Treatment of gangrene

As for gangrene, while the initial period is in progress, it is curable, but when rotting takes hold in the meat, it is necessary to remove the entire organ. If you see that the color of an organ has changed and it is on the way to decay, then you should quickly apply a mud cake made from substances that prevent decay, for example, from Armenian clay or printed clay with vinegar, and if this does not work, then to remove the bad blood, it is impossible to do without a deep cut in various directions and places where leeches are allowed and bloodletting from small vessels adjacent to the rotting place. In this case, the area around the cut place is protected, for example, with the above-mentioned ointments, and substances that prevent and combat rotting and are able to penetrate deeper are placed in the place itself, for example, lentil vetch flour with sikanjubin or with bean flour, especially mixed with salt.

Medicines for lubrication include the following: take one part each of asafoetida, nettle seed, round aristolochia, squeezed juice of peach tree leaves, verdigris, rub the composition with water until it becomes thick like honey, and lubricate the ulcer and the surrounding area.

And here is one of the medicines that prevents corrosion: take equal amounts of verdigris, honey and alum and lubricate the organ; this delays and stops decay and keeps adjacent organs healthy.

If the disease passes the tumor stage and the stage of decomposition with the corresponding coloring, and the organ gradually becomes flabby and becomes wet, then this is a different path in the course of decay, and then, in order to dry the diseased organ, you should sprinkle it with round aristolochia and galls, taking both equally. Vitriol and kalkatar are also very good, especially with vinegar and hazel leaves, as is mad cucumber or its squeezed juice as an ointment.

If some of the meat begins to rot, you cut it off or make it fall off using, for example, anzarut cakes; faldafiyun has an even stronger effect. When one layer of meat falls off, you cover that meat with ghee and then burn off the rest until you get to healthy meat. Red vitriol is an excellent powder for softening and rotting meat. If the rotting becomes obvious and cannot be eliminated by cutting it off, then the danger is very great.

If the swelling around the rotting place increases, then they eat and praise oatmeal with squeezed henbane juice, but I do not at all consider it good. It is better to apply this medicine to a healthy place in order to prevent and drive away rotting.

When you cut off a rotten organ, the area around it should be cauterized with fire - this is the most reasonable thing - or with burning cauterizing drugs, especially if neighboring organs, for example, the genitals and anus, quickly rot due to their great warmth and the proximity of passing excess.

This is the totality of information we present here. In our discussion of decaying ulcers you will find information that should be added to this paragraph.