be used after consultation with the attending physician, since they all have a number of contraindications, such as, say, the presence of the slightest damage to the skin in the areas where the polyps are located.

Any herbal component may have an individual intolerance, so before starting a course of treatment for papillomas under the arms, you need to do an allergy test. To do this, apply a couple of drops of the prepared tincture or cream to the inside of your wrist and wait a couple of hours. If no signs of irritation appear on the skin, the product can be used.

If papillomas under the arms have oncological causes and the treatment is determined by a specialized doctor, additional use of traditional recipes is strictly not recommended.

Products based on medicinal plants can only be effective in combination with other treatment methods, which are determined by the attending physician based on a comprehensive examination.

  1. See also recipes for folk remedies for removing papillomas

Removal of papillomas under the arm

Modern medicine offers several ways to get rid of papillomas under the arms. Laser removal and cryodestruction are considered the most popular and effective.

Laser removal of papillomas under the arm

Laser removal of papillomas under the arm

Laser removal of papillomas under the arm is considered the most progressive and least traumatic, and has a number of undeniable advantages over other procedures:

  1. For a small number of papillomas under the arms, one procedure is usually sufficient.
  2. During the removal process, there is no direct contact of the instrument with the skin, so the method is considered the least traumatic.
  3. The laser is very precisely aimed at the growth without affecting healthy areas of the skin.
  4. When removing papillomas under the armpits and in other areas of the epidermis, small blood vessels are sealed, as a result of which bleeding is practically eliminated.
  5. After the procedure, there are no scars or scars left on the skin.
However, before getting rid of papillomas under the arms using a laser, you should take into account that the procedure is much more expensive than other methods of removing tumors.

Wound healing after removal of growths occurs very quickly; anesthesia during surgery is required only in cases where the area of ​​​​the formation is significant and the growths formed a long time ago. Sometimes patients complain of a low pain threshold, in such cases, local anesthesia can be used at their request.

Despite the fact that during the procedure for removing papillomas under the arms, infection cannot enter the resulting wound, immediately after its completion the operation site should be treated with an antiseptic so that bacteria do not enter the blood from nearby tissues.

The price of laser therapy is 2900 rubles (from 1300 UAH).

Important! Before carrying out the procedure for removing papillomas under the arm, epithelial tissue from their surface should be analyzed to identify possible oncological problems.
  1. Read also about the features of removing papillomas using the radio wave method

Cryodestruction of papillomas under the arm

Cryodestruction of papillomas under the arm

Removing papillomas under the arms with liquid nitrogen has been practiced for a long time and successfully. Under the influence of low temperatures, tissue and intercellular fluid in neoplasms and blood in the smallest vessels instantly freeze. As a result of these processes, the blood supply to the growth stops and it disappears.

To carry out the cryodestruction procedure, special CryoPen pens have been developed that allow targeted action on papillomas without affecting the healthy tissue adjacent to them. Also, modern equipment for removing formations with liquid nitrogen allows you to change the temperature and degree of penetration of freezing into the tissue.

When solving the problem of how to remove papilloma under the arm using liquid nitrogen, you need to pay attention to the following advantages of this technique:

  1. The procedure is completely safe for the body and healthy tissue surrounding the growth.
  2. Removal of tumors is painless and does not require anesthesia.
  3. The procedure takes a minimum of time and does not leave scars on the skin.

The price for cryodestruction of papillomas is 360 rubles (from 150 UAH).

  1. See the results of papilloma removal with liquid nitrogen

Other methods for removing papillomas under the arms

Electrocoagulation of papillomas under the armpit

Other methods for removing papillomas under the arms include:

  1. Surgical intervention. This method is used quite rarely, since it is extremely traumatic and leaves scars. In addition, such an operation requires anesthesia, and in some severe cases, general anesthesia. The method is used when the affected area is large and when it is impossible to use more advanced technologies. The price of the operation is calculated individually in each individual case.
  2. Electrocoagulation. A fairly popular method of removing benign papillomas under the arms by exposing them to high frequency current. The price of electrocoagulation is 590 rubles (250 UAH).
  3. Radio waves. The method is based on the use of a special instrument that ensures precise exposure of waves to the affected area of ​​the skin. It is used only to remove small benign growths. The price for radiosurgical removal of papilloma under the arm is 3,000 rubles (from 1,200 UAH).
Important! When choosing a clinic for a procedure, you must first pay attention to the qualifications of the specialists and the presence of positive reviews about it.
  1. Read also, what is better to remove papillomas - laser or electrocoagulation

How to remove papillomas under the armpit - watch the video:

Papillomas that appear under the arms require a comprehensive examination, during which it is necessary to assess the immune status, exclude inflammatory and infectious diseases, and determine the presence of chronic pathologies. In most cases, the human papillomavirus is present in the body for a long time asymptomatically; the impetus for the appearance of external manifestations can be a decrease in the body’s defenses against the background of some inflammatory process. Regardless of why papillomas appear in the armpits, treatment is long-term and systemic. It is necessary to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of papillomas under the arm, then therapy can show good results.

  1. Related article: Which doctor should I contact for papillomas?