Broken leg

The calyx rarely breaks, and most often it is crushed. What happened to it can be recognized by touch by the unevenness and crunching, noticeable when feeling and listening. During treatment, you should pull out the shin and insert the cup into its place; if it falls apart, then it is first folded and then inserted.

If the small bone of the leg breaks, it is safer than breaking the big bone. If the small upper tube is fractured, the deviation occurs outward and anteriorly and walking is possible, but if the large lower tube breaks, the lower leg deviates back and outward. If both tubes break together, then this is worse and then the shin deviates in all directions.

Know that the treatment of a fractured leg is identical and similar to the treatment of the forearm, but with regard to the bend inherent in the forearm in its natural form, its condition is not the same and, on the contrary, it is straight. Therefore, it is pulled only to return it to a straight position.

The talus is protected from fracture by its hardness and the fact that it is surrounded by the protective ends of the canes. Its most common injury is dislocation, and this has already been mentioned.

A heel fracture is a serious injury, and it is difficult to treat; it most often breaks if a person falls from a high place and leans heavily on his feet. Sometimes this results in severe crushing with the outflow of blood into the muscles, which freezes there, and this sometimes leads to severe symptoms of fever, confusion, trembling and leg spasms. If at the same time a frozen tumor is formed, invisible and not protruding outward and causing a darkening of the skin that was not there before, then this is a bad sign, indicating that the leg is on the way to decay. If the tumor is external, resisting pressure, then this is better, and sometimes it is possible to cause its opening. If the heel is fused, then walking causes pain, and if the heel is not fused properly, it is impossible to use it.

Treatment for dislocations and fractures is the same as treatment for fingers; sometimes a chiropractor straightens them by stepping on them. feet