Why you can’t tear off moles

Many people do not know what will happen if they tear off a mole. Every experienced doctor will tell you that this cannot be done. In their opinion, nevi are completely harmless if left undisturbed. An indifferent attitude towards a damaged mole can lead to dire consequences. It is especially worth monitoring those nevi that are located in an inconvenient place and the risk of injury is quite high.

What is a mole? Which doctor can help check a nevus for the presence of malignant cells? And what are the risks of damaging them? Many people don’t even realize that a mole is not just a dark spot on our body. Its damage is very dangerous. That is why you should know what to do if a nevus is torn off.


Why are moles so dangerous?

So, what happens if you tear off a mole? It is worth noting that some nevi can degenerate. As a result, a benign neoplasm will turn into a malignant one. This is why you should avoid damaging moles. Of course, this can be done completely accidentally: scratch it with your nails, tear it off with clothes, and so on. However, you should be careful, since no one can predict in advance how the nevus will behave and what the consequences may be. You should not treat a damaged mole yourself. It's better to consult a dermatologist.

Is it possible to delete it yourself?

Many people believe that nevus can be removed on their own at home. At the same time, most people claim that a mole can be easily torn off without resorting to the qualified help of doctors. After all, a nevus can spoil the appearance or interfere. You can find many ways to remove moles on the Internet. This is not worth doing.

Some use recipes and advice exclusively from traditional medicine, not knowing what will happen if a mole is torn off. Not all experiments end well. Alas, the danger of nevi is not a fiction. There are true stories where a person is diagnosed with cancer after having a mole removed.


Where will it all lead?

Let's take a closer look at what happens if you tear off a mole? Why is a damaged nevus so dangerous? First, you need to understand what a mole is. Flat dark spots on the skin are a cluster of cells in which the concentration of pigment is increased. However, once damaged, a mole may behave unpredictably. You can’t even pick off red moles. What it is? This is another type of neoplasm that often occurs due to improper functioning of the liver. They are also dangerous.

After damage, the cells of a mole can change their structure and become atypical. As a result of such degeneration, the nevus may begin to increase in size. This can happen quickly or gradually. This fact increases the risk of developing skin cancer – melanoma – several times. This is why moles should not be removed. Of course, this phenomenon occurs infrequently, but the risk still exists.

Most often, a benign formation appears at the site of a torn nevus. If the mole is partially damaged, it will gradually heal and, most likely, will not cause any special problems. However, to achieve a positive result, it is important to provide first aid correctly. And this is best done by a qualified doctor.


I tore off a mole: what to do

Women are most at risk of having moles damaged. After all, representatives of the fairer sex prefer to wear tight, not very comfortable clothes and shoes. In addition, many girls have long manicures, which can also cause injury to the nevus. What happens if a woman rips off a mole, what to do and who to turn to?

First you need to stop the bleeding. This is the first step. This is especially important if a woman has damaged a mole until it bleeds. It is worth noting that in such places there are a large number of capillaries. And even with minor damage, a nevus can bleed for a long time. Hydrogen peroxide will help stop this phenomenon. It is better to use its three percent solution. It is enough to soak a small piece of gauze in peroxide and apply it to the wound for 10 minutes.

In addition, it is necessary to protect the damaged area from bacteria. After all, even a minor wound is a gate through which dangerous and foreign bacteria and fungi can enter the body. To prevent this from happening, the torn mole should be treated with medical alcohol or a solution of brilliant green in alcohol.


What to do next

Many people believe that a damaged nevus is a trifle. However, it's still not worth the risk. After providing first aid, you should contact a dermatologist or surgeon. A qualified doctor will be able to assess the condition of a torn mole and make the correct diagnosis. If necessary, the specialist can refer the patient for additional examination. In this case, it is recommended to undergo a histological analysis.

If a mole becomes permanently damaged, it can be removed surgically. After all, the probability of re-injury of the nevus is quite high. If you were unable to seek help from a doctor, you need to monitor her for a long time. If any pathological changes occur, it is worth consulting with specialists.


Signs of pathology

Now you know that you should not pick off black, brown and red moles. It is not difficult to guess what skin cancer is. But how can you determine that a nevus has degenerated? There are several main signs:

  1. Color change.
  2. Growth of neoplasm.
  3. Peeling and severe itching.

If at least one of the listed symptoms occurs, you should immediately seek advice from specialists. In such a situation, it is worth visiting a surgeon or oncologist. If you damage a mole, you should consult a doctor in advance. But, as you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat.


Prevention and safety

If after the first damage to the mole everything went well, then next time the consequences could be much more dire. Therefore, it is better to prevent injury to the nevus. To begin with, you should give up tight and too tight clothes, as well as uncomfortable shoes. But these are not all the rules. So, let's list the main ones:

  1. You should avoid long manicures if there is a risk of damaging the mole.
  2. Avoid wearing tight and tight clothing.
  3. It is necessary to give up uncomfortable shoes. After all, moles can appear even on the feet.

If you don’t want to get rid of long nails, as well as your favorite wardrobe items, then you should take care of your health in advance and remove nevi that may interfere. After all the examinations, the doctor will prescribe surgery.

What happens if you rip off a mole? The answer to this question interests many people. Birthmarks are often subject to various types of damage. Any person worries about what to do in a given situation.

First consequences

A mole is a pigmented formation on the skin. It is benign and does not cause discomfort to a person. But certain moles are located in places where they are often subject to injury. What happens if you accidentally pick off a mole?

In most cases, a person experiences pain and bleeding.

After treating the wound, it heals quite quickly. This happens in most situations. However, there is always a risk of degeneration of a scraped birthmark into an oncological formation. Malignant nevi, if they are torn off, can transform into melanoma - skin cancer.

During the healing process of a torn mole, it is necessary to monitor, note suspicious signs and changes. If, after an injury, the lump begins to quickly increase in size, itch, or hurt, it is better to contact a medical facility.

In the absence of unpleasant symptoms, healing proceeds quickly and does not cause much trouble. The crust that appears on the damaged area cannot be torn off so that the wound disappears faster.

What moles turn out to be torn off? Pezhins located in inconvenient places are more often susceptible to this phenomenon.


  1. Feet,
  2. axillary area,
  3. Area on the neck (collar),
  4. Face,
  5. Waist.

Caution must be exercised if snowflakes are present in these areas.

Help with already consequences

If a person rips off a mole, it is worth quickly providing first aid to avoid adverse consequences and inflammation. How to treat the wound?

First aid:

  1. It is necessary to stop the bleeding. A sterile gauze swab is applied to the wound, pre-moistened in hydrogen peroxide. Keep for up to twenty minutes. If the bleeding does not stop, you should seek specialized help.
  2. After the bleeding has stopped, a bandage with an antiseptic is applied to the area of ​​the torn nevus. How can you cauterize a wound? It is allowed to treat the area around the damage with chlorhexidine, iodine or brilliant green.
  3. The severed lesion or part of it is sent for diagnosis to a medical center.

After the procedures, you must visit a doctor to exclude the possible occurrence of oncology.

Advice from some doctors

Doctors' advice is described below:

If you accidentally pick off a mole, try to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible. The damaged area is treated with an antiseptic, then a bandage should be applied. It is imperative to show the site of damage to a dermatologist to avoid the development of inflammation.

  1. Elena Dmitrievna, dermatologist:

People often injure nevi, but do not always monitor their healing; this fact needs to be given sufficient attention. Not every mole degenerates, but there are many factors that can lead to cancer. The formation must be shown to a doctor to rule out malignancy.

  1. Ivan Mikhailovich, oncologist:

Skin cancer is the most common and serious disease. Often the cause is torn nevi, poorly treated and inflamed. You should treat moles quite carefully and note every change.

As you can see, all experts agree that stripped pejins need to be given close attention.

Why you can’t rip off moles

Is it possible to remove moles? Under no circumstances should you remove birthmarks yourself. In most cases, moles are benign.

Damage to these nevi does not pose a particular danger if they are treated in a timely manner and the condition is monitored. However, a person does not always know which mole he has torn off. In certain cases, a birthmark can be cancerous.

But remain at peace for a long time. Certain factors, including trauma, can trigger the process of degeneration. What signs should alert a person after the wound has healed?

Signs of degeneration:

  1. Itching appears, the mole is constantly itching,
  2. The border becomes uneven
  3. Asymmetry appears
  4. Color changes, becomes uneven,
  5. The growth of education is accelerating,
  6. Presence of bleeding from the nevus,
  7. Painful sensations occur.

These symptoms indicate the possible transformation of a mole into a malignant tumor. All stripped nevi are subject to mandatory examination.

Benign condylomas do not degenerate, but the risk of inflammation and suppuration cannot be excluded. This is why you should not rip off a mole.

A child tore off a mole - what to do?

A child can tear a mole completely accidentally while sleeping or playing. What to do if your baby accidentally damages a nevus? In this case, it is worth calming him down and providing first aid by treating the injury site. The procedure is carried out similarly to adults.

After treatment, parents need to visit the hospital, submit the education for examination and consult a doctor.

When the wound heals, you need to explain to the baby that you need to treat such growths carefully, try not to touch or rip them off. It is necessary to tell the child about the possible consequences in an accessible form, without frightening him, but warning him of the danger. For clarity, you can show him what the disease looks like in photographs from a specialist.

If there is blood

Blood appears if you tear off any growth. A large amount is noted if you rip off a red mole. In this case, damage to blood vessels occurs, the bleeding is long, and sometimes difficult to stop. You need to use a swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide.

Facial moles in women are often damaged due to the use of various cosmetics. Often formations on the head are torn to the point of bleeding when combing, or in the armpits when shaving. In such cases, it is better to remove the growth in a specialized institution.

How to properly remove

Independent removal of nevi is prohibited due to possible adverse consequences. Getting rid of moles is only possible through medical means.


  1. Surgical excision. The surgeon uses a scalpel to remove the formation, suturing the wound, and applying a bandage. The disadvantage of this method is the possible formation of scars at the site of the mole.
  2. Laser removal. Treatment with this method is considered the safest and fastest. Removal is carried out using a laser, the wound is immediately cauterized, which eliminates the possibility of infection getting into it. There are practically no traces left on the skin after the operation.
  3. Cryodestruction. The method involves removing a birthmark using cold. Fast method, infection is minimized.
  4. A specialist may suggest using electric current or radio wave removal.

The choice of removal method remains with the doctor. He selects the most appropriate technique based on the patient’s condition.

Who to contact and prevention

If a person has ripped off a mole, he should visit a dermatologist. He will conduct an examination and, if necessary, give a referral to an oncologist. There is no need to engage in self-therapy, it can be dangerous. Preventative measures are quite simple.

  1. Maintain hygiene if a mole is scraped off. You need to wash your hands more often, avoid getting dirt into the wound, and do not touch it with unclean hands.
  2. In order not to constantly pick off nevi, you need to choose comfortable clothes, shaving should be careful, and comb your hair with care.
  3. When bathing, you should not use scrubs that are too large to avoid traumatizing the skin on your body.

What happens if you accidentally tear off a growth on the skin? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. Rapid healing or an inflammatory process with degeneration into a malignant formation is possible. In any case, a torn mole is a reason to consult a doctor.

What happens if you rip off a mole - video

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Many of us remember scary stories from childhood about what would happen if a mole was torn off. But is everything really that bad? Let's figure it out.

First you need to figure out what a mole is. This is a neoplasm on the skin that is benign. A large amount of melanin (pigment) accumulates in it.

If you have already torn off a mole, you need to know what to do in this case:

  1. Do not panic.
  2. Take a small tampon or piece of bandage and stop the bleeding.
  3. Cauterize the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide and apply a sterile bandage over the area.
  4. Immediately go to the doctor, who should examine the scraped mole. If the mole has not been completely removed, the surgeon must cut out the remaining melanin before it enters the body. Otherwise, avoiding cancer is quite difficult.
  5. If you tear off an entire mole, try placing it in a saline solution and taking it to the hospital for tests.

Remember, if the mole was not malignant, but a benign formation, then you will definitely avoid a terrible diagnosis. Only melanomas (malignant moles) are dangerous.

How can you tell if a mole is melanoma? First of all, to determine this, carefully examine the place where it used to be. If the skin there begins to darken and becomes uneven, it means it was melanoma. Sometimes melanomas begin to grow again in the same place and bleed slightly as they do so.

What happens if you tear off a hanging mole?

So-called hanging moles are very dangerous to human health, especially if they are located in places where the skin is constantly rubbed by clothing. Hanging moles are not always melanomas; sometimes they can be benign formations. Such nevi can be flesh-colored or have a slightly dark tint.

If you want to know what will happen if you tear off a hanging mole, you can ask a dermatologist or oncologist about this question. They will explain in detail what problems arise in this case. The main feature of a hanging mole is its root, which is located very deep in the epithelium. If you tear off a hanging mole, it usually remains in the skin. When the top is peeled off, this will trigger the release of melanin into the body. That is, you are guaranteed to have skin cancer.

If a hanging mole bothers you, don’t try to get rid of it yourself. Be sure to seek help from qualified professionals who will recommend the best removal method. Among the most popular are:

  1. Use of liquid nitrogen.
  2. Laser removal.
  3. Burning using electric current.
  4. Surgical intervention.

At the peak of popularity in modern medicine is laser removal of hanging moles, as it allows you not to worry about the possibility of scars or cicatrices.

What happens if you tear off a mole on your neck?

The neck is one of the worst places to place moles, as they are often rubbed there by clothing collars or chains. In addition, this increases the risk of accidentally tearing off a tumor or part of it. What happens if you tear off a mole on your neck? If it was melanoma, that is, a malignant formation, then you must immediately go to the doctor, who will cleanse the skin of the remaining parts. The fact is that the risk of getting cancer after this increases several times.

If you tear off a large mole on your neck, immediately try to cauterize the area (alcohol or hydrogen peroxide will do). You will be lucky if you have a small amount of skin left that can be taken for histological analysis. With its help, you can understand whether a mole is malignant. In the summer, try not to expose the place where the mole was while walking in the sun. And the best thing, of course, is to immediately see a specialist.

If a mole on your neck bothers you, it is better not to wait until you accidentally tear it off, but to immediately go to a surgeon and get rid of the formation.