Why do acne occur after shaving?

Daily shaving of stubble is not a matter of aesthetics and beauty, but rather the need of many men to look presentable and respectable. To bare your face and make it clean-shaven, you need to choose the right shaving tools and skin care products. Despite this, cases of irritation and pimples after shaving are typical for many men.

To understand how to get rid of annoying growths on the skin due to irritation after shaving, a man needs to find out his skin type, analyze the progress of shaving, and also once again review the list of cosmetic skin care products. And only by identifying the causes of acne, you can identify effective methods to get rid of them once and for all.


What do pimples look like after shaving and where do they appear?

If a man develops pimples on his face after shaving his stubble, most likely he is not shaving according to the rules or is violating hygiene and sanitary standards. And if it is possible to examine the pimples that appear after the depilation procedure, you can determine their nature and etiology. Experts offer the following ways to assess the appearance of acne:


  1. red rashes are the result of an allergic reaction to cosmetics or a consequence of skin irritation;
  2. white rashes indicate a bacterial infection and the presence of pus in acne;
  3. neoplasms with hyperpigmentation are a consequence of ingrown hairs.

For men, the most problematic skin is the facial skin, as they have to shave the stubble on their cheeks and chin every day. Accordingly, most often pimples after shaving in men occur on the neck, cheeks and chin. Women regularly depilate several areas of the body at once - the groin area, lower limbs and armpits.


Only if a man was able to determine why acne appears after shaving, will it be possible to avoid this phenomenon in the future and select effective methods to combat the rash. Experts name several typical problems:


  1. Mechanical damage. Any wounds and uneven skin are damaged during shaving, after which bacteria and germs enter the open wounds.
  2. Incorrectly selected cosmetic products. This often leads to the development of allergies or insufficient skin care.
  3. Incorrect shaving tools. Each skin type may be suitable for a razor or electric razor, so you need to base it on the characteristics of the skin's reaction to a particular tool.
  4. Dull blade of the machine. Many men, in order to save money, use disposable machines for a long time, although they cannot be used more than 1-2 times. A dull blade pulls out and even scrapes out stubble, which leads to skin injuries and irritation.
  5. Incorrectly performed stubble shaving. It is forbidden to press the machine on the skin of the face, move the machine against the hairline, or move the machine parallel to the line of the blades.

In addition, many men make the mistake of choosing low-quality cosmetics for facial skin care. Cheap products contain perfumed additives instead of antiseptics, which are unable to disinfect the skin of the face and soothe it after shaving.

How to get rid of acne?


If a man repeatedly develops pimples on his face after shaving, it is necessary to find effective methods to get rid of the irritation and rash. You can prevent further acne from occurring by:

  1. Use of products containing panthenol. These can be aerosols, ointments and creams with this composition, sold in pharmacies and specialty stores. They disinfect and soothe the skin, promoting rapid regeneration of skin cells and tissues. Apply the product to the skin in a thin layer after each shave.
  2. Using herbs for sensitive skin. To treat a rash, you can prepare a decoction of calendula or chamomile, and then treat the skin in the area of ​​the rash twice a day. You can cleanse your face with aloe juice after each shave.
  3. Using tea tree oil dissolved with water in a ratio of 1:4, it is necessary to wipe problem areas of the skin. After this, you can rub moisturizer into the skin.
  4. You can dry the rash using calendula tincture, which disinfects and dries the rash. You can wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in the tincture.
  5. Medicinal ointments, for example, Ichthyol or salicylic ointment, Vishnevsky ointment or Levomekol with an antibiotic in the composition, can speed up the healing process and restore skin health.
  6. Use oak bark decoction to relieve inflammation locally on the skin of the face. The decoction should be used 1-2 times a day until the pimples disappear completely.


After each shave, be sure to wipe the affected areas of the skin with hydrogen peroxide to eliminate pathogenic flora, which often causes the skin to become inflamed and acne to appear. If the rash gets worse and the above methods do not help, you should seek help from a dermatologist.

Prevention methods

You can avoid the risks of shaving causing severe irritation and acne by taking preventive measures. In addition, preventing a disease is much easier than treating it later. You can prevent acne, red or white pimples using the following manipulations:


  1. It is better not to shave every day, but at least every other day, to give the skin the opportunity to recover on its own. It is better to perform procedures in the morning.
  2. For shaving, it is better to use foam with bactericidal components and silicone content, which will allow the machine to glide over the skin while shaving.
  3. While shaving, the razor can be soaked in aloe juice; it should be guided strictly along the hairline.
  4. After shaving, the skin is softened, soothed and moisturized with lotions, balms or aftershave creams.
  5. If your skin is prone to acne and rashes, it is better to avoid creams, as they have a thick and greasy consistency.

Cucumber or aloe juice can also soothe your facial skin, and after each procedure there is no need to wipe dry with a towel so as not to further injure the skin by contact with the fabric.

Only a responsible approach to each shaving procedure, the use of high-quality tools and cosmetics, comprehensive and competent facial skin care after shaving will avoid pimples and skin irritation.

When should you see a doctor?


If all of the listed preventive measures and methods of combating the appearance of pimples on the face do not produce results, the man needs to visit a dermatologist. The reason for visiting a medical specialist is inflammation of acne, the appearance of pustules, itching and further spread of the rash. A cause for concern may be their bleeding and increase in size.


Experts share in detail their methods, as well as effective preventive measures, on how to remove acne on the skin of the face. If shaving has caused pimples to appear on the skin, it is better to abandon the razor for a while; you can remove the stubble with an electric razor. But all tools must be treated with an antiseptic, shaving must be done carefully, without haste and along the hairline. After completing the procedure, acne needs to be treated with medications. A rash on a beard should not be left without attention and proper care.

In preparation for the beach season, many girls try to shave off the hair that has grown in the bikini area. But almost everyone has experienced the appearance of acne, which appears some time after shaving the intimate area.

The causes of acne are varied: some are associated with skin diseases, while others arise from poor-quality and slightly dull razors.

Causes of acne in the intimate area after shaving

The appearance of pimples causes many troubles: they itch and look indecent. Already You won’t be able to wear a swimsuit until you get rid of them.


Irritation after shaving causes a lot of problems

The razor causes mechanical damage. During this procedure, not only the hairs are shaved, but also the top layer of skin. This is often invisible to the naked eye, especially if there is no blood. But very often microbes penetrate into these wounds along with sweat, and the inflammatory process begins.

Sometimes small pustules are hidden under the hairs; if you do not notice them during depilation and cut them off, then germs can spread to other areas and get into the resulting microscratches, which will lead to an inflammatory process and the formation of acne.

Important to remember! There is thin skin in the groin and armpit area; when using a very sharp blade, it can easily be damaged.

An unsuitable shaving tool can contribute to the appearance of acne in the intimate area after the first shaving procedure has been performed. Over time, after 3-4 times, the skin will get used to the injury and will react more calmly.

This is because there are different types of dermis. The epidermis reacts differently to mechanical stress, if the skin is very sensitive, then pimples appear much more often.

It is better not to use dull blades. They are mainly found on disposable machines. Therefore, they are not recommended to be used more than 1 - 3 times.


Removing hair with a razor is a simple and fast way

It is necessary to constantly monitor the sharpness of the blade

When shaving, if the blade is dull, you have to press the razor with force. At the same time he does not cut hairs, but pulls them out, while scratching the skin, significantly damaging it.

In addition, you have to hold it over the same place many times. This causes severe irritation, promotes skin hyperemia and inflammation on it.

If the wrong depilation technique is used, thenAfter shaving the intimate area, acne may appear.

Therefore, it is necessary to follow the rules, that is, guide the blade in the direction of hair growth, and also do not press the razor with force, try not to make too frequent movements. Only then will the skin be smooth and free of defects.


To avoid irritation, you should shave in the direction of hair growth

Unsuitable shaving products can often lead to various rashes. The cosmetics industry produces special foams, mousses and gels for shaving. Thanks to them, the machine is easily passed over the skin without irritating it.

When purchasing shaving products, you need to focus not only on a well-known brand and a pleasant smell, but above all, it is important to consider the skin type and the composition of the foam or gel.

After shaving the intimate area using the wrong product, allergies and acne may appear.

Carefully! If rashes form on the skin after the procedure, then the cosmetic product used must be discarded.

Poor-quality aftershave products can also cause irritation and contribute to acne. That's why it is very important to choose the right balm, lotion, cream, You can also treat the skin with infusions of medicinal herbs: hop cones, chamomile.

Methods for treating rashes after shaving in the intimate area

If irritation or inflammatory elements appear after shaving, they must be treated. Special products are available to relieve irritation.


Cream "Panthenol" softens inflammation and irritation of the skin

It is best to contact your cosmetologist or dermatologist; only a doctor, taking into account your skin type, will be able to select the most effective creams, ointments and give recommendations.

Among the creams and ointments, the following have proven themselves very well:

  1. Neosporin - perfectly heals shallow wounds and treats skin inflammation.
  2. Polysporin - relieves allergic manifestations, redness on the dermis and itching.
  3. Hydrocortisone ointment is effective for burning and itching, relieving inflammatory processes.
  4. Malovit – pleasantly cools, relieves irritation, and contains natural ingredients.
  5. Panthenol is an antimicrobial agent, as it contains an antibiotic, it nourishes and softens the skin well.
  6. Gentamicin is an excellent remedy for relieving all types of irritation and inflammation of the skin.
  7. Levomekol is an antiseptic, heals wounds and softens the skin.
  8. Solcoseryl - stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissue, promotes rapid healing of all wounds and rashes.

Also effective are ointments and creams based on medicinal herbs, which include:

In the fight against skin irritation, Anti-inflammatory drugs can be used:

  1. Chlorhexidine;
  2. Demixide;
  3. Miramistin;
  4. Camphor alcohol;
  5. Apple vinegar;
  6. tinctures of medicinal herbs;
  7. Bacitrate.

The use of folk recipes has proven itself to be excellent because they contain natural products used in the household.

Soothing masks

If acne appears after shaving the intimate area, then It is recommended to apply a mask based on sour cream, butter or honey.


Apply a mask of sour cream, butter and honey to irritated skin.

It will soothe and soften irritated skin.

Method 1

To obtain this mask, you will need to mix sour cream and olive oil in a 2:1 ratio. Apply to the desired area for 15 - 20 minutes. After the mask, you need to blot everything with absorbent wipes.

Method 2

To prepare this mask, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of melted honey, 1 tbsp. l.rolled oats, 3 drops of red heather oil and apply to the inflamed area.


After a small rash appears, it is recommended to apply compresses to the bikini area.


Chamomile decoction helps to cope with the problem

To prepare them you will need medicinal herbs:

They can be mixed or brewed separately, pour boiling water over them and leave for about 15 minutes, preferably in a thermos. Then soak a soft cotton cloth, folded in 3-4 layers, in the prepared and cooled infusion, and then apply it to the irritated area. Keep it like this for about 15 minutes.

Wonderful Soothe an irritated area in the intimate area with a compress of parsley infusion. To prepare it, take 1 tbsp. l. dried or fresh herbs and pour a glass of boiling water. In 15 minutes the infusion will be ready.

Soak cotton pads in the solution and apply to problem areas. After 7 - 15 minutes, the feeling of discomfort will disappear.

Oil mixture

To soothe irritated skin and moisturize it a little, you can prepare an oil mixture. The following oils are used for the base::

  1. peach;
  2. almond;
  3. olive;
  4. castor;
  5. linen;
  6. sea ​​buckthorn;
  7. rosehip;
  8. grape seeds;
  9. any unrefined oil.

To 1 tbsp. l. oil base, add 4 drops of tea tree and treat the intimate area.

Aloe or Kalanchoe leaves

Freshly picked aloe or Kalanchoe leaves will speed up the healing of invisible scratches after shaving.


Aloe helps relieve irritation after shaving

First, it is necessary to remove the protective film from the leaves, cut off the prickly formations of the aloe, and lubricate the damaged area of ​​the epidermis with juice.

Greater effect can be achieved if grind the leaves of these plants in a blender and apply the pulp to the intimate area. It is advisable to do the procedure in the morning and evening.

How to prevent acne from appearing in the intimate area after shaving

To treat acne that has already appeared, it will take time and the right selection of products. However, it is easier to take preventive measures and prevent skin rashes from appearing.


New razor and shaving foam minimize the risk of irritation

It is enough to adhere to the following rules:

  1. If acne appears after shaving the intimate area, then you should not carry out this procedure every day; it is recommended to use the razor no more often than once every 2 to 3 days. During this time, the skin will have time to recover and heal.
  2. You cannot use soap, because there is a large selection of special products - mousses, gels, foams. Since it contains alkali, which will begin to irritate slightly wounded skin.
  3. Before the procedure, it is advisable to apply foam to the area to be shaved and hold it there for 1-2 minutes so that the skin softens a little.
    You cannot carry out the procedure on dry skin, as the epidermis is injured even more, which provokes the appearance of acne and irritation.

Important to remember! Gels and foams improve glide. Due to them, the skin is almost not injured.

The razor should shave off hairs in a single use. If they remain, then it is better not to use such a machine, buy another one.


An important condition is to choose the correct direction of movement of the blade, only along the hair growth or slightly obliquely.

It is important not to forget to treat the intimate area with a special lotion, antiseptic, herbal decoction, and after a while, be sure to lubricate it with an emollient cream or product for sensitive skin.

Thus, if acne appears after shaving the intimate area, then it is necessary to take into account the factors leading to inflammation, properly treat the skin and take preventive measures. Then the skin in the intimate area will be smooth and beautiful.

This video will tell you how to get rid of irritation after shaving:

This video provides advice from a dermatologist on how to remove irritation after shaving:

The following video will tell you what products help overcome irritation after shaving:

Do you know why men hate shaving? Because after this procedure, the skin becomes sensitive, irritation often appears, and even acne is not uncommon. We'll tell you how to deal with the latter.

  1. Why do acne appear after shaving?
  2. Undesirable consequences of frequent shaving
  3. How to get rid of acne
  4. Prevention
  5. Tools Overview

Why do acne appear after shaving?

Try to change the blade on your razor regularly. © Getty Images

Pimples after shaving are a common problem for men, especially familiar to those who shave every day. Pimples usually appear in areas where hair grows fastest. The cause may be oily and very oily skin in men. But there are also external factors that cannot be ignored.

Dull blade. Try to change the razor blade every 3-4 days so as not to expose your skin to the risk of injury.

Incorrect shaving technique. Download a video with a master class on shaving and learn how to do it correctly once and for all.

Undesirable consequences of frequent shaving

Pimples after shaving are a fairly common problem among men. © Getty Images

Among the most common consequences of shaving are irritation and redness of the skin, but rashes also occur. To understand what's going on, take a mirror with a magnification option and take a good look at your skin.

Dryness and irritation


Scientifically speaking, these are inflammatory elements associated with the mouth of the hair follicles. Possible reasons for their formation are commonplace - ingrown hairs and bacteria entering microdamages caused by shaving. There is only one conclusion: maintain facial hygiene and regularly (two to three times a week) cleanse your skin using special exfoliating products.

How to get rid of acne

To prevent acne, use the right cosmetics. © Getty Images

If acne has already appeared, you need to get rid of it, but this does not mean you can give up. Under no circumstances should you squeeze pimples, otherwise you can provoke the development of inflammatory processes. Seek help from a dermatologist. And don’t forget about proper skin care.

Choose cosmetics that include: