Why do men's buttocks itch?

A problem such as itching of the buttocks is a very delicate issue. Many of those who have encountered this phenomenon are embarrassed to talk about it or seek help from a doctor. But the cause of itching may indicate quite serious problems or diseases. So why do one or both buttocks sometimes itch? How to get rid of this annoying scourge?

What do popular beliefs say?


There are many folk superstitions about why one or another half of the butt itches. It is believed that this speaks of some upcoming event. The gender of the owner of the itchy buttocks and his marital status are also important:

  1. A sign if the bride’s buttocks itches. Left - there will be many children in the marriage, right - you should get to know the groom well before marrying him: he may have problems with alcohol.
  2. A sign for a free woman (girl). If one of the buttocks itches, this may indicate: the left one - about an upcoming date with an interesting young man (man), about a beneficial period for marriage. It is believed that if you knock on the window glass during an itch and say the man’s name, he will have a significant impact on the lady’s fate. The right one is about unpleasant news, futile vanity, unsuccessful resolution of some matter, excessive expenses, gossip, quarrels due to jealousy. You should not borrow money or buy expensive things during this period.
  3. A sign for a married lady. Why is my left buttock itching? To a new surge of feelings and romantic relationships between spouses, the transition of marriage to a new stage. Why does the right one itch? To bad news, a visit from an unpleasant person.
  4. A sign for a free man. If one of the buttocks itches, this means: left - heavy loads are expected at work. But if the work is done efficiently, management will notice and appreciate it. We need to plunge headlong into everyday work. Why does the right one itch? To troubles in the service. Do not argue with your superiors, so as not to be fired or transferred to a lower position. If you are planning a business trip, try to avoid it. Possible monetary loss. Don't buy lottery tickets or gamble.
  5. A sign for a married man. The left half of the butt, like that of married women, itches for a new outbreak of feelings in marriage. Why is your right buttock itching? In addition, the same as for unmarried men.

If both buttocks itch, then for free men and women this means: weak itching means fun, strong itching means problems. For married men - to difficulties both at work and in the family, for married women - to routine, useless bustle, and the arrival of multiple relatives.

Why does this happen?

The most common causes of itching are:


Minimum number of sebaceous glands. Due to the fact that sebum is practically not produced in this area of ​​the body, the skin becomes dry in the fall. And since there is constant friction of the butt against various objects and things (chairs, clothes), this leads to skin irritation. The lack of sebum can explain why itching and rashes on the butt in the form of red spots often occur without the appearance of acne. Acne rashes can be caused by insufficient oxygen intake and wearing synthetic underwear.

Reduced physical activity. People who lead a sedentary life often suffer from itching in the area of ​​the buttocks, as they sit most of the time. Accumulation of dead cells on the skin. Typically, the skin is able to cleanse itself and get rid of exfoliated particles. Due to the almost constant wearing of underwear, this does not always occur on the butt, which is why itching occurs. Hypothermia, overheating. Cold leads to dry skin. She becomes tight. In the heat, sweating increases and diaper rash occurs. Allergic reaction. The cause of itching and the appearance of spots can be an allergy to hygiene products, soap, or the fabric from which the underwear is made. It can be caused by long-term use of steroids or antibiotics. Various diseases and injuries. The butt can itch due to hormonal imbalances in women, disorders of the liver and endocrine system, skin and sexually transmitted diseases, skin infections, inflammation of the skin, external genitalia, rectal mucosa, weakened immunity, and anal injuries. Sometimes both halves of the butt can be very itchy due to helminthic infestation.

Information: It happens that the spot that appears on the buttock itches, severely, but without pain. Cracks and scales appear. This may be a symptom of psoriasis.

A dermatologist will be able to make the correct diagnosis after the necessary research.

What causes intergluteal itching?


In addition to the fact that sometimes one or both halves of the butt itch, there are also cases when it itches between the buttocks. Similar to the first option, the basis for this may be sexually transmitted diseases or helminth infections, other diseases cannot be excluded: inflammation of external hemorrhoids, proctitis, erythrasma, vulvatovaginitis in girls or elderly women, vesiculitis and prostatitis in men, inguinal-anal athlete's foot.

Sometimes the itching between the buttocks is accompanied by bloody discharge. This may indicate cracks or tears in the rectum. This happens when there is repeated difficulty in defecation (constipation).

Attention: itching between the two buttocks can manifest itself in the early stages of diabetes.

Drug treatment and traditional methods

Treatment is usually complex and includes:

  1. the use of antihistamines that can relieve itching and spots with an unexpressed clinical picture;
  2. the use of non-hormonal ointments that relieve itching, swelling, red spots in an uncomplicated stage;
  3. the use of hormonal ointments that relieve inflammation in case of a long course of the disease;
  4. carrying out drug therapy aimed at curing the underlying disease of the internal organs, if examination shows that it provokes itching, redness, peeling, and swelling.

Advice: since itching of the buttocks negatively affects a person’s psychological state, doctors recommend taking sedatives simultaneously with treatment.


Traditional methods for treating itching include taking baths or applying compresses with soda to the affected areas. Why might this help? Baking soda is known for its anti-itch properties. You can try washing with mint, lemon balm, laurel and chamomile, taken 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of boiling water. This method can relieve irritation. Before using traditional recipes, you must consult a dermatologist!

Follow the rules of hygiene, wear underwear made of natural materials, take breaks - warm-ups from sedentary work every half hour, eat right, and you will minimize the risk of developing a very unpleasant problem when your buttocks itch, and in other cases peel, become red or swell. Already encountered this problem? Do not risk your health, do not self-medicate - seek help from a medical facility.

Itching in the area of ​​the fifth point is a rather unpleasant and rather delicate phenomenon; as a rule, patients do not immediately consult a doctor with such a problem.

Some would even rather believe in the folk superstition that the buttocks itch before an important life event than in the body’s signal about the onset of the development of a disease. And unfortunately, in many cases this is precisely the cause of the condition when the buttocks itch.

Although completely harmless things can cause itching, which can also be accompanied by various kinds of rashes.

Causes of itching

The buttocks can itch for various reasons, among which the main ones can be identified:

  1. Functional features: low number of sebaceous glands. With this problem, little sebum is formed on the skin, which serves as a kind of lubricant for it. And with constant contact of the butt with underwear and a hard surface, skin friction occurs, which can lead to dryness and, as a result, itching.
  2. An allergic reaction to incorrectly selected underwear, hygiene products, creams, powders or conditioners, food, etc.
  3. Neglect or non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. The buildup of dead skin cells can lead to itchy, clogged skin and pimples.
  4. Wrong, unhealthy lifestyle and sedentary work. In this situation, the skin often dries out and begins to crack and peel.
  5. Frequent state of stress and increased nervousness.
  6. Long-term use of medications can lead not only to itching, but also to the appearance of red spots.
  7. Increased sweating, accompanied by small red rashes.
  8. The body's sensitivity to cold or high temperatures. For example, high sweating in the heat and dryness, a feeling of skin tightness after hypothermia.
  9. Viruses and bacteria of various natures, sexually transmitted infections, dermatological diseases such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis. Pathogens and bacteria can enter the intestines, thereby causing irritation. These problems are accompanied by rashes and redness of the skin.
  10. Increased physical activity, active sports.
  11. Excess weight and poor diet, consumption of spicy foods or alcohol.
  12. Hormonal imbalance or problems with the endocrine system. With such problems, itching of the genitals may also occur.
  13. Itching between the buttocks may indicate a parasite infection. Worms are located in the intestinal cavity, thereby causing irritation of the rectum. With this condition, an itching sensation occurs. In addition, both the right and left buttock can itch. Most often, children face this problem, but it can also affect adults.
  14. Manifestation of hemorrhoids. If blood appears during itching, this may indicate the development of the disease and the appearance of injuries and cracks.
  15. If itching on the buttocks is accompanied by a rash in the form of small dots, then the cause may be a fungus. In any case, if you have rashes, you should consult a doctor. If the rash appears as a result of a fungal infection, then it is urgent to prevent its further spread to other parts of the body.
  16. Another cause of itching is problems with the liver.

When itching manifests itself in the anus, then we can talk about problems that are associated with functional pathologies. Itching between the buttocks can also occur with the development of diabetes mellitus. Therefore, it is necessary to donate blood for sugar.

Could the reasons why the buttocks begin to itch differ in women and men? Yes, in women, itching occurs as a result of vulvavaginitis, which is typical for girls and older women. Hormonal imbalance in women can also cause a similar condition. In men, prostatitis, vesiculitis and inguinal-anal epidermophytosis may be accompanied by itching in the fifth point. And injuries and cracks in the anus, which are more common in men, also cause an itching sensation.

In children, the cause of itching and rash on the bottom is most often a bacterial infection, in particular staphylococcus and streptococci, irritation when using diapers and allergic reactions.

There are many reasons for the appearance of itching, from banal allergies to serious disruptions in the functioning of entire body systems. Therefore, it is worth paying attention not only to symptoms such as itching or rash, but also to remember whether some event, changing the powder, eating spicy food or unprotected sexual intercourse, was a prerequisite for this problem. This approach can facilitate diagnosis and speed up treatment.

Very often, itching on the buttocks is accompanied by rashes, which can be localized not only on the butt itself, but also appear on the thighs and groin area. It may appear in the following ways:

  1. Blisters are rough raised areas with a watery filling.
  2. Blackheads are raised areas with pus.
  3. The spots are most often red, the skin retains its evenness.
  4. Papules are formations on the skin, without a cavity.
  5. Scales - occur when the skin peels, dead cells.
  6. Bubbles are formations filled with a transparent liquid with clear contours, the skin is stretched over the surface.

What can't you do?

Before talking about treatment methods and problems that cause such discomfort, it is necessary to note what exactly cannot be done. Firstly, self-medicate or hope that everything will go away on its own. Only a specialist can identify the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Any independently made decision without a diagnosis can only aggravate the situation by causing an allergic reaction to some components of the medications taken. Secondly, if, along with the itching, the buttocks are covered with pimples or a rash, under no circumstances should you scratch the area or squeeze the pimples. Such actions can lead to skin damage, which in turn will open access for pathogens to enter the body.

First aid for itching

The very first help that a patient who feels itching on the butt can give himself is to consult a dermatologist. The specialist will make a diagnosis and prescribe correct and effective treatment. But in order to somehow alleviate the discomfort before meeting with a doctor, you can do the following:

  1. Take a warm shower at least twice a day, using only baby soap. It is better to exclude scrubs, washcloths, regular toilet soap and shower gels so as not to aggravate the situation. After taking a shower, treat the skin with a cotton pad soaked in calendula infusion. Fucorcil is also good.
  2. Before going to bed, you can use Skinoren, it perfectly dries out rashes and pimples.
  3. Relieves symptoms by visiting a sauna or bathhouse or solarium.
  4. Refuse synthetic underwear, replacing it with products made from natural fabrics. Female representatives should forget about thongs at this time.
  5. If your working day takes place in a work chair, then do not forget to do a warm-up approximately every 30 minutes. This daily routine can also help prevent many diseases not related to itching in the buttocks.
  6. If itching is accompanied by rashes, you can treat the areas with iodine to dry them out.
  7. Baths of herbs such as chamomile, celandine or string also significantly alleviate the condition.


When contacting a specialist, the following diagnosis of the cause of itching is carried out:

  1. Examination of the patient.
  2. Blood and stool tests.
  3. Women: examination by a gynecologist.

Only when the origin of this disease is discovered can treatment begin. Only then can the itching of the buttocks stop.

Treatment of itching in the buttocks

Treatment is prescribed by a specialist and only after the diagnosis has been made and confirmed. Therapy is carried out comprehensively with the prescription of the following drugs:

  1. Antiseptics and drugs aimed at combating inflammation.
  2. Medicines designed to improve the metabolic processes of the skin.
  3. Antifungal. As a rule, these are gels or creams for external use.
  4. Medicines designed to eliminate organ dysfunction that causes itching.

If the stage of the disease is mild and uncomplicated, it is recommended to use zinc ointment, Miramistin, Bepanten or Baziron. These medications are found in almost any medicine cabinet. They perfectly help destroy pathogenic microorganisms, relieve itching and redness, fight swelling without drying out the skin.

Before using these products, the skin can be slightly dried using salicylic ointment. Any product should be applied only to clean and dry areas of the body. At the earliest stage, iodine can be used.

In addition to these drugs, your doctor may also prescribe drugs aimed at increasing immunity.

In case of disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract that lead to the development of hemorrhoids, special ointments, creams and suppositories may be prescribed.

And, of course, throughout the entire treatment process it is necessary to remember to observe the rules of hygiene. The affected areas should always be dry; for this you can use powders and creams that remove redness. We use hygiene products that do not cause irritation and wear only proper, natural underwear.

During treatment, it is very important to avoid eating fatty and spicy foods, not to drink alcohol, and to stick to a diet.

In a state of increased nervousness and irritability, which manifests itself with such discomfort, it is necessary to include sedatives in the treatment.

Diet for gluteal itching

The diet, like treatment, should be prescribed by the attending physician and should not be neglected, as it is an important step on the path to recovery. A distinctive feature of such a table is low-protein foods, as well as hypoallergenic foods.

The diet should contain:

  1. Lean fish and meat.
  2. Dairy products.
  3. Porridge.
  4. Not red vegetables and fruits.
  5. Offal.

Don’t forget about maintaining vitamin balance; fruit drinks and compotes are perfect for this; for example, rosehip decoction will do the job perfectly. In order to cleanse the body of waste and toxins, you should drink mineral water, after releasing gases from it.

Avoid the following foods: chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits, fruits and red vegetables, ginger and coffee. Completely avoid eating pickled foods and various pickles, sweets, smoked, spicy and fried foods.

All these products disrupt the digestion process, which causes problems with the intestines, and it, in turn, can signal this through itching in the buttocks.

Traditional methods of treatment

In folk medicine there are methods and tips for treating any disease, including buttock itching. However, you should not use these tips without consulting a doctor, so as not to cause complications and aggravate the situation.

  1. In order to soothe irritated skin, you can use infusions of chamomile, lemon balm, bay leaf, which is definitely in the arsenal of any housewife, and mint. To prepare such a decoction, you need to take it in equal parts and move it around. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into one liter of boiling water and let it brew.
  2. Barley has an excellent effect, it perfectly soothes the skin and relieves itching in the buttocks and provides a nourishing effect. To prepare such a medicine, you need to take about half a kilogram of seeds, place them in a saucepan and add two liters of water and place on low heat. Cook for about an hour and a half.
  3. Baking soda is a great remedy for itching and can be a real first aid, as it is always available in the house. You can make compresses or baths.
  4. Nettle is an excellent remedy for body itching. Dry leaves of the herb, previously poured with boiling water, are infused for a month and a half.
  5. A cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil will perfectly soothe and moisturize dry and irritated skin. After 30 minutes, rinse the treated area with chamomile infusion and wipe dry.
  6. In addition to external use, if you feel your buttocks itching, you need to take soothing herbs: myta, motherwort or lemon balm. Just as a state of nervousness and stress can cause itching in the buttocks, its manifestation can negatively affect the psychological state of the patient.

Prevention of itching on the buttocks

Prevention is the real key to health, designed to prevent many diseases. In order not to experience such an unpleasant phenomenon as itching in the butt, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Refusal of tight, uncomfortable clothing, in which the skin is completely closed and does not breathe. Preference should be given to natural fabrics.
  2. Do you like saunas? Great, birch brooms in your hands and forward to your health.
  3. An active and healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and a balanced diet. Don't forget about exercise, especially if you have a sedentary job. Take time for a break, think about yourself and your health.
  4. If the surface of the chair you are sitting on is hard, then it is better to use a soft cushion.
  5. Exfoliate or use a body scrub once a week.
  6. If you suffer from excessive sweating, use talcum powder or baby powder to keep your skin dry.

Prevention, timely consultation with a doctor at the first symptoms of itching and following all doctor’s recommendations are the key to health and good mood. Never ignore such body signals.

Perhaps this is a warning about the onset of the development of a serious disease, and the sooner the disease is detected, the easier it will be to defeat it. Take care of your health, strengthen your immune system, and then fewer and fewer problems will appear.

3 reasons for itchy buttocks in the following video:

Prevention of the disease

Very often, itching in the buttocks is felt by people who do not have the above or other significant health problems. There are certain predisposing factors due to which a person is faced with a similar phenomenon - this is excess weight, frequent consumption of strong alcoholic drinks and spicy foods, increased air temperature (hot climate), and significant physical activity. If all these factors are eliminated, the buttocks will gradually stop itching.

To exclude other options that lead to a similar condition, you must be attentive to your own health, undergo regular medical examinations and strictly follow all doctor’s recommendations. It is also necessary to adhere to the rules of hygiene and keep the body clean.

Treatment of itching

In order to prescribe the correct treatment, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic procedure that will indicate the correct cause of the itching of the buttocks. It will consist of:

  1. examination by a relevant specialist (dermatologist);
  2. taking stool and blood tests;
  3. for women – examination by a gynecologist;
  4. prescribing irrigoscopy and sigmoidoscopy if there is a suspicion of rectal disease.

The itching of the buttocks will stop completely only after the cause itself, that is, the disease, has been discovered and eliminated. To reduce itching at home, you can use the following tips:

  1. acquire special softening creams, powders or sprays;
  2. ensure that the skin in areas where it itches remains clean and dry at all times;
  3. use comfortable and loose-fitting underwear made from natural fabrics (soft cotton is perfect);
  4. completely eliminate from your diet all alcoholic beverages, spices, chocolate, strong tea and coffee, hot seasonings, citrus fruits and tomatoes.


Traditional medicine

You can also try to eliminate itchy pain using traditional methods. There are several proven recipes that are guaranteed to alleviate the patient’s condition:

  1. If your buttock itches, you can take a cotton swab soaked in vegetable oil and gently rub it over the irritated area. After about half an hour, this area will need to be washed with chamomile infusion and wiped dry.
  2. The following infusion will also help get rid of itching: pour boiling water over dry nettle and leave for at least two days. Use the decoction to wash the itchy surface of the buttocks.
  3. You can also wash irritated buttocks and thighs with a decoction of mint, bay leaf, chamomile and lemon balm (all ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and poured with boiling water, after which they are infused for at least half an hour).
  4. A decoction of barley seeds relieves irritation and soothes the skin of the buttocks - the seed is filled with water and boiled for a couple of hours, after it has completely cooled, the decoction is filtered.

Doctor's recommendations

If a doctor has diagnosed a disorder in the gastrointestinal tract, which has caused itching and hemorrhoids, then the patient will be prescribed special ointments, as well as suppositories. Other medications may also be prescribed, which will need to be taken until complete recovery.

Many people who face a similar problem are embarrassed to contact a specialist, preferring to self-medicate. This is a very dangerous decision, since treatment for itching can only be prescribed after the diagnosis has been clarified.

You should not let the itching start, and you cannot simply ignore it - it may well indicate the presence of such a serious disease as diabetes. And even if you simply suppress the symptoms themselves, the problem will not disappear, but will only increase. Timely examination will protect against all unpleasant consequences
