Why do scars remain after chickenpox?

The chickenpox virus affects the upper layers of the skin, as well as the mucous membranes. In most cases, the rash leaves no trace, but sometimes chickenpox leaves scars on the face. What to do in such situations depends on the age of the patient and the degree of neglect of the problem.


Why scars may remain after chickenpox

The most striking symptom of chickenpox is vesicles filled with serous fluid, 2-5 mm in size. They appear on different parts of the body in the first 5 days after infection.

The appearance of the rash is preceded by a short period of weakness and malaise accompanied by intense fever. After the formation of bubbles, general health improves. The blisters burst, the places where they rupture become covered with a crust, under which the regeneration of healthy skin tissue (or mucous membrane) takes place. If the process is not disturbed, after a couple of weeks the crusts will fall off on their own, leaving no traces.

Chickenpox scars on the face or other parts of the body remain due to a number of reasons. The most common of them:

  1. tearing off crusts from ulcers. The characteristic itching of chickenpox varies in intensity. It may be difficult for a patient, especially a child, to resist scratching the affected areas;
  2. failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  3. penetration of infection into the wound. This factor is directly related to the first reason. The virus affects only the superficial layer of the epidermis, but if the ulcer is constantly picked, the infectious inflammation will spread to the deeper layers of the skin. The structure of the tissues will change, and pits in the damaged areas will remain for life;
  4. weakened immunity makes the virus more active, restoration processes in tissues proceed slowly. This leads to scarring;
  5. rubbing problem areas with clothes made of rough or synthetic fabrics;
  6. incorrect choice of external medications or folk remedies. Under the influence of their active substances, the crusts fall off early, when healthy tissue has not yet fully formed. The regeneration process of the epithelium is disrupted, and a keloid forms.

People who have chickenpox as adults are at much greater risk of scarring than children.

Is it possible to avoid signs of chickenpox?

In order not to think about how to remove chickenpox scars, therapy should be started from the first days of the disease and stopped only after complete recovery.

In severe cases of chickenpox, the patient is prescribed antiviral drugs (for example, Acyclovir).

Antihistamines help to cope with itching, the main cause of scar formation: Claritin, Clarisens, Lomilan and others.

It is extremely important to keep your child’s clothes and bedding clean. They need to be changed daily, choosing soft natural fabrics. The baby's nails should be cut short, and it is advisable for the baby to wear mittens.

Bubbles must be treated every day with special products to protect against bacteria. One of the most affordable and effective antiseptics is Brilliant Green Solution.

Zelenka has the following effects:

  1. destroys harmful microorganisms;
  2. dries wounds;
  3. allows you to control the course of the disease (thanks to its bright color);
  4. prevents infection.

You can prevent scarring after chickenpox with a well-chosen external remedy. To treat ulcers use:

  1. Fenistil gel stops inflammation, activates recovery processes, counteracts infection and the formation of pustules;
  2. PoxClean increases local immunity, cools the skin, prevents relapses, and accelerates regeneration. Non-toxic, suitable for children;
  3. Viferon contains an interferon inducer, acts as an immunomodulator, relieves swelling;
  4. Gistan in the form of a cream is used to eliminate allergic reactions and relieve the inflammatory process.

All external medications prescribed for chickenpox, among other effects on the body, have cooling properties, which relieve itching.

How to get rid of the consequences in a child

To remove scars from a child, you need to start treatment before the keloid tissue is completely formed.


In advanced cases, silicone gels are recommended:

  1. Medgel softens the dermis, the pits become less noticeable;
  2. Dermatix has softening and moisturizing properties, minimizes pigmentation;
  3. Kelo-cat activates the processes of keloid resorption;
  4. Zeraderm ultra is used when the scar is more than a month old.

The course of treatment is selected individually, on average it lasts about 60 days.

Mederma gel with allantoin is used against inflammation in the affected area. It is rubbed three times a day into the formed pits. This should be done with circular massaging movements. The duration of treatment is from 3 months to six months.

In the initial stages of scarring, ointments are effective:

  1. Contractubex;
  2. Dermatix;
  3. Bepanthenol;
  4. Dexpanthenol.

The Rescuer gel for children based on beeswax has proven itself well. You can start using it as soon as the crusts fall off.


Contractubex has a positive effect on the tissues of the superficial layers of the skin. The active ingredients of the gel are:

These components have the following effects:

  1. relieve inflammation;
  2. soften fabrics;
  3. smooth the epidermis;
  4. activate blood flow in the problem area;
  5. improve the absorption of medicinal components.

Contractubex should be applied pointwise (to the hole) 3-4 times a day. The treatment is long-term – at least six months.

In addition to the ointment, the drug is available in the form of a patch, which is especially convenient for treating children.


The basis of Dexpanthenol is synthetic D-pantothenic acid (water-soluble vitamin B).

This substance helps:

  1. accelerate skin regeneration;
  2. normalize metabolic processes;
  3. make collagen fibers stronger.

Dexpanthenol penetrates into all layers of the skin. It should be applied 2 to 4 times a day to scars pre-treated with an antiseptic. Infants need to lubricate the wounds with ointment after each bathing or changing clothes.

Home Remedies

You can try folk remedies to get rid of scars on the face immediately after chickenpox. Here are some effective recipes:

  1. cut a medium-sized onion into cubes, add water, simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Cool, apply to scars pointwise;
  2. several times a day, lubricate the skin with banana or cucumber;
  3. Mix a tablespoon of badyagi powder with cabbage juice until it becomes a liquid porridge. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse. Redness and burning in this case are normal, so young children should not use such a mask. Repeat the procedure once a week, it helps even with old scars;
  4. 1 tbsp. pour boiling water over dry marshmallow root, leave for eight hours, wipe the holes with the solution 5 times a day;
  5. Pour three drops of sandalwood and tea tree essential oils into a teaspoon of cocoa butter. Rub into affected areas of skin using massage movements.

Oatmeal has a positive effect on the condition of the face after chickenpox. Grind the flakes in a blender (can be replaced with oatmeal), pour boiling water over them, and cool. Apply to scars for half an hour. The method is suitable for treating patients of all ages.

How to remove scars in adults

In an adult, chickenpox is much more severe than in a child. Severe intoxication and very high temperatures provoke suppuration of ulcers. In addition, the skin in adults renews itself much more slowly, so scars remain much more often and deeper. According to statistics, childhood chickenpox leaves scar marks in approximately 30% of cases; among patients over 20 years of age, this figure increases to 50%.


For old pits, external remedies are ineffective; the help of a surgeon is often required. There are two ways to get rid of scars after chickenpox. The first is called subcision. During the manipulation, the doctor inserts a needle under the skin, which cuts off the connective fibers. The surface of the scar rises, the resulting voids underneath are filled with collagen. The disadvantage of the operation is the likelihood of the formation of a hypertrophic scar.

To eliminate large formations, the most radical method is used - the surgeon cuts out the keloid and stitches the edges of the wound. A thin strip remains at the intervention site. If the pockmarks are small, this method will not work.


There are a lot of medications for chickenpox scars, they differ in composition, effect on the body, and price. The choice of product must be approached responsibly, guided by the following criteria:

  1. the gel should be suitable for the “age” of the scar;
  2. contain substances that have anti-inflammatory and regeneration-stimulating properties;
  3. the base must be natural.

For the treatment of adults we recommend:

  1. Zinc ointment;
  2. Kelofibrase;
  3. Sledotsid;
  4. Keratan;
  5. Bepanten;
  6. Medgel;
  7. Fermenkol.

You can use drugs only in consultation with a dermatologist. They have a number of contraindications and do not always help. When there are many holes and they are deep, you should seek help from a beauty salon.

Cosmetic procedures

If long-term home treatment does not bring positive results, you cannot postpone a visit to the clinic. The older the scars, the more time and effort it will take to get rid of them. Professional salons have a sufficient range of effective methods for reducing defects.


Such procedures are contraindicated for children, but for adults, after examination, the doctor will definitely suggest a suitable manipulation. Let's take a closer look at the most popular methods.


The wraps are carried out as follows: the skin in the problem area is cleaned, the selected medicinal substance is applied, wrapped with film, and covered with a thermal blanket on top (the face is covered with a cosmetic mask).

Thermal exposure allows the active components to quickly penetrate deep into the skin and soften the keloid tissue. A mixture of olive and lavender oils is often used as healing agents.


Peeling is aimed at accelerating skin renewal by forcibly removing the top layer of the epidermis. The procedures differ in depth of penetration, active ingredients, and level of trauma.

The following types of manipulations are carried out for traces of chickenpox:

  1. chemicals based on organic acids stimulate regeneration by causing light burns;
  2. laser beams act on the deep layers of the dermis.

These types of peels are quite aggressive. The rehabilitation period takes from a week to a month, depending on the depth of the impact. At this time, the skin needs careful care, protection from sunlight and minor damage.

Mechanical home grinding with abrasive particles of coral, soda, and fruit seeds does not remove traces of chickenpox, but makes them less noticeable, smoothing the skin.


This procedure is similar to peeling, but is performed differently. The method is based on hardware influence.

Microdermabrasion comes in two types:


  1. crystalline is based on the fact that microscopic crystals of aluminum dioxide are driven under pressure into the deep layers of the skin, from where they are drawn out with dead cells by vacuum. The procedure evens out the affected area, activates the process of natural rejuvenation, but is traumatic and requires a long recovery period;
  2. Diamond microdermabrasion uses special grinding attachments that separate the keratinized cell layer, removing them with a vacuum. The manipulation is more gentle and removes shallow scars well. Rehabilitation time is from 3 to 7 days.

Microdermabrasion can completely eliminate only small pockmarks; with its help, large ones will no longer be “conspicuous”.

Laser resurfacing

Laser alignment is an effective, but at the same time low-traumatic method. The benefits of exposure are:


  1. local effect, eliminating damage to healthy tissues;
  2. safety;
  3. lack of preliminary preparation and rehabilitation period;
  4. quick effect.

In mild cases, the result is achieved after the first session; in complex cases, several procedures may be required. Between them, the skin should be treated with wheat germ essential oil or make masks with aloe.

Laser resurfacing is contraindicated for:

  1. psoriasis;
  2. epilepsy;
  3. atrophic dermatitis.

The procedure should not be performed on pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who underwent peeling less than 14 days before the planned laser treatment.


Physiotherapeutic methods are actively used to smooth out signs of chickenpox in adults.


The following procedures are recommended:

  1. electrophoresis;
  2. laser phoresis;
  3. phonophoresis;
  4. radio wave treatment;
  5. paraffin therapy;
  6. microlateral therapy with ultra-low intensity currents.

The techniques are based on a combination of chemical and physical effects on the body. The waves deliver medicinal substances deep into the skin through the endocrine glands. The nutrition of cells in the affected area is enhanced, the connective tissue is softened, and collagen production is resumed.

Physiotherapy is also used immediately after the end of the acute stage of chickenpox to prevent scarring.

Hyaluronic acid injections

An immediate visual effect is achieved with the injection of hyaluronic acid. The cosmetologist uses a needle to deliver the substance under the scar tissue, the cavity is filled, and the surface of the hole is leveled with the rest of the skin.


Over time, the hyaluronic acid is absorbed, the lower part of the scar goes down, and the manipulation must be repeated. The effect lasts from six months to a year. The duration of action depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the speed of metabolic processes. Treatment is recommended for patients who have several large depressions on their face (up to 6 mm in diameter).

Hyaluronic acid does not provoke allergic reactions. Instead, collagen is sometimes introduced - fibers of animal origin not only fill the cavity, but also activate the production of its own substance. This significantly extends the duration of the procedure.

Prevention of scarring

To ensure that chicken pox does not leave scars, it is important to provide the patient with proper care.

Following simple rules will help prevent negative consequences:

  1. do not scratch the rash;
  2. take vitamins to strengthen the immune system;
  3. monitor the cleanliness of clothes and bed linen;
  4. comply with all medical prescriptions;
  5. Regularly treat blisters with antiseptics.

As soon as the temperature subsides, you should take a warm shower every day, without gels. You can’t use a whisk either, it can peel off the crusts.

To prevent chickenpox from leaving ugly marks, you should consult a doctor at the first signs of infection. A dermatologist will develop a therapeutic complex that is effective in a particular case. Vaccination will help protect against the disease itself. The chickenpox vaccine is a reliable and safe way to prevent the disease.

Chicken pox is an acute infectious disease that affects the upper layer of the skin. The disease causes a rash and itching, which is why chickenpox scars sometimes remain.


Many parents (who have sick children), teenagers and sick adults are interested in how to prevent scars from appearing and remove scars after chickenpox. By following the recommendations of specialists, you can minimize the appearance of marks.

The main causes of scars

The virus leads to damage to the upper layer of the dermis. This brings discomfort to a person. He tries to get rid of it, starts scratching and tearing off the scabs. The situation is dangerous, as the infection penetrates even deeper into the epidermis. Eventually inflammation develops, causing chickenpox scars.

The main rule is not to scratch chickenpox. Be sure to take antihistamines that relieve itching and properly treat the skin.

Chickenpox scars can be caused by a weakened immune system. It becomes a barrier to tissue regeneration. Scars appear when external remedies were used that were not suitable for the patient.

Violating the rules of therapy cannot avoid unpleasant consequences. Wearing tight clothing causes chafing of the healing skin. Treatment must be started in a timely manner, since over time the scars become rough, which creates difficulties in eliminating them.

Photo: scars after chickenpox on the skin

How to prevent chickenpox scars

Experts talk about ways to prevent the appearance of a pit after chickenpox. Clothes should be spacious, not restrict movement, and not rub the skin. It should be changed every day. The child's nails should be cut. In cases where an infant has chickenpox, gloves are put on the hands to prevent the child from scratching the rash.

It is worth treating the blisters with products that eliminate itching. When the itching is severe enough, an antihistamine will help to cope with it.


After the body temperature decreases, a child with this disease should be bathed several times during the day. The water should not be hot; it is forbidden to rub the child’s body with a towel or washcloth. Taking a warm shower is allowed without soap.

How to remove only emerging traces of chickenpox and their prevention

Doctors recommend taking preventative measures for chickenpox: treating the skin correctly. Such measures eliminate the itching that causes discomfort. This prevents the penetration of bacteria into the wound and improves processes associated with regeneration.

Calamine is available in the form of cream and lotion. Ingredients: mineral calamine, zinc oxide. By treating the skin with Calamine, you can relieve the inflammatory process.

Tsindol has proven itself well. The active substance is zinc oxide. The effect of its application is achieved extremely quickly. It is indicated for use in infants. The cost of the suspension in pharmacies is affordable.

You can relieve the inflammatory process with PoxClean. It is based on natural ingredients such as aloe vera. The instructions prescribe the use of hydrogel from two years of age.

It is necessary to lubricate the skin brilliant green. It dries it out and prevents infection. When using brilliant green, you should be extremely careful. This is due to the likelihood of staining clothes and drying out the skin. An analogue is Fukortsin with antifungal effect.

Helps prevent the spread of the chickenpox virus Acyclovir. Doctors prescribe the gel if the severity of the disease is moderate. It is prescribed for severe disease, which is confirmed by a significant number of bubbles. Fenistil gel can have a calming and cooling effect. The application of an antihistamine is indicated for children who are more than a month old.


Recommendations for scar treatment

When treating signs of chickenpox, patients should understand that they cannot be completely eliminated. No medications will help restore the skin to its original smoothness. They give good results, but do not eliminate the consequences completely.

In the process of healing scars, you need to rely on the regenerative capabilities of the body. If a person previously wanted to have plastic surgery, then over time it may not be necessary. This is due to the fact that the scars after chickenpox become smaller and smooth out.

You need to make a decision after a year, based on the changes that have occurred.

In cases where the marks are very noticeable, you need to seek help from a dermatologist.

Ointment for scars after chickenpox

Only a qualified specialist can select the correct ointment. He will pick her up expertly. It is more correct to use ointments that do not contain antibiotics. It is better to choose healing ointments on a natural basis. Vitamin C ointment will help eliminate scars.

Preparations for the treatment of damaged skin: Bepanten, Rescuer, Honey gel

If traces of chickenpox remain, then basic therapy is carried out with medication. Their main purpose is to activate regeneration processes and increase the elasticity of the skin. For this purpose, the doctor prescribes Bepanten. A cream containing dexpanthenol helps improve metabolic processes in the skin. It should be applied to scars in a thin layer 1-2 times a day. It is approved for use at any age.

The rescuer is used in the presence of fresh scars. The balm consists of natural ingredients (propolis, sea buckthorn and tea tree oil).

Honey gel can eliminate the severity of scars. The course of treatment is determined by how damaged the skin is. The use of cocoa butter is characterized by an excellent regenerating effect and does not lead to allergies. Before application, the oil must be melted in a water bath.

Contractubex is the choice of most patients


Contractubex is characterized by an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. It is achieved through onion extract. The sodium heparin included in the composition softens the skin structure. Treatment of scars with gel should be performed 2-3 times a day for a month. When the marks are old, the gel is used for dressings at night. In this case, therapy lasts for three months.

Contractubex is an effective and modern drug that eliminates scars after chickenpox. It is recommended to start using the ointment as early as possible. Contractubex can be used to eliminate chickenpox scars on the face or body.

How to remove signs of chickenpox

Often, scars remain in the areas where the blisters were. They are localized below the level of the rest of the skin and stand out in a light shade. After a certain period they are practically invisible.

It is recommended to purposefully eliminate them if this defect is visible on the face and open areas of the body.


Doctors warn that it will not be possible to completely eliminate scars by applying ointment. These products are effective only against keloid and hypertrophic scars. They are distinguished by overgrown connective tissue. In chickenpox, atrophic scars are characterized by less pronounced tissue proliferation.

Contractubex is an effective and practical solution for treating chickenpox scars. The cream must be applied immediately after you notice a scar or a scar for three months.


Such procedures smooth out the boundaries of the pits, making them almost invisible. Laser and chemical peeling are effective. Several procedures will allow you to eliminate chickenpox scars.


Mesotherapy is used in this regard. It is based on the introduction of drugs into the surface of the skin that improve regeneration and metabolic processes in tissues. The method is optimal in the early stages before the appearance of a scar. If you use it right away, you won’t have to deal with this problem.

Filler injections can also eliminate scars. They are based on collagen and hyaluronic acid. The skin becomes smooth and elastic. The procedure must be repeated several times, which is undesirable, since fillers can dissolve after a year.


Using subcision, the doctor inserts a needle under the skin. It is used to cut connective tissue fibers. This procedure causes the surface of the scar to rise above the rest of the skin. Where the incision occurs, the process of collagen production begins.

To consolidate the result, the patient is prescribed peeling sessions. Their passage restores the smoothness of the skin. Such services are provided in salons and surgical plastic centers.

Surgical excision

This method is used if large scars need to be eliminated. The surgeon cuts out the scar, and then the edges of the wound are to be joined. They are sewn up with a cosmetic stitch.


Modern medicine methods will help quickly eliminate small marks and scars after chickenpox. You should be especially careful when selecting medications for facial skin healing. It is also worth remembering that the sooner you start treatment, the more effective the healing and restoration of the skin will be.

How to get rid of chickenpox scars? This question interests many people. One of the manifestations of chickenpox is a skin rash. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this. But the problem is that very often after an illness, scars remain on the skin. Sometimes they are practically invisible, and sometimes they can ruin the appearance. How to get rid of scars after chickenpox?

Why do chickenpox leave scars?

One of the symptoms of chickenpox is an increase in temperature, after a few days a rash appears on the skin. Chickenpox is transmitted by airborne droplets. The onset of the disease is very similar to a common malaise. The patient becomes weak and complains of a headache. Gradually, the malaise intensifies, and soon small red sores begin to appear on the skin.

The problem is that they start to itch. The patient, trying to get rid of this sensation, begins to itch. After some time, the blisters disappear, but scars remain in place of the damaged blisters.

It should be noted that chickenpox affects not only preschool children, but also adults. Moreover, their disease is much more severe, and complications often appear after chickenpox. Thus, a “childhood disease” can have very serious consequences. The most unpleasant of them is the presence of scars on the face.

In order to avoid such consequences of the disease, scars must be treated immediately. Of course, when lying down with a fever, few people think about treating scars. But after the condition has improved, you need to take decisive action. Often you even have to resort to the services of plastic surgeons.

What to do to avoid scars

You need to endure the itchy skin condition and try not to scratch the blisters. In place of the damaged bubbles, pits remain.

After a few days, they will begin to dry out on their own and gradually disappear. In order to speed up this process, you can purchase a special cream at the pharmacy. The best one would be one that does not contain antibiotics.

As a rule, chickenpox treatment cannot be done without consulting a doctor. Therefore, you need to ask what product will help get rid of marks. One of the popular healing agents today is Contractubex ointment. This cream is sold as a gel in a convenient tube. The cream softens, smoothes the skin, and also eliminates the inflammatory process in it. It is used not only to avoid the appearance of chickenpox scars, but also to heal scars.

The product has a natural composition:

onion extract; sodium heparin; allantoin; methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate; sorbic acid; polyethylene glycol; xanthan gum; flavorings; purified water.

Onion extract effectively fights skin inflammation. In addition, the cream avoids the possibility of an allergic reaction. Under the influence of the components of the cream, regenerative processes in the skin are activated, which allows wounds to heal and avoid traces of chickenpox. Also, with the help of Contractubex, burns are treated, it allows you to get rid of itching, which helps prevent scratching. The product is very easy to use. They need to smear the area of ​​scar formation. It is easily absorbed. The product can help get rid of scars, even if the signs of chickenpox are already old.

In this case, Contractubex is applied to the bandage and left for several hours. It is best to do this at night. After you have had chickenpox, you should protect your skin from sun exposure, otherwise chickenpox scars may last a lifetime. Kontraktubeks is safe for children and adults; you can use it even during pregnancy. However, you should not self-medicate, and you should consult a doctor.

What else can you use to get rid of scars?

The body will be weakened after the illness. Try treating scars with ascorbic acid. In this way, we not only strengthen our immunity, but also get rid of chickenpox scars. Buy a cream or ointment that contains vitamin C; to enhance the effect, you can take a course of ascorbic acid.

There is no need to worry about too much of this vitamin in your body. However, those who have stomach problems should be careful. Excessive consumption of the vitamin can even cause ulcers. In any case, you should not take ascorbic acid on an empty stomach.

Chicken pox does not always leave deep marks. Shallow wounds can be treated with cocoa butter. To do this, rub it into the skin with massage movements. It is sold in many pharmacies, so it is not difficult to buy. The oil promotes blood flow, which allows the skin to regenerate.

Is it possible to treat chickenpox scars using cosmetology? If you have tried all the means and did not get the expected result, then you need to seek help from specialists. In addition, sometimes people have very sensitive and thin skin, so scars may end up remaining. In this case, you need to seek help from doctors. And the sooner you do this, the better.

Contact a cosmetic clinic and they will advise you on the most effective methods. Of course, such treatment will be expensive, but your skin will become the same. At the clinic, you will be offered the injection of collagen under the skin, which will help it recover faster. Collagen will restore pigmentation and smooth the surface of the skin.

The herbal treatments offered to you in the beauty salon are no less effective. Some of them are also expensive and there is a risk of side effects. In order to stimulate skin restoration, you can use peelings. Certain types of procedures are carried out only in salons.

You can undergo procedures using acid or laser peeling or a course of restorative injections. Try microdermabrasion to get rid of damaged skin.

You can also use folk recipes, for example, herbal decoctions or make whitening face masks. However, do not forget that the help of a doctor will be useful, especially if the area of ​​skin affected by scars is large.

Often, severe skin damage can have serious consequences. If lumps begin to appear at the site of the scars, you should immediately go to the hospital.